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Diamante Poems

Line 1: Noun or Subject-one word

Line 2: Two adjectives that describe the noun on line 1.
Line 3: Three “ing” words that describe the noun on line 1.
Line 4: Four nouns: 1st two go with line one. 2nd two go with line 7.
Line 5: Three “ing” words that describe the noun on line 7.
Line 6: Two adjectives that describe the noun on line 7.
Line 7: Noun or subject-Antonym for the line 1.
Diamante Poem

Furry, Cuddly
Barking, Chewing, Itching
Bone, Doghouse, Yarn, Litter Box
Climbing, Meowing, Licking
Fuzzy, Soft
Diamante Poem
Written by_____________________


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