The Parrot and The Pauper

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Parrot And The Pauper


Amanda Hill

Marylyn has been my mother and best friend for as long as I can imagine. I
vaguely remember being taken from the nest of my birth mother, then taken to
a building with many other animals in it. I soon learned it was called a pet
store. Being there for weeks, I came to miss my home and family terribly. It
was months before Marylyn and her boyfriend came in. Marylyn had a black
handkerchief tied around her eyes and was wearing a lime green dress, almost
like the green in my feathers, with matching shoes. What caught my attention
was that beautiful smile of hers, a smile which warmed me up on the inside.

“Come on Russell, tell me where I am,” she demanded with a giggle, “Can
I take this handkerchief off now?”

“Marylyn it’s a surprise for your birthday,” the tall yet sturdy looking
fellow admitted.

“A surprise? Russell you really didn’t have to.”

Russell directed her to our section. Birds just like me waited to be picked
out for a home, all hustling to the font of the cage, spreading their wings to
show off their feathers. I was desperate for a home. A lot of the older ones
where very skilled at mimicking words and so they were easily picked because
they amused the onlooker. I hadn’t perfected the skill yet, just an occasional
chirp here and there. In addition to that I was very shy, I had no friends in the
cage where I lived. Finally, Russell removed the handkerchief from Marylyn’s
eyes. What I noticed was that not only was her dress green, but her eyes too.
Green, bold eyes which contrasted perfectly with her caramel colored skin.
What a beauty she was.
“Birds!” she let out with a big smile. I got the feeling that she was a
genuine lover of our kind.

“Not just any bird Marylyn, parrots. I know you’ve always wanted one.
Choose one.”

She turned to Russell, “Really?”

Russell nodded yes.

Oh thank you Russ,” she said, giving him a light peck and wrapping her
arms around him.

Turning back around impatiently, she puzzled herself with the question of
which one of us she should choose, then she did something amazing, she
began sing and whistle:

“Why worry what tomorrow brings?

Today is when the mocking bird sings.
To hope and faith my souls it clings.
Just take the flight go! Spread your wings.”

She titled her head, slanted her lips in thought and said finally, “Or maybe I
should say today is when the parrot sings.”

Indeed it was, for her voice awakened something inside of me. So much so
that I started to chirp her song the same way she sang it. I had never heard
such soft soothing sound before. Though I am no goose, I felt I had goose
bumps. Those stunned sage eyes of hers met mine and she murmured in
apparent amazement, “That one… I want that one.”

Oh the joy I felt. I was finally heading home. I hopped and flew all over the
cage, even my cage-mates seemed surprised. I was surprised. What had
happened? Had I really chirped her melody? Tears found my eyes. I finally
had a mother and companion.


I was brought to their apartment, my new home. It was a simple yet beautiful
setup. Marylyn must have decorated the place for there were touches of green
everywhere. The couch, candles, flowers and curtains were variations of the

“Welcome home Sunny,” the tall, slender Marylyn said looking at me. She
put my cage on the counter top.

Sunny? I thought. Hmm Sunny, I like it.

Russell barged in with two hands full of grocery bags and a shirt with the
words CLASS OF 1988.

“Sunny? Is that what you’re naming it Marylyn?”

“Yupp, that’s his name.”

He laid the bags down and scoops Marylyn up over his shoulders, spinning
her around in endless circles.

“Russell stop!” She exclaimed in laughter, “You’re going to make me


Russell spun her a few more times before finally coming to a halt. She
grabbed on to the equally tall Russell, trying to regain her balance and resting
her head on his strong shoulders.

“Russell, you know I hate when you do that.”

“No you don’t or else you wouldn’t be laughing.”

He touched her on the cheek, tilted her head up and laid on her the most
romantic kiss I have ever seen. Russell’s white skin became flushed. Marylyn
was mesmerized. Is this what they call love? I asked myself. They stared in
each other’s eyes for moment.
“I love you so much Russ. Thank you for making my day, it’s the best thing
anyone has ever given me.”

“You know I adore you Marylyn, I’ll do anything to make you happy.”

Again their lips interlocked and it was that way for a few minutes until
Russell looked up to the clock in the living room and asks, “What time is it?
Man! It’s 5 0’ clock. I’m going to be late for football practice. The head of a
football team, with a full scholarship to Harvard being late. Can you believe
that?” He grabbed up his helmet, smacked his twenty-five year old girlfriend
with yet another kiss and runs toward the door, only to trip over the grocery
“My God Russ, are you alright? Take it easy.” Marylyn exclaimed.

He hopped up in a hurry and continued to the door. “Yes baby, I’m fine.
Let’s go out for dinner tonight, be ready by eight,” he shouted down the
Marylyn rushes to the door, “Russ!”

“I’m fine Marylyn, you worry too much. I love you, go in and lock the
door, I’ll call after practice.”

Their words echoed through the corridor. The whole building probably
heard their conversation.

“Ah boy, he is such a hard head sometimes,” Marylyn said to herself.

She looked at me. “Hey Sunny, let me take you out this cage.”

Her hands were so warm and soft on my feathers.

“I know you don’t like it in there, as soon as we get those wings clipped
and give you a little training, you’ll be out here with me,” she assures, stroking
my feathers.

Don’t worry Marylyn I won’t leave you, I thought.

She seemed to have read my mind when she said, “I don’t want you leaving
me. Everyone seems to leave me.” I wondered what she meant. As I got to
know her more, I found out why she would say such a thing, for she would
come to tell me everything. Tears flowed down her cheeks. This surprised me,
I judged her to be a happy person, yet her eyes expressed deep sadness.
Marylyn put me back in the cage and headed to the couch to lie down. I could
hear her sobbing and moaning. This touched me deeply. I wanted to help her.
How can I help her? Think Sunny, think. I started to chirp that song she sang
in the pet store, it caught her attention. Her sobbing had stopped. Marylyn
approached me, looked me in the eye with a slight smirk, her eyes appearing
puffy from crying and whispered, “Thank you Sunny.” My sound from then on
always soothed her somehow. That’s how we became the best of friends. She
then removed me from the cage and held me gently.
“C’mon Sunny, let me tell you a little story.” I chirped in excitement.
“Alright, alright, hold your horses Sunny. You’re an eager little parrot
aren’t you? Let’s see… where do I start? Hmm…… About twenty five years
ago, in the island of Jamaica, a little girl was born to Ann-Marie Johnson, who
was the daughter of the wealthiest and most reputable Christian family in a
community called Leader’s Ave. Word had reached the Johnsons that their
eighteen year old daughter was pregnant. Mr. Johnson was infuriated when he
found the pregnancy test he had ordered his daughter to take to be positive.

“How could you bring such disgrace to the family? What were you thinking
Annie?” he questioned.

“Father, it was my first time, I didn’t think I would get pregnant.”

Ann-Marie shrieked as her father’s firm hand met her face. He held his
hand outward to give her a second but his wife caught hold of his hand and
came between the two.

“Hal stop it!” Mrs. Johnson demanded.

Mr. Johnson walked away holding his head, while his wife comforted their
daughter who held her head down crying.

“Oh stop your crying Annie. What were you thinking getting pregnant?
Weren’t you thinking of school and college and your future? This baby will
ruin your life.”

“Mom I promise that I will focus on school after I have the baby and I’m
sure I can find someone to help me take care of it.”

Her father raced to her in anger. He shook here rigorously.

“Annie have you lost your mind? You can’t have this baby. It will ruin the
family name and who’s to take care of it? Certainly not your mother or I,
certainly not that black fool who has already denied he’s the father. Annie!
Answer me!” He shook her harder.

Anne-Marie was lost in thought and terror. She looked at him blankly.

“Annie,’ her father continued, ‘You cannot have this baby, do you hear me?
It is not wise that…”

‘Hal what are you implying?’ Mrs. Johnson interrupted. ‘That she have an
abortion? You know we don’t believe in such a thing.’

‘And what do you suggest we do Margarette?’

‘Well, she could have the child and we give it up for adoption.’

‘You might be willing to accept the shame this will bring to the family but I
will not allow it! What do you think everyone will say when they hear of the
pastor’s daughter being pregnant? Ludicrous! I will not have it!’

‘Hal, have you forgotten what you preach in church, or do you not follow
what you teach? The word of God says abortion is a sin, it is a topic you cover
in church time and time again, or does it not apply here simply because you
are concerned about your so called good name? Or should I have not forgiven
you when you chea…’

‘Watch your mouth woman,” Mr. Johnson commanded, preventing his wife
from finishing her sentence, “I am the head and the owner of this house, what
I say goes. It is final, she will have an abortion.’

Mrs. Johnson looked at Anne-Marie whose eyes pleaded for her mother to
help. ‘I’m sorry Annie, I’m just as helpless as you are. I need this man for
food, clothing and shelter as much as you do.’

She got up, back straight, head help up high, staring at her husband and not
losing eye contact.

‘My hands are washed as far as this is concerned, you will take her to the
clinic by yourself. You will suffer for this evil.’

‘No one will know Margarette,’ was his response.

‘God will know, or don’t you believe in him anymore either.’

‘Watch your mouth woman! It is said, and it is done!’

Mrs. Johnson walked off to her room where she began to say a prayer out
loud for the benefit of her husband’s ears.

The vibration of her phone snapped Marylyn out of her story telling. She
closed her eyes and shook her head slightly. She seemed awakened from a

“Wow Sunny it’s almost seven thirty. I almost forgot Russ is taking me out
for dinner tonight. Glad I set that reminder as backup. I’ll tell you the rest of
the story another time.”
I wanted her to finish the story: No, what happened? Did Anne-Marie get
an abortion or did she have the baby? I was chirping loudly and fussing in
Marylyn’s hands.

“Calm down Sunny, I really need to get you trained.” She went off to
another room in the apartment after locking me away.

About twenty minutes went by before Marylyn came back. Her dress was
bright red and form-fitting, reaching her just above the knees. She wore
stockings the color of her skin and black boots with a matching belt. Her
earrings were emerald and caused her pupils to seem bigger, brighter, and
greener. She was so beautiful. She was humming again, apparently another
song this time.

I went closer to the opening of the cage.

She noticed and came closer to me. She sang out loud. The words of her
song were beautiful.

My love for you flows through my veins,

From my heart it rains and rains,

You’re my soul-mate in this dream land,

I never knew a love so grand.

So take wherever you so desire,

You light me up put me on fire,

Oh handsome man, please hold my…

“I’ve got to watch out for you and that bird. You two are liking each other too
much, don’t want anyone stealing my woman,” a voice interrupted. Marylyn
hadn’t noticed when he came through the door.

“Russell you startled me, and don’t be silly.”

“I should startle you. Why didn’t you lock the door? Marylyn you’ve got to
be more careful with things like that.”

“It slipped my mind Russ, don’t make a big deal out of it, plus you didn’t
call me like you said you would.”

“I got caught up at practice and it will be a big deal when I come home to
find that you have been raped and beaten to death.”

“Russ, why do you have to be so negative?”

“I’m not being negative, I’m being realistic. Marylyn please just be mindful
when I leave you by yourself. Please. You’ve got to be more careful. It’s a
nasty world out there, I don’t think you realize that. This isn’t the first time
that you’ve…”

“Okay baby, okay. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again I promise.”

“Alright then.”

He smiled at her.

“What Russ?”

“You look absolutely beautiful, ravishing, like a big red apple.”

Russell pulled her closer to him. Their hips touched, their faces were about
an inch apart.

Marylyn chuckled. Looked down on his lips. “Is that so? You look like you
want to eat me up.”
“No ma’am, won’t fall into the trap like Adam did in the Garden of Eden.”
He starts rocking her body in a dancing motion and gives her a twirl.

“Ha ha… very funny. And how are you dressed already?”

“I showered at the school gym and I always have an outfit handy. Look, we
happen to be matching.”
“Yeah,” she compares the two outfits, “you’re right. I like it when we

Russell had on a tight fitted red dress shirt which showed off his bulky
triceps along with black trousers and black loafers. He had short blonde hair,
dark brown eyes and the perfect pointy noise. I noticed a tattoo on his neck
with the letters M&R on it. I wondered what that meant.

“Ready to go?” Russell asked.

“Yup, where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“A surprise? What’s with all these surprises?”

“I think you’re the only woman who complains of being spoiled.”

“Oh is that what you call it? Spoiling me? Hmm.”

He grabbed her by her legs, threw her over his shoulders.

“Russell!!! Don’t you dare big head.” She joked.

“What did you call me? That’s it Eve I’ve had enough of your feistiness.”

He twirled her round and round and round. She screams in nervous
excitement, telling him to put her down. When he did, she grabbed on to him
and murmured, “You’re a total jackass for making me dizzy.”

He grabbed her legs once more, “What did you call me Eve?”

“Okay, okay I’m sorry. Don’t.”

“You promise to be a good Eve?”

She rolled her eyes, “Yes daddy, I promise to be good… and stop calling
me Eve.”

“It’s a deal.”

“Okay Russ, let’s get out of here, you totally shook me up, I look like
ruffled poodle,” Marylyn complained while fixing herself in the mirror.

Russell slid behind her, slapped her on the booty, his hand still gripping the
cheeks and whispered, “No, you look like a big ripe red cherry, ready to be

She turned around, wrapped her right leg around his lower left leg and gave
him a quick light kiss.
“Behave yourself Mr. Lova Lova. Save those testosterones for later.”

“Later? Hmm I like the sound of that….. a-wooooooooo!” Russell went

down on all four and wailed “A-woooooo!”

“Stop your silliness Russ, let’s go,” Marylyn shook her head, “you’re such
a big kid.”

“You mean to say papa is getting some of mama not tomorrow, not next
week, but later? A-woooo!!!”


Russell smiled. He saw she was serious this time. He got up and held out
his hand, “Shall we?”

“We shall,” was her reply. I watched them as they walked to the door and
thought: Is that what they call love?


The following day Marylyn told me of her special night out with Russell.

“Oh Sunny it was so romantic, when we went to the car he gave me a single
rose with a note which said:
You are my world Marylyn. My precious diamond-pearl. Nothing makes me
happier than to make you happy. God placed you in my life and I will never let
you go. I will forever be your night and shining armor but on one condition.

I was eager to know what the condition was but he didn’t tell me until we
went to the restaurant. We went to my favorite spot, Sally’s Seafood and Grill,
a very expensive uptown restaurant. Russell almost got into a fight with an old
guy who kept making remarks about my figure. He put the guy in his place
without laying a finger on him, besides he isn’t one to get into fights but he’s
very protective of me. Anyways, we went through the appetizers, soup and
main course before we ordered dessert. We chatted a little before the waiter
brought our dessert in silver platters which were covered. I thought that to be
strange. I got two platters and he got one. I thought that to be even stranger.

‘Why would they serve me two plates of dessert Russell?’ I asked.

‘You worry too much Marylyn. I wish I had two plates off desserts. Who
wouldn’t like too plates of dessert?’

‘Something strange is going on I’m not eating it.’

‘You haven’t even looked at the plates. C’mon Marylyn you’re being
paranoid here. Okay let’s see what we have here.’ He took the lid off his
platter. It revealed a delectable looking slice of german chocolate cake,
dripping with caramel.

‘You see, it’s your favorite, I pre-ordered two for you. Now you, c’mon
take the lids off.’

I took both of them off at once. One platter had german chocolate cake but
the other revealed a dazzling diamond ring. I was in shock and amazement. A
whirlwind of emotions overcame me. Russell came around to where I was
sitting and went down on his knees, I immediately started crying. I was

‘You are my world Marylyn,’ he said, ‘my precious diamond-pearl. Nothing

makes me happier than to make you happy. God placed you in my life and I
will never let you go. I will forever be your night and shining armor but on
one condition. You must be my wife. Marylyn Marie Morris, will you marry
me and make me the luckiest guy in the world?’
I stood up. By this time he was holding my hands.

‘Yes Russell…. I thousand times yes.’

We kissed like we never did before. In that moment it seemed to be just the
two of us. Me and my Russ. The whole restaurant audience applauded, I didn’t
realize we had made a scene. A very beautiful scene. Last night was the best
night of my life. I have someone who I’m sure will stay with me forever

Tears filled her eyes but this time they were from happiness. It was one of
the only times I saw Marylyn truly happy.


The following day was a Sunday from what I overheard. After breakfast
Russell left out to run a few errands. It was just me and Marylyn for most of
the day. She removed me from my cage and fed me bananas, my favorite. We
went to her couch and I started chirping endlessly, this was where she told me
the story of Ann-Marie.

“What’s the matter Sunny?” she inquired, petting me, running her fingers
through my feathers.

I didn’t stop chirping, I needed to hear the rest of the story. Ann-Marie,
what happened to her baby?

“Sunny stop your fussing, what’s the matter little birdy, want me to sing for
you? She proceeded to sing and I proceeded to chirp as loud as I could.

“Sunny you’re still making a lot of noise. What is it? How can I get you to
keep quiet? Want to hear a story? You always seem quiet when I tell you a

I kept silent.

“A ah, that’s it, you want me to tell you a story. Let me see. I don’t believe I
ever finished telling you the story of The Johnson’s and their daughter Ann

So Mrs. Johnson went off to her room to pray out loudly to spite her
husband and play with his conscience but that didn’t work,” she started. I
listened intently.

‘Annie, be prepared to go to the clinic tomorrow at seven,’ Mr. Johnson

Suddenly, Ann-Marie stopped her crying, stood up in a fit of anger and
screamed, ‘I will not have an abortion father!’

This quite startled Mr. Johnson for he saw the fire in Ann-Marie’s eyes, yet
he quickly held his ground.
“You will, you have no say in this!”

‘Yes I do, I am eighteen years old and capable of making my own

decisions. It is the law!’

‘Oh and are you capable of taking care of a child? You don’t even take care
of yourself, I buy you food, I put a roof over your head, and you repay me like
this? By disobeying my word?’

‘And who made you God father?’

Mr. Johnson grabbed her by the arm and squeezed it tightly, she tried to
break free but his hold was too strong.

‘Father you’re hurting me.’

Mrs. Johnson rushed out her room, ‘Hal, what on God’s earth are you

‘Do not use the Lord’s name in vain Margarette, get back in the room!’ He
began to drag Ann-Marie to the front door. Mrs. Johnson rushed in ahead of

‘Hal, what are you doing, let her go, where on earth are you going at this
time of the night?’
‘She’s getting rid of this baby tonight, I’m bringing her to a private doctor.’

Ann-Marie must have summoned a strength from deep within when she
flashed her father’s hand from her arm. ‘I’m not going, you can’t force me to
go father!’

‘Hal, what have you become? This is a heartless act,’ his wife remarked.
‘Heartless? Your daughter is heartless for wanting to have a black baby.’ He
paused, realizing what he said. Both Mrs. Johnson and Ann-Marie looked at
him with disbelief.
‘So that’s it?’ Mrs. Johnson stepped back in dismay. She could not believe
she was looking at the same man she married years ago. Was this the man she
fell in love with? ‘You’re concerned about the color of the baby’s skin? You’re
congregation is filled with mostly blacks Hal, do you not like seeing their
faces? Do you not like them either?’

‘I didn’t mean it that way Margarette. Now hush your mouth.’

Mrs. Johnson walked away as tears filled her eyes. She had some thinking
to do.

‘Now come on Annie, and don’t make me get the butlers to take you to the
car for me.’

Ann-Marie did not say a word and humbly followed her father to the…..”

The rattling of the door knob caused Marylyn to pause. Russell came
through the door.

“Where’s my future wife?” He draws out.

“She’s right here,” Marylyn mimicked his tone.

She hopped up and hurried to Russell. They embraced each other, she
hugged him with one hand and held me in the other. I on other hand was a bit
upset she didn’t finish the story and started chirping loudly. This caught
Russell’s attention

“Who do you have there? Is that Sunny boy? Let me hold him.”
I felt like a peanut in his hands. Like a peanut wrapped in sand paper. His
hands were not like Marylyn’s. I disliked him holding me. He came to realize
this soon enough.

“What’s wrong with it Marylyn, is this how noisy it gets?”

“Only when it wants me to tell it a story, maybe it doesn’t like you, give it

Ahh feels good in your soft silky hands, I thought.

“Stories? You tell it stories? How come you don’t tell me stories?”
“Someone’s jealous, besides, he helps to calm me. I haven’t needed to take
my anti-depressants since I got him.”

“Really baby? That’s awesome news. I’m starting to like this little fellow,”
Russell remarked, using a finger to pet my head.
Marylyn takes anti-depressants? The thought stirred me: There is a lot
behind that smile of hers. But why? Why would such a beautiful soul need

The two love birds snuggled up on the couch, Russell spooning Marylyn.
They, well, we watched movies for the rest of the night, some of them too
scary in my opinion but Marylyn’s massaging fingers comforted me. Popcorn
and cola were the snacks of the night. It wasn’t too long before Russell fell
asleep. Marylyn stared at the television but she wasn’t watching it, she
appeared to be lost in thought. She was like this until she fell asleep. Her arm
became limp and hung off the edge of the couch and I was able to slip right
out. I stood on the center table for a bit, watching the two, watching Marylyn.
The expressions on her face were that of a perplexed individual. She seemed
almost wanting to cry. Her rest revealed her sleep-talking disposition:

“No, no mommy, please don’t, please don’t leave me mommy,” her

murmuring began. “Where’s my daddy? Who’s my daddy? Don’t you love
me?” Those were her recurring questions.

All I could do was watch. Her dreams were a place where I could not
console her. I flew around in the apartment to stretch my wings. For the first
time since being taken from the pet store, I felt free and limitless. I considered
how, in the same way, people cage themselves with the setbacks life present,
how they, like Marylyn, yearn to be free. Marylyn’s countenance now became
a distortion of mixed emotions. Sadness, confusion, frustration, and anger all
in one. What could I do? I landed on a space in front of her one the couch and
chittered the tune of her favorite sweet sounding song, she called it “Worry
Not About Tomorrow”.

Why worry what tomorrow brings?

Today is when the mockingbird sings.
To hope and faith your soul it clings,
Just take the flight go! Spread your wings.

A small smile slithered across her slim face. She remained sound asleep and
I continued:

Stay in the moment, be where you are,

For tomorrow is simply a day too far.

For tomorrow is a gift to none,
Today is life, today have fun.
Travel the world, bathe in the sun,
The journey of life has just begun.

Marylyn snored, this pleased me. I finished off my chittering:
Stay in the moment, be where you are,
For tomorrow is simply a day too far.

She rested peacefully for the rest of the night. When morning came, funny
enough, Marylyn interrupted my sleep with a loud shriek.
“Russ wake up! Sunny… I fell asleep with him still in my hand.”
“Who’s Sunny?” Russell asked, yawning, apparently still in his sleep.
“The parrot silly! You have to help me find him.”
I observed as they searched, quite a funny sight. They removed all pillows
from the couch, searched every corner, even their bedroom.
Marylyn had a distraught look on her face, “I can’t believe I didn’t put it
back in its cage” That’s when she glanced at the cage.
“Sunny you were in there the whole time?” She hurried my direction. “I’m
surprised you didn’t find a way out, good bird Sunny,” she hailed me while
taking me in her hands. “You might not need too much training after all.”
Russell laughed in amusement, “You mean to tell me that as smart as you
are, the last place you thought to check was the bird’s cage? Wow.”
“Oh whatever Russell, like you did such I good job of finding Sunny
“So, we have a month before graduation, how do you feel, Miss on her way
to be a doctor?” Russell attempted to change the conversation. I eventually
was aware that this was a strategy the therapist told Russell to use when it
seemed Marylyn might be too stressed - deflection.
“I feel just fine.”
“Oh c’mon you can’t be upset, you know I was just pulling your leg.”
“Well, I almost lost Sunny, that’s not something to joke about.”
I realized then how much I meant to her.
“I’m sorry Marylyn, forgive me.” Russell embraced her.
“It’s ok, just thought I lost him.”
“Well if it makes up for it, I’ll have Raymond come take a look at it. He’s
good with birds. He’ll clip its wings for you, and train him once a week.”
“Thanks Russ that would be great.”
Russell kissed her on her forehead. “I have to get ready for Chemistry class.
Mr.Woodham is going to butcher me if I’m late.”
“You mean that weird bald headed professor with the country accent?”
“Yepp, that’s the one. He’s strict, I can’t be a second late.”
“I’m heading out with you silly, I have a few more lessons to finish up this
week then I’m done for good.”
“Marylyn please don’t do this.”
“Do what? Go to class like I’m supposed to?”
“You know the therapist recommended that you…”
“I don’t give a rat’s behind what some therapist says, no one will tell me
how to run my life Russ!”
“Marylyn I’m worried about you, please, the therapists says finishing up
your classes online would be best right now.”
“You don’t need to be worried Russ, I’m a grown woman, I can take care of
Russell took a deep breath, “Baby, please just hear me out on this one. The
therapists says you seem…not well and…”
Marylyn interrupted in fury, “The therapists says I’m suicidal Russ, say it,
he says I’m suicidal! You think something’s wrong with me don’t you?” I
thought she might suffocate me. She glanced down on me realizing her tight
grip and loosened her fingers.
“Of course not Marylyn but I don’t want anything happening to you.”
“Well I won’t stay cooped up in this apartment, just me and these four
walls… that will make anyone want to kill themselves if you want my
“Marylyn please don’t speak like that. Okay, I’m staying home with you.”
“No Russ you’re going to class. Fine I’ll stay home and finish up my
courses. I guess it’s just me and Sunny for the week.”
“No, Rosa will be here with you throughout the days till I get home
remember? She’ll help you out around the house. Marylyn I want you to focus
on resting, don’t stress too much.”
“Yeah yeah, you mean my babysitter, fine”
“C’mon Marylyn no need to exaggerate here, I just want you to take it easy,
focus on school and resting, nothing else. Okay baby?”
“Okay Russ.”
“Now, can papa get a kiss?” Russell puckered his lips up and out, and
Marylyn met them with a light peck.
“I know you’re a bit upset baby but I just want to make sure you’re okay
and take full advantage of this period of recommended bed rest.”
“Okay Russell.”
“Aye, you hear that Sunny? She called me Russell,” the football player
asked, I think that was the first he ever addressed me, “She must be mighty
upset. I know what will cheer her up.” Russell reached down for her legs but
Marylyn ran the other direction.
“Don’t you dare Russell Smith, I’m not nice when I’m both angry and
dizzy,” she laughed, looking at Russell admiringly, “I love you.” Marylyn
stretched out her arms to give him a hug, first kissing him, them locking him
in her arms.
“I love you too Marylyn. I’m going to get ready really quickly and head
out.” And so he did.
Marylyn cooked a breakfast of eggs, bacon and blueberry bagel, which she
made into a sandwich. She fed me some of her eggs. Raymond, the bird
trainer, stopped by around midday to show Marylyn a few tricks. Rosa came a
couple of hours earlier and was already around the apartment cleaning here
and there. It wasn’t surprising that Raymond was more focused on Marylyn
than me. He seemed a dwarf next to Marylyn, I didn’t know it was possible to
be quite that short. He wore a crumbled white t-shirt with the words DO OR
DIE written across in red and denim jeans with mud stained white sneakers.
His high top hair cut added about three inches to his height.
“Okay Miss Marylyn, first thing first, let’s put the parrot in the cage, it
needs to be somewhere comfortable.”
“Sure Rayray, how’s your sister doing? I haven’t seen her around.”
“She’s okay, she moved back to Georgia with my mom, she was running in
on some tough times ya know?”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I’m sure she’ll be fine though. Want something
to drink?”
“Yeah, I’ll take some water thanks.”
As Marylyn turned, his eyes became glued on her buttocks, maneuvering
up and down her body. He was a sly fellow indeed, he could never look her
directly in her eye I noticed, yet at every turn Marylyn made, his eyes were
there to scan her physique.
“Here you go Raymond,” Marylyn handed him the water, he accepted it
with shaky hands, and in three big gulps, the water was gone.
“Thanks Miss Marylyn, now I want you to attempt to take the bird out
without touching it.”
“Okay, his name is Sunny by the way.” Marylyn stretched out her hand
toward me in the cage.
“Wait,” Raymond distracted her, “Keep these sunflower seeds in your
pocket, I want you to feed it some every time it… I mean Sunny climbs on
your hand successfully.”
“Alright,” and she proceeded, as she did I noticed his wandering eyes
again, this time looking at her breasts like he was searching for her nipples. I
wanted to peck his eyes out.
Marylyn’s outstretched arm caught my attention. She held her hand like she
was holding an invisible cup. I put one foot on it, lightly clasped my claws
over a finger and then followed with my other foot. Marylyn held out the
seeds in her other hand. Just before I swallowed my first seed, I heard a
clicking sound. Marylyn quickly looked toward the direction of the sound.
Raymond was holding a strange device with a red button in his hand.
“What’s that Rayray?”
“It’s called a clicker Miss Marylyn. It is a form of reward for the bird just
as those sunflower seed. Just before you feed Sunny, upon a correct
movement, I want you to click this. Think click and treat, click and treat.”
“Click and treat, click and treat,” Marylyn repeated.
“It seems your bird… I mean Sunny is a fast learner, you should have him
under your control in no time.”
“That’s wonderful Rayray, thank you.”
“Now try one more time let me see how you’re doing.”
Marylyn did so a few times, and I got to eat sunflower seeds every single
“Great job Miss Marylyn, just practice that several times throughout the
days when the bird seems to be in a good mood. Parrots tend to be impatient,
so take your time with each lesson. Now let me clip those wings before I go.”
“Clip his wings? Will that hurt him?”
“Not at all Miss Marylyn, feathers don’t have nerves so Sunny won’t feel a
thing. I will be cutting its primary flight feathers, which he will shed in place
for new ones. It will be a regular procedure for Sunny. Don’t you worry one
bit ya hear?”
I wondered why he called her Miss Marylyn and not just Marylyn. From
what I could tell, they were about the same age. I found that strange. Raymond
took me over from Marylyn and pulled one of my wings outward. This made
me quite uncomfortable and I began to cry out loud. This scared Marylyn who
pleaded with Raymond to handle me gently.
“Oh it’s not hurting Sunny Miss Marylyn, it something that most birds
I dislike you, I thought.
“Please just don’t hurt him,” Marylyn grabbed me from Raymond as soon
as he got done.
“Well I have to be going now, you take care ya hear? I’ll be back next
Monday.” Raymond leaned in to hug Marylyn but she politely put out her
hand for a hand shake.
“Thank you Rayray, you’ve been of much help.”
Raymond helped himself out. I noticed he had a slight limp.
As soon as Raymond exited the apartment, “Senorita,” a voice called. “You
know there is something really strange about that boy, you be careful. I don’t
like him, no le gusta one bit.” It was Rosa holding a broom in her hand. She
was as round as a beach ball, overweight and had short curly jet black hair.
Her lower legs looked swollen, they were large compared to her baby sized
feet. She wore a washed out floral dress reaching her just below her knees and
a gold necklace which was green in some places.
“What are you talking about Rosa? Russ and I have known Rayray for
years. He wouldn’t hurt an ant.”
“Senorita, I know a bad soul when I see one. Watch out for him.”
“Don’t be silly. Raymond is one of the nicest, quietest, most respectful
persons I know.”
“Si senorita, yes.” Rosa shook her head in disapproval and finished up her
It was quiet for the rest of the day, Marylyn was around her laptop most of
the time. I just watched her from my cage. Rosa kept herself busy doing
laundry and checking in on Marylyn every now and again, engaging her in
short meaningless conversation.
Finally Marylyn shut down her laptop, let out a big sigh and came toward
me. With both hands on her bent knees, Marylyn gave me the biggest smile.
“Hey Sunny boy.” I climbed right onto hand, then came the click and the
sunflower seeds.
Her face lit up. “Good boy Sunny, C’mon let me finish up that story for
“Ann-Marie went into her father’s car. They drove quite a good while,
never speaking to one another, silence ruled their journey. The sound of the
windscreen wipers wailed through the rainy night. The drive to the doctor
would take a couple of hours her father knew but he was determined to
alleviate what he deemed to be a big problem. Anger stirred Ann-Marie’s soul,
she hated her father for what he was doing, especially his reason behind it.
Who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do? You evil bastard. The car
came told a sudden halt. The traffic lights were on red. As soon as the thought
came, she acted instinctively when she opened the door and ran as fast as she
could in the opposite direction.
‘Annie!’ Her father shouted. He stepped out the car, ‘Annie! What are you
By the time Mr. Johnson turned the car around, Ann-Marie was out of
sight. She had managed to hide behind a tree and climb to the very top where
she could see her father drive off. She had a hard time coming back down and
fell on her way down. Her fall was softened by the muddy ground. Tears rolled
down her cheeks. She braced herself on her knees, took a couple of minutes to
gather her thoughts and finally rose to her feet. A foul stench caught her nose
and she saw that just a few feet away, was a dead black cat with its insides
exposed. The belly of the cat contained what seemed to be a very tiny kitten, it
too flattened. Ann-Marie thought it might have been pregnant and ran over by
a car and thrown there by whoever ran it over. It was an unsettling sight for
her. She walked out to the street, looked both ways and decided to go the other
direction from home, seeing that her father had drove in the direction of home.
She didn’t know where she was and knocked on the door of the first house she
came upon. Someone peered through the window.
‘Please, I need some help,’ Ann-Marie pleaded.
No one answered. She heard voices in the house.
‘Who is it?’ asked one.
‘Some little white girl in dirty clothes,’ answered the other.
Ann Marie looked down on herself, she realized then that her clothes had
been soiled from the mud.
‘What is she doing in this part of town, this time of the night?’ The one
asked further.
‘I don’t know, she must be mad.’
‘Please, I am not mad, I just need somewhere to stay for the night. I’m
pregnant and tired,’ Ann- Marie begged.
‘Go away before we call the police.’
Ann Marie walked away thinking. I thought he loved me, how could he
deny being the father when he knows I was a virgin? I thought he loved me… I
thought he really loved me. He told me he loved me. She went up to another
house. Their gate was made of zinc which was hard to get through but Ann-
Marie squeezed her way in. It was a wooden house with the floor of the
veranda painted in a bright red. The place was dark and situated in an area
with no street lights.
‘Hello,’ Ann Marie knocked, ‘is there anyone who can help me? Hello?’
No one answered. Ann Marie didn’t take her time to move on. She strolled
the lonely street, catching a fright here and there from nocturnal creatures.
It wasn’t too long before she came upon a large old building made of
bricks. It was about four stories high with windows dotting the façade. There
was an arched, overhanging sign which read: CENTER FOR BATTERED
A bit of hope awakened in the eighteen year old. She walked promptly up
the steps, this time knocking hastily in higher hopes of getting an answer, and
she did. A very old lady opened the door, she was skinny in frame and stern in
the face. Very large spectacles covered her thin face. She clutched a wooden
staff in her hand, the handle of it being golden.
‘How may I help you young lady?’
‘My name is Ann-Marie Johnson, I am pregnant and looking for
somewhere to stay for the night until I can figure things out. My parents have
decided that I should have an abortion. I was on my way to the clinic tonight
but I ran out of the car. Please, it’s just for the night until I can find somewhere
to stay permanently.’
The old lady smiled and shook her head slowly and approvingly. “Come on
in Ann-Marie, your story is one I’m used to hearing. You can stay here as long
as you want. Let me take you to your lodging and get some clean clothes for
‘Thank you ma’am, thank you so much,’ the relieved Ann-Marie said.
‘Please darling, call me Mrs. Walker. This is a center for women who have
been beaten and abused. It is a place of refuge where they can bring their
children. It was founded by my mother who overcame abuse and wanted to
help women who were going through what she barely escaped. On some
occasions we have women like you who come in. We never turn away those
seeking help. You are more than welcome here. We are here for all women.’
Ann-Marie never knew such places existed. ‘Thank you, I’m so glad you’re
here or I might be sleeping on the streets tonight. It is truly a miracle,’ Ann-
Marie attested.
Mrs. Walker showed the young miss around. There were about twelve
rooms per floor. Ann-Marie was taken to the fourth floor to a room occupied
by two other women. One slept on a single bed and the other on the bottom
half of a bunk bed. Ann-Marie was told she could take the upper bed and
shown the shower.
‘Now, you’ll find some sleepwear in the sink cabinet,’ Mrs. Walker
directed, ‘make yourself at home and get some sleep. We will talk tomorrow.
This a key for this room.’
‘Ok ma’am, thank you,’ Ann-Marie answered.
Mrs. Walker shuffled out the door. Ann-Marie scoped the room with tired
eyes. One of the women had a protruding pregnant belly and the other looked
to be expecting as well, though her belly was much smaller. They were both
fast asleep. After showering, Ann-Marie lay in bed thinking of all that was
happening to her. She bawled herself to sleep.
The following morning Ann-Marie popped open her eyes. The sound of a
bell had awakened her. She scrambled to get up and came down the small
ladder of the bed. The other two women stared at her curiously.
Ann-Marie spoke up, ‘Hello I’m Ann-Marie, your new roommate but you
can call me Annie.’
The woman who appeared about ready to have her baby walked up to Ann-
Marie holding her back. To Ann-Marie’s astonishment she was a very young
girl not past the age of fifteen.
‘Hi there I’m Samantha, nice to have you here.’ She took one of Ann-
Marie’s hand into both of her own. This comforted the puffy eyed Ann-Marie.
Samantha had a very young face but she sounded so mature. She was very
dark skinned and had the most radiant smile. A petite young girl she was, her
baby bump apparently weighing her down. Samantha sported very short hair,
like a wild afro-puff. ‘This is Agatha,’ she continued, pulling the other woman
to her feet. Agatha gave a slight nod but said nothing. Agatha on the other
hand was very fair skinned and didn’t smile at all. She was about the same
height as Ann-Marie. She had a piercing on the left side of her nose and three
on each ear. She had medium length, very curly hair which she colored blonde
at the ends. All heads turned at the sound of the bell: Ding dong, ding dong,
‘That means fifteen minutes till breakfast time, we better get ourselves
together and head down!’ Samantha explained excitedly, preventing Ann-
Marie from responding to her courteousness. Samantha ran to the bathroom
and called for the others to come brush their teeth. Agatha went back to her
bunk, her back turned from her new roommate.
‘How’s the food here Agatha?’ Anne-Marie attempted to make friends with
unsociable girl but she didn’t respond.
Samantha put out her head through the bathroom door and answered, ‘It’s
like my grandma’s cooking, finger licking good and you don’t have to worry if
you’re too late, there’s always plenty.” She walked up to Agatha, touched her
on the shoulders and made some exaggerated hand gestures, to which Agatha
responded likewise.
‘Agatha is deaf and dumb, look her directly in the eye so she will know you
are talking to her.’ Samantha cleared up, “She says the food here is delicious
and to tell you sorry she didn’t expect you to talk to her. Agatha is very shy
but very cool once you get to know her. Just give her some time. Sometimes
even I forget she can’t hear me.’
‘Oh tell her I’m terribly sorry, I didn’t realize her condition. I’m very sorry,
I must say how embarrassed I am,’ Ann-Marie mouthed her apology to Agatha
who mouthed that it was ok. Samantha signed to Agatha who immediately got
up and went to the bathroom.
Ann-Marie faced Samantha. “Where did you learn sign language?” she
“My brother is deaf and dumb just like Agatha. Isn’t it funny how we were
coincidently placed in the same room? Agatha and myself? The staff here was
happy to learn that Agatha finally had someone to communicate with.”
“That’s quite a coincidence,” Ann-Marie agreed. “Agatha, if you don’t
mind me asking, how far along are you and why are you here?”
“Not at all, in about a week this baby will be out of me. I’ll be giving him
up for adoption. I’m here because I was molested and raped by my step-father
but no one believed me, not even my mother. I didn’t think the baby should
suffer because of something it wasn’t at fault for and decided to have it instead
of abort it.” Agatha saw how dumbfounded Ann-Marie was and quickly
injected, “No need to be sorry or feel sorry, we are all dealt some nasty cards
in life, it is how we handle them that matters. I believe God will see me
through this.”
“I believe he will too Agatha,” said the teary eyed Anne-Marie.
Agatha came out the bathroom and indicated to Ann-Marie that it was her
turn. They all headed down to the cafeteria together afterwards. The cafeteria
was a social hall with mingling and giggling. As Ann-Marie and her new
friends approached the serving area, all eyes locked on to her. She knew why.
She was one of about three white girls in the cafeteria. She tried to smile but
her discomfort prevented her from doing so.
Samantha swung her arm around Ann-Marie’s shoulder, ‘Don’t worry,’ she
said, ‘you’ll get used to being here, just that everyone knows the new girl
when they see her. I went through the same silent silly stares.’
‘Alright,’ Ann-Marie managed to give a light smile. The girls chatted while
they ate, with Ann-Marie injecting a word here and there. Surprisingly, Agatha
was fully engaged, signing to Samantha almost excessively. They ate heartily.
Laughter engulfed their table.
In a split second, silence seized the entire room and everyone turned to the
direction of the entrance. Mrs. Walker walked slowly, intently, her walking
stick guided her steps. She went up to Ann-Marie, ‘Young lady, my I have a
word with you please?’ the seventy year-old asked.
Ann-Marie stood up readily, “Of course ma’am,”
She followed Mrs. Walker to her office. It contained a variety of art work,
apparently a collection. From sculptures to paintings, all having a touch of
gold. On Mrs. Walker’s desk was a picture of an old man holding her hand.
Ann-Marie took notice of this.
‘That’s my husband,’ the grey haired, hazel eyed lady stretched her almost
skeletal hand toward the picture, ‘he died a year ago from a heart attack. It was
unexpected. He was very conscious about his health. I didn’t expect him to go
so soon, now I’m waiting for the good Lord to take me too. I miss him.’ A tear
fell from her eye on the mahogany desk. She realized she had probably said
too much and sat up straight in her chair.
‘I’m sorry to hear that madam.’ Ann-Marie cast her eyes downward,
showing her condolences.
‘It’s ok my dear. Now my darling I just wanted to go over a few procedures
with you. Breakfast is at eight in the morning, lunch at twelve and dinner at
seven. In between that we have plenty of snacks available in the cafeteria. You
will be expected to keep your quarters clean, and no men are to be ever
brought in your private quarters. You are however allowed visitors in meeting
area. You are free to go and come as you please, so long as you are back in
here before six, which is when we lock the grounds. It is for your safety. You
are expected to sign in an out if or whenever you leave the center. You must
sign up for at least three of our classes, where you will learn a particular skill
or earn a certificate. All skills and certificates are focused on a year’s training,
so after a full year has passed, we will help you acquire a job and you will be
expected to start paying a measly fee per month for your stay. The fee helps to
keep the center running. You are allowed two calls per day, one of the girls can
show you where the booth is. Everything else you will come to know as you
go along. I am here most of the day if you need me. Feel free to stop by. Do
you have any concerns or questions?’
‘No ma’am, thank you ma’am, again I appreciate what you are doing,”
Ann-Marie responded. She couldn’t stop them this time around, the tears came
tumbling down.
Mrs. Walker got up and braced Ann-Marie’s head just below her bosom.
‘Oh dear, dear, don’t you cry, you must remain strong for your baby. You will
be just fine dearest. Don’t you cry.’ This is naught but a dry season for you, it
won’t last for long.’ Mrs. Walker handed her some tissues, ‘Now wipe up
those tears and go finish up your breakfast with your friends.’ Ann-Marie
obeyed. She spent the rest of the day getting familiar with the place and
signing up for the classes as she agreed. Mrs. Walker had given her a form to
fill out for emergency purposes, a list of contacts. She filled that out and
returned it at the end of the week.
A few months passed and she was starting to show. She got used to her new
lifestyle: breakfast with Samantha, Agatha and a few other friends, classes,
lunch, dinner, bed and recycle. One day she had an unexpected visitor and was
called to the meeting room. ‘Ann Marie please make your way to the meeting
room, you have someone waiting for you,’ the speaker announced over the
speakers. Ann-Marie wondered who it was, she hadn’t contacted anyone since
her stay at the center. She made her way to the room. Anger overtook her
when she saw who it was.
‘Father? What are you doing here?’ She demanded an answer.
Mr. Johnson seemed to evaluate her, holding his stare on her belly before
answering, ‘Your mother is worried about you Annie. We all are, everyone is
asking where you are. We have to be telling them you are away staying with
your grandmother in Kingston.’
‘I’m not coming home father,’ Ann-Marie’s voice became quite loud, ‘you
need not lie to anyone. I am fine, do you want me to come down there and
show them myself?’
‘Now Annie, there is no need for that. Why don’t you sit down so we can
have a proper conversation?’
‘A proper conversation, did that come to your mind when you decided I
have no say in whether or not I should have my baby, or when you forced me
to go to the clinic!’
‘Lower your voice young lady, I will not have you disrespect me in here!’
Mr. Johnson retorted.
‘Well get out then, before I tell everyone why you don’t want me to have
my baby.’ She gritted her teeth in disgust.
‘Excuse me?’
‘Get out! Somebody help me I do not know this man! Help me please!’
Immediately security surrounded Mr. Johnson and seized him. The look in her
father’s eye was one of shock and disbelief.
‘Annie, I am your father, why are you doing this? Annie! In God’s name
stop this.’ He turned to one of the guards and said, ‘I am her father.’
The guard turned to Ann-Marie, ‘Miss, do you know this man?’
‘I have never seen him in my life. If I had to guess I would say he was sent
by the devil. He’s a madman.’
One of the guards told Mr. Johnson to leave, he refused. They ended up
dragging him out. He was furious.
‘You have denied your father like Judas did Jesus, you know then how God
will punish you Annie!’ he threatened while also struggling to break the grip
of the guards.
Many of the girls had gathered at the scene and were now slowly getting
back to what they were doing. Ann-Marie rushed to her room, her arms
swinging rapidly, her face red from the blood rushing to her face. She was
beyond infuriated.
‘Ugh, what makes this man think he can tell me how to live my life?” She
paced the room as she spoke out. ‘What makes him think he holds all the
answers? He might be the god of my mother but he won’t be the god of me,
my life is mine to live. I’d rather die than kill my baby.’ She lifted up her shirt
and rubbed her belly. Samantha came in at this point.
‘Annie girl, are you okay?’
‘Yes Samantha, I’ll be just fine.’
‘What happened down there? I heard a lot of commotion. Who was that
‘Nothing of importance, that man is no one to me now.’
‘Well don’t stress yourself Annie, it can affect the baby.’
‘Samantha, how did you feel when you had your baby? How did you feel
about giving it away?’
‘I was very happy and torn at the same time. I had brought life into this
world, I was connected to my baby and to give him up for adoption was very
painful for me. It felt like someone drove a knife through my heart. I knew
however, that he would have a better life with another family. I didn’t want to
end up resenting him for his father’s actions. He deserves to be happy, he
wouldn’t be with me because I wouldn’t be with him. He would be too much
of a memory of what happened that day, so I had to give him up Annie.’
Samantha began to cry, Ann-Marie began to cry, and both girls embraced
each other crying.

By the time Ann-Marie was in the last week of her last trimester, she could
barely walk and was mostly bed resting. Most of the time she was very sick
and in pitiful pain. Agatha and Samantha were with her during all of it. They
were good friends. Agatha had her baby a few months earlier and gave them
up for adoption. She had twins.
On one of her good days, around 11’o clock in the night, Ann-Marie sat up,
having a chat with her two room-mates. Ann-Marie thought how happy she
was at the center and of how she would have help taking care of her baby.
Samantha and Agatha would both be the god-mothers. They were thrilled for
the title. They played a game of catch, throwing the baseball from one end of
the room to the next. Ann-Marie happened to miss catching her ball which
rolled not too far from her. She ran for it excitedly, missed her stepping and
slipped, falling on her buttocks. Ann-Marie burst out laughing, she was having
a good time. She confirmed with her friends that she was fine, then she felt a
trickling down her legs, it was time.
‘You guys, I think my water broke.’
‘Alright everyone just remain calm while I get the nurse,” Samantha
advised, she signed to Agatha who rushed to Ann-Marie whose face now
showed signs that she was feeling pain. Samantha left the room hastily and
was back in no time with two nurses. The nurses came in with a small medical
kit and a flat plastic bed which they put Ann-Marie on and positioned her with
her legs apart. Both Samantha and Agatha were on either side holding her
‘Alright young miss,’ one of the nurses addressed Ann-Marie, ‘looks like
this baby is about ready to come out. I know you’re in a lot of pain, I want you
to take deep breaths for me, and focus on pushing. When you feel yourself
about to contract, get ready to push with all your might.’
Ann Marie shook her head yes, she was too uncomfortable and anxious to
‘I feel one coming now nurse,” Ann Marie announced, her face distorted
with pain.
‘Alright young miss, hold your chin to your chest and push! Push as hard as
you can!’ The nurse replied.
‘Alright! The head is out, you’re doing well,’ the nurse encouraged Ann
After another five minutes, Ann-Marie had another contraction, and the
baby came right out.
The nurse smiled from ear to ear. ‘It’s a beautiful baby girl,’ she said.
Samantha did not hesitate to go look at the baby. ‘She’s absolutely beautiful
Annie, she has your green eyes.’ Ann-Marie did not answer. ‘Ready to hold
her Annie?’ the exhilarated Samantha asked. Still Ann-Marie did not answer.
‘Did you hear me Ann…,’ Samantha was taken aback by the shocked look on
Agatha’s face and the way her mouth hung open, her eyes filling with tears
while she looked at Ann-Marie.
Samantha slid on her knees straight to Ann-Marie, whose eyes were
bloodshot and wide open. Ann-Marie’s mouth was a bit open, she was
‘Nurse! Nurse come quickly! Annie?’ Samantha called, ‘Oh no, Annie you
can’t do this, please,’ she shook Ann-Marie recklessly. The assisting nurse ran
toward Ann-Marie’s lifeless body, checked her pulse and said, ‘She’s dead.’
Agatha and Samantha bawled over her limp body. Samantha placed Ann-
Marie’s head in her lap and rocked back and forth. It was not too long before
the paramedics came for her body and confirmed her dead. They said she had
excessive vaginal bleeding combined with very high blood pressure, a deadly
duo. Mrs. Walker dealt with the matter promptly and announced what had
happened to the whole center. Everyone was in disbelief. It was the first death
ever to happen at the center. They mourned for days. Then there was the issue
of the baby who was in the care of nurses. Mrs. Walker searched her files for
Ann-Marie’s information and saw that she had her parents listed as emergency
contacts. The Johnson’s were notified of their daughter’s death. They were
distraught. They were asked to take over the care of the baby, which Mr.
Johnson refused, blaming the ‘cursed baby’ for his daughter’s death. They
insisted she be given up for adoption. Neither Samantha nor Agatha could take
up the responsibility and the baby was adopted by a foreign white couple
shortly after her mother’s funeral. They took her to Florida with them, where
they raised her. They named her Marylyn.

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