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CHS Portfolio

College Presentation
Date of presentation: 11/14/19 Location or presentation: Cloverdale High School library

College(s) involved: UC Davis

What did you learn about the admissions process?

Admission into UC Davis is fairly competitive with engineering being an especially

difficult field to major in. However, there are processes students can go through to gain
guaranteed admission into the school.

List five things you learned about this college/these colleges.

・It has one of the most racially and culturally diversified UC campuses
・UC Davis’ most popular and most frequently taken majors are in the biological
・There is a program you can go through at certain junior colleges to gain guaranteed
admission to UC Davis
・A great majority of student applicants receive some form of financial aid
・The campus has its own bus transportation system

What are some reasons you might want to attend this college?

I have heard that UC Davis is a college that excels in teaching and preparing its students
for work in any biological or engineering capacity, both of which are majors that I am
heavily considering taking on. The campus also has a vibrant student community and
beautiful surroundings that would put me at ease.

What are some reasons you might not want to attend this college?

UC tuition can be considerably high and I would most likely not receive a great deal of
financial aid due to my family circumstances. Also, the college is on the other side of the
state, meaning I would have to move away from my parents, and really everyone I have
ever known.
CHS Portfolio

After having seen this presentation, are you planning on applying to this school? Why or why

No, I currently plan on attending the Santa Rosa Junior College for two years before I
attend any UC for my final two years since it is much more cost-effective and will allow
me to stay close to and care for my parents.

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