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Joshua Michael S.

J Palingcod
10 – Mapagkalinga
April 4, 2020

Every individual is a conscious being. We have our own intellect, which may sometimes cause our views
and ideas to differ from one another. But it is through being different that each of us can make a
difference in our own ways. Hence, from a very simple activity, I will be expounding on the similarities
and differences of my own perspective from my other three peers.

To begin with, is a short comparison of my thoughts, feelings, and actions from the latter. Rosalyne and I
both thought that the speech was very informative, and the guy's very effective delivery made the
speech even more convincing. "Hopeful" was then the perfect word to describe for how both Mitch and
I felt, because of simply realizing that there are still people who can deal with things positively in an
society filled with pessimism. Thierre, the same as I, finally have had the urge to reflect after watching
the video, and act accordingly to it. The four of us definitely had seen some things in a common way
clearly because of how effective the man in the video had performed.

Moving along, are the differences of my own perspective from theirs. Although Rosalyne's answer was
very close to mine, I thought that the guy's performance was more than just informative but is also very
fun and motivational, just about how tolerance can keep everybody's vibe light and cool. The same thing
is different between Mitch and I; the hope that I felt gave me more than just happiness, but inspiration
to promote "acceptance behind differences" even more. Ultimately, Thierre and I did reflect after
watching the video, he did not specifically elaborated what lessons he applied but I directly stated that I
encouraged myself to be more considerate of how other people would feel on how I would act upon
such situations. In all likelihood, the main difference between all of us would only be an apprehension of
a wider image that we can get from the video.

To wrap up, I and my other three classmates' perspective were closely similar, however, an individual
perception to the video is what separates mines from theirs. Although one difference may come pretty
vital, it did not really matter because we, again, are different persons. In a world where tolerance is hard
to be recognized, a simple act of leniency like in this vivid situation is a must, for only then if we learn
how to accept each other's opinions and tolerate each other's differences, can we truly live in a world
where negativity will no longer foster and no frown is upon people’s faces.
Below is a checklist for compare and contrast essays. Use it to check your
own writing, or get a peer (another student) to help you.

Item OK? Comment

The essay is a comparison The essay compared points from different people so it could be
and contrast essay said that this is a compare and contrast essay.

appropriate structure is They used different points in the essay, also using different
used, transitioning sentences. As to say that this essay used appropriate
either block or point-by- structure which was by block.

Compare and
contrast structure X They didn’t use all the words in ways where it should be used or
would’ve been appropriately placed.
words are used accurately

The criteria for

The criteria is very clear because they were able to deliver their
comparison/contrast are
message through the essay.

The essay has clear thesis

The thesis statement states clearly the topic of the essay.

Each paragraph has a Each paragraph starts with a topic sentence that starts off the
clear topic sentence paragraph. It states what it will talk about in the paragraph.

The essay has strong

They used points to compare and contrast along with reasons to
support (facts, reasons,
support the comparison or the evaluation they set out.
examples, etc.)

The conclusion includes

Their conclusion was well set, it concluded the whole essay and it
a summary of the main
relayed back to the points used in each paragraph.

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