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Vibhā varī Śeṣa

(from Kalyā ṇ a-kalpataru)

vibhā varī śeṣa, ā loka-praveśa,

nidrā chā ri’ uṭho jīva
bolo hari hari, mukunda murā ri,
rā ma kṛṣṇ a hayagrīva

vibhā varī–the night; śeṣa–has come to an end; ā loka-praveśa–the light of dawn is entering; nidrā chā ḍ i’–giving up your sleep; utho–
arise; jīva–O soul!; bolo hari hari–chant the holy names of Lord Hari; mukunda–the giver of liberation; murā ri–the enemy of the Mura
demon; rā ma–the supreme enjoyer; kṛṣṇ a–the all-attractive one; hayagrīva–the horse-headed incarnation.

nṛsiṁ ha vā mana, śrī-madhusū dana,

brajendra-nandana śyā ma
pū tanā -ghā tana, kaiṭabha-śā tana,
jaya dā śarathi-rā ma

nṛsiṁ ha–the half-man, half-lion; vā mana–the dwarf brā hmaṇ a; śrī-madhusū dana–the killer of the Madhu demon; brajendra-nandana–
the beloved son of the King of Vraja; śyā ma–who is blackish in complexion; pū tanā -ghā tana–the slayer of the Pū tanā witch; kaiṭabha-
śā tana–the destoyer of the demon Kaiṭabha; jaya–all glories!; dā śarathi-rā ma–Lord Rā ma, the son of King Daśaratha.

yaśodā dulā la, govinda-gopā la,

vṛndā vana purandara
gopī-priya-jana, rā dhikā -ramaṇ a,
bhuvana -sundara-bara

yaśodā dulā la–the darling of mother Yaśodā ; govinda–the giver of pleasure to the cows; gopā la–the protector of the cows; vṛndā vana
purandara–the monarch of the Vṛndā vana forest; gopī-priya jana–the beloved of the gopīs; rā dhikā -ramaṇ a–the lover of Rā dhikā ;
bhuvana-sundara-bara–the most beautiful personality in all the worlds.

rā vā ṇ ā ntakara, mā khana-taskara,
gopī-jana-vastra-hā rī
brajera rā khā la, gopa-vṛnda-pā la,
citta-hā rī baṁ śī-dhā rī

rā vā ṇ ā ntakara–who brought about the end of the demon Rā vaṇ a; makhana-taskara–who stole the older gopīs’ butter; gopījana-
vastra-hā rī–who stole the younger gopīs’ clothes; brajera rā khala–a cowherd boy of Vraja; gopa-vṛnda-pā la–the protector of the
cowherd boys; citta-hā rī–who steals the hearts of all; baṁ śī-dhā rī–who always holds a flute.

yogīndra-bandana, śrī-nanda-nandana,
braja-jana-bhaya-hā rī
navīna nīrada, rū pa manohara,
mohana-baṁ śī-bihā rī

yogīndra-vandana–worshiped by the best of yogīs; śrī-nanda-nandana–the delightful son of Nanda; braja-jana-bhaya-hā rī–who
removes all the fears of the inhabitants of Vraja; navīna nīrada–who is the color of a fresh rain cloud; rū pa manohara–whose form is
enchanting; mohana-baṁ śī-bihā rī–who looks very charming wandering about playing His flute.

yaśodā -nandana, kaṁ sa-nisū dana,

nikunja-rā sa-vilā sī
kadamba-kā nana, rā sa-parā yaṇ a,
bṛnda-vipina-nivā sī

yaśodā -nandana–the delightful son of Yaśodā ; kaṁ sa-nisū dana–the killer of King Kaṁ sa; nikuñja-rā sa-vilā sī–who sports the rā sa dance
amongst the garden groves; kadamba-kā nana rā sa-parā yaṇ a–who is fond of engaging in the rā sa dance underneath the kadamba
trees; vṛndā -vipina-nivā sī–who resides in the forest of Vṛndā Devī.

ā nanda-vardhana, prema-niketana,
phula-śara-jojaka kā ma
gopā ṅ ganā -gaṇ a, citta-vinodana,
samasta-guṇ a-gaṇ a-dhā ma

ā nanda-vardhana–who increases the ecstasy of His devotees; prema-niketana–the reservoir of all love; phula-śara–flowered arrows;
yojaka–who uses; kā ma–the transcendental Cupid; gopāṅ gana-gaṇ a citta-vinodana–the pleasure of the cowherd girls’ hearts;
samasta-guṇ a-gaṇ a-dhā ma–the abode of all wonderful qualities.

jā muna-jīvana, keli-parā yaṇ a,

mā nasa-candra-cakora
nā ma-sudhā -rasa, gā o kṛṣṇ a-yaśa
rā kho vacana mana mora
yā muna-jīvana–the life of the River Yamunā ; keli-parā yaṇ a–who is always absorbed in amorous pastimes; mā nasa-candra-cakora–who
is the moon of the gopīs’ minds, which are like cakora birds (that subsist only upon moonlight); nā ma-sudhā -rasa–the nectarean
mellows of these holy names; gā o–please sing; kṛṣṇ a yaśa–the glories of Śrī Kṛṣṇ a; rā kho vacana–please obey this advice; mana
mora–O my dear mind!

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