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Chapter-wise Worksheets

Chapter 1
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. My name is ________________________________.
2. I study in ________________________________ School.
3. My birthday is on ________________________________.
4. I like to eat ________________________________.
B. Tick ()the correct answers.
1. I am
a. 6 years old. b. 7 years old. c. 8 years old.
2. I study in
a. Class 1. b. Class 2. c. Class 3.
3. I like
a. sunny days. b. rainy days. c. cold days.
4. I love my __________ the most.
a. parents b. toys c. crayons
C. Answer the following questions.
1. Where do you live?
2. Which colour do you like the most?
3. What is your hobby?
4. What is your mother’s name?
5. What is your father’s name?
Chapter 2
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. We see with our ________________ (ears/eyes).
2. Our ________________ (back/neck) helps us to stand straight, bend forward and backward.
3. We should not look at the ________________ (moon/sun) directly.
4. We must brush our teeth ________________ (twice/once) a day.
B. Write T for true and F for false.
1. We must grow our nails long. ______
2. We must never play with sharp objects. ______
3. We clap with our legs. ______
4. We should keep our body parts clean. ______
C. Draw lines to match.
1. Ear a. taste
2. Nose b. feel
3. Skin c. hear
4. Tongue d. smell
D. Tick () the correct answers.
1. This body part helps us to move our head up and down.
a. Neck b. Back c. Eyes
2. It is important to wash this body part before every meal.
a. Legs b. Mouth c. Hands
3. It helps you to feel a rough surface.
a. Nose b. Skin c. Knee
4. This body part helps us to write.
a. Feet b. Hands c. Eyes
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Name the five sense organs.
2. Write three things that our knees help us to do.
3. What can we do to keep our hair clean?
4. Which body parts will we use to throw a ball?
Chapter 3
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Parents and children form an ________________ (extended/immediate) family.
2. My ________________ (father’s/mother’s) sister is my maternal aunt.
3. Children learn ________________ (good/bad) manners from elders.
4. Members of an extended family are called ________________ (uncles/relatives).
B. Write T for true and F for false.
1. Members of an extended family always live in the same house. ______
2. Family members share work and duties at home. ______
3. If Meera is my cousin, she is my grandfather’s daughter. ______
4. We join our relatives to celebrate festivals together. ______
C. Draw lines to match.
1. Immediate family a. aunt’s daughter
2. Paternal uncle b. parents and children
3. Cousin c. mother’s father
4. Maternal grandfather d. father’s brother
D. Tick () the correct answers.
1. Tanu is my mother’s daughter. She is my
a. sister. b. aunt. c. brother.
2. My father’s father is my
a. maternal uncle. b. paternal grandfather. c. maternal grandfather.
3. They are our maternal relatives.
a. People related through mother
b. People related through father
c. People related through uncle
4. Grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins together form this kind of family.
a. Immediate family b. Extended family c. Small family
E. Answer the following questions.
1. What do children learn from the elders in a family?
2. Who are our paternal relatives?
3. Who are our maternal relatives?
4. What is the difference between immediate family and extended family?
Chapter 4
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. When people become old, they become ________________ (weak/strong).
2. Pets are our ________________ (enemies/friends).
3. The elderly need to visit the ________________ (doctor/shop) if they are not well.
4. We must ________________ (feed/not feed) our pets well.
B. Write T for true and F for false.
1. People who are different in the way their body or
brain works are called differently abled. ______
2. It is fine if we do not offer our seat to the old. ______
3. Some people need special care. ______
4. We should spend time with old people. ______
C. Draw lines to match.
1. Pets a. old people
2. Elderly b. a doctor for animals
3. Differently abled c. animals we keep at home
4. Vet d. body or brain may work differently
D. Tick () the correct answers.
1. Old people need this.
a. Special care b. New uniforms c. New crayons
2. We can take care of differently abled in this way.
a. Tease them b. Be friends with them c. Make fun of them
3. We should do this to the pets.
a. Keep them untidy b. Tease them c. Be kind to them
4. If a pet is sick, this is what we should do.
a. Take it to the vet b. Forget to feed it c. Take it for a walk
E. Answer the following questions.
1. What are the needs of the old people?
2. Write any two ways to take care of the elderly.
3. Write any two ways to take care of the differently abled.
4. Write any two ways to take care of the pets.
Chapter 5
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. In ________________ (individual/team) games a group of players plays against another team.
2. Hockey is an ________________ (indoor/outdoor) game.
3. Carrom is an ________________ (indoor/outdoor) game.
4. Playing games makes us ________________ (tiered/fit).
B. Write Yes or No.
1. Games keep us healthy. ______
2. Cricket is played indoors. ______
3. Cycling is a team game. ______
4. An umpires makes the players follow the rules of the games. ______
C. Draw lines to match.
1. Referee a. individual game
2. Golf b. team game
3. Ludo c. makes players follow rules of games
4. Cricket d. indoor game
D. Tick () the correct answers.
1. They see to it that the rules of the games are followed.
a. Police b. Players c. Referees
2. This is an individual game.
a. Chess b. Hockey c. Football
3. Monopoly is a type of
a. outdoor game. b. indoor game. c. team game.
4. Badminton is an
a. individual game. b. team game. c. both individual and team game.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Why should we play games?
2. What are individual games? Give two examples.
3. What do the rules of a game tell us?
4. What are outdoor games? Give two examples.
Chapter 6
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. The festivals celebrated by the entire country are called _________ festivals.
2. On _____ August 1947, India became free from the British rule.
3. Lord Rama killed _________ on Dussehra.
4. On _________, Sikhs remember their ten Gurus.
B. Write T for true and F for false.
1. We have three national festivals. ______
2. Holi is the festival of lights. ______
3. Langar is a free meal served in a gurdwara. ______
4. We should play Holi using natural or herbal colours only. ______
C. Draw lines to match.
1. Baisakhi a. Tamil Nadu
2. Bihu b. Punjab
3. Pongal c. Kerala
4. Onam d. Assam
D. Tick () the correct answers.
1. There is a huge, colourful parade in New Delhi at Rajpath to celebrate it
a. Independence Day b. Republic Day c. Gurpurab
2. We also call it Vijayadashami.
a. Dussehra b. Diwali c. Holi
3. It is the rice harvest festival
a. Onam b. Holi c. Christmas
E. Answer the following questions.
1. What are festivals?
2. What are national festivals?
3. What are religious festivals?
4. What are harvest festivals?
Chapter 7
A. Fill in the blanks. Choose words from the box.
Fish, vegetarian, balanced, everyday

1. People who are ________________ do not eat fish, meat and eggs.
2. A diet that has the right amount of food and water is called a ________________ diet.
3. We must drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water ________________.
4. ________________ is a bodybuilding food.
B. Write T for true and F for false.
1. Soft food are difficult to chew and digest. ______
2. Our diet is the food that we eat and drink regularly. ______
3. Our food habits depend on our own choice and taste. ______
4. Food items that taste good are always very healthy. ______
C. Draw lines to match.
1. Energy-giving food a. not healthy
2. Bodybuilding food b. papaya
3. Protective food c. egg
4. Junk food d. sugar
D. Tick () the correct answers.
1. Small children and old people need this type of food.
a. Hard food b. Soft food c. Rough food
2. It is a protective food.
a. Butter b. Spinach c. Eggs
3. We must not eat this regularly.
a. Khichdi b. Milk c. Chips
4. Rice is
a. an energy-giving food. b. a bodybuilding food. c. a protective food.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Where do we get our food from?
2. Write two factors on which our food habits depend.
3. What is protective food? Name some protective foods.
4. Why should we not eat junk food regularly?
Chapter 8
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Some rainwater goes deep into the ground. It is called ________________ (underwater/groundwater).
2. Milk contains ________________ (water/no water).
3. Leaking water pipes and taps should be ________________ (repaired/not repaired).
4. Water gets polluted if we ________________ (drink it/throw waste in it).
B. Write T for true and F for false.
1. All food items contain same amount of water. ______
2. Clean drinking water has no taste, colour or smell. ______
3. If we use leftover water to water the plants, it will cause water pollution. ______
4. We should store drinking water in clean and closed containers. ______
C. Draw lines to match.
1. River a. store water
2. Tap b. clean water
3. Filter water c. man-made source
4. Water tank d. natural source
D. Tick () the correct answers.
1. It is not a natural source of water.
a. Lake b. Pond c. Well
2. It is not used for storing water.
a. Bottle b. Cloth c. Bucket
3. It is the main source of water.
a. Rain b. River c. Tap
4. It is one of the ways to save water.
a. Keeping the tap running while brushing
b. Using shower for bathing
c. Getting leaking water pipes repaired
E. Answer the following questions.
1. What is potable water?
2. Write two ways to keep water clean.
3. Write two ways to reuse water.
4. Why is water important?
Chapter 9
A. Rearrange the letters to make meaningful words.
1. Places with heavy rainfall have houses with ________________ (LOPSING) roofs.
2. A bungalow is a ________________ (CUPCA) house.
3. A ________________ (SHOEUTOBA) floats on water.
4. Kutcha houses are also called ________________ (SHUT).
B. Write T for true and F for false.
1. A house keeps us safe from thieves and stray animals. ______
2. We can write on the walls to keep them clean. ______
3. It is difficult to break a kutcha house. ______
4. We also build houses according to the space we have to build them. ______
C. Draw lines to match.
1. Igloo a. portable house
2. Bungalows b. snow and ice
3. Tent c. high bamboo poles
4. Stilt house d. big houses with lawns
D. Tick () the correct answers.
1. This house has more than two floors.
a. Single-storey b. Bungalow c. Multi-storey
2. A kutcha house is found mostly here.
a. Villages b. Cities c. Schools
3. This is a house on wheels.
a. Tent b. Caravan c. Houseboat
4. Wire mesh prevents them from entering our house.
a. Insects b. Fresh air c. Sunlight
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Write two reasons why houses are made differently.
2. Why do we find apartment buildings mostly in cities?
3. What is a portable house?
4. Write two ways to keep a house clean.
Chapter 10
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. We make yarn from cotton fibre by ________________ (weaving/spinning) it.
2. Clothes made of cotton, rayon and canvas are ________________ (strong/weak).
3. Jute is a ________________ (natural/man-made) fibre.
4. ________________ (Polyester/Cotton) is a natural fibre.
B. Write T for true and F for false.
1. We get woollen clothes from the skin of dead animals. ______
2. We can wear clothes made of rayon in summer and rainy season. ______
3. A weaver weaves the yarn to make cloth. ______
4. Using moth balls in the cupboards may spoil the clothes. ______
C. Draw lines to match.
1. Cotton clothes a. special occasion
2. Silk clothes b. rainy season
3. Waterproof clothes c. winter season
4. Woollen clothes d. summer season
D. Tick () the correct answers.
1. We make such clothes from wood pulp.
a. Rayon b. Jute c. Silk
2. These are made of rubber or plastic materials.
a. Jute clothes b. Waterproof clothes c. Canvas clothes
3. It is a man-made fibre.
a. Jute b. Silk c. Nylon
4. These clothes are soft and have a shine. We like to wear them on special occasions.
a. Canvas b. Silk c. Leather
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Why do we need clothes?
2. What are natural fibres? Name three natural fibres.
3. How do we take care of woollen clothes?
4. Why do we wear woollen clothes in winter?
Chapter 11
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Moving air is called ________________ (wind/storm).
2. A balloon becomes ________________ (small/big) when we blow air into it.
3. We should ________________ (cut more trees/plant more trees) to reduce air pollution.
4. When wind blows very fast it is called a ________________ (breeze/storm).
B. Write T for true and F for false.
1. Air has no weight. ______
2. We can feel air only when it moves. ______
3. Some vaccines help to prevent air-borne diseases. ______
4. Wind moves at the same speed all the time. ______
C. Draw lines to match.
1. Air pollution a. air rises when heated
2. Hot air balloon b. air fills space
3. Inflated tyre c. air-borne disease
4. Swine flu d. bursting crackers
D. Tick () the correct answers.
1. It is a slow moving wind.
a. storm b. breeze c. air
2. Which one will be heavier—a balloon filled with air or a balloon without air?
a. Balloon filled with air b. Balloon without air c. Both will be same
3. It is one of the ways to reduce air pollution.
a. Burning garbage b. Cutting trees c. Using cycles
4. Air pollution may cause
a. asthma. b. cholera. c. jaundice.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Write some of the features of air.
2. How does air become dirty or polluted?
3. How do air-borne diseases spread? Name two air-borne diseases.
4. State two ways to prevent air-borne diseases.
Chapter 12
A. Fill in the blanks. Choose words from the box.

not safe, 8 hours, every day, Plant wastes

1. We should sleep for ________________ every night.
2. ________________ mix easily with soil.
3. It is ________________ to play alone outside after dark.
4. Dustbins should be cleaned ________________.
B. Write Yes or No.
1. We must carry water with us when we go out to play. ______
2. People should not write or stick posters on walls of any public places. ______
3. We keep our surroundings clean when we do not throw waste in the dustbins. ______
4. The dustbins in kitchen and washrooms should be kept covered. ______
C. Draw lines to match.
1. Dirty surroundings a. keeps us healthy.
2. Burning garbage b. in separate dustbins.
3. Must throw wastes c. spread many diseases.
4. Yoga d. make the air dirty.
D. Tick () the correct answers.
1. Use this dustbin to throw plastic wastes.
a. Green dustbin b. Blue dustbin c. Orange dustbin
2. We must never throw the garbage
a. on the road. b. in the community dustbin. c. in separate dustbins.
3. We must keep our surrounding
a. clean. b. dirty. c. full of garbage.
4. This relaxes our mind.
a. Sleep b. Pollution c. Food
E. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the benefit of playing indoor games?
2. Why is it important to keep our surroundings clean?
3. What kind of wastes should we throw in the green dustbin?
4. What should we do to keep ourselves fit and healthy?
Chapter 13
A. Circle the correct answers.
1. Get in or out of a vehicle only when it starts / stops.
2. Never push / greet others.
3. Do not walk / run in the corridors.
4. Cross the road only when the traffic stops / moves.
B. Write T for true and F for false.
1. Cross the road at tiger crossing. ______
2. Take medicines only after asking parents. ______
3. It is safe to run up and down the steps. ______
4. Never go alone for swimming. ______
C. Draw lines to match.
1. Seat belt a. do not push others
2. Strangers b. two-wheeler
3. Helmet c. do not talk
4. Slide d. car
D. Tick () the correct answers.
1. If someone gets hurt, you should do this.
a. Cry b. Run away c. Inform an elder
2. While waiting for a bus you should do this.
a. Stand in a queue b. Disturb others c. Push others
3. You should not play with this.
a. A knife b. A ball c. A bat
4. It is safe to play here.
a. Road b. Park c. Classroom
E. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the safe way to cross a road?
2. Why should you not play with knives or blades?
3. Why should you never tease animals?
4. Write two safety rules to follow while playing.
Chapter 14
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. A hospital has ________________ (an ambulance/a fire engine) to bring the sick.
2. ________________ (Policemen/Doctors) guard our neighbourhood.
3. ________________ (Recreation/Emergency) means to enjoy or relax.
4. We find shopping malls in many ________________ (cities/villages).
B. Write T for true and F for false.
1. A waiter prepares food for us. ______
2. A courier company helps to pick up and deliver our
letters and parcels. ______
3. We buy medicines from a police station. ______
4. Places that people share such as parks, schools and markets
are also called public places. ______
C. Draw lines to match.
1. Waiter a. beauty parlour
2. Hairdresser b. restaurant
3. Doctor c. police station
4. Inspector d. hospital
D. Tick () the correct answers.
1. We go to this place to buy medicines.
a. Chemist shop b. Courier company c. Restaurant
2. It is a place where we go to watch plays.
a. Zoo b. Theatre c. Park
3. This word means to enjoy and relax.
a. Emergency b. Recreation c. Neighbourhood
4. It is a place where wild animals are kept for people to see.
a. Park b. Zoo c. Theatre
E. Answer the following questions.
1. What is a neighbourhood?
2. How do policemen help us?
3. What is a community centre?
4. Name some helpers we find in a shopping mall.
Chapter 15
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. People who help to make our lives comfortable and easy
are our ________________ (enemies/helpers).
2. A ________________ (plumber/mechanic) can help repair taps in our house.
3. A ________________ (magician/musician) plays music.
4. A ________________ (clown/singer) does funny things to make people laugh.
B. Write T for true and F for false.
1. A gas delivery boy delivers us letters and parcels. ______
2. A mason helps in building a house. ______
3. Electricians do not repair electric wires, they only fit wires. ______
4. A singer sings songs for us. ______
C. Draw lines to match.
1. Mason a. magic tricks
2. Magician b. clothes
3. Plumber c. bricks and cement
4. Tailor d. water pipes
D. Tick () the correct answers.
1. They cut our hair.
a. Carpenters b. Hair dressers c. Dancers
2. We buy vegetables from them.
a. Painters b. Potters c. Greengrocers
3. They help us by painting the windows, doors or walls.
a. Potters b. Electricians c. Painters
4. They help us by repairing the lights of our homes.
a. Electricians b. Mechanics c. Masons
E. Answer the following questions.
1. What does a mechanic do?
2. What is the difference between a cobbler and a tailor?
3. Who is an actor?
4. What do a potter and a carpenter work with?
Chapter 16
A. Circle the correct answers.
1. Buds bloom into flowers / seeds.
2. A pea plant is an example of a climber / creeper.
3. Shrubs / Herbs have thin, green and soft stems. They live only for three to four months.
4. Some leaves develop into tendrils / thorns to protect the plant.
B. Write T for true and F for false.
1. Shrubs are also called bushes. ______
2. Some green stems also prepare food for the plant. ______
3. Cabbage is an example of flowers that store food. ______
4. Creepers always bear small fruits. ______
C. Draw lines to match.
1. Roots a. grow into new plants
2. Leaves b. fix the plant to the soil
3. Stem c. make food for the plant
4. Seeds d. provides support to the plant
D. Tick () the correct answers.
1. It is a stem that grows under the ground to store food.
a. Carrot b. Potato c. Cactus
2. It is a thread-like part to provide support to the plant.
a. Trunk b. Thorn c. Tendril
3. They are big, tall and strong plants.
a. Climbers b. Shrubs c. Trees
4. These plants need to climb on other plants, sticks or walls to grow.
a. Herbs b. Climbers c. Creepers
E. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the importance of fruits?
2. What are herbs? Give two examples of herbs.
3. What is an aquatic plant? Give two examples of aquatic plants.
4. Name the things that help the leaves to prepare food for the plants.
Chapter 17
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. We get ________________ (oil/flower) by crushing the seeds of sunflowers.
2. We can make ________________ (cotton/rope) using the outer shell of coconut.
3. We must ________________ (grow/cut) as many plants as possible.
4. Dry leaves are used to make ________________ (paint/compost).
B. Write T for true and F for false.
1. We get rubber from pine trees. ______
2. Plants should get enough sunlight to grow. ______
3. For decoration, we use only flowers. ______
4. We must water the plants regularly. ______
C. Draw lines to match.
1. Teak wood a. gum
2. Henna b. furniture
3. Jasmine c. dye
4. Acacia tree d. perfume
D. Tick () the correct answers.
1. It is a dry fruit.
a. Cardamom b. Cashew nut c. Clove
2. We get paper from the pulp of this tree.
a. Bamboo b. Teak c. Rubber
3. It is a spice.
a. Brinjal b. Groundnut c. Black pepper
4. We can make cloth from this plant.
a. Coffee b. Cotton c. Coconut
E. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the use of compost?
2. Name three plants useful for making medicines.
3. What is the importance of using spices?
4. How are plants useful for living beings?
Chapter 18
A. Fill in the missing letters.
1. Animals that eat the meat of other animals are called C__R__I__ __RE__.
2. P__P__I__S are the young ones of a dog.
3. __QUI__ __ELS live on trees.
4. Zebra is a H__ __BI__ __RE.
B. Write T for true and F for false.
1. Crow is an omnivore. ______
2. When cocoon breaks, caterpillar comes out. ______
3. Scavengers eat plants as well as animals. ______
4. Domestic animals live in man-made homes. ______
C. Draw lines to match.
1. Lion a. shed
2. Rabbit b. stable
3. Horse c. burrow
4. Cow d. cave
D. Tick () the correct answers.
1. It lives in a pen.
a. Hen b. Sheep c. Cat
2. It is the bag that the caterpillar forms around itself.
a. Cocoon b. Coop c. Egg
3. This animal is an omnivore.
a. Lion b. Elephant c. Bear
4. This animal crawls to move.
a. Snake b. Fox c. Bird
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Name the four stages of the life cycle of a butterfly.
2. What helps the fish to swim?
3. Name three animals that live both in land and water.
4. Who are scavengers? Give examples of two scavengers.
Chapter 19
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. We make ________________ (curd/honey) from milk.
2. A ________________ (zebra/camel) is a domestic animal.
3. We must keep the pets in ________________ (clean/dirty) shelters.
4. Dung of many animals is used as ________________ (manure/leather).
B. Write T for true and F for false.
1. Pets need to be regularly checked by vet. ______
2. Non-vegetarians do not eat seafood. ______
3. Furs of rabbits are used to make woollen clothes. ______
4. Leather is made from the feathers of some animals. ______
C. Draw lines to match.
1. Honey a. buffalo
2. Eggs b. horse
3. Milk c. duck
4. Carry load d. beehive
D. Tick () the correct answers.
1. It is used as a fuel.
a. Dried dung b. Milk c. Silk thread
2. It is made from leather.
a. Comb b. Manure c. Belt
3. They help us plough fields.
a. Lions b. Dogs c. Oxen
4. We get wool from this animal.
a. Cow b. Sheep c. Hen
E. Answer the following questions.
1. What are domestic animals?
2. Where do we get silk from?
3. Why are some animals called beasts of burden? Name two such animals.
4. How can we keep our pet animals clean and healthy?
Chapter 20
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. A ________________ (tonga/cycle) is an animal-drawn vehicle.
2. A ________________ (passenger train/goods train) carries things from one place to another.
3. CNG is the name of a ________________ (fuel/transport).
4. People use metro trains mostly in ________________ (villages/cities).
B. Write T for true and F for false.
1. We use means of transport to move things from
one place to another. ______
2. We take an aeroplane from a port. ______
3. Trains are the fastest means of transport. ______
4. Using public transport saves fuel. ______
C. Draw lines to match.
1. Bullock cart a. rail transport
2. Helicopter b. road transport
3. Metro train c. water transport
4. Boat d. air transport
D. Tick () the correct answers.
1. This is the full form of CNG.
a. Combined Natural Gas b. Compressed Natural Gas c. Combined National Gas
2. It does not have an engine.
a. Scooter b. Auto-rickshaw c. Rickshaw
3. It transports heavy things.
a. Ship b. Cargo ship c. Row boat
4. It is not a cause of problems on city roads.
a. Use of cycles b. Too much use of horn c. Not following traffic rules
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Name some things which make railway engines run.
2. What is the difference between a ship and a boat?
3. City roads have many problems caused by vehicles. Write two of them.
4. State two ways to reduce problems caused by vehicles.
Chapter 21
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. FAX machine needs a ________________ (magazine/telephone number) to work.
2. ________________ (The internet/Radio) is the oldest means of entertainment.
3. We can see the person we are talking to with the help of ________________ (web camera/radio).
4. ________________ (Talking on mobile/Staging play) is an example of communication at public
B. Write T for true and F for false.
1. We need means of communication to keep in touch. ______
2. The Internet is not a popular means of communication. ______
3. Others will not feel disturbed if we talk loudly on phone. ______
4. Using too much of communication device is bad for our eyes. ______
C. Draw lines to match.
1. Letter a. watching
2. Newspaper b. speaking
3. Telephone c. reading
4. Television d. writing
D. Tick () the correct answers.
1. It is used for communication in public places.
a. Internet cafe b. FAX machine c. Mobile phone
2. We buy them from post office.
a. Telephone b. Postcard c. Radio
3. Through this we can receive message but cannot send our message.
a. Radio b. Letter c. Telephone
4. SMS can be used in this.
a. Telephone b. Newspaper c. Mobile phone
E. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the meaning of communication? Define means of communication.
2. What is the importance of the Internet?
3. What is the advantage of newspapers as means of communication?
4. How are means of communication used for entertainment?
Chapter 22
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. We usually see dark clouds during the ________________ (summer/rainy) season.
2. The ________________ (moon/star) shines because of the light of the Sun.
3. The Sun is actually a ________________ (moon/star).
4. ________________ (Jupiter/Earth) is neither very hot nor very cold.
B. Write T for true and F for false.
1. Earth is nearer to the Sun than Venus. ______
2. Days are long and nights are short during winter. ______
3. We see moon and the stars in the night sky. ______
4. Hilly areas get snowfall during winter season. ______
C. Draw lines to match.
1. Mercury a. eighth planet from the Sun
2. Neptune b. third planet from the Sun
3. Jupiter c. first planet from the Sun
4. Earth d. fifth planet from the Sun
D. Tick () the correct answers.
1. Reema walks in the north direction. Then she takes a right turn to reach the market.
The market is in this direction.
a. North b. West c. East
2. In the early morning, the Sun looks like this.
a. Blue ball b. Orange ball c. Black ball
3. The natural objects in the sky are called this.
a. Stars b. Planetary bodies c. Heavenly bodies
4. We sometimes see this after the rains.
a. Planet b. Snowman c. Rainbow
E. Answer the following questions.
1. What are planets?
2. Why does the sky not look clear on a rainy day?
3. Why do some places on earth have day when it is night in other parts?
4. Why do we see different shapes of the moon every night?
Chapter 23
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. 12 months make a ________________ (year/week).
2. A leap year has ________________ (365/366) days.
3. If the date today is 12 March, the date yesterday was ________________ (11 March/13 March).
4. When we face the sunrise, we are looking in the ________________ (west/east) direction.
B. Write T for true and F for false.
1. All months have 4 weeks. ______
2. Left, right, near, far, up and down are used for simple directions. ______
3. We see leap year after every 2 years. ______
4. Direction helps to locate things, people or places. ______
C. Draw lines to match.
1. 31 days a. a week
2. 29 February b. a year
3. 7 days c. a month
4. 365 days d. a leap year
D. Tick () the correct answers.
1. It is the period from sunset to sunrise.
a. A day b. Afternoon c. Night
2. When we face sunrise, this direction is on our right side.
a. South b. North c. West
3. It is a drawing of a particular area.
a. Location b. Direction c. Map
4. If today is Thursday, then tomorrow is what day?
a. Wednesday b. Thursday c. Friday
E. Answer the following questions.
1. What is a complete day?
2. What is a week? Write the name of the days of a week.
3. What is the importance of a map?
4. What terms are used for main directions?
Answers to Worksheets
Chapter 1
A. – C. Accept all relevant responses.

Chapter 2
A. 1. eyes 2. back 3. sun 4. twice
B. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T
C. 1. c 2. d 3. b 4. a
D. 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. b
E. 1. Eyes, ear, nose, tongue and skin
2. Bend down, squat and kneel
3. We should oil, shampoo and comb our hair to keep them neat and clean.
4. We use our arms, shoulders and hands together to throw a ball.

Chapter 3
A. 1. immediate 2. mother’s 3. good 4. relatives
B. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T
C. 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c
D. 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b
E. 1. Children learn good manners, good values and discipline from the elders.
2. People related to us through our father are called paternal relatives.
3. People related to us through our mother are called maternal relatives.
4. Parents and childern form an immediate family.
Grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins form and extended family.

Chapter 4
A. 1. weak 2. friends 3. doctor 4. feed
B. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T
C. 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b
D. 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. a
E. 1. Old people need special care, a lot of rest and healthy food.
2. We can take care of the elderly in the following ways.
• Spend time with the elderly. Talk to them, take them for walks, picnics and movies. This will make
them feel loved and wanted.
• Take them to the doctor if they are not well.
• Get them things they need like medicines, food, water, chair or newspaper.
• Carry their things. Their hands should be free to take support of railings, walls or other things
while walking.
• Offer them your seat in a bus or train.
(Accept any two of these or any relevant response.)
3. We can take care of the differently abled in the following ways.
• Talk to them nicely and make them your friends.
• Invite them for celebrations like birthdays, picnics or festivals.
• Do not laugh at them or tease them.
• Help them in their work, if needed.
• Encourage them to have a hobby.
(Accept any two of these or any relevant response.)
4. We can take care of the pets in the following ways.
• Keep the pets clean.
• Feed them well.
• Be kind to your pets.
• Take the pets to a vet when they are sick. Also, get them checked and vaccinated regularly.
(Accept any two of these or any relevant response.)

Chapter 5
A. 1. team 2. outdoor 3. indoor 4. fit
B. 1. Yes 2. No 3. No 4. Yes
C. 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b
D. 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. c
E. 1. Playing games keeps us fit and healthy. It relaxes our mind and makes us happy.
2. In individual games, a player plays for himself or herself only. It is the individual player who loses or
wins the game.
Swimming, cycling, carrom, chess and golf are individual games. (Accept any two relevant
3. Rules of games tell us how to play the games properly. These rules help us to play in a friendly
manner, without fighting.
4. Outdoor games are played outside in an open ground or a court.
Cycling, skating, cricket, hockey, golf, football and lawn tennis are outdoor games. (Accept any two
relevant responses.)

Chapter 6
A. 1. national 2. 15 3. Ravana 4. Gurpurab
B. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T
C. 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c
D. 1. b 2. a 3. a
E. 1. Festivals are special days. We celebrate them with our family, friends, neighbours and relatives.
2. The festivals celebrated by the entire country are called national festivals.
3. People follow different religions all over the country. The festivals they celebrate are called religious
4. Harvest festivals are celebrated when crops are ready to be cut.

Chapter 7
A. 1. vegetarian 2. balanced 3. everyday 4. Fish
B. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F
C. 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a
D. 1. b 2. b 3. c 4. a
E. 1. We get our food from plants and animals.
2. Our food habits depend upon some of the following things.
• The place where we live
• The food we can get easily
• Our habits and religious customs
• Our own choice and taste
(Accept any two relevant responses.)
3. Food that protects us from diseases and helps us to be healthy is called protective food. Fruits, vegetables
and milk are protective food.
4. Junk food like burger, chips and so on, are not very healthy. They do not give us energy or protect us
from diseases. They only make us fat. That’s why we should not eat junk food regularly.

Chapter 8
A. 1. groundwater 2. water 3. repaired 4. throw waste in it
B. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T
C. 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a
D. 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. c
E. 1. Water that is clean and safe for drinking is potable water.
2. • Do not bathe or wash clothes in water bodies.
• Do not throw garbage or dead animals in water.
• Treat factory waste before leaving it in water bodies.
• Clean the things used for storing water like bottles, buckets and tanks regularly.
(Accept any two of these or any relevant response.)
3. • Use water left after washing clothes to mop the floor or water the plants.
• Do not throw any leftover water or drinking water stored for long. Use it to water the plants, or
wash clothes and utensils.
(Accept any two relevant responses.)
4. All living things need water to live. Plants need water to make food. Most plants die if they do not
get water for a few days. Animals need water for drinking and bathing. We need water to drink and
to do many things in our daily life.

Chapter 9
B. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T
C. 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c
D. 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. a
E. 1. Houses are made differently because of many reasons. Some reasons are as follows:
• Houses are built according to the climate of the place. For example, houses in places with heavy
rainfall have sloping roofs.
• We build houses according to the amount of money we want to spend on building them.
• The size of a house also depends upon the size of the family who has to live in it.
• We build houses according to the space we have to build them.
(Accept any two relevant responses.)
2. Large number of people live in big cities but there is less space to build houses. An apartment
building can accommodate many people as it has many floors and each floor may have two or more
flats for the families to stay. Therefore we see apartment buildings mostly in big cities.
3. Houses that we can move easily are called portable houses.
4. • Dust things at home regularly.
• Sweep and mop the floor of the house every day.
• Clean the cobwebs of the house regularly.
• Keep things in their proper place after each use.
• Do not write on the walls.
• Put wire mesh on doors and windows to prevent flies, mosquitoes and other insects from entering
the house. It will also allow sunlight and fresh air to enter.
• Use closed dustbins in the kitchen and washrooms to throw waste.
• Empty and clean the dustbins daily.
(Accept any two of these or any relevant response.)

Chapter 10
A. 1. spinning 2. strong 3. natural 4. Cotton
B. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F
C. 1. d 2. a 3. b 4. c
D. 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. b
E. 1. We need clothes because they protect us from heat, cold, rain, dust and insects.
2. Natural fibers are the fibres that we get directly from plants and animals.
Cotton, jute, silk, canvas and wool are natural fibres. (Accept any three of these.)
3. Clothes made of wool are very delicate. We use very mild washing powder or detergent to wash
them. We do not spin, squeeze or wring them. We dry woollen clothes on a flat surface so that they
do not lose their shape.
4. Woollen clothes are made from the hair of animals like sheep, yak and rabbit. They do not let the
body heat go out and keep us warm. Therefore we wear woollen clothes in winter.

Chapter 11
A. 1. wind 2. big 3. plant more trees 4. storm
B. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F
C. 1. d 2. a 3. b 4. c
D. 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a
E. 1. The following are some of the features of air.
• We cannot see air but we feel it when it moves.
• Air fills space.
• Air has weight.
• Air rises when heated.
2. Air becomes polluted or dirty due to dust, smoke from vehicles and factories, bursting of crackers
and burning of garbage.
3. Air-borne diseases spread through air. They spread when a person having the disease coughs or
sneezes, thus giving out germs. Air carries these germs to a healthy person making him or her also ill.
Some air-borne diseases are common cold, influenza, tuberculosis, chickenpox and swine flu.
(Accept any two relevant responses.)
4. The following are some ways to prevent air-borne diseases.
• Avoid being near a person who is sick.
• Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze.
• Wash your hands often.
• Wear masks to avoid breathing in germs or spreading them.
• Some vaccines also help to prevent air-borne diseases.
(Accept any two relevant responses.)

Chapter 12
A. 1. 8 hours 2. Plant wastes 3. not safe 4. everyday
B. 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes
C. 1. c 2. d 3. b 4. a
D. 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. a
E. 1. Indoor games make our brain sharp and keep us healthy.
2. Dirty surroundings spread many diseases. Clean surroundings help us to be healthy.
3. Wastes like vegetable and fruit peels, paper and clothes should be thrown in the green dustbins.
4. We must exercise regularly, do yoga and play games to keep ourselves fit and healthy.

Chapter 13
A. 1. stops 2. push 3. run 4. stops
B. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T
C. 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a
D. 1. c 2. a 3. a 4. b
E. 1. • Cross the road only at zebra crossing when the traffic light is red and the traffic has stopped.
• Look to the right, then to the left and then again to the right. If there is no vehicle coming, cross
the road.
2. We should not play with things like knives and blades because they are sharp and they can hurt us.
3. We should never tease animals because they may get angry and bite us.
4. • Always play or fly kites in a park or playground.
• Do not stand near a moving swing.
• Never push others from a swing, slide or see-saw. Wait for your turn.
• Do not play or hide in dark or lonely places.
• Do not play near open manholes.
• Do not talk to strangers or take anything from them.
(Accept any two relevant responses.)

Chapter 14
A. 1. an ambulance 2. Policemen 3. Recreation 4. cities
B. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T
C. 1. b 2. a 3. d 4. c
D. 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. b
E. 1. All the houses and places near our house is our neighbourhood.
2. Policemen guard our neighbourhood and keep our lives and things safe. (Accept all relevant responses.)
3. A community centre is a place where people usually meet for recreation.
4. We find salesmen, lift operators, doormen, cashiers in a shopping mall. (Accept all relevant

Chapter 15
A. 1. helpers 2. plumber 3. musician 4. clown
B. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T
C. 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b
D. 1. b 2. c 3. c 4. a
E. 1. A mechanic repairs our motor vehicles.
2. A cobbler stitches and mends our shoes.
A tailor stitches and mends our clothes.
3. An actor acts in plays, movies and television programmes.
4. A potter works with clay and a carpenter works with wood.

Chapter 16
A. 1. flowers 2. climber 3. Herbs 4. thorns
B. 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F
C. 1. b 2. c 3. d 4. a
D. 1. b 2. c 3. c 4. b
E. 1. A fruit has seeds inside it and the seeds grow into new plants.
2. Herbs are very small plants with thin, green and soft stems. They have a very short life and die after
bearing flowers. Mint, coriander and grass are some examples of herbs. (Accept any two of these or
any relevant response.)
3. Aquatic plants are the plants that grow only in water. Lotus and water hyacinth are some examples
of aquatic plants. (Accept these or any relevant response.)
4. Leaves make food for the plants with the help of air, sunlight and water.

Chapter 17
A. 1. oil 2. rope 3. grow 4. compost
B. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T
C. 1. b 2. c 3. d 4. a
D. 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b
E. 1. Compost is added to the soil to make plants grow well.
2. Neem, basil and eucalyptus (Accept all relevant responses.)
3. Spices add taste, colour and pleasant smell to food.
4. Plants are very useful for the living beings. They clear the air we breathe. They provide food for
man and animal. They provide shelter to many birds and animals. They also make our surroundings

Chapter 18
B. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T
C. 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a
D. 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a
E. 1. Eggs, caterpillar, pupa, butterfly
2. Fins and tails help the fish to swim.
3. Frog, crocodile, tortoise (Accept all relevant responses.)
4. Animals that eat the flesh of dead animals are the scavengers. Example – Fox, jackal, vulture (Accept
all relevant responses.)

Chapter 19
A. 1. curd 2. camel 3. clean 4. manure
B. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F
C. 1. d 2. c 3. a 4. b
D. 1. a 2. c 3. c 4. b
E. 1. Domestic animals are the animals we keep on farms or in the backyard of our homes. They are very
useful to us.
2. We get silk from the cocoon of silkworms.
3. Some animals are called beasts of burden because they carry load for us.
Horses, camels, donkeys, mules and elephants are some animals who are called the beasts of burden.
(Accept any two relevant responses.)
4. These are some of the ways to keep pet animals clean and healthy.
• Give the pets good and healthy food. Feed them on time.
• Keep them clean by giving them regular baths.
• Keep them in neat and clean shelters.
• Get the pets checked by a vet regularly and also when they are sick.
• Be kind to your pets. Spend time with them.
(Accept all relevant responses.)

Chapter 20
A. 1. tonga 2. goods train 3. fuel 4. cities
B. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T
C. 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c
D. 1. b 2. c 3. b 4. a
E. 1. Electricity, coal or diesel
2. We use boat to travel short distances and ships for long distances.
3. Usually a large number of vehicles move on city roads. They cause various problems for the people
living in the city.
• When people do not follow traffic rules properly, accidents and traffic jams occur.
• Too much use of horn from vehicles causes noise pollution.
• Vehicles that are not maintained properly release a lot of smoke and cause air pollution.
• Air and noise pollution give rise to health problems such as deafness, headache, problems in ears,
nose and throat, and lung diseases.
(Accept any two relevant responses.)
4. The following are some of the ways to reduce problems caused by vehicles.
• Follow the traffic rules.
• Maintain vehicles by getting them checked for pollution regularly.
• Use a cycle or walk for short distances.
• Use car pools or public transport like bus, metro train or local train for long distances.
• Avoid using horn as much as possible.
• Use CNG as fuel to reduce air pollution.
(Accept any two relevant responses.)

Chapter 21
A. 1. telephone number 2. Radio 3. web camera 4. Staging play
B. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T
C. 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a
D. 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. c
E. 1. Communication means sharing of ideas, information or messages. The things that we use to
communicate are called means of communication.
2. The Internet connects different computers of the world. We can send e-mails and get information
about various things on our computers, laptops and mobile phones because of the Internet.
3. We get to know about what is happening in the world through newspapers. It is an easy means to
communicate written messages to a large number of people.
4. We hear songs and other programmes on radio. We hear and see songs, dances, drama, sports,
programmes and movies on television. We also read books and magazines to relax ourselves. Due
to the Internet, music and videos are easily available all the time. People can also play a variety of
games anytime using the Internet.

Chapter 22
A. 1. rainy 2. moon 3. star 4. Earth
B. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T
C. 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b
D. 1. c 2. b 3. c 4. c
E. 1. Planets are the heavenly bodies that circle around the sum.
2. The sky does not look clear on a rainy day because the clouds hide the sun.
3. The light of the sun does not fall equally on all parts of the earth. The part that gets sunlight has day.
The part that does not get sunlight has night.
4. Moon has no light of its own. It shines because of the light of the sun.We can see only that portion of
the moon on which the sun’s light falls. That is why we see different shapes of the moon every night.

Chapter 23
A. 1. year 2. 366 3. 11 March 4. east
B. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T
C. 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b
D. 1. c 2. a 3. c 4. c
E. 1. A day and night together make a complete day.
2. 7 complete days make one week. The days of the week are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
3. A map shows us different places and where they are located. A map can help us to find our way if
we are in a new place.
4. East, West, North and South.

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