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Ehrenreich al “Beatlemania, A Sexually Defiant Consumer Subcltare?™ in Gelder, Ken sd Thorton, Sar, The Subculues Reader, Routledge, London and New York, 1997, po, 523-536 Barbara Ehrenreich, Elizabeth Hess and Gloria Jacobs BEATLEMANIA A sexually defiant consumer subculture?? [1992] 1 EWS FOOTAGE SHOWS police Ines soning agua “Tiras of yng nomen, The plc eck pie Oe pa ‘sted with desperation or in some ces, cing with wht vem to be an inne ligt. The sr ey fom + tou runing and wang fet, There are shouted onder to diperse,snewered by rng volume af cunts and wld sels. The young women ruge forth, te plc ine tre Leaking st he photos or watching the news ciety, anyone wld 2 tat is ar he 19600— dear =o mye eany 1974 the begining ofthe women's beaten monenen, Ul you ook dent nd vee thatthe gis ee not wearing 1960eiime jeans and Taira but tama coro, hi-aecke, preppe Hoses, and heeled bat un ‘ably beat bards. Ti not 1968 bu 1964, andthe gt are chang, 15 thy surge au the pice ne, Tove Rigo” Yess wt not the ‘movement ofa dost protest of any kind, Beatmania was he is mis outbur of the 195s to etre women ih ths ce gi, who would nt reach fl sdulhood ur he 150" and Ue senergune of «genie polleal movement for women’s Hoeraion, The Screaming ten to fourteeayearol fas of 196 dd note for anya, ‘xcept the chance to remain in the proximity of theirs and hence Ferman reaming. Bu dey i have plenty to ot apinns or let to overcome treugh dhe act of tong. te» ily vexed soy (one slg fd nb of ety ee rene nh ne toed fd doubled beeen 1950 and 1960), ten and protien rls were txpeced to be not ely good” and pure’ but to be the enforce of pry rin thr tee society — drawing the ie for overages boy ado Sep ae i rapt. To hanna” eee {a dd sow in nbs — wan inoeot consume, to eae the sonal eeprsivenes, the id dale vantrd of eal es Ce ‘wat he ist and mon drat orig of ose evlaon, Beaten, a tot acount, snd lac in hinery sos me ane pity zodiac to epi. There hd buen ern over ale war belong, toting on hs wale, ts pak yar 1964 and 1965 = Bento suk withthe fry, int the ono, ofa ol movement, beg fn Faget «rot tt fis fad ced the popu bc on ek ‘immoral group afer concer: x the Lindon Palle ow 13 Occ 1963. Wace re wasn fa mob or merely «sie lvoe snore han igh pl not cea, but te repr acted wt el to wagers even dae tera huge tnd eicted crowd of gil pesed te Books (cenming fom « Sned tour) at Hextrow Aor. cay Noneoben, 400 Cae fought the pl forfour hers ve png oot ees for «Bees cone nine people were hwpaluel ar he soe! sage forward and broke though shop windows, le London aad Bimini police cold st ures the Hees ls cor vugh te Sordi tn Dublin he pce cif adel hat the Bate ve worl ep sal the mak ‘ato barbares [New Tod Tin ope 1 December 1963), Andon he ev of he group's ae US ou, Eferene ‘A Bate who ventures out sngutrded fete ares an Ge Sen pel of blog dtnrbered or erated to death by hi a (Ue 3 Josey 1364 When th Bente ariel n the United Sts, which wa stl etenly schcred by the tttsinton of Print Kennedy two monte bane fins Inew what todo. Televion bad sreed te word om Eagan ‘he appront of the Hess shoo tr At lene S060 pie fee stots ron as high ww 10,00) greed thom at Kesey Never Indes more aid weg tothe Pass Hotel, heen the sos waa oes exer. Arecord 7 millon Americans watched he Bete ea “Tac Ed clk Shon on 9 Fbmaty, 1964, the night when tee wats habay lon sorre in Anerot Arveron Berlemin won reed he popes of relgou lity. Drng the Bee’ treeycesty tor Ga agar, Ibe promoters mere requed to provides simu of 10) eae {2 bold bck the row Some ered fo bn Beale beaog co oe thir navy: tert tok hey deployments ole poe pee ‘be Beales tom th fins and eft en he ashe oy eee 4 ld of the hotel pllowcner that nd parpredy bess ted pa Beate, cut thet 160,000 ty aqurs, aed am eran, sod sel then fer 3 apiece. The group pce Carmi Hal Washoe’ Colca sd, ye ater, New Ton 5600s Se Satan ea ‘no seting a yin, was he mac ale svete feed sates ‘atic 1986, juries yas here ert of Desens the Bets gve thir at concert ~ thet masa clbries tbe even From the sage by thr ov fw taf tent, el sae, Been pad al previous ure of sartere Bera, Young women hd stowed ove Fs Sin he 4 el med eye mie Beale yu bat the Fab Four pred an exterty feng wl ese fetal ame atl dec, Toe baby boomer ar eure) the genera tat, nl othe cmon ad nly oe sl tone Preys upper toro on “The Ed Salina Show” Sco (hol Rese on alan vexing, but not enogh. Wathng the und en tlre wu rl “parc he cove-ope~ but he rl gl vt eave bom and meet tbe Beales. The appropriate ruc oct with thm sch a ox pyleg the me aohorin or cy block ~ wa tomb uncle ‘rennin, 'm gon di, T's gona, or more epinstely, e vane fa iver Bente, unl he cmt of ier aneroumet er aryogt, Geis peed in he pan, fed, o singly called rom the enone san, When notte omy ofthe Benes ~ td ony sal propor enti ownage he ire Beate magus ocd, dtr ott cheat one del snd nunc of Bae fe One woman, wo now sinters + Wagon, Cased pbc intr group el ang dncon wi ther iter. ark Orns, Mae {epscily the aking shot te Des with ter ge Someone woud "Wie do you hk Pld for ee yt I sep with ent gel every ng” Or, eaters George rily more sautve And lke th for hou ee ee Degen oteeieree ens catoneet ee mi puseansuteontec i eS ta eceages eemoe pu ‘eto forte year og or eal whee aks ere Zotar tag decent ere Sete res Si menencoemanceees SeS ee are ae eet see See Sara fey aioe Sree ere Soe cence cae Sone cael eae bn ter ward, Blom waa neal ce ad gu chev ‘vdlts would jst have to weather i out acaeancn Bu why wat fapenig? Ad hy in pr to ap Ameri dt eed ie on or tcay soa, is promerty. di ea os {ine he ramber oe werd per Tr re ee Foul pena fet een fel’ Digest bs dnt al eegton, fe cxaml, adhe vey Ser poary of te ter Ames ak sh were ing htm cepts Preset coldly fale we ‘or pope bene she ne andi th Ne blo” twee Sia tle uve, a se a iy cree con oe. Ntwitnig onsen vl by Peete Sal ay chee torerb sae ete Sarai ge so’ pln ee dre pe ‘eno he nat guy id ms dg aang abt eet pode tho jelned the Freed Rider or signed up forte Pease Carpe, Nevone, Bet even Marit plopier Hebe aoe old mage © ree ot ‘ied dienes he me car og dh col tok 1 sted wna depron ore rs curt ~ mu ao me ne mt xr ly ied er xh tet er be smo raring expt. The Nava Ti hepa fe pe Inge andeopsep al toga che eva, od Why Gs Sem, Weep, Fp’ Owing‘ he week of he Germer acl Thode Alo, Te wer Bo Denar aged ate weet sey ou fine wal try wer ey cing” Ato a og, tesla mst heen” wee egret, Sh dere tate They adel none heal to ee Sena ete nares emer FLD Scan ica ee Sag ee hay cio et oer rai teed ga oame ean een Tih the aes ec tae Siero Penne paper can echemeieta SSorta norten Sey ae Secreto aneay nee Sopa hw set Sy i me SU ee esate nigeria sees Sica neta toate ees eee fineness of Beademania at for example ats concert ora alert, gil who might ever have contemplted shoplifting could assault a policeman wih her Bx, sulrm ander police buries, and odkervie inte a duodely conduct charge Shy, sbdued gil could go bere “Perky.” pony gis of the ‘ype vere by early [196 ses could dsl in rtsonice In quitter ‘ontemplason of hl iol, gts could ve defuncs nthe Bees or projet ‘ent them. Nevers quoted Pat Hagan, s pretty, [4year-od Gi Sen, anes id, and daughter of Chicago yer who previouly dig "Wert ‘Sie Story” Enaly Dickinson, Robert Frost, and Elzabes Burtt Brown: “Theyre tough the aid ofthe Bal Tough ie Hk when you don on form. You've tumultuous when you're young, and each generation ka 0 ave iol” [Newnch 24 February 1964, Arere' verte soclog, ‘Ded Rienna, concurred, deeibingBenlemune sa form of prot agains ‘he adult word [US New nd Worl Rago 24 Fbraary 1964 “Tere was nother clement of Beateranis hat was bard to it but nt allway xy for ad to ackaowledge. As sny canal sade f Fred wend Tavenoted, leat pr ofthe fs energy as sex. Freud' lbs through ad been the night tat the epidemic female ‘hyster’ ofthe late ‘eter century — which tok the frm offs, conrad and what fre would now el aearoets wa he product of ema represon ln 1964, though, contonted with masih dhounnds of “hyeres pychologits spproched th Aagnons wary. Aer all, despite everthing Fred had had tray abou dldbood seal, more Americans didnot Hest bee that Taigear-old gle any sexu felng to repre, And no normal gel

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