Arham Ahmed Answer To Exam On English 1 Paper

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(a+ii) internationally

(b+iv) honour the memory of an event

(c+iv) fourteen or even more hours

(d+ii) five or six

(e+iv) exploited

(f+i) the rights of working class people


Ans.a) The events of May Day is a reminder to us that workers will continue to be
exploited until they stand up and speak out to gain better working conditions,
better pay and better lives.

Ans.b) Since the Industrial Revolution, the workers in mills and factories had been
working long shifts to even fourteen or fifteen hours a day.

Ans.c) May Day or International Workers Day is observed every year on 1st May to
commemorate the historic struggles and sacrifices of the working people to
establish an eight hour work day.

Ans.d) The working class must stand together unitedly to establish their rights for
gaining better working conditions, better wage and better lives. Unless they stand
up, they will be exploited.

Ans.e) There is a positive impact since the revolution of the working class to
establish their rights. Now working class are not exploited and they are given
better wage and better working conditions. But still in some places working class
are continued to be exploited. They have to stand up for themselves and also we
must be conscious for their rights.

(a) pastimes

(b) charitable

(c) experiences

(d) childhood

(e) daisy


(i) London

(ii) 26 December 1791

(iii) 1814

(iv) Lucasian Professor of Mathematics

(v) Invented first mechanical computer



Charles Babbage, the Lucasian Professor of mathematics, invented the first

computer in 1822. He was an English mathematician and mechanical engineer.
Born on 26 December, 1791, he entered Trinity college in 1810. Being the top
mathematician there, he was elected the fellow of Royal Society in 1816. The great
personality breathed his last in London on 18 October, 1871.


(a) Countries of the world rely heavily on petroleum, coal and natural gas for their
energy sources.

(b) Most renewable energy comes either directly or indirectly from the sun.
(c) The sun’s heat cause water to vapor.

(d) Then the wind and the sun’s heat drives the wind and this wind energy can be
captured with wind turbine to produce electricity.

(e) When this water vapor turns into rain or snow and flows downhill into rivers or
streams its energy can be captured as hydroelectric product.



Once a dog was eating a bony piece of meat under a tree. A crow saw him and
wished to eat that. It flew away and after sometime returned with another crow.
Both the crows went near the dog. One day they started picking up the dog’s tail.
The dog not only felt disturbed but also became very angry. The dog dropped the
bone and looked at the crow. In the meantime the other crow flew away with the



A school library is a part and parcel of a school. Here a reader comes to read and
learn. Ours is a reputed school. We have a rich library in our school. It is set up in
the first floor of our school building. It has a rich collection of books which are
very helpful as well as rare. There are different types of books, magazines,
periodicals and reference books in our school library. There are also novels, poetry,
science fictions and biographies etc. The English and Bangla daily newspapers are
available in our school library. The library is well furnished. Books are
systematically arranged in the shelves. There is a spacious reading room divided
into two parts- one for the students and the other for the teachers. An adequate
number of chairs and tables are provided for the readers in the library. As a result,
it has become convenient for a reader to read with silence and deep attention.
There is also a silent atmosphere in the reading space all the time. Our school
library is run by a skilled as well as friendly librarian who assists us in taking
books from the library. Students can take books from the library by submitting
their respective library cards. But there is no option of buying books from the
library. A school library is the stone house of knowledge. In this sense, due to
having a huge collection of books, our school library helps us to quench our thirst
for knowledge. So we are proud of our school library.


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