Use of Remote Sensing To Predict The Optimal Harvest Date of Corn

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Field Crops Research 236 (2019) 1–13

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Use of remote sensing to predict the optimal harvest date of corn T

a,b a,⁎ b
Jin Xu , Jihua Meng , Lindi J. Quackenbush
Key Lab of Digital Earth, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
Department of Environmental Resources Engineering, State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 1 Forestry Drive, Syracuse, NY 13210,
United States


Keywords: Accurate prediction of optimal harvest date (OHD) is important to maximize the yield of corn as it approaches
Corn kernel moisture maturity. Yield loss occurs if harvest occurs in advance of, or is delayed past, OHD; both scenarios are un-
Canopy chlorophyll content desirable. If corn is harvested prematurely, high residual moisture makes it prone to mildew during storage,
which produces aflatoxin. The grain quality then deteriorates, leading to a serious decrease in yield. If corn is
harvested too late, the crop quality declines severely. Previous studies have demonstrated the utility of three
corn kernel indicators (kernel moisture, milk line, black layer) in predicting corn harvest date; however, these
indicators do not satisfy the demand of modern agriculture. Therefore, in this study, remote sensing techniques,
which have proven useful in the application of Precision Agriculture, were used for timely estimation of OHD for
large-area crops. We proposed a new method for predicting corn OHD in fields using remote sensing by assessing
corn kernel moisture (CKM) and identifying an effective biochemical indicator to relate OHD and remote sensing
data. We estimated CKM using canopy chlorophyll content (CCC), a significant biochemical parameter that can
be estimated from remote sensing images using PROSAIL, a popular used radiative transfer model. Since CKM
decreases at a regular rate after entering the maturity period, OHD can be predicted based on the estimated CKM
using a baseline assumption that OHD occurs when CKM drops to 30%. The prediction method was evaluated by
analyzing measured CKM, and the temporal variation in one hundred-grain weight and yield. The results of this
study enabled us to successfully and accurately estimate CKM using a non-linear model (R2 = 0.92) and predict
CKM (R2 = 0.64) and corn OHD. This study provides new avenues for predicting crop OHD using remote sensing
multispectral imagery and suggests that remote sensing techniques are effective for accurately predicting corn
OHD across large areas.

1. Introduction of corn supply and demand estimates in the United States indicated that
about 45% corn was going into ethanol and by-products including
Corn is a grain crop widely grown across the globe, with large distillers’ grains, corn gluten feed, corn gluten meal, and corn oil
acreage and typically high yield. According to a United States (USDA, 2018) while in China, 31% corn was used for industries and
Department of Agriculture (USDA) report on World Agricultural 61% was used for animal feed. Due to the great demand, the ending
Production, global corn acreage in 2018 was 183.88 million hectares stocks of corn for September 2018 in China were negative 22.38 million
(ha) (USDA, 2018). China and the United States are the largest corn tons, which showed the severity and significance to increase the corn
planting countries with 36.50 and 32.66 million ha, respectively. China yield to meet the market demand.
is the world's second-largest producer of corn, behind the United States, The growth period of corn can be broadly divided into vegetative
particularly the Heilongjiang province in northeast China, where pro- and reproductive stages. The reproductive stage comprises six sub-
duction is approximately 30 million tons per year. The high level of stages: silking, blistering, milking, doughing, denting, and physiological
corn production makes corn an integral part of the national economy maturity (PM). PM occurs at the end of the reproductive stage ap-
and it plays a significant role in food security and industry. Tradition- proximately 60 days after silking and 20 days after denting (Hanway,
ally, corn was grown mainly for human consumption with some use for 1963; Howell et al., 1998). However, the definition of PM can vary and
animal feed and as a base for industrial products such as oils, syrup, and different investigators may specify a shorter or a longer period
starch (Tolera et al., 1998). In September 2018, an annual investigation (Hanway, 1963). If corn is harvested prematurely, yield loss occurs

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Meng).
Received 29 December 2015; Received in revised form 14 February 2019; Accepted 4 March 2019
0378-4290/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Xu, et al. Field Crops Research 236 (2019) 1–13

because the high level of moisture makes grain difficult to store and vegetation indices (VI) to monitor crop phenology since maturity time
prone to mildew, which produces potentially carcinogenic aflatoxin. may be predicted based on variation in VI values (Boyd et al., 2011;
Conversely, late harvesting leads to quality reduction. Consequently, Jeong et al., 2011). Meng et al. (2015) estimated soybean optimal
the accuracy of estimating corn optimal harvest date (OHD) greatly harvest time based on the temporal variation in crop biochemical
influences final yield and quality of corn grain. To maximize the pro- parameters—decrease in chlorophyll and water content—using a
duction of corn without compromising the quality, and to make har- combination of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Normal-
vesting more efficient and flexible, several studies have described ized Difference Water Index values. However, few studies have reported
methods involved in some indicators for predicting the optimal harvest monitoring corn phenology. Vina et al. (2004) used visible atmo-
time (Afuakwa and Crookston, 1984; Baker, 1971). spherically resistant indices from hand-held spectroradiometer data to
Corn kernels continue to gain seed weight until PM is reached. The evaluate the phenological development of corn.
fully ripe stage represents the OHD of corn, thus the OHD is determined In this study, chlorophyll content was used as an indicator of corn
by predicting the maturity time. Several traditional agronomical maturity. Chlorophyll is a vital biochemistry parameter associated with
methods are available to estimate corn maturity, with three primary crop health status. Chlorophyll content affects the exchange of matter
approaches: grain moisture, position of kernel milk line, and kernel and energy in plant photosynthesis (Gitelson et al., 2006). Moreover,
black layer formation. The grain moisture of corn is the most frequently chlorophyll content varies across different crop stages thus it can be
used indicator for determining harvest time. Previous studies have de- used as an indicator of developmental stage (Filella and Penuelas,
monstrated that corn kernel moisture (CKM) gradually declines from 1994). The purpose of this study was to develop a model to predict corn
about 85% during the silking stage (Hanway, 1986) to around 30% OHD. The basic premise is similar to traditional methods that build on
when the crop is fully mature (Abendroth et al., 2009; Pordesimo et al., the foundation of CKM. However, in this study we use remote sensing
2004; Schmidt and Hallauer, 1966; Tolera et al., 1998). The moisture imagery to estimate CKM. The study focused on determining canopy
cannot be identified visually, hence moisture-based methods either chlorophyll content (CCC) from HJ-1 Charge Coupled Device (CCD)
require time to dry the grain or the use of an electronic tester. His- satellite images using the PROSAIL physical model, which is based on
torically electronic testers were unreliable when CKM was above 25% physical mechanisms of light transmission (discussed further in Section
(Baker, 1971). However, recently, the reliability of electronic kernel 2.5.1). From this, a model was built to relate the estimated CCC and
moisture testers has been improved to consider CKM up to 35% (e.g., corresponding ground measurements of CKM. The model used the
Grain Moisture Meter: model LDS-1H). The position of the kernel milk linear decrease in CKM as harvesting is delayed to identify OHD, i.e.
line is another demonstrated method to visually determine corn ma- when the CKM of a plot was below 30%.
turity. The half milk line stage is easily identifiable and useful for pre-
harvest planning purposes because it indicates that kernels containing 2. Materials and methods
40% moisture are 2–3 weeks from harvest. The kernel milk line diag-
nosis can achieve approximately 95% of normal yield (Afuakwa and 2.1. Satellite remote sensing image acquisition
Crookston, 1984). Kernel black layer formation is also considered a
reliable indicator of PM (Gilmore and Rogers, 1958). PM is indicated by The HJ-1 satellite system launched on 6 September 2008 is part of
a black layer (Daynard and Duncan, 1969) located within the base of a the Environment and Disaster Observing Satellite System of China. HJ-1
kernel. It typically takes around 20 days for the milk line to progress is a constellation of small satellites, made up of two optical (HJ-1A and
from the kernel tip to the base, and approximately ten more days to HJ-1B; Table 1) and one radar (HJ-1C) satellite (Wang, 2012). The
reach PM. Afuakwa and Crookston (1984) showed that both kernel optical instruments of the HJ-1 satellites include CCD cameras, a Hyper
black layer and milk line approaches could be used to visually de- Spectral Imager (HIS, only onboard HJ-1A), and an Infrared Scanner
termine grain maturity, eliminating the need for periodic sampling to (IRS, only onboard HJ-1B). In this study, only the HJ-1 CCD spectral
evaluate kernel moisture and tabulate growing-degree-day. Kernel milk bands were used. Two HJ-1 images (July 14 and September 7, 2014)
line is more useful for monitoring grain maturation before PM were used for CCC estimation and three images (September 30, October
(Afuakwa and Crookston, 1984). However, considering the extensive 4 and October 13, 2014) were used for prediction of corn OHD.
area of the farmlands, the discrepancy in sowing time, and the differ- The ENVI 5.1 package was used for preprocessing the HJ-1 images.
ence in environmental stresses and variation in maturity time, the use Surface reflectance of the HJ-1 images were derived in several stages.
of these indicators has two significant drawbacks: (1) correct use of First, the images were radiometrically corrected using coefficients as-
physical indicators of corn kernels to predict optimal harvest date de- sociated with the image file (gains and offsets) to transform the digital
pends on user judgment, hence prediction results are strongly influ- numbers to at-sensor radiance. The ENVI/Fast Line-of-sight
enced by subjective factors, and (2) it is not feasible for farm managers Atmospheric Analysis of Hypercubes (FLAASH) module was then ap-
to observe these maturity indicators for every plot in order to predict plied for atmosphere correction. FLAASH uses the MODTRAN4 radio-
the OHD. metric transmission model code and is one of the most accurate at-
Remote sensing is a non-destructive approach that can be used to mospheric radiometric correction models available (Zhang et al., 2013).
estimate physiological variation in canopy properties, such as chlor- Preprocessing also included geometric correction. The CCD imagery
ophyll content (Croft et al., 2013), leaf area index (LAI) (Rivera et al., was initially in the UTM coordinate system (spheroid WGS84, datum
2013), and water content (Clevers et al., 2010). Remote sensing is ad- WGS84, zone 52N). Geometric correction of the HJ-1 imagery was
vantageous because it can be used for near real-time, dynamic, and performed using a RapidEye image as reference data. The high spatial
large-scale studies of large areas of the land surface (Ceccato et al.,
2001; Gitelson et al., 2005; Wu et al., 2010). Remote sensing techniques Table 1
are increasingly being used in Precision Agriculture (PA) and agronomy HJ-1 CCD spectral bands.
(Wu et al., 2012) and can provide a timely and accurate picture of the
Satellite Camera Band Waveband (μm) Spatial Revisit
agricultural sector, with capacity to gather information over a large platform resolution (m) period (days)
area with high revisit frequency (Atzberger, 2013). Remote sensing has
been used in a wide range of agricultural applications. These include HJ-1A/B CCD 1 (Blue) 0.43–0.52 30 4
the monitoring of crop yield and biomass, crop nutrient and water 2 (Green) 0.52–0.60 30
3 (Red) 0.63–0.69 30
stress, infestation of weeds, insects and plant diseases, and soil prop-
4 (NIR) 0.76–0.90 30
erties such as organic matter, moisture, and clay content, and pH, or
salinity (Mulla, 2013). Previous studies have supported the use of

J. Xu, et al. Field Crops Research 236 (2019) 1–13

resolution (2 m) RapidEye image was acquired on a clear day on Sep- (30 m × 30 m), were located for sampling in each plot along the row
tember 22, 2013 and was delivered with accurate geographical location direction. In each quadrat, three sample sites were laid out using a
information. The resultant geolocation error in the HJ-1 image was diagonal sampling method (Fig. 2). In each quadrat, the average value
under 0.5 pixels. During the geocorrection process, the HJ-1 images of the three sample sites was assumed to represent the ground observed
were reprojected from UTM to geographic coordinates system (spheroid data corresponding to a single pixel in the image.
WGS84, datum WGS84) to match the field data.
2.3.1. LAI measurements
2.2. Study area Spring corn CCC was determined as a product of leaf chlorophyll
content and LAI. In this experiment, LAI was collected using
The study area, Hongxing Farm (48°09′ N and 127°01′ E, 330 m WinScanopy 2010a (Regent Instruments Inc., Quebec, Canada), which
elevation), is a precision agriculture experiment station located in is a canopy analysis system based on colored hemispherical images
northern Heilongjiang province in northeast China. The total area of the (Pastorella and Paletto, 2013). The hemispherical images were col-
farm is approximately 27,000 ha with an average plot area of 53.3 ha. lected using a handheld fish-eye camera. Corn LAI values were then
Monitoring using remote sensing images is appropriate for field scale retrieved and extracted using the LAI-2000 algorithm that has been
analysis. The study area lies within a mid-temperate zone characterized demonstrated to be more precise than other algorithms (Tong et al.,
by a mean annual rainfall of 555 mm and average annual cumulative 2006). As mentioned above, nine plots were used for modeling the
temperature (higher than 10 °C) of 2250 °C (Meng et al., 2015). The relationship between CCC and CKM based on field data collected on
study focused on spring corn, which is sown in early May and harvested July 14 and September 7, 2014. With 2 image dates over 9 plots each
from the end of September into early October. In 2014, 51% of the area with 3 quadrats, we collected 54 spring corn LAI data training samples.
in Hongxing Farm was planted with corn. Historical LAI data (2010–2013) was also obtained from prior records
collected by Key Lab of Digital Earth, Institute of Remote Sensing and
Digital Earth, China. Although the data was incomplete, it served as
2.3. Ground data
prior knowledge for the PROSAIL model inversion.
The field experiments used to support this study were conducted
from September 30 to October 12, 2014 during the maturation period 2.3.2. Canopy chlorophyll content measurements
of spring corn. Parameters measured in the field included leaf chlor- We determined chlorophyll content using a handheld Field Scout
ophyll content, LAI, corn plant density, CKM, one hundred-grain CM1000 Chlorophyll Meter (Spectrum technologies, Plain-field, 1L).
weight, yield measurements, and the coordinates of each site. This device measures the leaf surface reflectance in the red and near-
Coordinate data were acquired using a Trimble GeoExplorer 3000 GPS infrared wavelengths to exploit the unique differential reflectance
receiver. properties of green leaves (Perry and Davenport, 2007). The chlor-
In this study, nine spring corn sample plots were selected for esti- ophyll content was collected at the same time as the LAI observations
mating CCC and exploring the relationship between corn CCC and CKM. on July 14 and September 7, 2014. As with the LAI observations, there
Thirteen different spring corn sample plots were selected for the vali- were 54 chlorophyll data samples collected (9 plots × 3 quadrats × 2
dation of the CCC and CKM estimation model. Using the high-resolution dates). At each site, corn leaves located at the bottom, middle and top
RapidEye imagery that was used for geometric correction, experimental were measured. With the device 30–183 cm from the leaf, lasers were
plots were located in relatively homogeneous areas (based on uni- pointed at the leaf as the trigger was pressed. Each leaf was measured
formity in the spectral response of the imagery). In addition, annual 6–9 times, and these values were averaged. CCC was then calculated for
yield statistics from 2010 to 2013 were used to evenly distribute the 22 each of the 54 quadrats as the product of LAI and the leaf chlorophyll
spring corn sample plots (Fig. 1) across areas with high-, medium-, and content.
low-yield. Considering the spatial resolution (30 m) of the HJ-1A/B The chlorophyll meter that was used yielded data only in terms of
CCD data used in this study, three quadrats, each covering 900 m2 relative chlorophyll content rather than the actual amount of

Fig. 1. Study area (Hongxing Farm) with experimental sites shown over RapidEye imagery.

J. Xu, et al. Field Crops Research 236 (2019) 1–13

Fig. 2. Distribution of sample plots, quadrats, and sites using for sampling in the images.

chlorophyll per unit area of leaf tissue (Davenport et al., 2005; Wu 130 °C based on the standard criteria (National Grain and Material
et al., 2008). The 95% ethanol extraction method (Lichtenthaler and Reserve Administration, 2006) for determining grain moisture content
Buschmann, 2001) was used to determine the standard chlorophyll and ensuring the reliability of the meter.
content of corn leaf samples and establish a calibration between leaf Kernels of two randomly selected ears of corn were used to fill up
chlorophyll and the meter readings. The chemical method measured the container of the LDS-1G Grain Moisture Meter and the moisture
leaf absorbance at 663 and 645 nm. The total chlorophyll concentration readings were made. Three measurements were recorded, and an
was the sum of the concentrations of chlorophyll a and b, which were average taken for each point. CKM data were collected on September
calculated using the specific absorption coefficients (Arnon, 1949). 30, October 3, and October 11. With three quadrats in each plot, eighty-
Results showed that there was a close relationship (R2 = 0.83) between one measurements were collected (9 plots × 3 quadrats × 3 dates).
the index values measured by the CM1000 Chlorophyll Meter and the However, because the purpose of this study was to predict the optimal
actual chlorophyll content in mg/g measured using chemical methods. harvest date of the whole plot, the average of the three quadrats was
The model used to inverse CCC requires the leaf chlorophyll content assigned to the plot. This meant that twenty-seven measurements (9
unit in μg/cm2. Hence, the unit of mg/g needed to be converted to μg/ averaged plots × 3 dates) were used for establishing the relationship
cm2. Based on the study of Ai et al. (2000), the chlorophyll in mg/g was between CCC and CKM, and twenty-six measurements (13 additional
converted to a Soil-Plant Analyses Development (SPAD) value, which is plots × 2 dates (September 30 and October 03)) were used for vali-
another relative chlorophyll value. In this study, the SPAD value was dating the model. The CKM data of thirteen plots on October 11 was
not measured by any device and simply served as a convenient inter- used for validating the CKM prediction based on the CKM estimation on
mediate variable for the conversion process. The procedure presented September 30 and October 03. The available satellite images and ob-
by Arnon (1949) was used to convert the SPAD value to μg/cm2. Similar served data are shown in Fig. 3.
to LAI data, historical chlorophyll data (2010–2013) were also obtained
for providing a priori knowledge for the PROSAIL model.
2.3.5. One hundred-grain weight and yield
To analyze the effects of late harvesting, one hundred-grain weight
2.3.3. Corn plant density measurements and yield for nine plots were also obtained. Three hundred kernels from
For each site, corn plants along several 1 m transects in the direction the two ears of corn used for determining CKM were randomly selected,
of the ridge were counted and the values were averaged. Similar data in weighed and converted to standard CKM (14%) (Gu et al., 2017) to
the row direction was also collected and the number of the plants in the compute one hundred-grain weight. The weight of one hundred corn
1 m × 1 m area was used to define the corn plant density. kernels and the corresponding CKM were then used to calculate the one
hundred-grain weight of corn. Plot yield was calculated by the grain
weight per plant with standard CKM and the plant density.
2.3.4. Corn kernel moisture measurements
Based on prior knowledge of the maturity time of corn in the study
area, CKM data of 9 plots was collected on September 30, October 3, 2.4. Overall technology roadmap
October 5, October 7, October 9, and October 11 for analyzing CKM
temporal variation trends and building the model for CKM estimation. The overall technology roadmap used in this study is presented in
In addition, 13 additional plots were collected on September 30, Fig. 4. In the first step, we retrieved CCC from the HJ-1 CCD images
October 3, and October 11 for validating the model for CKM estimation (July 14 and September 7) by using the lookup table method based on
and OHD prediction. To reduce environmental effects and ensure con- the PROSAIL model. PROSAIL is a radiative transfer model that is a
sistency, CKM for each plot was collected at 10:00 am. CKM was de- widely accepted for simulating canopy reflectance of different bio-
termined using the LDS-1G Grain Moisture Meter (Shanghai Qingpu chemical components (Jacquemoud et al., 2009). After validation of the
Oasis Inspection Technologies Co., Ltd, China). This meter can quantify model reliability, based on the CCC assessment results from the corn
moisture levels from 3–35% with an accuracy of 0.5%. Before using the maturing period and observation of experimental kernel moisture, the
device, it was calibrated through the twice drying method at 70 °C and relationship between the CCC and CKM was modeled. Thirteen plot

J. Xu, et al. Field Crops Research 236 (2019) 1–13

Fig. 3. Acquisition dates for available satellite images and corresponding field observations.
* The model is the relationship between CCC and CKM.

measurements acquired on September 30 and October 3 were used for transfer tools (Jacquemoud et al., 2009).
validating this model. The temporal variation rate analysis of CKM, one The physiology and biochemistry parameters used as input for the
hundred-grain weight, and yield from September 30 to October 11 in- PROSAIL model are shown in Table 2 (Darvishzadeh et al., 2012;
dicated some regularities and illustrated the late harvest effects on one Jacquemoud et al., 2009; Vohland et al., 2010). When applied directly,
hundred-grain weight, and yield. CKM for September 30 and October 4 these inputs to the PROSAIL model are used to derive spectral re-
were calculated by using the model between CCC (derived from the HJ- flectance and transmittance values based on light transmission me-
1 CCD images) and CKM. This enabled calculation of CKM temporal chanisms. The inversion of the PROSAIL model uses spectral reflectance
variation rates from September 30 to October 4. Subsequently, ac- (e.g., satellite images with different reflectance bands) to derive leaf
cording to the temporal variation rate of CKM, the CKM and OHD of parameters. The PROSAIL model was implemented using the interface
thirteen plots from October 1 to October 11 could be predicted. The description language (IDL).
CKM field observations on October 11 were used to validate the CKM
2.5.2. Sensitivity study
Considering the complicated parameters of the PROSAIL model,
2.5. Inversion of canopy chlorophyll content global sensitivity analysis based on canopy reflectance simulation was
performed to adjust the parameters and understand their impact on the
2.5.1. PROSAIL model variation of the physical forward model (Xu and Meng, 2014). The
Physical modeling based on stable physical mechanisms is con- range of the PROSAIL model parameters tested is shown in Table 2. The
sidered a robust approach that does not easily change with temporal LAI and chlorophyll ranges were set according to statistics from field
and spatial variation (Jacquemoud et al., 2009). The radiative transfer data collected over 4 years (2010–2013). Other parameters were set
model is a popular physical model that has a clear physical meaning. In based on previous studies (Darvishzadeh et al., 2012; Duan et al., 2014;
this study, we selected the PROSAIL model which merges the PROSP- Vohland et al., 2010). The random values of each parameter followed a
ECT leaf optical properties model (Jacquemoud and Baret, 1990) and uniform distribution. The extended Fourier amplitude sensitivity test
the Scattering by arbitrarily inclined leaves (SAIL) canopy bidirectional (EFAST) was selected to generate a parameter sensitivity index. Using
reflectance model (Verhoef, 1984) to estimate canopy chlorophyll Simlab software (SIMLAB, 2004; Tarantola, 2005), the implementation
content. Due to its ease of use, general robustness, and consistent re- process included identifying parameter setting, selecting a sample
sults, the PROSAIL model has become one of the most popular radiative probability distribution function, generating samples, running the

Fig. 4. Flow chart of this study showing key steps described in Sections 2.5 and 2.6.

J. Xu, et al. Field Crops Research 236 (2019) 1–13

Table 2
Parameters used in simulating canopy reflectance with the PROSAIL model.
Model Parameters Description Range Probability distribution

PROSPECT Cab Chlorophyll a+b content (μg/cm ) 20–70 Uniform
Ns Leaf structure parameter 1–2
Cm Dry matter content (g/cm2) 0.002–0.1
Cw Equivalent water thickness (cm) 0.005–0.045
SAIL tts Solar zenith angle (°) 0–50 Uniform
tto Viewing zenith angle (°) 0–50
Psi Relative azimuth angle (°) 0–180
LAI Leaf area index 0.5–7
ALA Average leaf angle (°) 10–80
Hspot Hot spot parameter 0.01–1
Psoil Soil reflectance assumed 0.01–0.3
Lambertian or not
skyl Ratio of diffuse to total incident radiation 10–80

model, performing Monte Carlo simulations, and calculating the results retrieved from satellite images on September 30 and October 4 and
of parameter uncertainty and sensitivity. The spectral response that was used to calculate CKM using the previously defined relationship. The
more sensitive to parameter variation indicated which parameters temporal variation rate of CKM from September 30 to October 4 was
should be selected for model inversion. In this study, the first step was calculated. CKM from October 1 to October 11 were predicted based on
to find spectral bands sensitive to the variation of chlorophyll content. the CKM on September 30 while CKM from October 5 to October 11
Then from the selected bands the global sensitivity analysis was used to were also predicted based on the CKM on October 4. The purpose of this
identify other parameters that impacted spectral response. These duplication was to compare the accuracy of CKM estimation from dif-
parameters were used as model inputs while the other parameters were ferent dates. When the value of CKM was less than 30%, the plots were
set as constants to reduce model complexity and computation time. considered to have reached the OHD.

2.5.3. Lookup table method 3. Results

By running the PROSAIL forward model using the range of para-
meter values identified in the sensitivity analysis study, we generated 3.1. Results of global sensitivity study
an assembly of hyperspectral data. A lookup table (LUT) was then es-
tablished through simulation of the HJ-1CCD data with the spectral Fig. 5 shows the global sensitivity analysis results. The global sen-
response function of the HJ-1 CCD sensor. Entries in the LUT that sitivity indexes describe parameter sensitivity: higher values mean that
showed the highest similarity with the measured spectrum were used to the model is more sensitive to the variation of a particular parameter.
calculate the solution of the inverse problem. The spectral similarity The results indicated that the green and red bands were most sensitive
between the measured multispectral data and the synthetic spectra in to the change in chlorophyll content. Although the blue band was also
the LUT was calculated according to the following equation: sensitive to the change in chlorophyll content, there was concern that
n the band may be negatively impacted by scattering. Thus, only the
(Rmeas RLUT) 2
RMSE = i=1 green and red bands were used for the inversion of the leaf chlorophyll
n (1) content. Cm, Ns, Hspot, and LAI—which were also sensitive to green
where Rmeas was the measured multispectral data and RLUT was the and red reflectance—were chosen as the final set of parameters.
corresponding simulated reflectance in the LUT. Therefore, the sensitivity analysis reduced the number of parameters
from twelve to five, which subsequently reduced computation time.
2.6. OHD prediction based on estimation and prediction of CKM
3.2. Canopy chlorophyll content estimation
Due to the limitation in applying the grain moisture meter across
large areas, CKM estimated from satellite images was used to determine Reflectance from HJ-1 CCD images of July 14 and September 7,
the nonlinear relationship between CCC and CKM. The Origin Software 2014 (Fig. 6) were used for chlorophyll content inversion, based on a
was used to perform the regression analysis in this study. The first step LUT with size 340957. Groups of data from 27 sites across the nine
was to estimate the CCC of nine modeled plots for July 14 and modeled plots (9 plots × 3 sites) for each date were used to retrieve
September 7 using the PROSAIL model. Thirteen additional plots were CCC using the PROSAIL model. The results for the validation of the
used for validating the accuracy of the CCC estimation model. After modeled CCC (Fig. 7) suggested that the measured and estimated
validating the CCC estimation model, CCC estimations from the HJ- chlorophyll content were correlated based on the significance test. The
1CCD images for the nine test plots on September 30, October 4 and coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.52, and root-mean-square error
October 13 were used to establishing the nonlinear relationship with (RMSE) is 19.56 μg/cm2. The precision of these results suggested that
CKM. Unfortunately, corresponding ground data were not available for the remote sensing method could meet the demands of precision agri-
all dates, therefore, ground data from the closest date to the remote culture established in previous studies (Gitelson et al., 2005; Wu et al.,
sensing images (September 30, October 3 and October 11 were selected 2008).
to estimate CKM). Data from thirteen plots, collected on September 30
and October 3, were used for testing the accuracy of the model. October 3.3. One hundred-grain weight and yield variation
11 was used for validating the accuracy of the CKM prediction. The
CKM maps for September 30 and October 4 were generated using this To verify whether the delay in harvest after corn reaches maturity
model. influences the final yield, the temporal variation of one hundred-grain
To demonstrate the effect of harvest date on corn yield, one hun- weight and yield was analyzed (Figs. 8–11). Some studies have in-
dred-grain weight, CKM, and the changes of yield, one hundred-grain dicated that even though summer corn generally stops growing in late
weight and CKM with temporal variation were analyzed. CCC was September, grain-filling continues (Sun et al., 2007). Our analysis

J. Xu, et al. Field Crops Research 236 (2019) 1–13

Fig. 5. Global sensitivity index analysis for parameters in PROSAIL model; see methods Section 2.5.2 for a description of the x-axis parameters.

showed that one hundred-grain weight and the yield both had a close corn is thought to arrive at the OHD when the CKM is less than 30%.
relationship with the delay in harvesting, with R2 equal to 0.998 and This stage relates to both maximum yield and high quality of grain. Our
0.997 respectively, which indicated that both one hundred-grain weight results showed that not all the experimental plots arrived at the OHD on
and yield were significantly correlated with the delayed days after corn September 30; 60% (Plots 3, 4, 6, 7, 9) of the plots could be harvested
reaches maturity. Both one hundred-grain weight and the yield dis- on October 9, and 66.67% (Plots 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9) on October 11. The
played a generally increasing trend over time. yield variation in Fig. 9 also demonstrated the feasibility if a 30% CKM
After October 9, the variation in the curves gradually flattened. is used to define harvest time. Comparing Fig. 9 with Fig. 12, on Oc-
Therefore, a polynomial function was selected to fit the variation trend tober 9, the CKM of plots 1, 2, 5 and 8 were above 30%, while the CKM
of one hundred-grain weight and yield with delay days in harvesting. of other plots were less than 30%. Correspondingly, the yield of plots 1,
The flattening trend also indicated that later harvest could improve 2, 5 and 8 continued to increase while the yield of the other plots had
corn yield, but an excessive delay could lead to the negative effects on leveled off. Therefore, this supports the premise that a CKM of 30% is
the grain quality that would influence the yield. Hence, accurately an effective criterion to determine PM and OHD.
predicting corn OHD could help improve yield and reduce unnecessary We also examined the relationship between the delay in harvesting
yield loss. and the CKM average value of the nine plots. These results showed a
linear decrease and a significant linear correlation (R2 = 0.92) with the
delay in harvesting. The linear relationship indicated that if CKM of the
3.4. Temporal variation in CKM earlier period were obtained, the CKM could be predicted according to
the delay days and the decreasing rate (0.52%). The studies of Huang
Similar to the analysis of one hundred-grain weight and yield var- et al. (2012) and Wang et al. (2001) also have similar decreasing rate
iation, the temporal variation of CKM was also explored. Leaf and stem from 0.25% and 0.8% in terms of different corn cultivar. This conclu-
water content decrease as corn reaches maturity. Concurrently, the sion provided the primary method for predicting OHD based on the
color of the leaves gradually turns to yellow, with a decrease in leaf prediction of CKM. However, this relationship also had some limita-
chlorophyll content and CKM. Further analysis was conducted to de- tions. At the beginning period (September 30 to October 4), the de-
monstrate the variation of CKM over time (Figs. 12–13). CKM data were crease rate was lower than in the later period. Therefore, the quadratic
collected on September 30, October 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 for exploring the function would derive a more significant relationship between delay in
temporal variation of CKM. Fig. 12 shows that CKM displayed a general harvesting and CKM. However, fitting a quadratic curve would require
declining trend over this time period. As mentioned in the introduction,

Fig. 6. Color infrared HJ-1CCD images used for estimating canopy chlorophyll content on (a) July 14, 2014 and (b) Sept 7, 2014.

J. Xu, et al. Field Crops Research 236 (2019) 1–13

Fig. 7. Relationship between measured and estimated CCC using methods described in Section 2.5.

Fig. 8. Variation in one hundred-grain weight for different harvest dates. Fig. 10. Relationship between delay in harvesting and one hundred-grain

Fig. 9. Variation in the yield for different harvest dates.

Fig. 11. Relationship between delay in harvesting and yield.

J. Xu, et al. Field Crops Research 236 (2019) 1–13

Fig. 12. Variation in CKM for different harvest dates. Fig. 14. Model for estimation of CKM using estimated CCC.

October 3 were used to validate the reliability of the CKM estimation

model. The relationship between measured and estimated CKM is
shown in Fig. 15. The coefficient of determination between the mea-
sured CKM and the estimated CKM (R2) was 0.64 and the RMSE was
CKM maps for the study area were generated by applying the re-
gression model to remote sensing images masked to show only corn
plantations from September 30 and October 4. The CKM maps for the
two dates (Fig. 16) showed that there were declines in CKM, with many
plots reaching maturity between September 30 and October 4.

3.6. Optimal harvest date prediction

Based on the CKM calculation from September 30 and October 4, we

calculated the change in average CKM over time (Table 4). Assuming a
constant variation rate, CKM for October 1 to October 11 was then
calculated based on the September 30 CKM value. Similarly, the CKM
Fig. 13. Relationship between delay in harvesting and CKM. for October 5 to October 11 was calculated based on the October 4 CKM
value. Observations of CKM on October 11 were used for CKM valida-
tion; absolute errors between the predicted and measured CKM on
collection of satellite images on at least three different dates across the
October 11 using both starting dates are also shown in Table 4. The
earlier period. In this study, only two remote sensing im-
average absolute errors indicate that CKM prediction based on Sep-
ages—September 30 and October 4—were acquired, which meant that
tember 30 was more accurate than CKM predicted from the October 4
the linear function was more appropriate.
data, which influences the prediction of OHD. However, the predicted
OHD for plot 3 based on the September 30 CKM was October 3, while
3.5. CKM estimation October 6 was more accurately predicted based on the October 4 CKM.
This discrepancy may be caused by the temperature, weather or other
We used the estimated CCC on September 30, October 4 and external factors. Therefore, it is better to choose a basic CKM level
October 13 and measured CKM on September 30, October 3, and closer to the beginning of corn maturity period. Among the validation
October 11 for nine plots to perform a nonlinear regression analysis. plots, 46.2% had an absolute error less than 1%, 30.8% had an absolute
The results generated a nonlinear exponential function estimation error of 1–2%, and the remaining 23.0% had an absolute error of
model, which best fit the initial linear trend and the asymptotic process 2–3.26%. This suggests that the method is accurate enough for agri-
observed at higher CCC values. Six iterations were performed during cultural applications. The predicted OHD of each validation plot is also
the establishment of the model until the Chi-Square was reduced, and presented in Table 4. OHD of almost all plots was around October 3 to
the tolerance value reached 1E-9. The scatter plot displayed in Fig. 14 10, which was reasonably consistent with empirical agronomical
illustrates the fit of the model with parameter statistics shown in methods.
Table 3. The R2 equal to 0.92 indicates a significant correlation between
estimated CCC and measured CKM. The fitting equation is presented
below. 4. Discussion
CKM (%) = 34.43 383.21 × exp ( 0.064 CCC) (2)
This study presented a new method for predicting the optimal
The relationship described by this equation shows that when the harvest time for large-area corn using remote sensing technology. This
corn first enters the maturity stage, the CKM did not vary a lot as the section discusses the OHD prediction method and the advantages,
CCC decreased. However, when the corn entered the harvest period, limitations, and uncertainties of the method, as well as plans for future
both CKM decreased more significantly. work.
Observations from an additional thirteen plots on September 30 and

J. Xu, et al. Field Crops Research 236 (2019) 1–13

Table 3
Statistics for regression model parameters.
Degree of freedom Sum of squares Mean square F value (Prob > F)

Regression 3 28033.017 9344.34 11222.54 0

Residual 24 19.98 0.83264
Uncorrected total 27 28053
Corrected total 26 238.35

CCC was calculated as the product of leaf chlorophyll content and LAI,
which are closely related to green leaf status. At the beginning of the
corn maturity period, the CCC decreases, but the ears of corn are cov-
ered by the husk hence, CKM remains relatively static. However, as the
corn CCC decreases further, the CKM also starts to decrease. When the
corn CCC is above 85 μg/cm2, the CKM has little variation, but CKM
drops when CCC is below 85 μg/cm2.
Our results indicated that CKM decreases about 0.54% per day from
September 30 to October 4, which is similar to the conclusions pre-
sented in other research (Lauer, 1998). The plot was considered to have
reached OHD when the CKM dropped to 30%. The selection of 30% was
in part based on physiological maturity, which indicates the maximum
grain dry weight accumulation (as explained in Section 3.4). The
threshold was also based on prior research (Kaaya et al., 2005; Lauer,
1999) that proposed that delaying harvest until the CKM was below
30% would increase the yield and reduce drying costs. However, the
challenge is that variation in weather, temperature, humidity and other
environmental factors across different regions impacts harvest date
(Nielsen, 2011). Hongxing farm, which is in northern Heilongjiang
province in northeastern China, has an average October temperature of
about 10 °C. If corn is not harvested in a timely manner, there is risk of
Fig. 15. Relationship between measured CKM and estimated CKM using the frost damage. Therefore, 30% was selected as the OHD indicator for this
model described in Section 2.6. study; the results of Sections 3.3 and 3.4 which showed the increasing
yield trend and the decreasing CKM trend as the delay in harvesting,
4.1. The novel OHD prediction method and advantages demonstrated the appropriateness of a 30% CKM. This paper also
compared CKM prediction based on different dates (September 30 and
Conventional methods for predicting corn OHD involve measure- October 4). Results showed that the date closer to the beginning of corn
ment of CKM (Tolera et al., 1998), or visual interpretation of kernel maturity period (September 30) provided a more accurate prediction.
milk line (Afuakwa and Crookston, 1984), and kernel black layer for- However, more time-series images needed to be tested to confirm this.
mation (Baker, 1971; Daynard and Duncan, 1969). However, such There were some advantages of using this novel prediction method.
methods are not practical for crops that cover large areas. In this study, First, HJ-CCD remote sensing images were available with about a one-
satellite images were used to estimate CCC and then these estimates day delay after acquisition. Using remote sensing technology enables
were used to establish a relationship with CKM, which can be used to near real-time corn information and provides objective analysis of corn
predict OHD. Many studies have demonstrated the efficiency and ac- status even when plots are planted on different dates and impacted by
curacy of determining corn CCC using remote sensing technology many factors during the growing season. This study used only two time-
(Daughtry et al., 2000; Haboudane et al., 2008; Jacquemoud et al., series satellite images close to harvest date to predict the OHD. Second,
2009; Wu et al., 2008; Xu and Meng, 2014) as well as the stability of the as mentioned above, 30% CKM was a suitable OHD indicator for
PROSAIL model applied in this study (Jacquemoud et al., 2009). Corn Hongxing farm but the approach applied is not limited to this site. If
other farms are known to have different level demand, this method can

Fig. 16. Map of estimated CKM of images acquired on (a) Sep 30, 2014 and (b) Oct 4, 2014 using the model described in Section 3.5.

Table 4
CKM and OHD prediction of each validation plot based on a temporal variation rate calculated from the average change in estimated CKM between Sep 30 and Oct 4 (32.80–30.64)/4.
J. Xu, et al.

Validation plot Estimated CKM (%) Predicted CKM (%) Absolute error of Oct 11(%) Predicted OHD

Sep 30 Oct 4 Start Oct 1 Oct 2 Oct 3 Oct 4 Oct 5 Oct 6 Oct 7 Oct 8 Oct 9 Oct 10 Oct 11

1 32.57 30.92 Sep30 32.03 31.49 30.95 30.41 29.87 29.33 28.79 28.25 27.71 27.17 26.63 1.33 10-5
Oct 4 – – – – 30.38 29.84 29.30 28.76 28.22 27.68 27.14 1.84 10-6
2 33.95 30.79 Sep30 33.41 32.87 32.33 31.79 31.25 30.71 30.17 29.63 29.09 28.55 28.01 3.21 10-8
Oct 4 – – – – 30.25 29.71 29.17 28.63 28.09 27.55 27.01 2.21 10-6
3 31.54 30.65 Sep30 31.00 30.46 29.92 29.38 28.84 28.30 27.76 27.22 26.68 26.14 25.60 1.60 10-3
Oct 4 – – – – 30.11 29.57 29.03 28.49 27.95 27.41 26.87 0.33 10-6
4 31.67 28.13 Sep30 31.13 30.59 30.05 29.51 28.97 28.43 27.89 27.35 26.81 26.27 25.73 0.03 10-4
Oct 4 – – – – 27.59 27.05 26.51 25.97 25.43 24.89 24.35 1.35 10-4
5 33.36 30.22 Sep30 32.82 32.28 31.74 31.20 30.66 30.12 29.58 29.04 28.50 27.96 27.42 0.78 10-7
Oct 4 – – – – 29.68 29.14 28.60 28.06 27.52 26.98 26.44 1.76 10-5
6 33.52 33.10 Sep30 32.98 32.44 31.90 31.36 30.82 30.28 29.74 29.20 28.66 28.12 27.58 1.62 10-7
Oct 4 – – – – 32.56 32.02 31.48 30.94 30.40 29.86 29.32 0.12 10-10
7 32.63 30.76 Sep30 32.09 31.55 31.01 30.47 29.93 29.39 28.85 28.31 27.77 27.23 26.69 2.09 10-5
Oct 4 – – – – 30.22 29.68 29.14 28.60 28.06 27.52 26.98 2.38 10-6
8 33.74 32.08 Sep30 33.20 32.66 32.12 31.58 31.04 30.50 29.96 29.42 28.88 28.34 27.80 0.30 10-7
Oct 4 – – – – 31.54 31.00 30.46 29.92 29.38 28.84 28.30 0.20 10-8
9 33.56 32.15 Sep30 33.02 32.48 31.94 31.40 30.86 30.32 29.78 29.24 28.70 28.16 27.62 0.68 10-7
Oct 4 – – – – 31.61 31.07 30.53 29.99 29.45 28.91 28.37 0.07 10-8
10 32.80 30.08 Sep30 32.26 31.72 31.18 30.64 30.10 29.56 29.02 28.48 27.94 27.40 26.86 3.26 10-6
Oct 4 – – – – 29.54 29.00 28.46 27.92 27.38 26.84 26.30 2.70 10-5
11 31.71 27.96 Sep30 31.17 30.63 30.09 29.55 29.01 28.47 27.93 27.39 26.85 26.31 25.77 0.67 10-4
Oct 4 – – – – 27.42 26.88 26.34 25.80 25.26 24.72 24.18 0.92 10-3
12 32.46 29.85 Sep30 31.92 31.38 30.84 30.30 29.76 29.22 28.68 28.14 27.60 27.06 26.52 0.12 10-4

Oct 4 – – – – 29.31 28.77 28.23 27.69 27.15 26.61 26.07 0.33 10-4
13 32.91 31.61 Sep30 32.37 31.83 31.29 30.75 30.21 29.67 29.13 28.59 28.05 27.51 26.97 1.37 10-6
Oct 4 – – – – 31.07 30.53 29.99 29.45 28.91 28.37 27.83 2.23 10-7
Average 32.80 30.64 Sep30 – 1.26 –
Oct 4 – 1.31 –

*Bold font denotes the CKM corresponding to the OHD for each plot based on the Sep 30 and Oct 4 start date.
Field Crops Research 236 (2019) 1–13
J. Xu, et al. Field Crops Research 236 (2019) 1–13

also be adapted to predict the OHD. et al., 2016). Exploring other sensors, such as Sentinel-2 developed by
the European Space Agency (ESA), may also increase estimation accu-
4.2. Limitation and uncertainties racy. Sentinel-2 has 10 m spatial resolution and 12 bands including
bands across the red edge region and shortwave infrared (SWIR) bands
Although the efficiency of this study has been demonstrated, this that are valuable for vegetation studies. The red edge band is likely to
approach also has limitations and uncertainties. The first limitation is be highly correlated with crop chlorophyll content, while the SWIR
the satellite images used in this study. The spatial, spectral and tem- bands may relate to moisture content in canopies directly, thus redu-
poral resolution limited the model building of corn harvest date pre- cing steps for chlorophyll estimation. With these new remote sensing
diction. Especially, high spectral and temporal resolution could facil- data, the next step is to explore whether it is possible to establish a
itate using a non-linear model between delay in harvesting and CKM simple and direct relationship between remote sensing data and CKM to
and enhance the model for estimating CCC and CKM. The second lim- reduce error propagation.
itation is that although it is feasible to establish a relationship between
CCC and CKM in order to estimate CKM, the specific model was de- 4.3.2. Universal model building
veloped for spring corn in northeast China. The model is not applicable One of the weaknesses of the current CKM estimation model are
to other regular crops, such as soybean, wheat, or cotton because dif- within the observations needed to build and validate the model. When
ferent crops have different maturity characteristics. The third limitation corn reaches physiological maturity, CKM decreases rapidly as the CCC
is uncertainty associated with the stability of the model. If the cultivar decreases and leaves turn yellow. As shown in our results, there appears
or environment conditions change, the model will need to be recali- to be a threshold reached, but defining that threshold is challenging and
brated. This model would also need to be validated in advance before it is unclear if it may be impacted by variation in cultivars or field
using it in other experimental areas. Therefore, although the model conditions. Adding additional data to cover the gap from 75–85 μg/cm2
worked well in this study, more observations and experiments are of CCC is expected to provide more information about the relationship
needed to enhance the robustness of the model. Another limitation was between CCC and CKM. A goal for future work is to explore the po-
attaining concurrent ground data and remote sensing observations. As tential to build a simple universal model that could be used to estimate
stated previously, the CKM ground data were collected on September CKM for other areas by obtaining ground data for different locations
30, October 03, and October 11, but the remote sensing data for esti- and cultivars. Also, given that weather conditions such as temperature,
mating CCC were from September 30, October 04 and October 13. rain, and snow can influence the harvest date, we need to explore in-
Obtaining more time-series remote sensing data would likely improve tegration of meteorological data into the model. Some biophysical crop
the model prediction. growth simulation models, such as Cropping Systems Simulation Model
There were also some uncertainties in this study. The foundation of (CropSyst) (Stöckle et al., 2003), Decision Support System for Agro-
this study required estimation of CCC. However, the unit of ground technology Transfer Model (DSSAT) (Jones et al., 1998), The Agri-
measurements for CCC were converted from mg/g to μg/cm2 through a cultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM) (McCown et al., 1996),
multi-step process and this conversion process likely led to some error. are able to integrate soil condition, weather, meteorological and man-
While the change from mg to μg is a simple unit conversion and doesn’t agement control information into crop growth processes. In future
have error associated with it, the g to cm2 conversion was the problem study, it may be possible to combine the crop growth simulation model
since it changed the dimensionality from the volume to area of the with remote sensing and PROSAIL approaches to provide a more ac-
observation. In this study, the use of an intermediate variable, the SPAD curate harvest date. With appropriate calibration, it is expected that
value, for converting units also added the potential for error. Therefore, this remote sensing-based approach could be used for predicting har-
the CCC estimation accuracy may be improved if the unit conversion vest date and reducing yield loss for other crops, like soybean, wheat,
process could be avoided entirely, or the intermediate step was re- and cotton.
moved. Additional uncertainty comes from the use of the PROSAIL
model for retrieving CCC. This model has many input parameters that 5. Conclusion
both increase complexity and lower computational efficiency. However,
a more significant problem is that multiple combinations of the dif- The new method proposed in this study enabled us to successfully
ferent input parameters can generate the same result, which is called and accurately estimate CKM using a non-linear model (R2 = 0.92) and
the ill-posed problem (Jacquemoud et al., 2009). Thus, future studies predict CKM (R2 = 0.64) and corn OHD. This study provides new
should focus on the physical mechanisms of the PROSAIL model and avenues for predicting crop OHD using remote sensing multispectral
establish a more comprehensive database to use as prior knowledge. imagery. At least two images close to the harvest date are needed, and
Another area of uncertainty was in error propagation through the the closer the images are to the beginning of corn maturity period, the
multiple steps of the model. The estimated CCC is used to establish a more accurate the prediction will be. It is anticipated that additional
relationship with CKM, which in turn is used to predict OHD. Through time-series images and more observed data will lead to a more accurate
this process, the prediction accuracies of OHD are highly reliant on the model for corn OHD prediction. The corn OHD prediction helps farm
accuracy of the estimated CKM, which is dependent on the inversed managers to prepare for harvest in advance and thereby maximize
CCC. The uncertainties and errors propagating from CCC to CKM to yield. This method also reduced the need for field data collection,
OHD increase the errors in the final OHD estimate. There is also un- which is especially important for large-area crops. While the specific
certainty associated with the remote sensing images, such as the in- model developed only applies to corn at Hongxing farm, with local
fluence of weather on data availability and quality. calibration, models could be developed for other farms. In addition, the
method is likely to have applicability to other crops such as soybean
4.3. Future work that also have yield that is influenced by the harvest date.

4.3.1. New remote sensing application Acknowledgments

Improved results may be achieved by obtaining higher spatial,
spectral, and temporal resolution images, such as the Chinese GF-1 This research was supported by the GF6 Project under Grant 30-
satellite (16 m) launched on April 26, 2013, and GF-2 satellite (4 m) Y20A03-9003-17/18 and Grant 09-Y20A05-9001-17/18, the National
launched on August 19, 2014. The GF-1 and GF-2 sensors observe solar Natural Science Foundation of China (41871261, 41171331), the open
radiation reflected by the Earth in four spectral channels distributed in fund of the Key Laboratory of Oasis Eco-agriculture, Xinjiang
the visible and NIR spectral domain ranging from 450 to 890 nm (Jia Production and Construction Group (201701). We thank the China

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