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Proceedings: The 15th International Seminar On Double Layer Capacitors,

Deerfield Beach, FL., U.S.A., December 5-7, 2005.

Capacitance Characterization Methods and

Ageing Behaviour of Supercapacitors
University of Applied Sciences, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring 23, D-92224 Amberg, Germany

Maxwell Technologies, CH-1728 Rossens, Switzerland

Abstract. Commercial MAXWELL capacitors were investigated by ac impedance spectroscopy, chronoampero-

metry, constant current discharge and other transient techniques in order to determine rated capacitances reliably.
Capacitance is outlined as a dynamic quantity that depends on the voltage and the state of charge of the
supercapacitor. Capacitance is devided up in a double-layer capacitance at the “outer” electrode surface and a
pseudocapacitance due to slow electrochemical processes depending on voltage: C = C0 + kU. Rated capacitance
is determined as the differential capacitance at 50% or 75% of the rated voltage U0, advantageously.

The University of Applied Sciences in Amberg is

situated not far from Nuremburg in the south-west of
Germany. Since the 1990s, manifold R & D activities
have been carried out in the field of supercapacitors in
tight cooperation with HYDRA/AEG [ 1 ], DORNIER/

1 Capacitance: a linear function of voltage

Capacitance, electric charge and energy of a bipolar
supercapacitor were studied as functions of voltage.
The investigation was based on discharge charac-
teristics presented in the 1997 seminar [3]. At that time,
we demonstrated the impressive power and efficiency
of a 30 V/65 F supercapacitor by starting a Mercedes Fig. 1: Starting a Mercedes C220 with a 30 V/65 F superca-
C220 on a spring morning at an ambient temperature of pacitor (bipolar metal oxide technology, 4 Wh/ℓ, 1.3 Wh/kg).
12 °C. The battery was completely disconnected from
the starter, and the supercapacitor in Figure 1 replaced 12

the battery completely. The transients of capacitor 10 Discharge current

Discharge Current / A

ca. 11 A
current and voltage were recorded during cranking by 30 8
help of an oscilloscope. The mean values of power and 25

energy were calculated as functions of instanteneous 4 4 3 2 1

2 60% rated
current and voltage. 2
Voltage / V

20 voltage

During cranking an almost constant electric power 3

0 50 100 150
Discharge Time / s
200 250 300
of 1 kW was measured. A single start required an
electric charge of 150 As and a minimum capacitance 10
40% rated
of 33 F. ∆U dropped to 4.5 V depending on the
operating voltage of the starter (12–18 V). 5

According to the recommendations of EUCAR [4] – 0

an European association of DAIMLERCHRYSLER, Fiat, 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Opel, PSA, Renault, Rover, Volkswagen, and Volvo – Di schar ge Ti me / s

capacitance was determined by help of the voltage drop Fig. 2: Constant current discharge characteristics of the su-
∆U from 60% to 40% of the rated voltage (see Fig. 2). percapacitor at different operating voltages (states of charge).

For capacitance determination, EUCAR recommends a Tab. 1: Differential capacitance of the supercpacitor in
discharge current of 5 mA/F (single cell). Thus: Figure 1 determined by constant current discharge at different
applied volages (see Figure 2).
0.005 A/F · 30 cells · 65 F ≈ 10 A
Capacitance determined by discharge characteristics dQ dt I ⋅(t 2 −t1 )
C= =I = (0.6 ... 0.4·U0)
strongly depends on the discharge current and the dU dU U 1 −U 2
voltage (state of charge) of the capacitor. U1 I ∆t Q ∆U dU/dt C
Electric charge and energy in Figure 3 were calculated V A s As V V/s F
by numerical integration of the total discharge 12 10.8 9.3 101 2.4 0.253 42
characteristics with respect to time (see Figure 4). 18 10.9 17 186 3.4 0.200 55
ƒ At constant discharge currents (12, 25, 50, 100 A) 24 11.0 26 286 4.7 0.182 60
electric charge depends on the applied voltage. This is 30 11.0 35 387 5.9 0.169 65
consistent with the fact that the electric charge should
be the product of capacitance and voltage. However,
C depends on U.
Q(U ) = ∫ I (t ) d t = C (U ) ⋅ U
0 Capacitance Electric Charge Available Energy
ƒ The mean least squares fit curve over all the 100 2500 12

measurements at 25, 50 and 100 A shows that integral F C kJ 3 Wh


capacitance depends linearly on the applied voltage. 80 2000


0.5 Ah
Q(U ) 70

C (U ) = = C0 + k·U ≈ 60 F + 0.14 F · U 60
2 Wh

50 6
Capacitance seems to be an approximately linear 40 Discharge Current 1000 0.25 Ah
function of voltage: C(U) = C0 + k ·U, whereby C0 is 30
25 A 4 1 Wh

the capacitance at 0 V. 20
50 A
100 A 500

As we will outline in section 2.3, capacitance 10


calculated by C = ∆Q/∆U = I ∆t/∆U in the given 0 0 0

voltage window ∆U = (0.6 – 0.4)·U0 at constant 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

O p e r a t i n g V o l t a g e / V
current I strongly depends on whether the slope
∆U/∆t was determined accurately. The value of this
differential capacitance may be smaller or larger than
the integral capacitance of the total discharge Fig. 3: Integral capacitance, electric charge and available
energy of a 30 V/65 F supercapacitor at different discharge
characteristics C = ∫ I dt / ∆U.
currents and voltages. Data from integration method.
ƒ The available energy approximately shows the expec-
ted squared dependence on voltage: W ≈ ½·60 F · U2.
Understanding C(U) as a function of voltage, we get:
d Q d(C(U )U ) d([C0 +kU ]U ) dU
I= = = = (C0 +2kU ) 120
1 Peak load: 100 A 30

dt dt dt dt Operating voltage / V
C a p a c ito r V o lta g e / V

12 18 24 30
Q 1 ∆U 3

C (U ) = = ∫ (C0 + 2kU ) dU = C0 + k ∆U 100 20

12 V

∆U ∆U 0 15
18 V
24 V
30 V
∆t 80
Discharge Current / A


W = ∫ U (t ) ⋅ I (t ) d t = ∫ U d Q = ∫ U d[C (U )U ] 5
0 60

= ∫ U (C0 + 2kU ) d U = C0U + kU

2 2
50 A
0 10 20 30
Discharge Time / s

The notion of capacitance is well understood when it is
constant in the voltage domain. In the case of a voltage
25 A
linear dependency, a clear difference must be done
ƒ between the C-coefficient in the relation linking the 0
current amplitude and the voltage time variation and
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
ƒ the C-coefficient linking the charge and the voltage.
Discharge Time / s
What we are used to call the capacitance is in the
constant case the C-coefficient which is equal for both Fig. 4: Discharge characteristics at different voltages and
relations. This insight is verified in the following. currents, which lead to the results in Figure 3.

2 How capacitance depends on voltage and state-of-charge

2.1 Which rated capacitance is correct?

This section deals with feasible methods for industrial 500 Maxwell 325 F
quality assurance during the fabrication of supercapa- Maxwell 350 F differential
citors. As capacitance depends on voltage – see 450 capacitance 10 A
2.5 V
section 1 – it does not astonish that diverse transient
techniques yield different results (Figure 5). 400 integral
2.5 V
ƒ ac impedance spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry capacitance
provide differential capacitances which depend on 350 1A

Capacitance / F
voltage. The integral average value – or the
differential capacitance at one half of the rated 300
voltage – we consider to be one of the most accurate
and reliable value that can be given for the rated 250 0V
capacitance of a commercial supercapacitor.
200 0V
ƒ The simple method decribed in IEC 40/1378 [8], by

Cyclic voltammetry: 1 mV/s

which the linear drop of the rated voltage from 80%

Discharge (Integration)
to 40% is evaluated, provides the highest capaci-
tance values of all methods.

Current response

Discharge (IEC)

ac impedance
The molecules at the electrochemical interface

Charge: 2.5 V
between electrode and electrolyte show a nonlinear 50
response to the electric field. Capacitive and Faradaic
charges coexist. This charge, divided by the potential 0
range from which it is transferred, constitutes a uncharged fully charged
pseudocapacitance since it is not associated with a
purely capacitive phenomenon.Transient techniques, Fig. 5: Capacitance of Maxwell capacitors (BCAP0350)
determined by different measuring techniques, which cause
which generate fast voltage changes, reflect the fast
a different state-of-charge of the capacitor.
charge/discharge processes with “frozen” diffusion at
the outer electrode surface. At slow voltage changes
the slow electrode reactions in the inner electrode
surface (strongly depending on voltage) additionally
contribute to the measured capacitance values (see Fig. 6: Model for the capacitance of a supercapacitor due to
Figure 6 and the followig sections). the double-layer C0 and faradic reactions C(U).

Interfacial capacitance
Charge transfer
Pore diffusion

C = C0 + const · U

Surface capacitance Bulk capacitance and electrokinetics

Charge of outer electrode surface Charge of inner electrode surface
at fast change of voltage (high frequency) at slow change of voltage (low frequency)

2.2 Capacitance: a mirror of electrokinetics The frequency response of differential capacitance
reflects the different time domains of fast surface
In Fig. 7/8 the frequency response of capacitance of a charging and slow faradic reactions in the “inner”
Panasonic “GoldCap” [5] and a Maxwell “BCAP0350” surface of the porous electrodes [7, 10]. Capacitance at
are shown at different dc voltages applied by a high frequencies – caused by the dielectric properties of
potentiostat. Both capacitors show qualitatively the the electrode/electrolyte interface – does not depend on
same dependence on voltage, although the electrolytes voltage. But capacitance at low frequencies is
are based on propylene carbonate and acetonitrile, determined by the overvoltage of the kinetically
respectively. The electrodes consist of active carbon in inhibited charge transfer and mass transport processes.
both cases, but the preparation method is different. We define rated capacitance Cn at 75% of the rated
The capacitance values found both by impedance dc voltage U0 (for ac impedance, Fig. 7) or 50%·U0
spectroscopy and by integration of the discharge (transient techniques, Fig. 10), respectively.
characteristics are in good agreement.

12 2.5 V 200
Discharge curve
1.8 V 180
0.05 Hz
1.4 V 160
10 0.8 V 10
0.1 Hz
Capacitance / F


I / mA



6 6

C(U) =C(U)
C0 += const
C0 + kU



4 0 4
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5

2 2 U0/2 0.75 U0
1 Hz
Panasonic 10 F 10 Hz
0 0
0.02 0,1 1 5 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5
Frequency / Hz Voltage / V

Impedance (0.01 Hz) Discharge curve C = Q/∆U

2,5 V 12.1 12.5 – 14.4 F Leakage current
1.8 11.7 11.1 – 12.2 corrected, Double-layer Faradaic reactions
1.4 11.4 10.7 – 12.3 not corrected
at „outer“ surface at „inner“ surface
0.75 10.5 9.9 – 10.7

Fig. 7: Frequency response of capacitance of a PANASONIC 10 F/2.5 V-supercapacitor at different voltages.

2.5 V
2.0 V 1 mHz
1.5 V 0.01 Hz
300 rated capacitance
1.0 V 350 0.1 Hz
250 0.5 V 300
0 V
Capacitance / F

Capacitance / F

200 250

100 1 Hz
U0/2 0.75 U0
10 Hz
0 0
0.01 0.1 1 10 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
f / Hz Voltage / V
Fig. 8: Frequency response of differential capacitance of a Maxwell BCAP0350 capacitor (left: data from [12], right: [13]).

2.3 Integral and differential capacitance 2,0

The approximately linear dependence of capacitance on 1,5

voltage C(U) = C0 + k·U can be understood by help of Q = 844 C, C = 337 F
the cyclic voltammogram. A supercapacitor may have 1,0
a differential capacitance dQ/dU (at some voltage),
Q = 857 C, C = 343 F
with a corresponding medium integral capacitance 0,5

Current / A
Q/∆U (in some wide voltage window). Q = 865 C, C = 346 F
By help of electric charge, we describe the pseudo-
1 mV/s
capacitance of a supercapacitor as a differential
quantity which depends on the scan rate v of voltage.
2.5 mV/s
ƒ Electric charge (in Figure 9) -1,0
1 ∆U dU
Q = ∫ I (t ) d t = ∫ I (U ) d U and v= -1,5
0 v 0 dt 5 mV/s
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5
ƒ Integral capacitance: mean of differential capacitance Voltage / V
Q 1 ∆U Fig. 9: Detemination of integral capacitance of a MAXWELL
C= =
∆U ∆U 0
∫ C (U ) ⋅ d U = C(U0/2) supercapacitor (350 F, 2.5 V) by cyclic voltammetry.
ƒ Differential capacitance at v = const (in Figure 10)
d Q I (U ) dQ dU
C (U ) = = and I = =C = C⋅v
dU v dt dt mV/s
ƒ Available energy 450 C(U) = 241 F + 85 U/V (99,8%) 1
∆t U2 U2 C(U) = 245 F + 81 U/V (99,8%) 2.5
W = ∫ U (t ) ⋅ I (t ) d t = ∫ Q d U = ∫ C (U ) ⋅U d U C(U) = 248 F + 78 U/V (99,9%) 5 Oxidation
0 U1 U1 400

If C were constant only, it holds: W = 12 C (U 22−U 12 )

Integral (rated) capacitance

The extremely broad current peaks in Figure 9 reveal Reduction

the heterogeneity of the electrode surface. Current and

electric charge are qualitatively related to the 300
penetration depth of the signal (concentration wave)
into the porous electrode materials [6, 7].
a) Low scan rates reflect the behaviour of the capacitor
in the dc case: I ~ v and Q ~ v-1/2 due to slow U0/2
diffusion controlled processes, when the “inner” 200
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5
surface is accessed by the electroactive ions from the
Voltage / V
electrolyte. In Figure 9 electric charge equals
Fig. 10: Differential capacitance of a MAXWELL supercapa-
Q(v) = 332 C + 15 (v in mV/s)–1/2 (fit quality 93%) citor BCAP0350 (350 F, 2.5 V) at different scan rates
b) At high scan rates v current and sweep rate are
proportional: I ~ v and Q ~ v–1. Voltammetric charge
shows “frozen” diffusion. Fast electrode reactions
Peak current I / A
Voltammetric charge Q / As

determine the capacitance at the “outer” surface. inner surface

slope C
1 outer surface
Q~ I~v
2.4 Practical benefit for capacitor fabrication v

Timesaving techniques of capacitance measurement are

required for industrial quality control. The quasi-linear inner surface
outer surface
relationship in Figure 10 is useful to determine rated Q ~ 1/v I~ v
capacitances by measurements at lower test voltages –
which require less time for charging. Scan rate v / Vs–1 Scan rate v / Vs–1
Rated C 241 F+ 85 F/V⋅1.25 V 347 F Fig. 11: Voltammetric charge in a given voltage window
= = = 1.064 (left) and peak current at a given voltage (right) depend on
Test C (0.5 V) 241 F+ 85 F/V⋅0.5 V 326 F
the scan rate of voltage [7].

3 Constant current discharge at rated voltage

3.1 Discharge according to IEC 40/1378 ƒ Electric power reflects the maximum current the
supercapitor is able to supply, when it is discharged
The easy method in Figure 12 according to the IEC to the half of its rated voltage.
40/1378 standard [8] provides a more or less correct 80% + 40%  ∆U
estimation of the actual capacitance of a super- P =  U 0 I = 0.6 ⋅ U 0 I = 0.6 ⋅ U 0 ⋅ R
 2  R
capacitor. The supercapacitor is fully charged at its
rated dc voltage for 24 hours. Then, the power source 3.2 Integration of the discharge curve
is cut off, and the capacitor is discharged by help of an Exact measurements require to integrate the current
electronic load at a constant current of about 5 mA/F. flowing through the capacitor with respect to time
ƒ Capacitance is measured by help of the period of (Figure 13). The correction of leakage currents
time t2–t1, during which the voltage accross the I(t→∞) may be neglected in most cases.
capacitor declines from 80 % to 40 % of the applied The higher the discharge current, the higher is the
voltage U0. At high currents, the linear voltage capacitance. Moreover, capacitance depends on the
region in the discharge characteristics becomes discharge time, until a constant value is reached. At
smaller and smaller, and the error of the capacitance operating voltages lower than the rated voltage of 2.5
calculated by C = I ∆t/∆U increases dramatically. V, smaller capacitance values result.
The linear relation of differential capacitance and The discharge method captures capacitance at a
current I = C dU/dt holds for capacitors with low certain voltage and state-of-charge – i. e. capacitance
internal resistance. Table 2 compiles the theoretical comprises the “outer” double-layer capacitace of the
corrections for equivalent circuits which take electrode/electrolyt interface and the “inner” pseudo-
account of the series resistance R1 (electrolyte capacitance of the slow, diffusion controlled faradaic
resistance) and the dc leakage resistance R2 reactions in the electrode pores. Thus, in the electric
(polarization resistance in parallel) in real field at 2,5 V a higher capacitance is observed than at
supercapacitors. 1,5 V. Capacitance shows the linear dependence on
ƒ Internal resistance. The voltage drop ∆UR = IR is voltage C(U) = C0 + const·U as mentioned above (see
determined as the point of intersection between the also [ 9 ] for capacitors of different manufacturers).
linearly extrapolated voltage curve and the time axis Therefore, capacitance strongly depends on the voltage
immediately after closing the discharge circuit. window which is passed during discharge.

> 30 min Switch
80 %
Current sink
Power source

10 A I ⋅ (t 2 − t1 ) V
1,5 330 F U1 − U 2

326 F 352 F 40 %

■ Capacitance
mostly too high
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
10 ■ Constant current
8 for a short time only
■ ~75% of stored energy

at U0/2 is captured
2 constant current
33 ■ Average power: 1,5 V · I
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Fig. 12: IEC 40/1378: Discharge characteristics of MAXWELL BCAP 325 F and 350 F (dahed line) at different currents

Maxwell 325 F / 2.5 V

■ Electric charge
Discharge at 10 A:
I/A Q = 734 As Q(t) = ∫ I(t) dt
Discharge at 1 A:
2 Q = 653 As

2,0 ■ Capacitance (R→0)

1,5 1A
Q (t )
10 A C (t ) =
U 0 − U (t )
350 Capacitance ■ Peak power at U0/2
300 1A 10 A U 02
250 320 F 361 F Pmax =
4 Ri
Power (in W)
0 200 400 t/s 600 800 1000

Fig. 13: Determination of capacitance by integration of the discharge characteristics (MAXWELL BCAP, 325 F).
Dashed lines: The capacitance values reached at half of the rated voltage read 327 F (at 1 A) and 337 F (at 10 A).
The internal resistance may be neglected (R ≈ 0.002 Ω, see Figure 15, causes an error of ∆C < 1 F at U < 1.25 V).

Tab 2. Theoretical response of linear networks

Model of the Voltage step Current step Linear voltage sweep
capacitor (Chronoamperometry) (Chronovoltametry) (Voltamperometry)
and constant current discharge

U0 I0 U0

0 t 0 t t0 t

a) If a perturbation signal were applied to a capacitor, its answer function is obtained by LAPLACE
transformation of the transfer function Z(p) = [pC1]–1 = U(p)/I(p), whereby p = jω.
U ( p) U 0 1 I U ( p) v 1 vC
I ( p) = = : = U 0 C U ( p ) = Z ( p ) ⋅ I ( p ) = 20 I ( p) = = 2 : =
C1 Z ( p) p pC1 p C Z ( p) p pC p
⇒ I (t ) = U 0 C δ ( t ) I0 t dU
U (t ) = I (t ) = C v = C
C dt
b) LAPLACE transformation of the transfer function Z(p) = R1 + [pC1]–1 = U(p)/I(p)
R1 C1

I (t ) =
U 0 −t / τ
⋅e U (t ) =
I0 t
+ R1 I 0 [
I (t ) = C v ⋅ 1 − e − t / τ ]
τ = R1C1
C U ( p) 1 R + R + pR1 R2 C
c) LAPLACE transformation of the transfer function Z ( p) = = R1 + = 1 2
I ( p) pC1 +1 / R2 1+ pR2 C

R1 R2
I (t ) =
 R2 − t / τ 
1 + R1 e
R1 + R2  [ ]
U (t ) = R1 I 0 + R2 I 0 1 − e −t / τ I (t )= R +R 1− e
2 vR C 
−t / τ +
1 2
R1  − t / τ t  
R1+R2 
e + −1 
τ 
τ= 1 2 and I(t=0) = 0
R1 + R2

4 Chronoamperometry for industrial use

We present Chronoamperometry (current response With switching on the power source at the point of
after a voltage step) as a simple method to determine time t = 0, the applied voltage jumps from 0 V to U0 =
the rated capacitance of supercapacitors in industrial 2,5 V. A current peak occurs, followed by an approxi-
quality control within a few seconds. mately linear decrease of current dI/dt within about 3
Before the measurement, the capacitor terminations seconds. At longer times, the charge curve shows an
are short-circuited for at least 30 minutes. The rated exponential decay (see Figure 14).
voltage is applied and the current response – measured The experimental setup allows swift reiterations of
as voltage drop across a shunt – is recorded using an the measurements. The error (standard deviation) of
oscillosope. 15 single measurements is given Table 3. The series
As the total current flows across C at the beginning resistance of the capacitor including contact resistance
of charging (t→0), R2 can be neglected in circuit c) in was about 0.02 Ω.
Table 2. R2 has no effect on the initial slope of current Chronoamperometry – just as ac impedance
dI/dt. Capacitance in circuit b) after the voltage step spectroscopy at frequencies above 0.1 Hz – reflects the
reads: double layer capacitance C0 of the uncharged capacitor
dI U without the slow faradic reactions controlled by pore
lim = − 20 ⇒
t → 0+ d t R1 C diffusion.
U0 U0 The linear function C(U) = C0 + k·U in Fig. 10,
C=− wherein R1 = which is once determined for the prototype of a series
dI I (t = 0 )
R12 ⋅ of commercial supercapacitors, allows to extrapolate
dt t =0
R1 sum of standard resistor (shunt), contact resistances the C0 value for usual rated voltages (see section 2.4).
and series resistance of the capacitor
R2 internal parallel resistance of the supercapacitor Tab. 3: Maxwell BCAP capacitors: time window ∆t = 3 s.
Capacitor R1 / Ω dI/dt C /F Error
We used a power source (GOSSEN SSP 62 N) with in A/s ∆C in %
current limitation switched off, and a 0,1 Ω standard BCAP325 0,12 –0,7 237 ± 1,3 ± 0,53 %
resistor of high quality (BURSTER). BCAP350 0,12 –0,7 252 ± 1,6 ± 0,63 %

C = 250 F, R1 = 0.12 Ω



Current / A


4 R2 = 1 Ω
R2 > 1000 Ω
shunt 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time / s
Derivative / A s

-0,3 dI/dt
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time / s

Fig. 14.: Left: Experimental setup for chronoamperometry (left). Right: Calculated current decay after a voltage step of
2.5 V, whereby the internal resistance R2 in the circuit in Table 2 c) is varied between leakage (1 Ω) and isolation (1000 Ω).

5 Ageing of supercapacitors

5.1 ac Impedance Spectroscopy: We stressed in the last year seminar [10] that the
the effect of a heat treatment “leakage resistance” R2 – due to the charge transfer
and faradaic reactions in the porous electrodes –
In the ageing test MAXWELL supercapacitors cannot be neglected, because supercapacitors show
(BCAP0350) were charged at a constant voltage of 2.5 considerable leakage currents and self discharge.
V and at an ambient temperature of 70 °C for 1000 Therefore, capacitance must be written in a parallel
hours. Figure 15 shows that the increase of resistance equivalent circuit (see Table 2 c, whereby R1 < 10 mΩ
is more pronounced than the deterioration of may be neglected) or a more complicated equivalent
capacitance. circuit (see Figure 15). At low frequencies only, there
a) Internal resistance increases by a factor of 3 to is no difference between the parallel capacitance C = Im
4.5 during the thermal treatment at 70°C for 1000 h. Y/ω and the series capacitance model C = –[ω Im Z]–1.
The changes equal some milliohms and contain Furthermore, the mass transfer impedance – due to
contact resistances. In the diagram of capacitance the diffusion and absorption of ions from the
versus resistance (Fig. 15 a) useful capacitance and electrolyte at the porous electrodes – cannot be
internal resistance (ESR) can directly be read. neglected. The current through a supercapacitor with
b) Capacitance does not significantly change in the equivalent circuit in Figure 16 reads:
1000 hours at 70°C. We know from further dU U
investigations that capacitance rather gets better than I = C1 + I faradic = pore
dt Rpore
worse by storing the capacitor at elevated
DELEVIE [ 11 ] solved this equation for a one-dimen-
temperatures. In Figure 15 a) capacitance was
sional pore of the length l. Its impedance reads [6]:
corrected by the electrolyte resistance RS to show the
actually efficient capacitance of 232 ± 2 F before and Z (j ω) = = a coth l ²b
1 b
after the heat treatment. This corresponds to C in the j ωC1 +
Z faradic
equivalent circuit in Table 2 c).
c) Maximum reactive power – as a relative Herein a is a constant depending on the electrolyte
measure of the maximum capacitance the capacitor resistance R1, the surface roughness S/A. Constant b
can supply – decreases from 417 var to 192 var. This additionally comprises the double-layer C1 and
corresponds to a theoretical decline of interfacial absorption capacitance C2, and the charge transfer
capacitance by 7% from 106 F to 98 F (see below). resistance R2. C2 and R2 are combined in Zfaradic.
RS aS  1 
a= 1 and b =  jωC1 + 
5.2 The nature of the ageing process: lA l  Z faradic 
analysis of the impedance spectra Figure 16 shows how thick porous layers reduce the
slope of the low-frequency straight line and increase the
It is noteworthy that the impedance spectra before and charge transfer arc. The striking high-frequent quarter
after the heat treatment are nearly congruent, except a circle, and the low-frequency 45° slope in the complex
shift of resistance (see Figure 16). plane plot occur with increasing surface roughness and
The change of resistance seems typical for an electrolyte resistance (constant a). We conclude:
“electrical” ageing process caused by the growth of A heat treament at 70 °C for 1000 hours does not
isolating interlayers or gas bubbles. On the other side, destroy the active mass of the capacitor. The ageing
the moderate decline of capacitance reflects the stability process is dominated by “electrical” factors more than
of the electrode/electrolyte interface. by electrochemical reactions. Reasons for the ageing
Furthermore, the maximum reactive power is may be traces of water and absorbed gases in the
reached at higher frequencies than the maximum of electrolyte and the electrodes [9].
capacitance (see Figure 15 a and c). This may be a hint
The Swiss PSI institute [ 12 ] predicts estimated
that ageing processes in the “outer” surface cause the
lifetimes of far more than ten years for supercapacitors
deterioration of capacitance.
based on carbon and acetonitrile. The speed of capaci-
In literature supercapacitors are often modelled by a
tance degradation is roughly doubled by a) a tempe-
RC series combination of a resistance RS and a
rature increase of 10 °C (above 20 °C) or b) a voltage
equivalent series capacitance CS. (which implies that
increase of 0.1 V (above 2,5 V). The estimated life-
the dc resistance R2 is infinitely high)
time at 70°C would be 8.5 to 12.5 times shorter than
Im Z = |Z| sin φ ⇒ C = the hypothetical lifetime of 200 years – consequently,
2πf ⋅Im Z
the capacitor would work for 16 to 23 years.

a) 240 0.005 Hz b) 0
232 F 0.1 Hz
220 1

180 3 -40

Im Z / mΩ
0.01 Hz

Aging 1000 h at 70°C
80 -100

ed -120


1 or
1 or

R c
R c

20 0.005 Hz
100 Hz 2
0,000 0,002 0,004 0,006 0,008 0,010 0,012 0,014 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
1 R/Ω Re Z / mΩ

c) d)
1463 W
Before aging C 1 electrolyte
2 charge transfer
Active power P 250 3 pore diffusion
527 W R1 R2
Q / var

417 var

192 var Reactive power Q
Im Y / Ω

0.2 Hz Before aging

3 2
After 1000 h at 70 °C

0.1 Hz
After 1000 h at 70 °C
200 Hz
0.01 Hz 50 Hz
1 0
0,01 0,1 1 10 100 0 100 200 300 400 1 500
f / Hz Re Y / Ω

Fig. 15: Ageing of a MAXWELL supercapacitor (BCAP0350) at 1000 hours at 70°C.

Impedance spectroscopy at 0 V reflects capacitance without faradaic reactions depending on voltage.
Capacitance was calculated with respect to the equivalent circuit in Table 2c for a supercapacitor with
negligible series resistance R1 (some Milliohms), but not negligible leakage current resistance R2.
Im Y − Im Z − Im Z
a) Capacitance versus resistance: C (ω) = = =
ω ω⋅ Z
ω⋅[(Re Z ) 2 + (Im Z ) 2 ]
b) Complex plane plot of impedance
2 2
Q Q = Im ( 12 U I*) = 12 U 0 Im Y = – 12 U 0 ωC
c) Ratio of reactive and active power (U0 = 2.5 V): η =
P 2
P = Re ( 12 U I*) = 12 U 0 Re Y
1 Re Z Im Z
d) Amittance (complex conductance): Y= = 2 −j 2

Impedance after 1000 h at 70°C Model of a porous electrode (DeLevie)
0 increasing surface roughness
R1 S S/A (l pore length)
10 Hz
-1 2

2 C1
Im Z

1 Hz
R1 R2
-3 3

-4 3
C1 = 0.1 F, R2 = 0.1 Ω, C2 = 1 F

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
0.1 Hz

Re Z / mΩ Crystallite
2 E le ct ro ly t e Pores
Grain boundary

1 Electrolyte
2 Charge transfer (grain boundaries)
3 Mass transport (pore diffusion, adsorption)

Fig. 16: Magnification of the high-frequency section in Figure 15 b). Explanation see Text and [8].

5.3 Leakage current The selfdischarge voltage does not show an exponential
but alogarithmic decline: U(t) = a – b ln (c + t).
The leakage current – the residual current after 24
ƒ After the thermal treatment at 70°C for 1000 hours,
hours of charging at rated voltage (2.5 V) – increases
selfdischarge increased by a factor of 1.6 (relative to
markedly after a heat treatment.
room temperature).
ƒ The unused Maxwell BCAP capacitor shows a
ƒ The self-discharge current increases when the applied
leakage current of < 2 mA.
voltage is raised.
ƒ The leakage current increases by a factor of eight
We estimated the dc resistance of selfdischarge by use
after storing the capacitor at 70 °C for 1000 hours.
of the time constant τ at 36,8 % of the rated voltage,
and the capacitance found by impedance spectroscopy.
τ 663,57 ⋅ 3600 s
Rp = = = 10297 Ω (at 70 °C)
5.4 Selfdischarge C 232 F
We observed – unfortunately not in every sample – a
Self discharge in Figure 17 was measured at the fully step in the self-discharge characteristics at 70°C after
charged capacitor. After a constant current charge over 640 to 900 hours, when the voltage drops under a limit
24 hours without a protective resistance, the terminals of 1 V. This gives a hint at two interdependent
were disconnected. The voltage across the capacitor selfdischarge processes. This might be an explanation
was measured using a dc voltmeter with an internal why the Arrhenius diagram of C versus 1/T (in Kelvin)
resistance of >10 MΩ. does not show a single straight line.

100 %
Selfdischarge at 20°C
2,25 2,14 V

80 %

1,35 V
1,25 Selfdischarge at 70°C



Maxwell 350 F / 2.5 V
0 24 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Time / hours

Fig. 17: Selfdischage of a MAXWELL supercapacitor (BCAP0350)

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