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Acquire and Access Data Using

NoSQL Database
Course Road Map

Lesson 5: Introduction to the Hadoop

Module 1: Big Data Management System Distributed File System (HDFS)

Lesson 6: Acquire Data using CLI, Fuse-

Module 2: Data Acquisition and Storage DFS, and Flume

Lesson 07: Acquire and Access Data

Module 3: Data Access and Processing
Using NoSQL Database

Module 4: Data Unification and Analysis Lesson 08: Primary Administrative Tasks
for NoSQL Database

Module 5: Using and Managing Oracle

Big Data Appliance


After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

• Describe NoSQL Database characteristics
• Differentiate NoSQL from RDBMS and HDFS
• Describe NoSQL Database benefits
• Load and remove data in an NoSQL DB
• Retrieve data from an NoSQL DB

What is a NoSQL Database?

• Is a key-value database
• Is accessible by using Java APIs
• Stores unstructured or semi-structured data
as byte arrays
• NoSQL Database is a nonrelational database

• Easy to install and configure
• Highly reliable
• General-purpose database system
• Scalable throughput and predictable latency
• Configurable consistency and durability

RDBMS Compared to NoSQL


High-value, high-density, complex data Low-value, low-density, simple data

Complex data relationships Very simple relationships

Joins Avoids joins

Schema-centric, structured data Unstructured or semi-structured data

Designed to scale up (not out) Distributed storage and processing

Well-defined standards Standards not yet evolved

Database-centric Application- and developer-centric

High security Minimal or no security

RDBMS Compared to NoSQL

HDFS Compared to NoSQL


File system Database

No inherent structure Simple data structure

Batch-oriented Real-time

Processes data to use Delivers a service

Bulk storage Fast access to specific records

Write once, read many Read, write, delete, update

Points to Consider Before Choosing NoSQL

When deciding on an applications database technology,

you should analyze:
• The data to be stored
– High volume with low value?
If answer is “yes,” NoSQL is a good choice.
• The application schema
– Dynamic?
If answer is “yes,” NoSQL is a good choice.

NoSQL Key-Value Data Model
Each record consists of a key-value pair.

Key Component Value Component

Major keys Minor Keys - Byte Array OR AVRO Schema

{“name" : “User",
name fname lname "namespace" :
" avro",
"type" : "record“,
user/userid subscriptions expiration date [{"name": “userId",
"type": “Integer",
"default": 0}
picture .jpg ]

Acquiring and Accessing Data in a NoSQL DB

Primary Tasks
• Creating Tables
– Create a table (parent or child)
– Add the table to the KVStore
• Adding or Removing Data
– Use the Table API
– Insert Rows
– Delete Rows
• Reading Data
– Retrieve a single record
– Retrieve multiple records

7 - 10
Primary (Parent) Table Data Model

Table Name
Primary Key1 Field 1 Field 2 Field 3

Table Name : User

Primary Key “Value”

userId firstName lastName

7 - 11
Table Data Model: Child Tables

Table Name : User

Primary Key “Value”

userId firstName lastName

Child Table Name: Folder

Primary Key “Value”

UserID Folder Arrival From To Sender CC Subject Msg

Name Date Body

7 - 12
Creating Tables

7 - 13
Creating Tables: Two Options

1 2


7 - 14
Accessing the CLI

Access the CLI by invoking the runadmin utility or the

kvcli.jar file.
java -jar $KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar runadmin
-port <port number>
-host <host name>

java -jar $KVHOME/lib/kvcli.jar
-port <port number>
-host <host name>
-store kvstore

7 - 15
Executing a DDL Command

7 - 16
Viewing Table Descriptions

All Tables in KVStore

execute "show tables"
execute "show AS JSON

Specific Table
execute "describe AS
JSON table <tablename>

7 - 17
Recommendation: Using Scripts

Use scripts for all database operations:

• This is the recommended approach.
• Prevents accidental errors/typos.
• Consistent store environment through
all cycles of development, testing,
and deployment.
java -jar $KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar runadmin
-port <port number>
-host <host name>
load –file <path to script>

kv> load –file <path to script>

7 - 18
Loading Data Into Tables

7 - 19
Write Operations: put() Methods

put putIfAbsent putIfPresent putIfVersion

Writes to the table Writes to the table
Writes to the table Writes to the table
irrespective of only if the record
only if the record is only if the record is
whether the record present is same as
not already present already present
is present or not a specified version
Definite write Creation Updates

7 - 20
Writing Rows to Tables: Steps

To write a row into a table, perform the following steps:

1. Obtain TableAPI handle.
2. Construct handle to the table.
3. Create a Row object.
4. Add field values to the row.
5. Write the row to the table.

7 - 21
Reading Data from Tables

7 - 22
Read Operations: get() Methods

get multiGet multiGetIterator tableIterator

Retrieves a Retrieves a set Retrieves a set of
Retrieves a set of records
single record of records from records or indexes
from the table in batches
from the table the table from the table
- Atomic non-atomic non-atomic
- - single thread multiple threads

7 - 23
Removing Data From Tables

7 - 24
Delete Operations: 3 TableAPIs

delete multiDelete deleteIfVersion

Deletes a single record
Deletes a single record Deletes multiple records from a table if the version
from a table from tables of the record is same as a
specified version

7 - 25

After completing this lesson, you learned how to:

• Describe NoSQL Database characteristics
• Differentiate NoSQL from RDBMS and HDFS
• Describe NoSQL Database benefits
• Load and remove data in an Oracle NoSQL DB
• Retrieve data from an NoSQL DB

7 - 26

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