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Which kernel memory routine(s) would i use for -->

1) Allocating memory in an interrupt handler ?

The kernel memory routine would be kmem_malloc().
It allocates wired-down memory in the kernel's address map.This routine has 2 important components--
>a private kernel submap (kmem_map) and an

2) Allocating memory at a fixed address ?

The kernel memory routine would be kmem_alloc().It is used to allocate wired memory in the kernel's
address map or a submap..It will return a failure
if no address space is available in indicated map.It may block if insufficient physical memory is available .

3) Freeing memory when a process might be blocked waiting for the address space?
The kernel memory routine would be kmem_free_wakeup().This routine returns memory to a submap
of the kernel,and wakes up any processes waiting for memory
in that map.

4)Allocating memory at an arbitrary address?

The kernel memory routine would be the general memory allocator malloc(). It can be used to allocate
memory requests of arbitrary alignment or size.

5)Allocating memory of a fixed size?

The kernel memory routine would be uma_zalloc().This routine allocates the memory for fixed sized
items.These items belong to a particular zone.The
uma_zalloc() routine takes the parameter as a zone identifier(returned by the zone allocator
uma_zalloc() ).Zone has a collection of fixed sized items.
Actually the zone is created using uma_zcreate() function.

6)Allocating aligned memory?

The kernel memory routine would be kmem_alloc_pageable().

Page Replacement In class, I mentioned that pages can be paged out if they
appear on the free, inactive, or active lists. Explain how a page on the inactive or active
lists might come to be paged out.

If the page-count targets have not been met, the swap-out daemon is started (see next subsection) to try
to clear additional
The FreeBSD 5.2 kernel does not impose any limits on the amount of virtual memory that it will grant. If it
finds that it has nearly
filled its memory and swap space, it avoids going into deadlock by killing off the largest process. One day
accounting and limits will be added to the system so as to avoid this crude resource-control mechanism.
The FreeBSD 5.2 kernel does not impose any limits on the amount of virtual memory that it will grant. If it
finds that it has nearly
filled its memory and swap space, it avoids going into deadlock by killing off the largest process. One day
accounting and limits will be added to the system so as to avoid this crude resource-control mechanism.
swapping a process. In general, the swap-scheduling mechanism does not do well under heavy load;
system performance is much
better when memory scheduling can be done by the page-replacement algorithm than when the swap
algorithm is used.

Memory Management At boot time, a vm page structure is allocated for each

frame of memory not allocated to the kernel. Explain how a vm page can simlutaneously
belong to many processes, yet will only appear once in the system.
Objects to Pages
When the system is first booted, the kernel looks through the physical memory on the machine to find out how many pages are
After the physical memory that will be dedicated to the kernel itself has been deducted, all the remaining pages of physical memory
described by vm_page structures. These vm_page structures are all initially placed on the memory free list. As the system starts
and processes begin to execute, they generate page faults. Each page fault is matched to the object that covers the faulting piece of
address space. The first time that a piece of an object is faulted, it must allocate a page from the free list and must initialize that
page either
by zero-filling it or by reading its contents from the filesystem. That page then becomes associated with the object. Thus, each
object has
its current set of vm_page structures linked to it. A page can be associated with at most one object at a time. Although a file may be
mapped into several processes at once, all those mappings reference the same object. Having a single object for each file ensures
that all
processes will reference the same physical pages.
If memory becomes scarce, the paging daemon will search for pages that have not been used actively. Before these pages can be
used by
a new object, they must be removed from all the processes that currently have them mapped, and any modified contents must be
by the object that owns them. Once cleaned, the pages can be removed from the object that owns them and can be placed on the
free list
for reuse. The details of the paging system are described in Section 5.12.

Copy-on-write finds its main use in virtual memory operating systems; when

a process creates a copy of itself, the pages in memory that might be modified by
either the process or its copy are marked copy-on-write. When one process
modifies the memory, the operating system's kernel intercepts the operation and
copies the memory so that changes in one process's memory are not visible to
the other.

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