Chapter 4 - Descriptive Statistics

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Descriptive Statistics
Lecturer : Ms Siti Salmiah Binti Yatim
Msc Mathematics (UKM)

Siti Salmiah

Siti Salmiah
Sample Vs Population

Siti Salmiah
Basic Statistical Terms

• Statistic - is a group of methods used to collect, organize, presenting

and analyzing data for use in making decisions. Statistic has a wide
range of uses in the field of science, business, industry, economy,
medical, education and so on.
• Population - is a complete group consisting of individuals, objects,
items or measurements to be taken for the purpose of a study or
• Sample - is a portion taken from a population for the purpose of a
• Variable - is a important characteristics to describe the population
under study and variables can take any values.

Siti Salmiah

Siti Salmiah
Types of Descriptive Statistics

Siti Salmiah
Stem and Leaf Plot

Siti Salmiah
Stem and Leaf Plot

Siti Salmiah
Stem and Leaf Plot

Siti Salmiah
Stem and Leaf Plot

Siti Salmiah
Stem and Leaf Plot

Siti Salmiah
Frequency Distributions

Siti Salmiah
Grouped Frequency Distributions Terms

• Lower class limits : are the smallest numbers that can actually belong
to different classes.
• Upper class limits : are the largest numbers that can actually belong
to different classes.
• Class width : is the difference between two consecutive lower class
• Class boundaries : the central value between the upper class limit and
the lower class limit of the next class. There are two types of
boundaries which is lower class boundary and upper class boundary.
• Class midpoint : the middle value between lower class limit and
upper class limit or lower class boundary and upper class boundary.

Siti Salmiah
Frequency Distributions

Siti Salmiah
Frequency Distributions

Siti Salmiah

Siti Salmiah

Siti Salmiah

Siti Salmiah

Siti Salmiah
Frequency Polygons

Siti Salmiah
Frequency Polygons

Siti Salmiah
Frequency Polygons

Siti Salmiah
Frequency Polygons

Siti Salmiah
Use of Histogram and Frequency Polygons

Siti Salmiah
Shape of Data Distributions

Siti Salmiah
Shape of Data Distributions

Siti Salmiah
Ogive (Cumulative Frequency Curve)

Siti Salmiah
Ogive (Cumulative Frequency Curve)

Siti Salmiah
Ogive (Cumulative Frequency Curve)

Siti Salmiah
Ogive (Cumulative Frequency Curve)

Siti Salmiah
Ogive (Cumulative Frequency Curve)

Siti Salmiah
Ogive (Cumulative Frequency Curve)

Siti Salmiah
Ogive (Cumulative Frequency Curve)

Siti Salmiah
Ogive (Cumulative Frequency Curve)

Siti Salmiah
Uses of Ogive

Siti Salmiah
Draw historam and ogive for the following data.
Marks No of Students
30 -39 2
40 - 49 3
50 - 59 10
60 - 69 14
70 - 79 7
80 - 89 3
90 - 99 1

Siti Salmiah
Descriptive Statistics

Siti Salmiah

Siti Salmiah
Mean for ungrouped data

Siti Salmiah
Mean for ungrouped data

Siti Salmiah
Mean for ungrouped data

Siti Salmiah
Mean for ungrouped data

Siti Salmiah
Mean for grouped data

Siti Salmiah
Mean for grouped data

Siti Salmiah
Mean for grouped data

Siti Salmiah
1st Quartile, Median & 3rd Quartile

Siti Salmiah
1st Quartile, Median & 3rd Quartile

Step to calculate the value.

Ungrouped Grouped
Step 1 Arrange data in Calculate cumulative
ascending/decending order frequency
Step 2 : Find the position 1st Quartile = ( n  1) 1st Quartile =  f
4 4
Median = n 1 Median = f
2 2
3 f
3 rd Quartile = ( n  1 )
3 rd Quartile =
4 4
Step 3 Find the value of median Identify the median class
and calculate the value by
using formula

Siti Salmiah
Range & Interquartile Range

Siti Salmiah
1st Quartile, Median & 3rd Quartile ungrouped data

Example 1
Find the range, interquartile range, median, 1st quartile and 3rd quartile for each of
the data set.
i) 2, 6, 5, 8, 7, 15, 14
Step 1 : 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15 Step 3 :
Step 2 : Q1 = 5 , Q2 =7 , Q3 = 14
position Q1 = (7+1)/4 = 2 Range = 15 - 2 = 13
position Q2 = (7+1)/2= 4 Interquartile Range = 14 - 5 = 9
position Q3 = 3(7+1)/4 = 6

Siti Salmiah
1st Quartile, Median & 3rd Quartile ungrouped data

Example 2
Find the Q1 , Q2 & Q3 for the following data.
2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 18
Step 1 : 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 18 Step 3 :
Step 2 : Q1 = 3+0.75(5-3) = 4.5
position Q1 = (10+1)/4 =2.75 Q2 = 7.5
position Q2 = (10+1)/2= 5.5 Q3 = 15+0.25(16-15) = 15.25
position Q3 = 3(10+1)/4 = 8.25

Siti Salmiah
1st Quartile, Median & 3rd Quartile ungrouped data

Example 3
Find the Q1 , Q2 & Q3 for the following
Number of cars 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
f 3 5 11 10 4 2 4
Cumulative frequency 3 8 20 30 34 36 40

Siti Salmiah
1st Quartile, Median & 3rd Quartile grouped data

• 1st Quartile, Median & 3rd Quartile can be obtained by using formula.

Siti Salmiah
1st Quartile, Median & 3rd Quartile grouped data

Siti Salmiah
1st Quartile, Median & 3rd Quartile grouped data

Siti Salmiah
1st Quartile, Median & 3rd Quartile grouped data

Position of median   30

Siti Salmiah
1st Quartile, Median & 3rd Quartile grouped data

Find the value of 1st quartile, median & 3rd quartile by using ogive.
Example 3

Siti Salmiah
1st Quartile, Median & 3rd Quartile grouped data

Siti Salmiah
Mode for ungrouped data

Siti Salmiah
Mode for grouped data

Siti Salmiah
Mode for grouped data

Siti Salmiah
Mode for grouped data

Siti Salmiah
Mode for grouped data

Siti Salmiah
The following data show the monthly income (RM) of 50 fisherman in a village.
Monthly income (RM) Number of fisherman
300 < 350 4
350 < 400 13
400 < 450 18
450 < 500 10
500 < 550 3
550 < 600 2

i) Calculate the value mean, median and mode for the above data.
ii) Draw historam and ogive.

Siti Salmiah
Variance and Standard deviation

Siti Salmiah
Variance and Standard deviation

Siti Salmiah
Variance and Standard deviation for ungrouped data

Siti Salmiah
Variance and Standard deviation for ungrouped data

Siti Salmiah
Variance and Standard deviation for ungrouped data

Siti Salmiah
Variance and Standard deviation for ungrouped data

Example 4:

Siti Salmiah
Variance and Standard deviation for grouped data

Siti Salmiah
Variance and Standard deviation for grouped data

Siti Salmiah
Find the variance and standard deviation for the data below.
Weight , kg f
40 < x < 45 5
45 < x < 50 8
50 < x < 55 10
55 < x < 60 14
60 < x < 65 16
65 < x < 70 7

Siti Salmiah

Siti Salmiah

Siti Salmiah

iii) Negatively skewed (left) distribution

Siti Salmiah

Siti Salmiah
Siti Salmiah

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