Scrolls Wands Items Errata

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- (ver3.x/ver4.0) Only spellcasters may use scrolls
- (ver3.x/ver4.0) As long as the spell is able to be cast by the spellcaster at
some point, the spell can be cast from the scroll regardless of spellcaster leve
l; Blood Boil (level 13 black mage spell) can be cast from the scroll by a level
2 black mage. If the spell is NOT able to be learned by the caster at some poi
nt, the spell CANNOT be cast from the scroll.
- (ver3.x/ver4.0) Once the spell is cast / memorized, it fades from the scroll e
ven if the spell check is unsuccessful.
- (ver3.x/ver4.0) As the spell is being cast from the scroll, no Change Spell ch
eck is needed.
- (ver3.x/ver4.0) It is possible that it might take an action to pull a scroll f
rom a case (or wherever) if the character isn't already holding the scroll in ha
nd (GM determine).
- (ver3.x/ver4.0) If you have multiple scrolls, they can be used in successive r
ounds regardless of cooldown.
Quote from: Scroll Example
Creeping up on two goblin guards, a level 2 black mage pulls out a scroll with t
he Sleep spell (level 5) inscribed on it. The combat would proceed as follows:
Round 1 - Mage casts Sleep directly from scroll (even though the mage is level 2
, the spell is able to be learned at level 5); both creatures fall to the ground
, asleep (Check successful; spell fades from scroll)
Round 2 - Mage's party finishes off goblins
- (v3.x / v4.0) With an item that has a spell effect, it can be cast by any pers
on that wields the item.
- (v3.x / v4.0) Casting a spell from an item is a normal action. That is to say
, you can't attack AND cast a spell in the same round.
- (v3.x / v4.0) The spell is cast with a SP / TA check value of 10. Spellcaster
s may use their SP / TA, if higher.
- (v3.x ONLY) The item will allow a spellcaster who ALREADY KNOWS the spell cont
ained within the item to cast that spell without a Change Spells check. See the
Wands section for further information.
- (v4.0 ONLY) Unless specifically stated in the item description, the item does
NOT function as wand. That is to say, there is no instant recall of spells.
- (v3.x / v4.0) Normal cooldown rules apply for the given spell in the item.
-(v3.x / v4.0) An item that grants a talent adds +1 rank to that talent, EVEN IF
the talent is already maxed. If the character does not have the talent he gain
s the talent with 1 rank.
- (v3.x / v4.0) Multiple items containing spells may be equipped at any given ti
Quote from: Item Example
A sword is found with the spell Lightning contained within. The spell has a coo
ldown of one. The fighter in the group decides he will keep the sword. The nex
t combat could proceed as follows:
Round 1 - Fighter casts Lightning from the sword with a check value of 10 (as hi
s TA is an abysmal 3). The check succeeds.
Round 2 - Fighter attacks normally (Lightning cooldown).
Round 3 - Fighter casts lightning from sword.
Round 4 - Fighter attacks normally (Lightning cooldown).
Round 5 - Repeat until mob is dead.
A mage comes into possession of the same sword. In this case, the mage has alre
ady learned the lightning spell and happens to have it active going into battle.
The combat could proceed as follows:
Round 1 - Mage casts Lightning from memory
Round 2 - Mage casts Lightning from sword using the mage's more respectable TA o
f 14 (Lightning from memory cooldown).
Round 3 - Mage casts Lightning from memory (Lightning from sword cooldown).
Round 4 - Mage casts Lightning from sword (Lightning from memory cooldown).
Round 5 - Repeat until mob is dead.
If the mage did NOT already know the Lightning spell, he could still cast the sp
ell from the sword while casting a different spell from memory (i.e. arrow of li
- (ver3.x / ver4.0) A wand is only usable by a spellcaster.
- (ver3.x / ver4.0) A wand does NOT function like an item. That is to say, ther
e is not a spell contained WITHIN the wand. The wand operates more as a focus o
r instant recall device.
- (ver3.x / ver4.0) Normal cooldown rules for the given spell apply.
- (ver3.x / ver4.0) If the wand spell is known by the caster, the spell may be c
ast without a Change Spells check. If the spell is NOT known by the spellcaster
, then the wand does nothing.
- (ver3.x / ver4.0) Essentially, the wand allows another spell to be recalled in
stantly WITHOUT affecting the spell already activated.
- (ver3.x / ver4.0) If the GM approves, dual-wielding wands is perfectly accepta
ble. This will give a possible 3 spells (2 through wand, 1 active in memory) th
at can be instantly recalled. Only one spell is able to be cast per round.
Quote from: Wand Example
A wand of Fireray is found by a mage. The spell has a cooldown of 0. The mage
already knows Fireray and decides to keep a stronger spell (chain lightning; coo
ldown of 5) active in memory. The combat could proceed as follows:
Round 1 - Chain lightning (active in memory)
Round 2 - Fireray (no Change Spell check needed as allows casting without a Chan
ge Spell check; chain lightning cooldown)
Round 3 - Fireray (chain lightning cooldown)
Round 4 - Fireray (chain lightning cooldown)
Round 5 - Fireray (chain lightning cooldown)
Round 6 - Fireray (chain lightning cooldown)
Round 7 - Chain lightning (active in memory; active spell in memory doesn't chan
ge because of wand)
Round 8 - Repeat until mob is dead
Alternatively, the mage decides to switch between spells while using the wand.
The combat could proceed as follows:
Round 1 - Chain lightning from memory
Round 2 - Change Spells to Lightning (Chain lightning cooldown; Change Spells su
Round 3 - Lightning (chain lightning cooldown)
Round 4 - Fireray (no Change Spell needed as allows casting without a Change Spe
ll; chain lightning cooldown; lightning cooldown)
Round 5 - Lightning (active in memory; active spell in memory doesn't change bec
ause of wand; chain lightning cooldown)
Round 6 - Change Spells to Chain Lightning (Chain Lightning cooldown; Change Spe
lls Success)
Round 7 - Chain Lightning
Round 8 - Repeat until mob is dead
Spells (this section is being added to here and there as more clarifications com
e in)
- (ver3.x / ver4.0) The spell cooldown only applies on successful spell checks.
On an unsuccessful spell check, the mage may attempt to cast the spell again th
e next round.
- (ver4.0) If a critical success (1) is rolled on a Change Spell check, the spel
l may be cast immediately.
- (ver3.x / ver4.0 - working; currently unofficial) Spells do not stack. If a s
pell is cast on a person / thing that ALREADY has that spell cast on them, the s
pell has no effect. For purposes of cooldown, the spell is considered as succes
sful as long as the casting roll was successful.
- (ver4.0) Spells require both a somatic (mystical gestures) and a verbal compon
ent. If one of those two requirements cannot be met, the spell check is halved.
If both both cannot be met, the spell check is halved again.
- (ver4.0) When the spell uses calls for the use of the RE in range, duration, o
r spell effect, the stat defaults to 4. A character may use his RE score if it
is higher.
- (ver3.x / ver4.0) The number of total spells known is equal to the sum of each
successive character level.
Level 1 - 1 spell point
Level 2 - 3 spell points (1 + 2)
Level 3 - 6 spell points (1 + 2 + 3)
Level 4 - 10 spell points (1 + 2 + 3 + 4)
and so on.
So, at level 3, you have 6 spell points. As such, you could have 6 level 1 spel
ls, 3 level 2 spells, 2 level 3 spells, 1 level 4 and 1 level 2, or any combinat
ion that leads to 6. At first level, the spellcaster only knows one spell - the
spell chosen at character creation.

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