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Dental Traumatology 2015; doi: 10.1111/edt.


Endodontic management of immature teeth

with spontaneous apical closure and
periapical lesions: case series and review of
the literature

ß alıs
Mehmet Kemal C ß kan, Mehmet Abstract – Spontaneous apical closure in non-vital immature teeth has been
Emin Kaval rarely encountered and outcome of non-surgical endodontic treatment of
Department of Endodontology, School of related teeth associated with periapical lesions has not yet been adequately
Dentistry, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey elucidated. The aim of this article was to report endodontic management of
spontaneous apical closure of infected untreated immature teeth with peri-
apical lesions and to review previously proposed mechanisms for the devel-
opment of spontaneous hard tissue barrier. Three patients were referred at
different time intervals to the endodontic clinic for treatment of their maxil-
lary anterior incisors with acute or chronic apical periodontitis. Dental histo-
Key words: Calcium hydroxide; endodontic
therapy; immature teeth; periapical healing; ries indicated that related teeth had been subjected to trauma approximately
spontaneous apical closure 12–18 years previously. Radiographically, the involved teeth exhibited
incomplete root formation with spontaneous apical closure and were associ-
Correspondence to: Dr. Mehmet Emin Kaval,
ated with an apical radiolucency. After biomechanical preparation, calcium
Department of Endodontology, School of
Dentistry, Ege University, 35100 Izmir, Turkey hydroxide paste was applied and was changed once or twice within
Tel.: +90 232 311 46 06 3 months. All canals were then filled with gutta-percha and AH Plus and the
Fax: +90 232 388 03 25 follow-up period was 16–50 months; both clinical and radiographic examina-
e-mail: tions revealed adequate function, the absence of clinical symptoms and sig-
Accepted 22 December, 2014 nificant healing of the periapical radiolucency.

Traumatic injuries which are frequently encountered in extracted (14, 15), one had incomplete endodontic ther-
children and adolescents may cause pulp necrosis in apy (18), and one had received no treatment at all (14).
immature teeth (1). As apical closure process has not Only six teeth with spontaneous apical closure were
been completed, obturation of the canals during the treated endodontically (14, 16, 17, 19, 20). The purpose
endodontic therapy could be challenging. First step of of this article is to present three cases of spontaneous
the treatment protocol in these teeth group is providing apical closure of teeth that required endodontic treat-
the formation of the apical barrier using intracanal ment due to pulpal necrosis and apical periodontitis,
medicaments following the root canal preparation. His- and to review previously proposed mechanisms for the
torically, several biologic activators have been advo- occurrence of non-induced apical closure.
cated to obtain the apical barrier (2, 3); but up to date,
the most preferred materials have been calcium hydrox-
Case reports
ide (3–7) and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) (8, 9).
On the other hand, previous animal studies showed
Case 1
formation of apical closure in teeth which had been left
open after pulpectomy (10–13) and the authors dis- A 25-year-old male with a non-contributory medical
cussed possible mechanisms involved in spontaneous history was referred to the clinic of Endodontic
apexification. However, the exact biologic mechanism Department, School of Dentistry, Ege University for
of apical closure has not yet been adequately eluci- evaluation and treatment of a diffuse swelling in the
dated. Review of the literature revealed relatively few maxillary left anterior vestibule, after his patient’s fam-
case reports which demonstrated spontaneous apical ily dentist had performed the initial dental intervention,
closure of human immature teeth following pulp necro- and prescribed antibiotics and anti-inflammatory
sis and consequent development of periradicular patho- agents. His dental history revealed that the maxillary
sis (14–20). Even though spontaneous apical closure left central incisor had sustained a crown fracture at
cases have been reported previously, endodontic treat- the age of 7 years during a bicycle accident.
ment has not been performed in all of those teeth. The maxillary left central incisor was slightly sensi-
Among 11 teeth reported in the literature, three were tive to percussion and palpation and failed to respond

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1
2 ß alısßkan & Kaval

to thermal or electrical pulp sensibility testing, while

Case 2
the left lateral incisor showed a delayed response.
Other adjacent teeth responded within normal limits. A 20-year-old female with a non-contributory medical
There was no periodontal pocketing. There was radio- history suffered from pain in her maxillary right central
graphic evidence of a large periapical lesion which incisor a week earlier. Her family dentist performed the
extended from the left central incisor to the displaced emergency endodontic treatment and referred her to
lateral incisor. The left central incisor had a wide root our clinic for further treatment. Her dental history
canal with spontaneous apical closure (Fig. 1a). The revealed that the involved tooth had sustained an
diagnosis was an acute apical abscess. uncomplicated crown fracture at the age of 8 years
The root canal of the left central incisor was from a fall. The adjacent teeth appeared clinically nor-
accessed under rubber dam isolation, and apical prob- mal and were responsive to electric pulp testing.
ing with a 40# K-file elicited no sensation and demon- Radiographic examination of the maxillary right
strated an apical barrier, and there was no exudate central incisor revealed an incompletely formed root
drainage evident. Root canal irrigation and preparation with spontaneous apical closure and it was associated
using K-files to size 140# and 2.5% sodium hypochlo- with a diffuse apical radiolucency (Fig. 2a). The diag-
rite was followed by irrigation with distilled water and nosis was chronic apical periodontitis.
a final rinse with 17% EDTA. The canal was then After biomechanical preparation and irrigation, cal-
dried with large paper points, and the access cavity was cium hydroxide was applied into the canal and the
sealed with zinc oxide-eugenol cement (Austenal, Har- access cavity was sealed (Fig. 2b). Two months later,
row, UK). At the next appointment 10 days later, the calcium hydroxide paste was removed and the root
patient was asymptomatic with no swelling. The instru- canal therapy was completed.
mentation of the central incisor was completed, and The 3-year follow-up revealed no signs or symptoms,
calcium hydroxide paste (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) and there was radiographic evidence of periapical bone
was placed into the canal with a lentulo spiral. Before repair (Fig. 2c).
sealing access cavity, a cotton pellet held by forceps
was used to pack the calcium hydroxide paste to the
Case 3
apical barrier (Fig. 1b). Patient was recalled monthly
for evaluation. At the first and second month follow- A 22-year-old woman patient referred with the com-
up calcium hydroxide dressing was renewed. At the plaint of discoloration of her maxillary right lateral
3 month evaluation, calcium hydroxide paste was incisor. She had a history of a traumatic accident
removed and the root canal of the involved tooth was 14 years ago with enamel crown fractures of both max-
obturated with a custom-rolled master cone (Hygenic, illary right central and lateral incisors that had no pre-
Akron, OH, USA) and root canal sealer (AH Plus, vious operative treatment. The maxillary right lateral
Dentsply De Trey, Konstanz, Germany) using the lat- incisor was non-responsive to electric pulp testing,
eral condensation technique. At this time, the left lat- while the adjacent teeth were responsive. The root
eral incisor became non-responsive to thermal and length of the involved tooth was shorter than its con-
electrical pulp sensibility testing and accordingly, end- tralateral counterpart. The periapical radiograph
odontic therapy was carried out, the root canal being revealed a wide root canal with spontaneous apical clo-
filled with gutta percha and AH Plus using lateral con- sure, and it was associated with diffuse periapical
densation. radiolucency (Fig. 3a). The diagnosis was chronic api-
One year later, the radiographic examination dis- cal periodontitis.
closed a reduction in the size of the periapical radiolu- After biomechanical instrumentation, the root canal
cency (Fig. 1c). The recall examination after 50 months was filled with calcium hydroxide paste. Three months
revealed asymptomatic maxillary central and lateral later a control radiograph was taken, and extrusion of
incisors, and there was radiographic evidence of a sig- the calcium hydroxide through the apical barrier into
nificant periapical healing (Fig. 1d). the lesion was detected (Fig. 3b). Then, the calcium

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 1. (a) Preoperative radiograph demonstrating large periradicular lesion associated with osseous extension involving apices of
maxillary left central and lateral incisors and extremely large root canal space with apparent apical closure of the left central
incisor. (b) Radiograph demonstrating the presence of calcium hydroxide paste in the root canal. (c) One-year recall examination
after completion of endodontic treatment. Note the decrease in size of the periradicular radiolucency. (d) Four years follow-up
radiograph, showing significant healing of the periapical lesion.

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Endodontic management of immature teeth 3

and dislocation. Although the overall risk of pulp

necrosis after dentin fracture ranges from 1 to 6%,
pulp necrosis of untreated dentin fracture associated
with luxation injuries such as concussion or subluxa-
tion varies from 25 to 54% (21). It is suggested that
traumatically necrotic but sterile pulp tissue can persist
over a prolonged period without becoming infected
(22, 23); however, an untreated dentin fracture is a pos-
(a) (b) (c) sible pathway for bacterial invasion of the pulp and
ultimately the development of apical periodontitis.
Fig. 2. (a) Preoperative radiograph of maxillary right central After pulpal infection develops, bacteria invading the
incisor with extremely large size of root canal space and canal play a decisive role in the development of a peri-
apparent apical closure associated with large periapical lesion. apical lesion (23).
(b) Note the presence of calcium hydroxide paste in the root There have been varying explanations regarding the
canal. (c) Follow-up 2 years radiograph after completion of mechanism of the non-induced apical barrier formation
endodontic treatment, showing complete healing of the in non-vital immature teeth. Hertwig’s epithelial root
periapical lesion.
sheath (HERS) is the most important tissue on the
development of the root and the formation of the api-
cal hard tissue barrier. When HERS is damaged, root
development is also interrupted, however apical hard
tissue formation can still continue by means of the dif-
ferentiation of the reservoir cells (24, 25). If HERS is
completely destroyed, apical hard tissue can be formed
by cementoblasts and fibroblasts in the apical area
(26). Torneck et al. (11, 12) have proposed that apical
closure process may occur in immature pulpless teeth
without any medication or therapy. According to their
(a) (b) (c) hypothesis, residual pulp cells and connective tissues
which derive from mesenchymal cells are responsible in
Fig. 3. (a) Radiograph of maxillary right lateral incisor is this process.
revealing periapical radiolucency, root end closure and large Evidence of apical closure should not be taken as an
root canal. (b) Three months after placement of calcium indication that infection of the pulp has not extended
hydroxide paste in the root canal. Note extrusion of calcium to the periapical tissues. Histological examination of
hydroxide through the apical barrier into the lesion. (c)
Eighteen months follow-up radiograph showing significant
the apical hard tissue barrier has disclosed the presence
healing of periapical lesion. of an irregular morphology and a porous structure (11,
12, 15). Additionally, there are often junctional defects
at the site of the apical hard tissue deposit (19). This
hydroxide paste was removed and the root canal was finding was supported by the radiographic image of the
filled permanently. Eighteen months after the comple- 3rd case in which calcium hydroxide extruded beyond
tion of the endodontic treatment, there was radio- the apical barrier into the periapical tissues.
graphic evidence of significant healing of the periapical In all cases, favourable healing of the periapical
lesion (Fig. 3c). lesions was achieved by means of biomechanical
debridement and the use of calcium hydroxide as an
antibacterial dressing, despite the presence of the apical
barrier. This was in accordance with previously
The patients in the present report had histories of trau- reported cases (14, 16, 17, 19, 20). Additionally, the
matic accidents ranging from approximately 12 to healing of the cyst-like periapical lesion in Case 1 has
18 years prior to presentation, with uncomplicated resulted in the gradual repositioning of the displaced
crown fractures in their maxillary incisors. These trau- lateral incisor. In the follow-up radiographs of Cases 1
matic injuries had occurred approximately 3 or 4 years and 3, a significant but incomplete reduction in the size
before the completion of root development of the of the periapical radiolucencies is evident at this stage.
affected maxillary incisors. Therefore, the chronological This may be indicative of a slow and continuous heal-
age of the patients at the time of injury presumptively ing process or conversely that a chronic inflammatory
ranged from 8 to 9 years. This finding was supported lesion remains. Despite the apparent reduction, the
by radiographic examination of presented cases. The complete removal of the infective organisms may not
related pulpless teeth with crown fractures had wide be possible due to the porous nature of the apical
root canal, thin dentinal walls and short root length dome which is an ideal site for the establishment of
according to their developmental stages. These observa- microorganisms, protected from endodontic debride-
tions were in accordance with similar cases reported in ment and normal cellular defence mechanisms. When
the literature (14, 15, 17). the body resistance decreases or the number and viru-
All affected teeth in present report had an uncompli- lence of the microorganisms increases, the reversal of
cated crown fracture without periodontal pocketing apparent healing can occur. Nevertheless at the time of

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
4 ß alısßkan & Kaval

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