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‘es018 ‘Media Buying & Planning| Digital Marketing Guide mediaocean Media Planning & Buying wisest Tweets 0 ESFORCE'S DIGITAL AADVERTISING 2020 REPORT, GOOGLE AND. NL ACCOUNT OF aL. HITPSY/T-CONUGHOFOTFM STEPS IN PLANNING & BUYING From start Fish, what is media planning and buying and what makes sucessful? Media planning and buying iste process of statqizing, negotiating, and purchasing ad placements, or inventor: When planning what inventory to purense, planners must ake into consideration the product belng advertised, target audience, and campaign goal. I addin, nat ony are media buyers responsible fe making the intial purchase, but also for continuing to optimize performance throughout the entire campaign Uecyce PLAN. + Audience research Whats your target audlence? How does your target audience shit by medium? + Plan your spend acres buy type. What percentage of your campaign wil be devoted to which types of buys, rm dspay to search, and beyond? + What percentage of your spend wil be on guaranteed invenary versus non-qurantees (RTE)? + For guaranteed inventory the planing stage may include sending RFPs (equess fr proposals to supplies you are lteested in including In your ‘campaign For iventory youve purchased before, you canals purchase premium, guaranteed inventory a yur wn established rates without needing to RFP by purchasing programmatically automated guaranteed), Buy + For quaranted inventory the numberof impressions and ate you are purchasing inventory for hasbeen solidified, whether through established rates ‘ory reeling a preposal back rom a supple + Complete your mea plan with ever placement from every supplier tobe ineluted in your campaign, incuding the time fame each placernent wil, + Many buyers must secure approval for thelr media plan porto formating tel rd nthe form ofan 10. + Forbuys facitate via RT, agency o agency wading desk buyers wil submit budget line items other DSPs, and erect publishers applicable itp /wwasmediaocean.comisigita-marketing-quideimedia-planning-buying 18 sv23r2018 ‘Media Buying & Planning| Digital Marketing Guide ORDER +The mesa plan is executed, with placements sent to the ad server, waiting ther opportunity tobe serve to the covet audience Orders ae processed 3610s" or “insertion order” which include the planned billings for = campaign, +The buyer-seller relationship continues throughout the ores process i any revisions are needed to an insertion order. (CHECK Ir OU TRAFFIC +The ad-ops or wafcking team i responsible fer logging inte the ad servers) associated with the campaign and taging the placements onthe 2 server with their appropriate peces of creative. + Tag or siz, mea type, and more ae associated with each placement + fis generally best practice to tag bacleup state piece ofceativ foreach placement in cases where dynamic cretives are unable tobe served ANALYZE + Annecessary pat of managing every campaign s measuring success, halsally as well as an a mare granular eve + You can use bot fistparty delivery data (rom te publisher's ad server) and thir party delivery data (rom the agency a4 server + Pertarmance can be tracked all he way fram the speci creative up tea halistic campaign view, and even erss-campaig, Pacing measures how ‘budge is being spent relative to time within a campaign’ igh RECONCILE + Agencies and publishers compare thei delivery data and othe: financials, and work to reconcile dscrepancies + Financials for cutent and future campaigns may be amended based on avercelivery or undersliver fa campaign. + Final coss per supplier, per time peri are communicated tothe ling system for Accounts Payable HOW HAS THE BUY PROCESS EVOLVED IN DIGITAL ADVERTISING'S SHORT HISTORY? Digital advertising was orginally approaches as rect sales: publishers and advertisers purchased premium inventory they felt best ther auciences ‘etl from each ether. This process often invalved alt of back-and-frth with hundreds of spreadsheets, proporale,ghone cll, and ema ~ and is til ‘sed ody Homer digital buying has evolve to now include programmatic buying (ea-ime bidding ane automated quaranteed) anda much mre streamined RFP proces. WHAT IS REAL-TIME BIDDING AND AUTOMATED GUARANTEED? Real-Time Bidding (RTA) i typeof programmatic purchasing that bus impressions one at atime, based on demographic targeting. Supers bid on an impression, and if they win their ad is instantly eisplayed. Al RTB inventory is non-quaranteed. RTB Was erginaly use for unsold temant inventory, but this s changing tals include premium inventory due to demand and high yields. The RTB process involves a numberof players:the publisher proving the inventory; the Aa Exchange that connects advertisers and publishers to facilitate ve purchasing: and the Demand Side Patform (DSP that helps automate the purchasing fo advertiser. These payers ae not necessarily prventn RFP-baced purchasing or programmatic are, “Automated Guaranteed differs from RTB in that inventory i purchased for future serving, rather than in realtime ~ and that inventory i gurantee, [se krawn as “programmatic direct te buys ae made dey with puolisners ater than though the Intermedtaies commonly used fo RTS [Automated quoratzed platforms directly integrate wits a publishers a server and query the number of guaranteed impressions avaiable which buyers ‘then commit a purchasing PREVIOUS NEXT» SEARCH itp www mediaocean.comisigita-marketing-quidelmedia-planning-buying 218 ‘yeareo%8 Media Buying & Planning | Digital Marketing Guide itp www mediaocean.comisigita-marketing-quidelmedia-planning-buying 38

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