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Unit 3

(Bridging the gap)

Part 1: Match


1. Trim a. Trees, roses, bushes

2. Prune b. Legs, head
3. Mow c. Hedges, beard, hair, budget, photo
4. Clip d. Grass, lawn
5. Shave e. Nails, claws, hedges, beard, wool


1. Go to the dogs a. Protect, guide sb

2. Let the cat out of a bag b. In a clumsy and rough way
3. Like a bull in a China shop c. Slowly fall into bad state
4. Get sb’s goat d. An achievement to be proud of
5. Take sb under one’s wing e. Reveal a secret
6. A feather in one’s cap f. Make sb angry

Part 2: Fill in each blank with suitable word or phrase


Bear a grudge against Bear fruit Bear the brunt (of sth) Bear the marks Bear a charmed life

Bear close inspection Bear heavily on Bear sb any malice Bear oneself well

1. I hardy think his plan will _________________________________________________________.

2. For a child of eight, he _____________________________________ throughout the wedding
3. His long stretch in hospital _______________________________________ the struggling family.
4. The victim’s head _____________________________________________ of a blunt instrument.
5. I trust you won’t _____________________________________. Your name was unintentionally
6. He will always _______________________________________________ her for stealing his job.
7. He _____________________________________. He has been in three serious car accidents and
suffered no more than a scratch.
8. The headmaster _____________________________________the criticism for the school’s poor
academic record.
9. His years of study finally _____________________________________ when he was accepted by
the university.


Due course The right frame of mind favour of two minds the same boat its heyday

I am always in (1) _____________________________________ as to where to go on holiday. I really

have to be in (2) _____________________________________ to enjoy the noisy resorts my children
seem to like and I know my wife is in (3) _____________________________________. In (4)
___________________, one of our four children will probably decide our destination and just to keep
the pace, my wife and I will say we are in (5) _____________________________________ wherever
they have chosen. In (6) _____________________________________, my favorite resort was fun, but
now my kids say it was boring. According to them we should go somewhere more up-to-date. I am in no
mood to argue with them. And I sometimes feel I am in danger of losing the limited authority I thought I
had, but that’s parenthood.

Part 3: Gapped Sentence

1. You wouldn’t look like a drowned ________________________ if you had taken an umbrella.
Our new tenant seems all right but I smell a ________________________ for some reason.
It is a ________________________ race in the city these days.
2. Speak up, lad, or has the ________________________ got your tongue?
Don’t make too much noise as Uncle Tom’s taking a ________________________ nap.
He hasn’t a ________________________ in hell’s chance of passing his exams.
3. A little ________________________ tells me you are getting married.
Kim is a real early ________________________ but Ben lies in bed till noon.
We saw a lot of colorful parrots at the ________________________ sanctuary.
4. I missed her when she left, but in the ________________________ of time, I forgot her
If they had been asked, they would have paid their own expenses as a matter of
He insists that he will not quit but will stay the __________________.
5. I didn’t know that lovely cottage was for sale, so I missed the ____________________, as usual.
Philip tried to rock the _____________________, but just tell him the arrangements can’t be
He was very unsympathetic when I lost my job but he is in the same __________________ now.
6. You wouldn’t feel so sick if you hadn’t made a __________________ of yourself at dinner.
It was simple to put together, but you have made a __________________’s ear out of it.
You have bought a __________________ in a poke because you could not be bothered to check
it before you bought it.
7. I will repeat what I have said for the __________________ of those who came late.
The only __________________ of the new house is that it’s near the school.
Maybe he had nothing to do with it, so let’s give him the __________________ of the doubt.
8. That was a delicious dinner; a meal __________________ for a king.
I do not think she is a __________________ and proper person to babysit for us.
Unless you feel fully __________________, don’t run in this race.
9. The chaos on the motorway was __________________ to the fog.
The rent is __________________ on the 1 st working day of the month.
We will get to the details in __________________ course, but first we must decide on the date
of the conference.

Part 4: Guided Cloze


When dad is asked to do something, he does it. He does not (1) __________________. Last Saturday, for
instance, mum asked him to (2) __________________ the apple tree at the bottom of the garden, and
not to make a(n) (3) __________________ of it. Now, when dad’s in (4) __________________ he’s
capable of anything. Out comes the power saw and for the next two hours there is mayhem. Well, it
wasn’t his (5) __________________, really. He knows nothing about gardening but when he had
finished, the tree bore a close (6) __________________ to a rose bush – minus the blossom, that is.

1. a. beetle about b. monkey about c. beaver away d. duck behind

2. a. shave b. clip c. mow d. prune
3. a. pig’s ear b. lame duck c. early bird d. rat race
4. a. the same boat b. the right mood c. his heyday d. two minds
5. a. mistake b. blame c. fault d. error
6. a. witness b. relation c. grudge d. resemblance


Insomnia is a (1) __________________ problem that can disrupt your whole life. One of the most
natural ways of getting back into a normal sleep (2) __________________ is to take a supplement
containing herb extracts. This can help you enjoy a refreshing night’s sleep without the side effects
associated (3) __________________ some drugs. Avoid taking a (4) __________________ during the
day as this will make it more difficult to sleep at night. Take regular exercise, but avoid (5)
__________________ activity late in the evenings, as this will keep you awake. Alcohol may help you fall
asleep, but you are likely to have a disturbed sleep once the effect has (6) __________________ off.

1. a. painful b. distressing c. grieving d. sorrowful

2. a. figure b. sample c. example d. pattern
3. a. with b. of c. at d. on
4. a. dip b. doze c. nap d. repose
5. a. strenuous b. tiresome c. eager d. keen
6. a. left b. been c. worn d. come

I can bear __________________ to the fact that my younger brother is a pest. One day he said he was
going to study in his room but he can’t __________________ me. I waited for a while then went in
search of him. He was on the roof of doing something to the television aerial. “Why must you
__________________ with that?” I asked. “Because there’s no picture on the screen. I moved it by
__________________ and now I’m trying to put it right.” I could see he was in __________________ of
falling so I went and got the long ladder. Later, dad said I was to __________________ for it as I was
older. As I said, my younger brother is a pest.

1. a. fruit b. witness c. ill will d. relation

2. a. monkey b. hound c. dog d. fox
3. a. beetle about b. monkey around c. duck behind d. beaver away
4. a. mistake b. fault c. blame d. wrong
5. a. jeopardy b. favor c. danger d. keeping
6. a. error b. fault c. wrong d. blame

Part 5: Open Cloze

Endangered Species

The future of the African elephant depends on man. No longer can human beings and wild animals live
in harmony throughout vast areas of the continent, as was possible in days gone (1) ________________
for man’s needs have increased as well as (2) __________________ numbers. There are regions such as
the Congo forests and the equatorial Sudan, where the old relationship may remain for a few more
years or even generations, but in general it has gone. Conservation, if it is to be effective, (3)
__________________ be a positive, constructive policy, and it is wishful thinking to imagine (4)
__________________, particularly in the case of elephant. And if this is not yet true of the whole of
Africa, it soon will be, for the increase in the human population is almost universal. Where human
beings and wild animals find (5) __________________ in competition with each other, the animals will
lose. Even if (6) __________________ appears to be enough room for both, man will not tolerate (7)
__________________ long a situation in which elephants and other creatures make even occasional
raids (8) __________________ his fields of food or crops. For many years (9) __________________ has
been a major cause of conflicting interests and one of the reasons why so many elephants have been
shot to control (10) __________________ numbers.

Part 6: Sentence Transformation

1. I have spent all day on a useless search for Polish brandy. (wild)
 I have _________________________________________________ all day for Polish brandy.
2. Your ideal weight is relative to your height. (proportion)
 Your weight should _________________________________________________ your height.
3. It was your fault not mine. (in)
 You ____________________________________________________________________ me.
4. Only a miracle will save them now. (short)
 Nothing ___________________________________________________________ them now.
5. How can you put up with him? (bear)
 How __________________________________________________________________ him?
6. He still has scars from the car accident. (bears)
 He still _______________________________________________________ the car accident.

Part 1:
1-c; 2-a; 3-d; 4-e; 5-b
1-c; 2-e; 3-b; 4-f; 5-a
Part 2:
1. Bear close inspection
 Bear close inspection: be satisfactory when looked at
2. Bears/bore himself well
 Bear oneself well: hold oneself/behave well
3. Bears/bore heavily on
 Bear heavily on: be a cause of suffering to sb
4. Bear/bore the marks
 Bear the marks: have scars on your face
5. Bear me any malice
 Bear sb malice: have bad feelings towards
6. Bear a grudge against
 Bear a grudge against: have bad feelings towards sb because of sth bad they have
done to you in the past.
7. Bears/bore a charmed life
 Bear a charmed life: have a lucky life
8. Bore the brunt of
 Bear the brunt of sth: sustain/experience the main impact/ force of an attack
9. Bore fruit
 Bear fruit: have a successful result
1. Two minds
2. The right frame of mind
 Be in the right frame of mind = be in the right mood
3. The same boat
4. Due course
5. Favor of
6. Its heyday
Part 3:
1. Rat
2. Cat
 Cat has got one’s tongue: said of/ to people unwilling/ too shy to speak
 Haven’t a cat in hell’s chance: has no chance of
3. Bird
 A little bird: a reliable source
4. Course
 Stay the course: continue sth through to its end despite difficulties
 As a matter of course: that which one expects to happen
5. Boat
6. Pig
 Make a pig of oneself: greedily consume food
 Buy a pig in a poke: buy/ agree to sth without first judging its value
7. Benefit
 For the benefit of: as a courtesy to; as a means of helping
8. Fit
 Fit for a king: right and suitable
 Fit and proper: suitable
 Feel fit: healthy; in good physical condition
9. Due
Part 4:
1. b
 monkey about: behave in a silly, playful way; try to mend sth
2. d
3. a
4. b
5. c
6. d
1. b
2. d
3. a
4. c
5. a
6. c
1. b
2. d
 fox (v): confuse, deceive, fool sb
3. b
4. a
5. c
6. d
Part 5:
1. by
2. his
3. should/ must
4. otherwise
5. themselves
6. there
7. for
8. on
9. this
10. their
Part 6:
1. been on a wild goose chase
2. (ideally) be in proportion to
3. Was in the wrong, not
4. Short of a miracle will save
5. Can you bear with
6. Bears scars from

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