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What Every Liaison Officer Should Welcome to the “Team” Before the First Pitch…

Know Before Attending Nationals

Check to see whether the umpires need to be
The role of the Umpire’s Liaison Officer can be
picked up from the airport. It may be necessary
one of the most fulfilling and fun activities that
to arrange a number of people to assist.
you get to do in your softball career. It is a
A list of the flight details should be available
great opportunity to meet new people, learn
from you State Director.
heaps about the sport, and gain a valuable
Know and locate where the umpires will be
insight into the world of umpiring at National
staying. Also work out appropriate ways of
getting to the grounds.
Ensure the TCU gets where they need to go
The few words of wisdom provided in this
on time.
leaflet are designed to provide a few words of
Providing the umpires with a list of good dining
encouragement and to make the tasks before
venues and shopping facilities is greatly
you less daunting.
Umpiring is a team effort. The umpires are the
At the Grounds….
players, the TCU acts as the Coach, while you
take on the role of team Manager. In essence,
Be available at all times to assist the umpires
you make sure that everything runs smoothly
and TCU.
for the umpiring team both on and off the
Be responsible for the safety of the umpires’
personal belongings.
Have plenty of ice, water / sports drinks etc
A good Liaison Officer is worth their weight in
available. Often the umpires pool a set amount
together for the Liaison Officer to go shopping.
Liaise with venue personnel.
Collect money from the umpires for such things
as petrol, tickets fro the Final Night Dinner and
Provide an iron at the grounds.
A guide to assist Liaison Officers
survive a week of National level
Some personal touches…. Definite Do’s….

Various Liaison Officers have arranged the Be prepared for long days and nights
following activities in the past. By no means At the End Take the opportunity to watch, discuss and
feel compelled to follow their lead; learn
Assist in the transportation of umpires to and Become part of the “Team”
Fresh fruit by the box load delivered to the from the Final Night Dinner. Make some new friends and contacts
change room (QLD) Arrange others to assist in the transport of Don’t STRESS
Barbeques at the Liaison Officers home (TAS) umpires to the airport if necessary. Enjoy the experience
A daily laundry service supplied by (NSW) Co-ordinate the pick-up times from the
A tour of Fremantle while waiting for late flights accommodation. For Further Advice:
(WA) Return any keys or hire equipment such as
Arranging ‘Daisy” a pink moke for the umpires vans back to organising committee. Every year volunteers just like you take on the
to cruise (NT) Ensure all accounts have been paid by the role of Umpire’s Liaison Officer. They are a
umpires or appropriate arrangements made. great source of knowledge and wisdom. If you
A Few Do Not’s…. Be available at the airport until the last umpire are not sure who has filled this position before
leaves. Sometimes flights can be spread wide contact your State Director, as they will be able
Expect to be allocated games. apart so a friendly person to chat to is to provide some guidance.
Take on the job part-time – it just doesn’t work appreciated.
Criticise the performance of the umpires or the Another great source of assistance is the
decisions made. senior umpires in your State. Most of these
Discuss sensitive umpiring issues with other people have been to several Nationals and
people – if in doubt don’t talk about it. should be able to provide advice.
Allow yourself to become a slave.

The umpires are all responsible for their

own dirty laundry etc.

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