Instruction For CGL 2019 PDF

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अभ्य.र्थिय. येयिए यामाम्य.



Candidate has to produce at least one valid document (as on date) and the original Photo Identity Proof amongst the
 Aadhar Card/ Print out of e-Aadhar
 Voter's ID Card
 Driving License
 Passport
 PAN Card
 Service ID Card issued to employees by Central Government/State Government/PSUs
 ID Card issued by University/ College/ School
 Ex-Serviceman Discharge Book issued by Ministry of Defense
 Any other Photo Identity Proof issued by Central Govt./ State Govt.

If the Photo Identity Card does not contain the complete Date of Birth, then the candidate must carry an additional
original document having the Date of Birth as printed on the Admission Certificate (e.g. 10th Admit Card/ Pass
Certificate/ Marks Sheet issued only by CBSE/ ICSE/ State Boards with photographs; Birth Certificate, Category Certificate
etc. issued only by Central Govt. / State Govt. / PSUs). In case of a mismatch in the Date of Birth mentioned in the
Admission Certificate and Photo ID Proof/ the Certificate brought in support of Date of Birth, the candidate will not be
allowed to appear in the examination.
1. अभ्यrर्थी यअनेय्रवे -नत्रयकयअलाेायनेम्येनलित यस्य ाेसयथार्थयला ं :य
क) अनेीयेेीे मयकलरयफोटो (3 थ.मी. xय3.5यथ.मी.)यकीयसोय्रवन rांय
त) कमयथयकमय कय्यनष्यटयफोटोrक्त यमल लयनचााे-नत्रयकीयमल ल-्रवन ।

 अभ्यर्थी यकोय कयमल लयफोटोयनचााेयनत्रयथार्थयरतेायचोगा, नसथकीयसन्मयन नर्थय्रवे य्रवमाणयनत्रयनरयमक नि यचो।

 rनसय फोटोय नचााेय नत्रय में य सन्मय न नर्थय ेचींय चै , ोय उम्मीसेारय कोय उेकय सन्मय न नर्थय कय ्रवमाणय कय रूनय में य कय अन रर्त य ्रवमाणय नत्रय (IN
ORIGINAL) लयसाेायचोगा।
 ्रवे य्रवमाणयनत्रयऔरयफोटोयआईडीय/यसन्मयन नर्थयकयथमर्थथेयमेंय ला यग य्रवमाणयनत्रयमेंय उििित यसन्मयन नर्थयमें य ब-मलयकयमामलयमें , उम्मीसेारय
कोयनरीक्षायमें यउनि्र्थ यचोेयकीयअेकमन येचींयसीयसा गी।
rनसयकोईयअभ्यrर्थी यअनेयथार्थयउनरो्य यस्य ाेसयलकरयेचीयआ ायचै य ोयउथयनरीक्षायकदयियमें य्रवे येचींयनसrायसा गायऔरयउेकीयअभ्यr नर्थथ ायनेर्य यकीय
सायथक ीयचै य।

2. नरीक्षा कदयिय में य ्रवन बंनस य थामी ीय सैथय िन rां ,य नक्य कें,य ने,य कागसय कय टक क ,य ननत्रका ं ,य इलै ्यटरॉने्यथय गैसटस थय य (मोबाइलय य फोे,य बयललटलर्थय नडेाइथ,य
चै डफोे,यने-बटेयचोलयकैमरा,य्यकैेर,यकलककलटर,य्यटोरसयनडेाइथयआनस)यलाेायथख्य येनसथ यचै य।यrनसयसथीयकोईयथामी ीयनरीक्षा-कक्षयमें यअभ्यrर्थी यकय
नाथय नाईय सा ीय चै य ोय उथकीय अभ्यrनर्थथ ाय रद कयकीय साय थक ीय चैय औरय उथकय नेरूध कय काेल ेी/आनरानसकय काrथेाचीय आरम्यिय कीय साय थक ीय चै य ।य उसे
वर्तमान ननयमो के अनुसार आयोग की भनवष्य म ोोने वाीी ररी्ां म ैठनने से वािरर् भी नकया ाा सकर्ा ोठ

3. अभ्यrनर्थथrोंय कोयथलाचयसीयसा ीयचैय नकयेयनरीक्षा-कदयियमेंय ्रवन बंनस यथामी ीयअनेयथार्थयेयला ँ य।ययनि वे इस प्रकार की वस्र्ु एं अरने साल ीार्े ोत र्ो
उनको ऐसी वस्र्ुं को सुरन्र् रेने की ययवस्ला स्वय करनी ोोगीय।यआrोगयसथीये्य क ओं यं कोयरतेयकीयययrे्यर्थायेचींयकरगायऔरयेयचीयसथीय
े्य कओं यं कोयथकरनक्ष यरतेयकयनल यउतय रसाrीयचोगाय।

4. थिीयनरीक्षायकक्षोंयकीयवीनियो ननगरानीयकीयसायरचीयचै य।य

5. अभ्यrनर्थथrोंयकोयथलाचयसीयसा ीयचै यनकयेयनकथीयअदयrयअभ्यrर्थी यथयैार्-चीर् न करयअर्थेायअनुनचर् साधनोयकाय्रवrोगयेयकरें य।यय

6. अभ्यrनर्थथrोंयकीयअभ्यrनर्थथ ायनलणथ :यअें न मयचै य।यrचयथलाचयसीयसा ीयचै यनकयअभ्यrनर्थथrोंयकोय्येrंयrचयथकनेनचित यकरयलेायाानच यनकयेयनात्र ायकीयथम्य य तय
कोयनलरायकर यचैं य ।ययrनसयनकथीय्य रयनरयrचयनाrायसा ायचैय नकयअभ्यrर्थी यनात्र ायकीयनकथीय थय कोयनलरायेचींयकर ायचै ,य ोयउथकीयअभ्यrनर्थथ ायकोयनेर्य य
करयनसrायसा गाय।य

7. अभ्यrनर्थथrोंयकोयकेलय्रवे -नत्रयमें यनस यग यनरीक्षा-कदयियमें यचीयनरीक्षायमेंयबै ेयकीयअेकमन यसीयसा गीय।

8. अभ्यrनर्थथrोंयकोयनरीक्षायकदयियकयअदयसरय्रवे यकरेयकीयकेलयनेम्येाेक थारयअेक मन यसीयसा गीय:

्रवर्थमयनारी ्रवा 08:30यबसयथय्रवा :य09:30यबसयकयबीा
सल थरीयनारीय सोनचरय11:30यबसयथयअनराचेय12:30यबसयकयबीा
ीथरीयनारीय अनराचेय02:30यबसयथयथांrय03:30यबसयकयबीा

9. नटप्यनणी:य्रवे यथमrयकयथमाप्य यचोेयकयन्याा सयनरीक्षा-कदयियमेंयनचनँ ाेयेालयअभ्यrनर्थथrोंयकोयनरीक्षा-कदयियमें य्रवे यकरेयकीयअेकमन येचींयसीयसा गीय।

10. अभ्यrनर्थथrोंय कोय ला ीय कीय ्रवनरियrाय थय गकसरेाय चोगाय औरय थकनेनचित य करेाय चोगाय नकय उेकय नरीक्षा-कक्षय मेंय ्रवे य करेय थय नलेथय उेकाय बॉrोमनटर कय
नंसीकरण (केवी कप्यूटर आधािरर् ररी्ा)यनलरायकरयनलrायसा य।यअभ्यrनर्थथrोंय कायबॉrोमनटर कयनंसीकरणयनलरायचोेयकयबास,यउदयचेंय नरीक्षा-कदयियथय
बाचरयसाेयकीयअेक मन येचींयसीयसा गीय।
11. अभ्यrर्थी यनरीक्षायनसानसकाररrों (कदयियनrथेक्षक/नेरीक्षकयइतयrानस)यद्वारायनस यग यअेकस ोंयकायथख्य ीयथयअेक नालेयकरें य।
12. अभ्यrनर्थथrोंयकोयrचयथकनेनचित यकरेायाानच यनकयेय्रवे -नत्रयकीयआrोगयकीय्रवन यनरय्यनष्यटय ेंयथाफयबा ं यचार्थयकयअं गल यकायने ाेयलगा ं ,यअनेयरनें गय
च्य लत (running handwriting)यमें य्रवमाणेयनेेरणयनलतेंय र्थायच्य ाक्षरयकरें य।य
13. नकथीयिीयअभ्यrर्थी यकोयनकथीयकारणे ,यनरीक्षायनसानसकाररrोंयथयअेक मन य्रवाप्य यनक यनबेायनरीक्षायकयथमाप्य यचोेयथयनलेथयनरीक्षायकक्षयथयबाचरयसाेयकीय
अेक मन येचींयचै य ।यrनसयकोईयअभ्यrर्थी यनरीक्षायनसानसकाररrोंय थयअेकमन य्रवाप्य यनक यनबेायनरीक्षायकक्षयथयबाचरयसा ायचै य ोयउथयनरीक्षायकक्षयमेंय नके:य
्रवे यकीयअेक मन येचींयसीयसा गीय र्थायउथयनरीक्षायथयेारर यकरयनसrायसा गाय।
14. rनसयकोईयअभ्यrर्थी यनरीक्षायकयआrोसेयमें यबासायनचनं ाा ायचनआयअर्थेायनरीक्षायकदयि यमें य ांन िंगयकर ायचनआयना ायसा ायचै य ोयउथकीयअभ्यrनर्थथ ाय तयकालय
नेर्य य करय सीय सा गीय ।य सथय अभ्यrर्थी य कोय आrोगय कीय िनेष्यrय मेंय चोेय ेालीय नरीक्षाओं ंय थय ेारर य िीय नकrाय साय थक ाय चै य औरय उथकय नेरूध कय
काेल ेी/आनरानसकयकाrथेाचीय्रवारं ियकीयसायथक ीयचै य।
15. rनसय नरीक्षाय नेसाथरर य थमrय नरय आरं िय ेचींय चो ीय चै य अर्थेाय नकथीय केीकीय तराबीय rाय नकथीय अदयr य कारण-े य बीाय में य बानस य चोय सा ीय चै ,य ोय
अभ्यrनर्थथrोंय कोयनरीक्षायनसानसकाररrोंय कयअेक स ोंय कायअेक थरणयकरेायाानच य।ययउदयचें ,यथम्यrायकायउनrक्य यरूनयथयथमासाेयचोेय क,यसैrथनलेथकय
्रव ीक्षायकरेीयन यथक ीयचै य ।ययrनसयथम्यrायब ीयचै य औरयनकथीयकारणे यउथकायथमासाेयेचींयचोयथक ाय ोयउेकीयनरीक्षायनके:यनेसाथरर यकीयसाय
थक ीयचै ,यनसथकयबारयमेंयअभ्यrनर्थथrोंयकोयनेनसे सयथलाेायसीयसा गीय।य
16. अभ्यrनर्थथrोंय कोयआ्ये्य यनकrायसा ायचै य नकयनकथीयब ी/छोटीय केीकीयतराबीयअर्थेायथेथरयकीयसीमीयगन /थेथरयकीयतराबीयइतयrानसयकयकारणयनरीक्षाय
में यगन रोसयउतयनदयेयचोेयकीयि्र्थन यमें ,यनकथीयिीयथलर यमेंयउेकयनरीक्षायथमrयकीयचानेयेचींयचोगी,यनसथकयेयचकसारयचैं य।य
17. अभ्यrनर्थथrोंयकोयथलाचयसीयसा ीयचै यनकयनरीक्षायकयथंाालेयकयसरराेयrनसयकोईयअनेrनम ायउेकीयसाेकारीयमें यआ ीयचै य ोयेयक्षत्रीrयकाrाथलr/आrोगय
कोयथलना यकरें य।यसथयअभ्यrनर्थथrोंयकीयनचााेयगकप्य यरतीयसा गीय।य
18. नकथीयथंसचयअर्थेायनकथीय्यनष्यटीकरणयकीयि्र्थन यमें ,यअभ्यrनर्थथrोंय कोयथलाचयसीयसा ीयचैय नकयेय्रवे -नत्रयकयनृष्य य1यकय ीर्थय नरयनस यग यचै ल्यनलाइेय
ेम्यबर/ई-मलयकयमाध्यrमयथयअर्थेायययrि्त ग यरूनयथयआrोगयकयक्षत्रीrयकाrाथलrयथयथंनकथयकरें य।
19. अभ्यrनर्थथrोंय कोयथलाचयसीयसा ीयचै य नकयेयनरीक्षा-कदयियकोयकमयथयकमय कयनसेयनचलयसतयलें य ानकयेयनरीक्षायकयनसेयनरीक्षाय्यर्थलयनरयथमrयनरयनचनँाय

ररी्ा के िौरान अनुराीन नकएं ााने वाीे अनुिेश- (केवी कप्यूटर आधािरर् ररी्ा )

कृप्यायनेम्ननलित नेसे ों को ध्याे थ नढें

सामान्य अनुिेश
1. थेथर नर ि ी थट की गई चै र्था आनकी स्क्रीे क सानचे कोे में ीर्थ नर काउं टडाउे टाइमर में आनक नल नरीक्षा थमाप्त करे क नल र्
थमr ्रवसन थ चोगा। नरीक्षा थमr थमाप्त चोे नर, आनको अनेी नरीक्षा बंस rा समा (Submit) करे की सरूर ेचीं चै । rच स्व ः बंस rा समा
( Submit ) चो सा गी।
2. स्क्रीे क सानचे कोे नर ्रवश्न नैलट, ्रवत्यक ्रवश्न क नल नेम्न में थ कोई क ि्र्थन ्रवकट कर ा चै :

3. नकेनेथाार क नल नानि ( Marked for Review) ि्र्थन थामान्य ः अेक स्मारक क रून में काrथ कर ी चै नसथ आने ्रवश्न को सक बारा सते क
नल थट नकrा चै ।

4. आन ्रवश्न नैलट को छक नाे क नल , ">" नान्ह नर ििक कर थक चै , सो ्रवश्न नैलट क बाईं ओं र नसताई स ा चै , नसथथ ्रवश्न नेंडो थामे आ सा गा.
्रवश्न नैलट को नफर थ सते क नल , " < " नान्ह नर ििक कीनस सो ्रवश्न नेंडो क साईं ओं र नसताई स ा चै ।

5. नकथी ्रवश्न की िार्ा को नररेन थ करे क नल आन को अने स्क्रीे क ऊनरी सानचे नथर नर ि्र्थ ्रवोफाइल इमस नर ििक करेा चोगा।
्रवोफाइल इमस को ििक करे नर आनको ्रवश्न क अं ेथस्तक को इिि िार्ा में नररेन थ करे क नल डरान-डाउे नमलगा ।
6. आनको अने स्क्रीे क नेाल नचस्स को स्क्रॉनलं ग क नबेा ेनेगट करे क नल और ऊनरी नचस्स को ेनेगट करे क नल नर ििक
करेा चोगा ।

नकसी प्रश्न रर ााना :

7. उत्तर िे ने ोे र्ु कोई प्रश्न चुनने के नीएं , आर ननम्न म से कोई एं क कायत कर सकर्े ोत:
a. स्क्रीे क साrीं ओं र ्रवश्न नैलट में ्रवश्न नर थीस साे क नल ्रवश्न थंख्या नर ििक करें । ध्याे सें नक इथ नेकल्प का ्रवrोग करे थ मरसलसा ्रवश्न क
नल आनका उत्तर थकरनक्ष ेचीं चो ा चै ।
b. े थमाे ्रवश्न का उत्तर थकरनक्ष करे क नल और रियम में अगल ्रवश्न नर साे क नल Save and Next नर ििक करें ।
c. े थमाे ्रवश्न का उत्तर थकरनक्ष करे क नल , नकेनेथाार क नल नानि करे और रियम में अगल ्रवश्न नर साे क नल Mark for Review and
Next नर ििक करें ।

प्रश्नो का उत्तर िे ना :

8. ैहुनवकल्प प्रकार प्रश्न के नीएं

a. अनेा उत्तर ाकेे क नल , नेकल्प क बटेों में थ नकथी क नर ििक करें ।
b. ाrने उत्तर को अाrने करे क नल , ाrने नेकल्प नर सक बारा ििक करें rा Clear Response बटे नर ििक करें ।
c. अनेा उत्तर बसले क नल , अन्य ेां नछ नेकल्प बटे नर ििक करें ।
d. अनेा उत्तर थकरनक्ष करे क नल , आनको Save & Next नर ििक करेा सरूरी चै ।
e. नकथी ्रवश्न को नकेनेथाार क नल नानि करे च क Mark for Review & Next बटे नर ििक करें ।

9. नकथी ्रवश्न का उत्तर बसले क नल , नचल ्रवश्न का ाrे करें , नफर े उत्तर नेकल्प नर ििक करे क बास Save & Next बटे नर ििक करें ।

अुदभमग द्वमरम प्रश्न पर जमुम:

10. इथ ्रवश्ननत्र में स्क्रीे क ीर्थ बार नर अेक िाग (Sections) ्रवसन थ चैं । नकथी अेक िाग क ्रवश्न, उथ अेक िाग क ेाम नर ििक करक सत सा
थक चैं । आन े थमाे में नसथ अेकिाग का उत्तर स रच चैं , ेच अेकिाग चाइलाइट चोगा।
11. नकथी अेकिाग क नल अं न म ्रवश्न क Save & Next बटे नर ििक करे क बास, आन स्वाानल रून थ अगल अेकिाग क ्रवर्थम ्रवश्न नर नचनं ा
सा ं ग।
12. आन नरीक्षा में नेसाथरर थमr क सरराे नकथी िी थमr ्रवश्नाेनलrों और ्रवश्नों क बीा अनेी थकनेसा क अेक थार आ-सा ( फल कर) थक चैं ।
13. नरीक्षार्थी थंबंनस थक्शे की थमीक्षा को लीसन्ड क िाग क रून में सत थक चैं ।

छनवयो के नीएं ननिे श : ्रवश्न में सी गई छने को ज़लम (ZOOM) करे क नल उथ नर माउथ कथथरयथयरोल करें ।

ेायचमरीयच.ुयआ.ोगयां.दक्तयस्युमतक ेयस्यतक री.यपरी्म 2019 (चरण-।)ेयअभ्य.र्थिय. येोय भ

द ेमाुम ँयेतक मयहैय।

Candidate has to produce at least one valid document (as on date) and the original Photo Identity Proof amongst the following:
 Aadhar Card/ Print out of e-Aadhar
 Voter's ID Card
 Driving License
 Passport
 PAN Card
 Service ID Card issued to employees by Central Government/State Government/PSUs
 ID Card issued by University/ College/ School
 Ex-Serviceman Discharge Book issued by Ministry of Defense
 Any other Photo Identity Proof issued by Central Govt./ State Govt.

If the Photo Identity Card does not contain the complete Date of Birth, then the candidate must carry an additional original document
having the Date of Birth as printed on the Admission Certificate (e.g. 10th Admit Card/ Pass Certificate/ Marks Sheet issued only by
CBSE/ ICSE/ State Boards with photographs; Birth Certificate, Category Certificate etc. issued only by Central Govt. / State Govt. / PSUs).
In case of a mismatch in the Date of Birth mentioned in the Admission Certificate and Photo ID Proof/ the Certificate brought in support
of Date of Birth, the candidate will not be allowed to appear in the examination.

1. Candidates should, in addition to their Admit Card, bring

a) Two copies of their latest colored photo (3 cm x 3.5 cm)
b) At least one photo identity proof in ORIGINAL with clear photograph.
 Candidate must carry an original photo identity card having the Date of Birth as printed on the Admission Certificate.
 If photo identity card does not have the Date of Birth then the candidate must carry an additional certificate (IN ORIGINAL) as proof of their
Date of Birth.
 In case of mismatch in the Date of Birth mentioned in the Admission Certificate and photo ID/the certificate brought in support of Date of
Birth, the candidate will not be allowed to appear in the examination.
If a candidate fails to bring the above documents, he/she would not be admitted in the examination venue and his/her candidature could be

2. Prohibited items, such as watches, books, pens, paper chits, magazines, electronic gadgets (mobile phones, bluetooth devices, head phones,
pen/buttonhole cameras, scanner, calculator, storage devices etc) are STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED in the examination lab. If any such item is found in the
possession of a candidate in the examination lab, his/her candidature is liable to be cancelled and legal/criminal proceedings could be initiated against
him/her. He/she would also liable to be debarred from appearing in future examinations of the Commission as per extant rules.

3. Candidates are advised not to bring the prohibited items mentioned above to the examination venue. In case they bring any such item, they would have
to make their own arrangements for safe custody of such items. The Commission shall not make any arrangement nor be responsible for the safe custody
of any such item.
4. All Exam Labs are under Video Surveillance.
5. The candidates are advised to avoid talking to other candidates or indulging in any unfair means.
6. Candidature of candidates is purely provisional. It is advised that candidates should satisfy themselves that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions. If at
any stage it is found that a candidate does not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions, his/her candidature shall be cancelled.
7. Candidates shall be permitted to appear in the exam only at the venue as specified in the Admission Certificate.
8. The entry of the Candidates inside the venue will ONLY be allowedयas per the following schedule:

First Shift 08:30 AM to 09:30 AM

Second Shift 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Third Shift 02:30 PM to 03:30 PM
Note – Candidates reaching the venue after entry closing time shall not be allowed to enter the examination venue.
9. Candidates shall have to undergo the process of FRISKING and ensure that their BIOMETRIC REGISTRATION (only in Computer based Examination) is
completed before they enter the examination lab. Candidates shall not be allowed to leave the examination venue once their Biometric registration is
11. The candidates should ensure that they provide clear Left Thumb Impression (LTI), Certification Statement in their running handwriting and signature
on Commission’s copy of Admission Certificate.
12. No candidate is allowed to leave the examination lab before the completion of the examination for any reason without permission from the exam
functionaries. Once a candidate leaves the lab without the permission of the exam functionaries, he/she shall not be allowed to re-enter the
examination lab and shall be debarred from the examination.
13. If any candidate is found obstructing the conduct of the examination or creating disturbances at the examination venue, his/her candidature shall be
summarily cancelled. Such candidate shall also be liable to be debarred from future examinations of the Commission and legal/criminal proceedings
could be initiated against him/her.
14. If the examination does not commence at the scheduled time or is interrupted midway due to any technical snag or for any other reason, candidates
should follow the instructions of the exam functionaries. They may have to wait patiently till the issue is suitably addressed and resolved. In case, the
problem is major and cannot be resolved for any reason, their examination may be rescheduled for which the candidates would be duly intimated.
15. Candidates are assured that in case of any disruption of examination for any reason such as any major/minor technical snag or slow speed of
server/breakdown of server etc., they will not, under any circumstances, lose the examination time to which they are entitled.

16. Candidates are advised to report to the Regional office/ Commission, in case they notice any irregularity during conduct of examination. The identity of
such candidates will be kept confidential.
17. In case of any doubt or any clarification, the candidates are advised to contact the Regional Offices of the Commission personally or
through the helpline numbers / e-mail as indicated at top of page1 of the Admission Certificate.
18. Candidates are advised to visit the exam venue at least one day in advance so that they can reach the examination venue on the date of exam in time.

Please read the instructions carefully

General Instructions:

1. The clock will be set at the server. The countdown timer in the top right corner of screen will display the remaining time available for you to complete
the examination. When the timer reaches zero, the examination will end by itself. You will not be required to end or submit your examination.
2. The Question Palette displayed on the right side of screen will show the status of each question using one of the following symbols:

3. The Marked for Review status for a question simply indicates that you would like to look at that question again.
4. You can click on the ">" arrow which appears to the left of question palette to collapse the question palette thereby maximizing the question window.
To view the question palette again, you can click on "< " which appears on the right side of question window.
5. You can click on your "Profile" image on top right corner of your screen to change the language during the exam. On clicking of Profile image you will
get a drop-down to change the question content to the desired language.
6. You can click on to navigate to the bottom and to navigate to the top of the question area, without scrolling.

Navigating to a Question:

7. To answer a question, do the following:

 Click on the question number in the Question Palette at the right of your screen to go to that numbered question directly. By selecting answer to this
question and thereafter going to the next question directly from question palette does NOT save your answer to the current question.
 Click on Save & Next to save your answer for the current question and then go to the next question.
 Click on Mark for Review & Next to save your answer for the current question, mark it for review, and then go to the next question.

Answering a Question:

8. Procedure for answering a multiple choice type question:

 To select your answer, click on the button of one of the options
 To deselect your chosen answer, click on the button of the chosen option again or click on the Clear Response button
 To change your chosen answer, click on the button of another option
 To save your answer, you MUST click on the Save & Next button
 To mark the question for review, click on the Mark for Review & Next button.

9. To change your answer to a question that has already been answered, first select that question for answering and then follow the procedure for
answering the question.

Navigating through sections:

10. Sections in this question paper are displayed on the top bar of the screen. Questions in a section can be viewed by clicking on the section name. The
section you are currently viewing is highlighted.
11. After clicking the Save & Next button on the last question for a section, you will automatically be taken to the first question of the next section.
12. You can shuffle between sections and questions anytime during the examination as per your convenience.
13. Candidate can view the corresponding section summary as part of the legend that appears in every section above the question palette.

Instruction for images: To zoom the image provided in the question roll the cursor over it.

The Commission wishes the Candidates of Combined Graduate Level Tier-I Examination 2019 All the Best for Examination

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