Plan de Lectie Test

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Date: 6th of March 2019

School: Scoala,, Gimnaziala Iordache Cantacuzino ,,Pascani
Level: A2
Time: 50’
Lesson topic: Test
Language: Past Tense,used to
Type of lesson: Writing
Aims: checking students comprehension.
Media pe clasa: 7,14
Anul scolar 2018-2019
Limba engleză
Clasa a VI- a L1

Numele si prenumele elevului:

Data susţinerii testului:

Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor cerinţelor se acordă 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se

acordă 10 puncte.
• Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple.

1. Mike ----------------------(watch) a film on TV.

2. The pupils ------------------(visit) a museum.
3. She -------------- (wash) the car yesterday.
4. We --------------(cook) curry last Sunday;
5. They --------------(live) in Paris last year.
6. We--------------(manage) to get a ticket for the concert of U2!!!
7. They --------------(dance) all night.
8. My sister ----------------(offer) me a nice dress.
9. I -----------------(finish) my work on time;
10. They -------------( invite) their neighbours.
(10 x 3p = 30p)

2. Put these sentences in the correct order.

1) used to / study / very hard / Lucy
2) long hair / He / used to / have
3) Suzy / go / used to / the cinema/to
4) They / go out / used to / the evenings / in
5) used to / wonderful beach / There / be / here/a!
6) travel / used to / a lot / We
7) She / play / tennis / used to
8) James / his bike / ride / used to / in the park.
9)used to/London/years/ago/We/live/in

10)dance/We/all/used to/night

(10 x 3p=30p)
3.Complete the sentences with used to, didn't use to or did...use to according to the

1. We __________(live) in London years ago.

2. __________(you/go) cycling when you were five?
3. Tourists __________(come) years ago.
4. When she was younger she never __________(wear) jeans because they didn't fit her.
5. __________(you/go) to the cinema in the afternoon.
6. We never __________(eat) chocolate after lunch.
7. I __________(meet) her at the seaside.
8. __________(he/buy) the newspaper before going to work?
9. They __________(not/spend) their holidays in Portugal.
10. She __________(spend) a lot of money on cosmetics years ago.

(10 x 3p=30p)

• Se punctează oricare alte formulări/ modalităţi de rezolvare corectă a cerinţelor.

• Nu se acordă punctaje intermediare, altele decât cele precizate explicit prin barem.

• Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu. Nota finală se calculează prin împărţirea punctajului
total acordat

pentru test la 10.

1. 10 x 3p=30 points

1) watched 2) visited 3)washed 4) cooked 5) lived 6) managed 7) danced 8) offered 9)

finished 10) invited

2. 10 x 3p= 30 points

1) Lucy used to study very hard.

2) He used to have long hair.

3)Suzy used to go to the cinema.

4) They used to go out in the evenings.

6) We used to travel a lot.

7) She used to play tennis.

8)James used to ride his bike in the park.

9) We used to live in London years ago.

10) We used to dance all night.

3. 10 x 3p= 30points

1. We __used to_live_______(live) in London years ago.

2. __Did you use to___go___(you/go) cycling when you were five?
3. Tourists ______used to_come___( come) years ago.
4. When she was younger she never used to wear__(wear) jeans because they didn't fit
5. _You use to___go______(you/go) to the cinema in the afternoon.
6. We never __use to___eat_____(eat) chocolate after lunch.
7. I ___used to___meet____(meet) her at the seaside.
8. __________(he/buy) the newspaper before going to work?
9. They __didn't use to spend________(not/spend) their holidays in Portugal.
She _used to spend_________(spend) a lot of money on cosmetics years ago

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