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Ethical dilemma involved the case KUDREMUKH IRON ORE

The main ethical dilemma in the case is the working by the company should be extended or
not because there are both positive and negative sides of the company. According to the
viewpoint of wildlife conservation and environment protection it is affecting the nature due
to its activities. The rivers like tunga, Bhadra, netravathi are affected due to the operations of
the company. Also the forest area is reducing due to the construction of roads in the forest
area and this all types of different activities are affecting the kudremukh national park area.
Thus mainly the nature was affected due to the activities of the company. But there is also the
other side of the coin the company was also making huge efforts for the prevention of
pollution and afforestation and many more activities. In fact the government of Karnataka
awarded them with the title of greenest mine compared to the other mining operations
working in the state and also the closing of this company will also effect the living of the
workers working in the company the livelihood of more than 2500 families were directly
affected and more than 10000 were indirectly affected due to closing of the company and also
the economy of the country will be affected due to the closing of this company as it was one
of the huge contributor in mining industry of the country.

Solution to the ethical dilemma involved in the case

The supreme court’s decision is right according to me as the working of the company should
not be carried on at the cost of the nature. The most important element is nature and the forest
which will destroy because of such type of activities the company should conduct its business
but in a way that it doesn’t affect the nature. But also, the workers will become unemployed
due to this so company can start another business that don’t affect the nature and also
provides employment to them but somewhere I am also on the side of the company if the
company is really contributing to the damages it is creating than it should be given more

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