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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Pangasinan
Municipality of Alcala




Day Care Service (DCS) for preschool was first developed under the
Philippines Urban Community Welfare Program of the Social Welfare
Administration (now the Department of Social Welfare and Development). It
was part of the UNICEF-Assisted Social Services Project in 1984. The first day
care centers were organized in places with a community welfare program.

In 70’s, it was discovered that there was an increasing number of

undernourished children in day care centers. In 1972, supplemental feeding
was included for malnourished preschoolers in day care centers.

Two years later (1974), the country had 2,658 day care centers, 1,654 of
which were partially funded by the integrated Social Welfare and Nutrition
Project of the First Lady Imelda Romualdez Marcos. Support from voluntary
organizations and parent groups increased.

By 1975, more local governments sponsored the establishment of day care

centers for their communities. Local governments funded 2,106 day care
centers out of the total 3,390 centers. It was also in 1975 when the Child and
Youth Welfare Code (Presidential Decree 603) took effect which provided Day
Care Service for children who could not be cared by their parents and
relatives during part of the day.

In 1978, the Barangay Day Care Law (P.D.1567) was passed. It provided for
the establishment of a day care center in every barangay. It also gave the
community the responsibility to set up Day Care Center for its neglected
preschool children.


Day Care Service is the provision of supplemental parental care to 0-6 year
old child who may be neglected, potentially neglected, abused, exploited or
abandoned, during part of the day when the parents cannot attend to hi


-Physical Development. To help the preschool child become physically fit
and healthy through proper care and nutrition, monitored growth and
development and early detection of disease. Also included are various play
activities and games to develop physical fitness.

-Development of Personal Abilities. To help the preschool child develop

self-confidence, self-expression and self-discipline through activities such as
dressing, eating, sleeping and toilet training

-Ability to Handle Human Relation. To help the child understand and

relate well with his parents, other adult in the family, brothers and sisters,
peers and playmates, and other people he interact with through story telling
field trips and sharing sessions.

-Development of Creative and Analytical Ability. To help the preschool

child develop his mental, intellectual, verbal and language skills through arts
and crafts, listening to music and all other forms of creative activities.

-Development of Spiritual and Social Values. To help provide the

preschool children with a chance to develop strong spiritual values of being a
Filipino as well as positive attitudes toward the family, community and socio-
cultural and society in general.

-Provision of Comfort and Safety. To provide comfort and safety for the
preschool child during day care sessions, as well as protection from all forms
of neglect, abuse, cruelty and exploitation.


Day Care Service is open to all children 3 to 4 years of age regardless of
race, religion, sex and ethnic origin.

A. REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS. A personal interview is required for

the child’s admission in the Day Care Service. The following
documents/requirements must be completed..
1. Copy of Birth Certificate
2. Child Health Record
3. ECCD checklist
4. Parent’s consent
5. Intake Form
6. Health Annual Profile
7. Child Information Sheet
8. Growth Monitoring Chart
9. Home-Center Agreement

1. The parent/guardian should read understand and agree with the day
care policies.
2. The parent/guardian of the child should fill-out Parent’s Consent Form
and the child’s
Information sheet.
3. The parent submits the accomplished forms to the Day Care Worker.


1. Registration fee shall be paid upon admission of the child or within
the first month.
2. Monthly payments are made on the 30th of every month.
3. Payments may be made quarterly, semi-annually or annually.
4. Payments may be in cash, in kind or service.


1. Withdrawal from enrolment may be entertained when the child
transfer to another facility or
2. Monthly payments should be paid first before he/she leaves the day
care center.
3. In the event that the parent decides to pull-out his/her child, no
cash refund is allowed.


Day Care uniform is suggested to be worn as agreed. Parents are
given ample time (one month)
To provide their children said uniform.
A. Complete uniform for boys
- Mondays and Wednesdays
* White polo-shirt
*Yellow checkered short pants
* Black shoes /Sandals
- Tuesdays and Thursdays
* White t-shirt with logo
* Black short pants
* Black shoes/sandals
B. Complete Uniform for Girls
-Mondays and Wednesdays
* White blouse
* Yellow checkered skirts
* Low-heeled black shoes/sandals
-Tuesday and Thursdays
* White t-shirts w/ logo
* skirt
* Low-heeled black shoes/sandals
For boys and girls, it’s time to wear their casual dress during


1. There shall be no day care sessions when rains are heavy.
Children are so vulnerable that we
can not afford to risk their health in times like this.
2. Typhoon signal No. 1 raised by PAGASA causes automatic
suspension of day care sessions.
3. Regular and special holidays are absolutely, non-working days.
4. Meetings, training/seminars that’s being attended by the Day Care
Worker always signify
suspension of day care sessions on those dates.
5. When the Day Care Worker is sick.
Day care service is also designed to prepare the preschool child to a
formal education. But
contrary to the policies of DEP-ED, day care service does not
prohibit absences. Do not send the child to the day care center if the
parent feels that her child is moody, or feels that going to day care
center at that time is not okay. In such cases, the parent has the
responsibility to notify the Day Care Worker. Nevertheless, protracted
absences without prior notice given to the Day Care Worker, is not

- Once the child has entered the day care center, the Day Care Worker
has the authority to handle him. The parent has no right whatsoever,
to punish the child for his misdeeds inside the day care center and
eventually taking the child home in the midst of day care session.
- No parent/guardian is allowed to stay inside the day care center one
month after the Day Care Sessions started.
- It is strictly prohibited on part of the parents to call names to their
children when they can not
- answer questions or do their work.
- Despite her pecuniary constraints, the Day care Worker provides
utilities and painstakingly prepared program materials for use at the
day care center. If the child happens to incur any damages, be it
intentional or unintentional, the parent has the responsibility to
replace the same at her own expense.
- The child should wear his/her ID card always. The ID card shows that
he/she is enrolled at the day care center. However, No ID, No Entry
policy is not enforced.
- Lost and found items should be surrendered to the Day Care Worker.
The lost item is claimed after determining the real owner.

In the beginning of Day Care Service, the Day Care Worker conducts
orientation meeting and election of officers of the Day Care Service Parents
Group (DCSPG). The DCSPG plays a great role in the successful
implementation of Day Care Service. They serve as the working partners of
the Day Care Worker and that they are tasked to do the following:
1. Maintains cleanliness and orderliness in the day care center and its
2. Prepare and cook food for the preschool children (supplemental
3. Be responsible for the landscape gardening at the day care center.
4. Support the Day care Service in all the programs and activities
5. Participates in a workshop conducted by the Day Care Worker in
preparing/replacing program materials for use at the day care center.
6. Willing to undergo training/seminars about Parents Effectiveness
Service (PES) and ERPAT.

CDC Policies


1. Parents/Guardian and visitors must sign in the logbook upon arrival or

before entering the CDC likewise before going out/home.
2. Parents/Guardian must inform the CDW who will accompany their child
in coming/entering to the CDC likewise in going home.
3. The CDW must have a parent volunteer or aide with a ratio 1:10 – 1
parent: 10children.
Health and Nutrition Policy

1. Regular and punctual attendance is necessary so the parents/guardian

must inform the CDW as early as possible if the child is sick or there is
an emergency.
2. If a child has a mild fever (sinat) inform the parents immediately or
bring the child to the health center to take medicine and rest while
waiting for his/her parent/guardian arrive.
3. If a child went to the CDC has high fever or sick, he shall be isolated
from the group and will be sent home right away and/or referred to the
health center for education while waiting for his parent/guardian arrive.
4. Children who has serious illness or contagious disease are advised or
recommended to take their children to the doctor for check-up, and
medication and must present a medical certificate when their children
is able to go the CDC.
5. A CDW or CDW Aide will be excused to have/conduct a session if
he/she is sick/seriously ill.
6. All CDC Children especially the malnourished ones will be included in
the SFP and will be encouraged to eat vegetables and other healthy
and nutritious foods. Likewise, parents are also advised to
prepare/cook only healthy and nutritious foods/meals
7. Injuries that may happen to children inside the CDC will be recorded
and conveyed to parents. The CDW/parents/BHWs may administer the
first aid treatment on mild slight injuries?
8. There must be a first aid kit/box inside the CDC, emergency numbers
posted in the bulletin board and parent’s contact numbers which are
always available and are checked often.

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