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Villanueva Glenny Rose D.


Narrative Report

On the job training is one of the college life’s most challenging parts. It enables students
to be engaged and experience the things happening in the actual word of their chosen careers. It
plays an important role to them as it provides facts that they will encounter after the graduation.
On-the-job training give students the knowledge through experiencing the working environment
which they cannot learn by holding a pen and paper inside the four corner classroom. OJT’s can
bring fresh ideas into the organization. Given the opportunity to speak their minds freely and
without fear, they may be able to contribute in brainstorming sessions or research and eventually
help improve the organizations productivity. While training the interns, employers are in fact
also teaching their employees to process of guiding the trainees stretches their patience, develops
teaching skills and makes them more sensitive to the needs and mind set of the younger
generation. Southern Luzon State University let HRM students apply gained knowledge and
skills on the principles of management and operation to hospitality industry through on-the-job
training in hospitality and restaurant establishments related. Trainees were given 420 hours for
hotel and restaurant operations practicum training to undergo and pursue that will surely assist to
attain knowledge and skills that will serve as a tool to face the challenges of the career in the
future. It will set the trainees mind on the real word of tourism industry.
Based on researches, hospitality industry is one of the fastest growing industries not only
in the Philippines but also to other countries. In the Hospitality sector, it comprised of a variety
of sectors providing a range of services and facilities and a range of jobs in various department.
In the hospitality sector it required skills and abilities. As a training ground in promoting
professionalism, the trainee started their training on Destination Hotel Tagaytay from February
23, 2018. They assigned in front office department and kitchen department. Being a part of
establishment allows the trainee to apply and enhance their knowledge and skills and prepared
their as they sooner enters the real big world of hospitality industry.
It was during the early quarter of 2012 when Mr. James P. Concepcion (Director of Days
Hotel Philippines, Inc. and former President and Director of Archon Franchise System) shared
his vision with the top executives of City and Land Development Corp. Mr Joseph C. Gohoc
(Chief Executive Officer, President, Executive Director and member of Executive Committee,
City) and Mr. Stephen C. Roxas (Non-Executive Director, Chairman of Executive Committee,
Member of Nomination Committee, City and Land Developers, Incorporated) Their initial
meeting gave way to the establishment of a new hotel player in Tagaytay City- Destination Hotel
Tagaytay City and Land Development Corp. partnered with Destionation Hotels & Resort
Worldwide to manage and convert some idle units of the building into a full service hotel. The
contract was signed later that year and the ribbon was cut September of 2014, which officially
opens Destination Hotel Tagaytay to the public. This hotel is now one of the best Tagaytay
hotels recommended for tourists.
My experience in Destination Hotel in Tagaytay City is unforgettable one. It teaches me a
lot of new knowledge and developed my skills as an HRM student. I also showcase all the things
that I use it and it can give a competitive advantage to other HRM graduates. In this on the job
training I also give my 100% passion on everything that my supervisor told me to do so. It also
teaches me not just experiences but it also developed my personality and characteristics as an
Food and Beverages Department or Mekong Cuisine Restaurant of Destination Hotel
Tagaytay is responsible for preparation of all the food that the hotel can offer to the guest. This
department is accountable for maintaining high quality of food and service, food costing,
managing restaurants, bars, etc. It is categorized as specialty restaurant because unlike others, it
usually has a type of National or Regional Character or Cuisine attached to what they served. But
to be more specific, Mekong Cuisine is a Multi-Cuisine Specialty Restaurant, which serves
cuisine from more than one country, or the dishes on the Menu at that Restaurant has Food
Specialties from many different countries like Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Myanmar and
Vietnam. Employees of Mekong Cuisine Restaurant especially the head chef are a products of
different restaurants from the past 13 years. The experiences and learning I gained were shared to
newly employed workers to made their work more productive. Shifting hours of employees made
by the head chef or sometimes the captain waiter are 6:00 AM-2:00 PM (opening shift) 9:00
AM-6:00 PM (middle shift) and 12:00 NN-9:00 PM (closing shift). They ensure that the service
they will provide is within the standard of department. In terms of work accomplishment my
duties and responsibilities as an OJT and being assigned in Kitchen and Food and Beverages
Department. Are the following cooking, washing dishes, serving food when we have room
service and functions. I also cleaning the dining area every opening and closing of one of the
restaurant of Destination Hotel. We also helping our captain waiter on setting up the function
hall and every now and then I also do the running errands whenever there is a shortage in the
buffet area. Our chef also give me the responsibility of getting requisition form on the
housekeeping department as there always a shortage in the Mekong Restaurant. If there is bill out
I was the one who gave it to the front office department. Furthermore, when there is nothing to
do we are assigned to give fliers to our guest.
The hardest part of my OJT is when we have a function for the reason that I have to be
flexible enough to do things such as washing dishes, cooking, running errands and because there
are lack of personnel. I have to lift heavy kitchen utensils and our functions are not just a one day
event it is always a seven consecutive days event and it is very tiring not just for me but also to
my other colleagues but I feel blessed to encounter things like this for it makes me prepare on my
future job as an HRM graduate. I encountered countless problems and sooner became lessons.
This enabled me to become ready for the bigger problems that will arise to my future work in
Tourism Industry. This experience help me to be braver and smarter when I will be involved in
the real world. The training areas provided my knowledge to become more passionate about life,
committed to excellence, and have a great desired to serve others.
February 23 of this year I started my on the job training at Destination Hotel Tagaytay
City. It was not the original date to start our OJT but the HR department called us that there will
be a function and there is a lack of personnel to run the event so we have to go there in advance.
On our first day we go through an orientation on what we must do, our duties and responsibilities
as an intern afterwards our chefs orient us and they set our schedules they discussed us the names
and prices of the menus also the do and don’ts on the kitchen.
The most memorable thing that I felt during OJT is when the guest gave us tips for it
means that we have done excellent job. I also like when we are doing room service because we
encounter different guest and it help me to socialize more as I am a kind of person who is
interactive. There are also instances where I met foreigners and I was the one who communicate
with them it developed my communication skills in the English language.
On this on the job training I met different kind of people; I met new friends and mentors
that build my network. It makes me more responsible as an individual because I have to do
things on my own I have to be on time and do the budgeting for I was away from my family.
Training experience puts education theory into practice and thereby makes it more relevant. The
knowledge that I gained in school prepares me before being exposed to real life situation. Those
experiences help me to enhance knowledge and skills and improve self-esteem. Being part of
Kitchen Department of Destination Hotel Tagaytay gave me a big opportunity to discover more
things and learn more knowledge and experience based on the real work of being in the field of
Hotel and Restaurant Management. Also, this experience gave me a chance to build relationship
to other people with different attitudes. I discovered ideas that instructors in the school have not
been taught and this can only be gained in practical experience. I learned knowledge most
especially from their chef’s who taught different and creative dishes, how to make new ones and
the things that I can alternatively do if something happened to dish what I’m cooking. And lastly,
one of the most important things in practical experience is to deal with other people. Not only
ordinary people but those who attained different experiences tested by time.

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