Case Study: 3G - Green Design, Green Technology and Green Enterprise (Teacher's Guide)

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Case Study:

3G - Green Design, Green

Technology and Green Enterprise
(Teacher’s Guide)

Case Study (Teacher’s Guide) : 3G– Green Design, Green Technology and Green Enterprise

Mr Li Yu-wai
Head of Department (Design and Technology)
Tang Shiu Kin Victoria Government Secondary School

Project Coordinators
Mr Li Yat-chuen
Senior Training Consultant
Institute of Professional Education And Knowledge, VTC

Mr Tsang Siu-wah, Ephraim

Training Consultant
Institute of Professional Education And Knowledge, VTC

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Case Study (Teacher’s Guide) : 3G– Green Design, Green Technology and Green Enterprise

Case Study: 3G - Green Design, Green Technology and Green Enterprise

(Teacher’s Guide)

1. General Information

1.1 Subject: Design and Technology

1.2 Level: S3

1.3 Learning elements:

Knowledge Contexts Process Impact

Common topics • Information search • Reflection from
• Technology & Society from Internet on different views of
(Environmental issues, Green environmental different
Design, Green Technology and issues stakeholders
Green Enterprise) • Apply knowledge in • Green sense to the
• Design & Application (Design “3 Green” enterprise
consideration, Product design) • Writing a proposal operation
• Consumer education on Green policy for • Response to
(Consumers’ rights and a school climate change and
consumers’ choice) • Develop global warming
communication and
Systems & Control organization skills
• Application of systems
(Electronic products:
Fluorescent Light)
Operations & Manufacturing
• Project management (Planning
and organizing work,
Cooperation and coordination
in projects)

Case Study (Teacher’s Guide) : 3G– Green Design, Green Technology and Green Enterprise

1.4 Key Features and Task Definition

Case Study: Students should be made aware of the relevance of the technology
they are studying to the real world. Case studies on technology and
design enable students to put their learning into an authentic
context, and so provide an additional resource that can add a new
dimension to learning about technology and design.
Authentic Context: Students could understand the issues of Green design,
Green Technology and Green Enterprise in response to
environmental issues through an example, namely energy
saving lightings.
Knowledge Context Covered: Common Topic – Technology & Society
(Environmental issues)

Students in this generation are going to face the “third” industrial

revolution of Green economy whilst the “second one” is said to be
the emerging of IT industry. A report from the American Solar
Energy Society stated that one in every four Americans would work
in environmental related enterprise in the next generation. They
would be regarded as ‘Green Worker”. The “Green Ability” would
also be an attribute to be considered by the employer.

In this case study, students should build up a clear concept of “Green Design”, “Green
Technology” and “Green Enterprise”. Students should understand the effect from
consumers’ Green sense to enterprise operation. Students should build up a sense
about what technologies have developed in order to respond to the climate change and
global warming and what policy and operation the enterprises have made in response
to the increasing demand from Green conscious consumers.

In the study, students will apply their knowledge to propose a sustainable Green policy
for their school. It will be conducted in form of a competition. Each group needs to
make a presentation of their plan. The winning group will put their plan into action in
their campus with other group members as their partners.

Case Study (Teacher’s Guide) : 3G– Green Design, Green Technology and Green Enterprise

1.5 Learning Outcomes

Students are expected to:

1. Have a sense of global economy regarding the environmental issue;
2. Understand the detrimental effect of electronic products to the environment;
3. Understand what the Green design concept is;
4. Understand what Green technologies are being used and developed for;
5. What policies are being adopted by “Green Enterprise” in response to
environmental conscious consumers;
6. Consider the economical factor in Green policy;
7. Propose a sustainable Green policy for the school or propose a conceptual
design of a Green electronic gadget;
8. Develop their communication and organisation skills by implementing their

2. Teaching Notes

2.1 The story

Please refer to the Resource Materials

2.2. Learning and Teaching

2.2.1 Organization

Theme: Understanding of Green design, enterprise and technology

No. of periods: 12 periods
Duration of each period: 35 mins
• Research: Worksheets:
• Tasks:
1. Interview record
2. Propose a sustainable Green Policy
3. List Green design features
4. Poster design
• Group Presentations: PowerPoint
• Implementation of the proposed sustainable Green policy plan for the school

Case Study (Teacher’s Guide) : 3G– Green Design, Green Technology and Green Enterprise

2.2.2 Schedule of Work

Period Teaching / Learning Activities

01 Understanding the case and tasks

 Briefly explain the case topic;

 Explain the tasks and activities;
 Explain the assessment criteria;
 Brainstorming a MP3 product;
 Complete Class Activity One;
 Complete evaluation sheet before the lesson ends.
02-03 Forming groups and Studying the case

 Form groups of 3 to 4 students per team;

 Introduce the story of the case study;
 Information search about RoHS, WEEE, CFLs and T5;
 Guide students to complete Class Activity Two to Four through
small group and class discussion;
 Complete evaluation sheet before the lesson ends.
04-05 Research and data collection

 Encourage small group discussion to understand the case content;

 Conduct an interview to collect primary information;
 Use Interview Record Sheet;
 Prepare for a 10 minutes presentation;
 Teacher provides guidance to each group but not the answer.
06-08 Prepare a School Plan / Product Design

Task 1
 Guide students to apply the knowledge acquired to propose a
sustainable Green policy for their school;
 Guide students to prepare an implementation plan;
 Guide students to prepare an evaluation or criteria to assess the
implementation of the project;
 Guide students to propose a project schedule.
Task 2
 Design a conceptual design of a Green electronic gadget based on
the agreed criteria;
 Present design ideas in a poster;
 Propose marketing strategy.

Case Study (Teacher’s Guide) : 3G– Green Design, Green Technology and Green Enterprise

Period Teaching / Learning Activities

09-10 Presentation

 Students deliver a 10 minutes presentation of their proposal on a

proposal Green policy or a Green product design;
 Teacher and peer assessment;
 Students will vote which plan/product will be selected for
implementation or which one is the best environmental-friendly
11-12 Implementation of school Plan

 Students use their time after school to organize this activities;

 Teachers provides resources and guidance to the students.

Case Study (Teacher’s Guide) : 3G– Green Design, Green Technology and Green Enterprise

3. Activities and suggested answers

A. Class Activity One

1. You are a group of product designers. Use a Concept Map to present the ideas of
Green MP3.
2. You have only 5 minutes to complete your tasks and share your ideas afterward.
Tips to students:
A Green MP3 may comprise the following environmental parameters
• A compact size smaller than the regular ones, use less materials
• Use recyclable materials
• Use less packaging materials
• Low energy consumption with energy saving mode;
• Green policy to promote recycle practice of customers;
• Longer life span
• Compliance with RoHS regulations.

• Students need to substantiate their ideas with specific elaborations.
• Teacher may invite those groups with great ideas to share in the lesson. Teacher
may also facilitate small group discussion by sitting in the groups.

B. Class Activity Two

Conduct an Information search to answer the following questions.
Suggested website for reference:

1. What is the coverage of RoHS and WEEE on electrical and electronic products?
Categories of Electrical and Electronic equipment affected by RoHS and
WEEE are small and large household appliances, IT & telecommunication
equipment, consumable equipment (such as electrical toothbrushes and printers),
lighting equipment, electrical & electronic tools, toys, leisure & sports equipment
and automatic dispensers.
Coverage of WEEE extends to medical devices, monitoring and control

Case Study (Teacher’s Guide) : 3G– Green Design, Green Technology and Green Enterprise

2. What are the six harmful substances banned by RoHS?

Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Hexavalent Chromium, Polybrominated biphenyis
(PBB) and Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE)

Remarks: Teacher can ask students to conduct information search about the full name
and functions of PBB and PBDE in electronic and electrical appliances as a further

C. Class Activity Three

1. What is BFR? Why it is used in the printed circuit board?
BFR stands for Brominated flame retardants which are group of brominated
organic substances that have an inhibitory effect on the ignition of combustible
organic materials.
The electronics industry accounts for the greatest consumption of BFRs. In
computers, BFRs are used in printed circuit boards and components, such as
connectors, plastic covers and cables.
BFRs are exceptionally effective in fire prevention. They reduce the probability
that an item will ignite. Brominated flame retardants hinder the spread of the fire
and thus provide valuable extra time for evacuation in the early stages of a fire.
That is critical to the life saving.

2. Why the recycling rate is so low? What hinder the enterprise to recycle the used
It is all about the cost. The cost includes high labour cost in classifying the
types of recyclable wastes and transportation cost. The profit made from the
reused materials usually cannot cover the cost spent in recycling the materials.
Most enterprises suggest that government should subsidise this recycling
scheme by providing land to establish recycling spot so as to reduce the
transportation cost. The used products should be designed to be easily classified
and dismantled for reuse and recycle.

Remarks; Students are expected to have their own ideas when answering these
open-ended questions. The suggested answers provided are for reference only and
teachers should have their professional judgment and knowledge to give appropriate
feedbacks to the students. Teacher should also concern about the participation and
involvement of students in their learning process rather than the answer itself.

Case Study (Teacher’s Guide) : 3G– Green Design, Green Technology and Green Enterprise

D. Example 1 - Energy Saving Lightings

Do you know what parts are inside the Compact fluorescent light bulbs?
There are two main parts in a CFL: the gas-filled tube (also called bulb or
burner) and the electronic ballast.
An electrical current from the ballast flows through the gas, causing it to emit
ultraviolet light. The ultraviolet light then excites a phosphor coating on the inside of
the tube. This coating emits visible light.
The basic construction of typical electronic ballast involves a low-pass filter,
rectifier, buffer capacitor and a high frequency oscillator. The basic operation is that
after passing a low-pass filter, the mains voltage at 50Hz power frequency is
rectified by an AC/DC converter. This converter also contains the buffer capacitor,
which is charged with a DC voltage. In the high frequency oscillator this DC voltage
is transformed into a high frequency voltage which provides the power for the lamp.

E. Example 2 Fluorescent Light

What is the mercury content in traditional florescent lamp?
CFLs contain a very small amount of mercury sealed within the glass tubing
– an average of 4 milligrams. By comparison, older thermometers contain about
500 milligrams of mercury – an amount equal to the mercury in 125 CFLs.
Thanks to technology advances and a commitment from members of the
American National Electrical Manufacturers Association, the average mercury
content in CFLs has dropped at least 20 percent of 4 milligrams in the past year.
Some manufacturers have even made further reductions, dropping mercury
content to 1.4 – 2.5 milligrams per light bulb.

F. Class Activity Four

3. Now we all know CFLs can greatly reduce the electricity bill but not at the expenses
of the amount of light output. Do you know what materials are inside the Compact
fluorescent light bulbs? Why most of the CFLs are in the shape of spiral tube?

Case Study (Teacher’s Guide) : 3G– Green Design, Green Technology and Green Enterprise

There are two main parts inside a CFL, the gas-filled tube (also called bulb or
burner) and the magnetic or electronic ballast. Electrical energy, in the form of an
electrical current, from the ballast flows through the gas, causing it to emit
ultraviolet light. The ultraviolet light then excites a white phosphor coating inside of
the tube. This coating emits visible light. CFLs that flicker if they use a magnetic
ballasts; CFLs with electronic ballasts are now much more common.
Spiral tube type can increase the surface area of florescent materials and
concentrate the light intensity and density at a minimal volume.

4. As explained above, the T5 has more benefits to the environment than T8 and T12,
however, why not so many people are going to replace their fluorescent lamps at
T5 is more expensive than T8 and T12. T5 has higher capital cost but it will be
justified in the long run by its energy saved (consumes 36% energy less compared
with T8 and T12). However, users need to replace the base and the ballast which
is quite expensive. Users usually do not see the urgent need to replace the whole
set of fluorescent lamp, they will keep the old base and ballast and just replace the
tube at much lower cost.

Extended Learning: “What is Ballast?” can be a further activity for the students.
Brief comparison between Electromagnetic Ballast and Electronic Ballast:
• Compared to electromagnetic ballast, energy losses in electronic ballast are
reduced as the solid state circuit contains no conventional copper windings. The
energy saved by electronic ballast can be up to 28% as recommended by EMSD.
• Benefits of electronic ballast over electromagnetic ballast:
 Rapid or instant starting of lamp without flickering.
 One ballast can be designed to drive more than one lamp, whereas one
electromagnetic ballast can only drive one lamp.
 Increased lifetime due to lower operating current.
 Quiet operation.
 Dimmable version is also available.
 No visible flicker during operation.
 No stroboscopic effect by high frequency operation.
 Low operating temperature and reduce blackening in the vicinity.
 Much lighter in weight.

Case Study (Teacher’s Guide) : 3G– Green Design, Green Technology and Green Enterprise

4. Tasks

Teacher can duplicate and customize the form for their use.

Interview Record Form

For individual/group use
Worksheet Code : D&T/CS-3G-WS01 Date: _____ /_____/ ______
Group/Name : Class: ________
Task: Interview the school stakeholders to collect information about the way
of promoting sustainable Green policy in school
Suggested Answers:
Name of Interviewee: ______________
The interviewees may be the Principal, teachers, fellow students and clerical staff.
Suggested Interview Questions:
10. Do you think our school is Green enough?
Usually the school cannot be regarded as a perfect Green school as there
must be room for improvement and more environmental friendly.
11. What measures can be taken to cut down the electricity bill?
Control the use of lightings, air conditioners, electrical appliances and
computers in terms of time and good practices, such as turning off the computers
immediately after using.
12. Should we replace all the lights by the energy saving ones?
Replace the traditional light bulbs with CFLs and T5 Fluorescent lighting.
Calculate the capital investment and the energy saved during the expected life
span when using the CFLs and T5 fluorescent lighting..
13. Can we control the use of paper?
Limited use of paper, quota control, use printed-paper or recycled paper, print
both sides.
14. Can we breakeven the cost invested to improve the energy efficiency?
Check against the energy saving labels of the electrical appliances so as to
calculate the energy saved during a certain period of time. To find out the time the
devices need to be used to cover the extra money spent in new installation.

Teacher Remarks:

Case Study (Teacher’s Guide) : 3G– Green Design, Green Technology and Green Enterprise

Worksheet: Propose a plan on sustainable Green policy

For group use

Worksheet Code : D&T/CS-3G-WS02 Date : ____ /_____/ ______
Group: Class : _________
Task: Propose a plan on sustainable Green policy for a school
e.g. : To reduce the expenditure in electricity bill by 8%

Existing Situation/Problem:
e.g.: Lightings used in the classroom and corridors are all T12 fluorescent lights. The
expenditure in lightings may now occupy high percentage of total energy
Action Plan:
e.g. Calculate the total number of lightings to be replaced. The capital cost involved
such as the cost of materials and the installation fee.
e.g. Calculate the money saved during the servicing life of CFLs and fluorescent
lights. Forecast the time for breakeven to balance the energy saved during the
service life and the capital cost.
e.g. The energy saving label for the calculation of energy expenditure.
Budget Planning:
e.g. The unit price of CFLs and T5 fluorescent lighting plus the installation fee.
e.g. To find out the schedule that minimize the impact on normal operation of
classroom teaching and safety.
e.g. Contract out the installation work, assign menial tasks such as cleaning to minor
staff of the school or commission to social enterprise.
Teacher Remarks:

Case Study (Teacher’s Guide) : 3G– Green Design, Green Technology and Green Enterprise

Worksheet: List Green design features

For individual/group use

Worksheet Code : D&T/CS-3G-WS03 Date: _____ /_____/ ______
Group/Name : Class: ________
Task: List the Green design features to be adopted in your new product.
Type of Product:
Green Design Features:
(Hints: Design features need to be quantified, such as the percentage of packaging
materials to be saved and the percentage of weight to be reduced.)

Suggested Answers:
Calculate the percentage of size reduced;
Suggest environmental friendly materials;
Design a packaging with less materials;
Recycling scheme, such as pre-paid envelope and trade-in used product;
Use less parts, recycle-easy design;
Reliable and use longer.

Teacher Remarks:

Case Study (Teacher’s Guide) : 3G– Green Design, Green Technology and Green Enterprise

Worksheet: Poster Design

For individual use

Worksheet Code : D&T/CS-3G-WS04 Date: _____ /_____/ ______
Name : Class: ________
Task: Design a promotion poster for your new product with focus on the
Green design features.
Use freehand sketching to present your ideas;
Colour pencils for rendering is recommended;
Highlight all Green features in additional to the product specifications;
Communication and aesthetics are the assessment criteria.

Teacher Remarks:

5. Assessment

Please refer to the Resource Materials.

6. References

• Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs
• Proposal writing
• Hong Kong Productivity Council


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