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Patients like Tom with mental disabilities should be treated carefully. They need more attention

and focus. Besides, empathy must be shown to them. Tom gets frustrated because while telling

his stories he felt an individual is not listening to him. Some steps should be taken to make him

realize that he/she is actually listening to him. These includes: Give full attention, focus on

conveying empathy, give him enough time to express himself, stay close enough to show that

he/she cares about Tom, provide necessary supervision, take note of what he says, giving

feedback, ask him follow up questions about his stories.


One afternoon Tom was found aggressive and angry. Also he suspects another client stole some

of his belongings. Then he acts a hazardous way to attempts to attack physically. As it is already

clarified that Tom is mentally disordered. And these types of aggressive behavior have many

factors. These may include people, level of noise, level of light, objects in the environment,

location and type of environment, different typed of resources or equipment. Now Tom’s this

incident should be responded really carefully by ensuring him that everything is alright and no

one’s going to steal any of his belongings. To ensure safety there are a few steps that should be

implemented as soon as possible. As this aggression might stay for a long time; either in a single

incident or in several incidents over time. Isolating Tom for a specific period of time will stop

him from engaging in further aggressive behavior. In the meantime, interfering with his learning

and developing new skills should be ensured. Motivation and things that reduce his depression

must be given to him. Tom’s access to ordinary community facilities should be limited or
delayed. Besides this he must be counseled with proper care and his health status is to be

monitored with proper care.


The incident that happened regarding the aggression of Tom is a common scenario seen in the

patients who are mentally distressed and disturbed. Physical attack and other violent activities

are triggered by some factors. These triggers might be audible, sensual, and visual or might be

test related. Apart from these, the triggers can be environmental or situational or time related.

But identifying the triggers can only be done by observing the person; which is Tom in this case.

Type and frequency of the resultant behavior is also taken into account. But while doing this,

objective manner must be ensured. No personal feeling should be there to judgment the possible

reason for any harmful or aggressive behavior. Environmental factors can also be of extreme

influence impacting upon Tom. These includes: people, noise levels, light levels, location and

type of environment, objects in the environment. These might be a trigger for such aggression in

behavior. This could be due to excessive noise or change within an environment. Which further

lead to anxiety and resulting in violence. Adapting to different surrounding may also affect Tom

and his normal behavior. But there are a few factors within the environment that are simply out

of hands. Environmental re-design is considered one of the most effective ways of minimizing

such problems. By assessing and checking the environment being appropriate for Tom is useful

to ensure that the environment is correct for him. Besides this changing staff attitudes and

controllable physical aspects might also be useful minimizing Tom’s aggressive behavior.

There are few ways to determine changes in Tom’s needs and behavior. After observing his

emotional state if there is lots of stress, anger, confusion, joy, agitation, sadness, hate, fear,

embarrassment and shame then it is positive that changes might need. The effectiveness in

developing and maintaining positive and adaptive responses is useful to be monitored by the

staffs. It ensures the emotional wellbeing of an individual and manages stress and makes him

engaged in meaningful activities. The reduction of risk of harm to Tom and others must be

ensured. Removing all the sharp objects from Tom and keeping him isolated from others for a

specific period of time might be helpful both for him and for others. Dignity and self-esteem

helps to carry an individual well. Which is definitely needed for Tom. The level of instruction on

Tom’s dignity and self-esteem can be monitored by his daily activities and actions.


While supporting Tom, there is are a few documentations that a staff might need to complete the

support. One of them is empathic listening and responding to Tom. It’s about giving proper

feedback to Tom when he tells something. It clarifies and confirms things that are being

communicated. Then person-centred approach might also be helpful that allows focusing on

viewing each person as an individual. Strengths-based support is also useful for a complete

documentation. It will allow Tom to take control of his life in a meaningful way. Finally

Engaging Tom in daily activity and creating opportunities foe enjoyable experiences is also



Psychologist, psychiatrists, critical incident counselors should be referred to provide the best

diagnosis as they are highly qualified. In this process, a referral needs to be followed. In which,
information on the progress of Tom is documented and presented. These authorized individuals

will make sure their best to treat Tom.


Social devaluation refers to someone who attribute really low or no value to an individual or a

group. The factor that determines whether Tom will become socially devalued as a result of his

disabilities includes: material possessions, wealth, health, beauty and fitness and achievemet.

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