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Gia Layne C.

Porquerino HBO 2

1. Define Human Behavior in Organization.

Human Behavior refers to the full range of physical and emotional behaviors that humans engage in; biologically,
socially, intellectually, etc. and are influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, values, ethics, authority, rapport,
persuasion, coercion and/or genetics.
Human Behaviour in Organization is the study of both group and individual performance and activity within an
organization. This study includes areas of research dedicated to improving job performance, increasing job satisfaction,
promoting innovation, and encouraging leadership.
As a course that covers diagnosis & management of human behavior in organizations, it also tackles one of the most
important keys to a manager’s success: the ability to generate energy & commitment among people within an organization
and to channel that energy and commitment toward critical organizational goals. 
2. How does an individual behave within an organization?
Individuals bring a number of differences to work, such as unique personalities, values, emotions, and moods. When new
employees enter organizations, their stable or transient characteristics affect how they behave and perform.
Often times, an individual’s behaviour within an organization is highly influenced by his/her previous work/school
environment. People’s past experiences, mistakes, and learnings shape them to become what they are in the present. They
develop certain traits and qualities from their previous circumstance, and it is very possible that they would carry such to
their next/upcoming work.
Common organizational behaviours:
 The Commander
- Signs of this behavior include aggressiveness, domineering and demanding. The commander displays
tendencies that may seem like they are trying to usurp other people’s duties. This is a sign of their drive and

 The Attacker
- Adjectives, such as, angry, cynical, grumpy and hostile describe workers who are attackers. They can ferment
low morale in other employees with their sarcastic remarks that are often personal.
 The Pleaser
- This employee displays thoughtful, helpful and pleasant characteristics, which make them the perfect people
to get along with from a personal perspective. Workers with such behavior can avoid doing what is right for
the company just to maintain good relations with others.
 The Performer
- The performer stands out due to his willingness to volunteer for various functions, reluctance to accept
responsibility and displaying a false picture of productivity.
 The Avoider
- This personality type radiates quietness and insecurity, which often arises when criticized. Their preference is
to work alone and can only validate other people’s opinions when put in a group setting.
 The Drifter
- Such employees have problems sticking to deadlines, work hours, as well as organizational rules. Their free-
spirited attitude lights up an office environment but can be exhausting at times.
 The Analytical
- The analytical describes an employee who is so keen to detail that projects can lag behind when under their
custody. They are diligent, accurate and cautious, which is highlighted by the way they are always
proofreading every document before submission.
 The Achiever
- The achiever is conscious of his abilities and needs no arrogance to show them off. Absorbing criticism is not
a problem for him because they realize it is one way of making himself better.

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