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Portfolio Management


May 21, 2020 (Thursday) TIME:
2.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.

▪ Explain the underlying concepts and theories of portfolio management.

▪ Construct a model portfolio for clients based on pre-determined return
and risk objectives
▪ Discuss the major asset allocation strategies – strategic, tactical and
▪ Discuss the monitoring of investor circumstances, market/economic
conditions, and portfolio holdings and explain the effects that changes
in each of these areas can have on the investor’s portfolio.

▪ Research Analyst
▪ Equity Analyst
TARGET AUDIENCE ▪ Investment Banking Personnel
▪ Institutional Investors Representatives
▪ Relationship Manager

Session 1: Key Concepts of An Efficient Portfolio and Asset

Allocation Strategies
▪ Measures of returns and risks, covariances and correlations
▪ Modern Portfolio Theory and the optimal level of diversification.
▪ Portfolio Building
▪ Strategic Asset Allocation – the rationale for passive investments
▪ Tactical Asset Allocation – the construction of a portfolio seeking active
COURSE OUTLINE ▪ Investment styles – Value, Growth, Market, and Small-cap

Session 2: Rebalancing Strategies

▪ Dynamic Asset Allocation
▪ Calendar rebalancing to percentage-of-portfolio rebalancing
▪ The key determinants of the optimal corridor width of an asset class in
a percentage-of-portfolio rebalancing program
▪ The benefits of rebalancing an asset class to its target portfolio weight
versus rebalancing the asset class to stay within its allowed range
Trainer Profile
Mr. David Meow
• Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
• Master of Laws (University of London)
• Financial Risk Manager (FRM)
• Chartered Accountant (M)
• Master of Business Administration
(Heriot-Watt University)
• Certificate of Data Science
(John Hopkins University)

David has more than 26 years of experience in areas including financial risk
management, business valuation, financial markets, and financial reporting. His
exposures in diverse areas in the capital markets as well as being a Financial Risk
Manager (FRM) holder, Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) holder and qualified as
a Chartered Accountant (Malaysia), allow him to offer training and consultancy
services in areas including risk management, investment management and
securities valuation. During the past years, he has received increasing
engagement in relation to capital markets projects using data science

He has provided training and consultancy services to government-related

regulatory bodies including Bank Negara Malaysia, Permodalan Nasional
Berhad, Securities Commission, Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja, Jabatan
Perdana Menteri, as well as financial institutions, including Maybank, CIMB,

He is currently associated with Securities Commission for several development

projects and in several programmes initiated by Permodalan Nasional Berhad
Institute. He is also the Lead Moderator for the Capital Markets with the Financial
Accreditation Agency (FAA).

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