Top 10 Sustainability Tips For Schools ETC ETC

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Top 10 sustainability tips for schools

Schools are places we spend most of our time in our teenage and childhood years. It’s so to
say a place where we live a third of our lives.
While living in this place students don’t really think about the sustainability or the clanliness
of the school. Most of the time there would be a littering problem in classrooms. Also the
electric and natural gas (in some) consumptions of the school isn’t really important for
anybody but the government or the owner of the school but it should be. With the growing
effects of mass energy consumption on the Global warming we should handle these problems
better. Here are 10 tips for your school to be more sustainable.

1) Give lessons about environmental awareness.

Teaching the effects of Cliamte change is one of the best ways to raise awareness to this
problem. This way the pupils tell their friends and family about what they’ve learned in the
lessons and also make their fellows aware about the problem

2) Encourage Students to walk (If the school is near to pupils)

Incentivize pupils to walk by giving them ex. Extra credits or better social grades etc.
Walking reduces Carbon footprint and also will improve cardiac health if done periodically

Place recycling bins and incentivize pupils to recycle.This also cuts the new extraction of raw
materials and reduces the carbon footprint

4)Repurpose or give away used schoolwares

Repurposing or giving away helps other schools with their budget and alsoreduces CO2
consumption by decreasing the need for brand new items.

5)Use solar or wind energy to produce electricity.

Solar and wind energy are considered to be the cleanest way to produce electricity. This will
also help with the school budget by cutting electricity bills to a quarter of the previous amount
or even to zero. The school also can make Money by selling the overdraft of electricity

6) Check if you are buying food from a environmentally friendly source

This is also important because the Intensive animal farming produces much more CO2 that
ethically grown animals. The ethics of this should also be considered as much as the effects
on global warming

7)Hire environmentally aware people

Students see their teachers sometimes as their idols and they’re definetly role models of the
students. If you hire people that are only seeking Money than you won’t succed inspiring the
students to be environmentally friendly

The school can place compost bins and produce fertilizer for the plants etc.. This will cut the
use of synthetic fertilizers, reducing the CO2 usage School can also sell the fertilizer to other

9)Save paper
Reuse old paper and generally try to reduce paper usage .
10) Try to use less chemicals
This could make chemistry teachers angry but most of the chemicals used in chemistry
lessons are bad for the environment. Also cleaning products containing bleach or ammonia
are dangerous for the kids and the environment. Use Soft soap or Dr. Bronner’s soap.

It is possible that if you follow these tips your school will be more sustainable and
environmentally friendly. With all these tips we wish you all a green future nd a sustainable

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