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Name: BUCOT, MARIA ALIZAH L. Time: WF 10:00am – 11:30am


1. Gay Marriage
- “For us who are believers of the sacred sacrament of marriage, we think that the legalization of Gay Marriage in the
country is not appropriate based on the culture and beliefs we have. But, in general, we have nothing against same sex
relationships, it’s just that it’s better for them to keep it to themselves. After all, we are not directly affected by it so it’s
still up to them.”

2. Divorce
- “Divorce has been legally imposed in most of the countries around the world, and we think, in this current generation, it
is better to also imply it now here in the Philippines. Most of the married couples here are either too young and confused,
or some are abusive to their partners. They should be given the freedom to move out in a relationship if it doesn’t do
them good anymore. But again, for us, who have been married for almost 3 decades now, it’s still better to stick with your
partner no matter how hard your situation could be, except for some uncontrollable circumstances.”

3. Abortion
- “We strongly oppose the legalization or even the normalization of abortion. It is very immoral to the religion we believe
in. Once you bear a child, whether unexpected or even unwanted, abortion should not be an option. Face your
consequences and do your responsibilities as parents now. Because, we assure you, even if you abort a child now because
of your reasons, you will surely regret it soon enough.”


1. Gay Marriage
- “I oppose this kind of marriage because me and my churchmates do believe that marriage is just for two people of
opposite gender. Gay marriage may be legal to other countries but in our country we must preserve the sanctity of this
sacred sacrament.”

2. Divorce
- “As someone married for 20 years, I don’t concur with divorce. There may be times that my relationship with my husband
would be rough, still, it should not be a reason to easily end my marriage with him. As we have said in our vows, we will
be together in richer and in poorer, in sickness and in health, and for better or for worst. Hence, we must get through
everything together and make God our core towards an everlasting marriage.”

3. Abortion
- “As someone who wasn’t given a chance to have a child, it aches my heart to know that there are women or partners
who are willing to kill or abort their own child. Besides the practice of abortion is against the belief and tradition in our
religion, it is indeed inhumane to support such act. We don’t want this to be legalized, people who are not ready should
not do it in the first place. Innocent lives are not worth of their selfish decisions.”


For me who has been exposed to how liberate and modern the society now, I somehow oppose some of the claims
of my parents and my relative church leader who are at the age above 45. It is understandable that we won’t arrive at the
same position but I still do respect theirs.
When it comes to gay marriage, I have absolutely nothing against it. I want people to love who they want, to marry
who they think they want to be with for the rest of their lives. We cannot really control people’s feelings and emotions.
We cannot suppress them to act just how the majority of this society want them to be. If it’s their decision to be with this
certain person, then so be it. After all, it is love that binds them, and love is the only beautiful thing in this world. Instead
of depriving them from it, we should let them experience the love they deserve.
In the divorce issue, at first I also oppose the idea of it. I thought that relationships, especially married people,
should endure everything for the sake of their relationship. But, how can a relationship survive and be stable if the most
important thing that binds them - which is love - is already faded or gone? People should give them a chance to have their
freedom whether they are already unhappy or worse, abused by their partners. As time passes, their love for each other
isn’t guaranteed to grow or flourish, the possibility of it being gone or tarnished should also be considered. We must not
force people to mend over and over again something that has been broken for so long.
For the abortion, I somewhat agree with my parents and my relative. A life of an innocent child is the most precious
thing most of people would want. If you are not ready to take responsibility to have a child and be a parent, then in the
first place, you should not do it. But again, as time passes, I somehow understand why some people support abortion.
Everyone has the right to their own body. We cannot force them to be or to have something thay don’t want, in the first

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