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Book 2



1. Know Your Computer

A. Tick [] the correct option.

1. A tablet PC can work without a ____________.
(a) mouse (b) battery
(c) touch screen (d) none of these
2. PDA is a ___________ computer.
(a) big (b) very large
(c) small (d) tiny
3. A computer stores everything in the ___________.
(a) memory (b) keyboard
(c) mouse (d) UPS
B.  Fill in the blanks.
1. We keep a ___________ computer on the desk.
2. A computer needs ___________ and electricity to work.
3. A tablet PC is a notebook or ___________ mobile computer.
C.  Write true (T) for a correct statement and false (F) for an incorrect statement.
1. A laptop is larger than a desktop computer.
2. A computer cannot take decision on its own.
3. We cannot watch cartoons and movies using a computer.
D.  Short answer questions
1. What is a supercomputer?
2. Name different types of computers.
3. How does a tablet PC work?
E.  Long answer questions
1. What is a desktop computer?
2. What are the differences between a computer and a human?
3. What is a laptop?

2. Uses of a Computer

A. Tick [] the correct option.

1. Computers are useful in __________.
(a) banks (b) libraries
(c) schools (d) all of these
2. In a bank, a computer keeps details of __________ accounts.
(a) ATM (b) bill
(c) medical (d) price
3. Students use computer in __________.
(a) hospital (b) school
(c) bank (d) kitchen
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. A computer helps us to send and receive __________ in an office.
2. In a hospital, a computer helps to perform __________.
3. __________ is a film made with the help of computers.
C. Match the following columns.
Column A Column B
(i) Car racing and shooting (a) Cannot be used for cooking
(ii) Computer (b) Uses computer in school
(iii) Doctor (c) Uses computer in shop
(iv) Teacher (d) Computer games
(v) Shopkeeper (e) Uses computer in hospital
D. Short answer questions
1. How does computer help in a hospital?
2. Where do we find computers?
3. How do computers help in shops and stores?
E. Long answer questions
1. How is a computer helpful in hospital?
2. How has computers helped in making film and advertisement?
3. List the uses of a computer in office.

3. Parts of a Computer

A. Tick [] the correct option.

1. A computer’s parts are connected to each other with ____________.
(a) strings (b) rubber
(c) gum (d) wires
2. A ____________ helps us to get printouts of our work.
(a) keyboard (b) printer
(c) microphone (d) ard disk
3. Sometimes a headphone and a ____________ are attached to each other.
(a) microphone (b) UPS
(c) CPU (d) monitor
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. A printer helps us to get ____________ of our work done.
2. A monitor looks like a ____________ screen.
3. A ____________ helps us to record our voice.
C. Write true (T) for a correct statement and false (F) for an incorrect statement.
1. A mouse helps scroll up and down on a computer screen.
2. A computer has four main parts.
3. DVD stands for Digital Vider Disc.
D. Short answer questions
1. What is a wallpaper?
2. What does a computer run on?
3. Where is a hard disk fixed in a computer?
E. Long answer questions
1. What is a mouse? What is its function?
2. List the steps to start a computer.
3. What is the function of a UPS? Why is it not needed in a laptop?

4. Working of a Computer

A. Tick [] the correct option.

1. A computer uses the _________ cycle to perform a task.
(a) CPU (b) IPO
(c) input (d) output
2. _________ is the processing device of a computer.
(a) Mouse (b) Joystick
(c) Pen drive (d) CPU
3. A storage device stores _________ for later use.
(a) input (b) tool
(c) data (d) output
B. Write true (T) for a correct statement and false (F) for an incorrect statement.
1. A computer needs instructions to work.
2. A hard disk is a storage device outside the computer.
3. Inputs can be in the form of symbols and letters.
C. Match the following columns.
Column A Column B
(i) IPO cycle (a) Inside the CPU
(ii) Light pen (b) Output device
(iii) Hard disk (c) Input device
(iv) CD, DVD (d) Input to output
(v) Speaker (e) Information outside a computer
D. Short answer questions
1. What is processing?
2. What are output devices?
3. What is a storage device?
E. Long answer questions
1. What is the IPO cycle?
2. What are the components of the IPO cycle? Describe each component in a sentence.
3. What is a device? Explain with the help of examples.

5. More about Keyboard

A. Tick [] the correct option.

1. We use a keyboard for ___________.
(a) matching (b) typing
(c) blinking (d) none of these
2. ___________ keys are marked with arrows.
(a) Function (b) Cursor
(c) Enter (d) Shift
3. Enter key is also called the ___________ key.
(a) Shift (b) Backspace
(c) Return (d) Number
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. We see alphabet keys in three rows of a ____________.
2. Number keys are placed on the ____________ pad.
3. There are ____________ function keys from ____________ to ____________.
C. Write true (T) for a correct statement and false (F) for an incorrect statement.
1. Page Up/Page Down keys move a page up or down.
2. We use the Delete key to delete characters to the left side of a cursor.
3. Delete key and Enter key are used for different purposes.
D. Short answer questions
1. What are special keys?
2. How are Cursor keys marked? How many Cursor keys does a keyboard have?
3. How many alphabet keys are there on a keyboard?
E. Long answer questions
1. What is the use of a Caps Lock key?
2. What are alphabet keys?
3. How is Delete key different from Backspace key?

6. Typing in WordPad

A. Tick [] the correct option.

1. The blinking line on a WordPad window is called ____________.
(a) ruler (b) ribbon
(c) cursor (d) menu bar
2. The WordPad window appears on the ____________.
(a) keyboard (b) mouse
(c) scanner (d) screen
3. To open WordPad, we first click on ____________.
(a) Start (b) Accessories
(c) All Programs (d) none of these
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. When we click on Save, the ____________ dialog box will appear on the screen.
2. WordPad is a simple program that helps us to type ____________.
3. We click on ____________ to open the file.
C. Match the following columns.
Column A Column B
(i) WordPad (a) Saved file
(ii) Title Bar (b) Blinking line
(iii) Cursor (c) Program
(iv) Open (d) Closing WordPad
(v) Exit (e) Main part of WordPad window
D. Short answer questions
1. What is WordPad?
2. What is the function of a cursor?
3. How do we open WordPad?
E. Long answer questions
1. How can we make the text look better?
2. What are the steps that we follow to close WordPad?
3. How can we work in WordPad?

7. Computer Mouse

A. Tick [] the correct option.

1. A mouse is a small _________ device.
(a) input (b) output
(c) storage (d) none of these
2. Selecting an item refers to highlighting an item on the _________.
(a) mouse (b) screen
(c) keyboard (d) none of these
3. _________ mouse works without a wire.
(a) Touchpad (b) Trackball
(c) Optical (d) Touch
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. A _________ helps the mouse to move smoothly.
2. When we click the right button of a mouse, it is _________.
3. A _________ mouse is faster than a Scroll mouse.
C. Write true (T) for a correct statement and false (F) for an incorrect statement.
1. When we click the left button of a mouse, it is left-click.
2. A Gaming mouse is not expensive.
3. We click the left button twice on the selected document to open it.
D. Short answer questions
1. What is a Roller-ball mouse?
2. What is a Trackball mouse?
3. Name the various parts of a mouse.
E. Long answer questions
1. What is the use of the right mouse button?
2. How do we select an item?
3. How do we drag and drop an item on the screen?

8. MS Paint

A. Tick [] the correct option.

1. We use the ___________ tool to draw straight lines.
(a) Oval (b) Airbrush
(c) Line (d) Text
2. We use the ________ tool to erase what we do not need.
(a) Pencil (b) Eraser
(c) Brush (d) none of these
3. Oval tool is available under ________ group.
(a) Brushes (b) Size
(c) Colors (d) Shapes
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. ________ tool allows us to type text in the picture.
2. Line tool is available under __________________ group.
3. There are many tools in the Ribbon of __________________.
C. Match the following columns.
Column A Column B
(i) Brush tool (a) Squares and rectangles
(ii) Airbrush tool (b) Open option
(iii) Rectangle and Rounded Rectangle tool (c) Thick lines
(iv) Saving work (d) Sprayer
(v) Opening file (e) Save as option
D. Short answer questions
1. What is MS Paint?
2. What are the various tools present in the Ribbon?
3. How can we choose the thickness and colour of a line?
E. Long answer questions
1. List the steps one should follow to work with Paint tools.
2. How can we open a saved file?
3. Write the steps for closing MS Paint.

Answers to Worksheets

1. Know Your Computer

A.  Tick [] the correct option.

1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (a)
B.  Fill in the blanks.
1. desktop 2. instructions 3. slate-shaped
C.  Write true (T) for a correct statement and false (F) for an incorrect statement.
1. False 2. True 3. False
D.  Short answer type questions.
1. Supercomputer is a very big computer. It is not commonly used. It is used at places like space
and research centres.
2. Different types of computers are desktop computer, laptop, tablet PC, PDA and super-
3. A tablet PC has a touch screen that allows a user to operate it without a keyboard and mouse.
E.  Long answer type questions.
1. The computer that we keep on a desk is a desktop computer. We cannot carry it around
easily. This computer is commonly seen at different places such as homes, shops and schools.
2. The differences between a computer and a human are given in the table below.

Computer Human
• Works fast • Cannot work as fast as a computer
• Does not make mistakes • Can make mistakes
• Does not get tired • Gets tired
• Stores everything in the memory • Stores some things in the memory
• Needs instructions to work • Can work without instructions
• Cannot take decision on its own • Takes decision on his own
• Needs electricity to work • Does not need electricity to work

3. A laptop is a computer, smaller than a desktop.

• It is so small that we can keep it on our lap and work.
• It is also known as notebook computer.
• We can carry it easily to any place as it works on battery.

2. Uses of a Computer

A.  Tick [] the correct option.

1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (b)
B.  Fill in the blanks.
1. e-mails 2. operations 3. Jurassic Park
C.  Match the following columns.
(i) (d) (ii) (a) (iii) (e) (iv) (b) (v) (c)
D.  Short answer questions
1. A computer helps to keep records of patients and do medical tests in hospital.
2. Today, we find computers everywhere. They are found at home, school, market, hospital and
many other places.
3. Computers help in shops and stores in the following ways.
(a) Making bills and price lists
(b) Keeping details of goods and customers
E.  Long answer questions
1. In a hospital, a computer helps to do the following tasks.
• Keep records of patients
• Do medical tests
• Find the cause of a disease
• Perform operations
• Make medical reports of patients
2. Films like Jurassic Park, Spider-Man and My Friend Ganesha are made with the help of
computers. Cartoon films are mostly made on computers. We see many advertisements on a
television. They are also made with the help of computers.
3. In an office, a computer helps to do the following tasks.
• Type letters and reports
• Send and receive e-mails
• Keep office records

3. Parts of a Computer

A.  Tick [] the correct option.

1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (a)
B.  Fill in the blanks.
1. printouts 2. television 3. microphone

C.  Write true (T) for a correct statement and false (F) for an incorrect statement.
1. True 2. True 3. False
D.  Short answer questions
1. The desktop picture or the desktop background is known as wallpaper.
2. A computer runs on electricity.
3. A hard disk is fixed inside a CPU.
E.  Long answer questions
1. A mouse is a part of a computer. It helps us to draw and colour pictures, point at and select
objects, and scroll up and down on a computer screen.
2. The steps to start a computer are listed below.
(i) Switch on the main power supply.
(ii) Press the UPS button to switch it on.
(iii) Press the button on the CPU to switch it on.
(iv) Press the button on the monitor to open its display screen.
3. A UPS keeps a computer ON for some time even after the electricity goes OFF. This gives us
time to save the data we are working on.
A laptop does not need a UPS because it has a battery inside it.

4. Working of a Computer

A.  Tick [] the correct option.

1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (c)
B.  Write true (T) for a correct statement and false (F) for an incorrect statement.
1. True 2. False 3. True
C.  Match the following columns.
(i) (d) (ii) (c) (iii) (a) (iv) (e) (v) (b)
D.  Short answer questions
1. Working on inputs or data is called processing.
2. The parts of a computer which help us to give output are called output devices.
3. A storage device is a device that stores data for later use.
E.  Long answer questions
1. The input-process-output (IPO) cycle is a system that consists of input, output and the
processing steps required to change the input into output.
2. The components of the IPO cycle are listed below.
• Input (I) – It is the information, idea or resource given.
• Processing (P) – It consists of the actions performed to change input into output.
• Output (O) – It is the result of processing.

3. A part or tool that does a particular job is called a device. A computer has the following
• Input devices – Scanner, Keyboard
• Processing device – CPU
• Output devices – Monitor, Printer
• Storage devices – Hard disk, Pen drive

5. More about Keyboard

A.  Tick [] the correct option.

1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (c)
B.  Fill in the blanks.
1. Keyboard 2. Numeric 3. 12, F1, F12
C.  Write true (T) for a correct statement and false (F) for an incorrect statement.
1. True 2. False 3. True
D.  Short answer questions
1. Special keys are the keys present on a keyboard to perform important tasks.
2. Cursor keys are marked with arrows. There are four cursor keys on a keyboard.
3. There are 26 alphabet keys on a keyboard.
E.  Long answer questions
1. A Caps Lock key is used to type CAPITAL LETTERS only.
We press the Caps Lock key once to turn it ON. This allows us to type text in capital letters. We
press it again to turn it OFF and type lower case letters.
2. The keys having letters A to Z on them are called alphabet keys. We use them to type words
and sentences. They are seen in three rows of a keyboard in a jumbled order.
3. Delete key is used to delete characters to the right side of a cursor whereas Backspace key is
used to delete characters to the left side of a cursor.

6. Typing in WordPad

A.  Tick [] the correct option.

1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (a)
B.  Fill in the blanks.
1. Save As 2. poems 3. Open
C.  Match the following columns.
(i) (c) (ii) (e) (iii) (b) (iv) (a) (v) (d)

D.  Short answer questions
1. WordPad is a simple program that helps us to type letters, poems, etc.
2. A cursor indicates where the text that we want to type will appear.
3. To open WordPad, we click on Start → All Programs → Accessories → WordPad. The WordPad
window will appear on the screen.
E.  Long answer questions
1. We can make our text look attractive by using the various buttons available in the ‘Font’
group of ‘Home’ tab of ‘Ribbon’. To do this, we take the cursor to the text we want to change.
Keeping the left button of the mouse pressed, we move the cursor till the part we want to
select. This part of the text will get highlighted. We release the left mouse button. Now, we
use the desired button in the Ribbon to change the selected text.
2. The steps that we follow to close WordPad are given below.
(i) Click on the WordPad menu and choose Exit option.
(ii) If we have not saved our document, the computer will ask us to save it by displaying a
(iii) We can click on Save or Don’t Save as desired. If we click on Don’t Save, WordPad will
close without saving the document. If we click on Save, the Save As dialog box will
appear on the screen. We can type the file name and save it. If we click on the Cancel
button, WordPad will not be closed. We can continue working on it.
3. We work in the WordPad window. The main parts of the WordPad window are Menu Bar, Title
Bar, Format Bar, Ribbon and Ruler. We see a blinking line on it. It is called cursor. It indicates
where the text that we want to type would appear. To type the text, we use the various keys
on the keyboard. The text appears on the window.

7. Computer Mouse

A.  Tick [] the correct option.

1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (d)
B.  Fill in the blanks.
1. mouse pad 2. right-click 3. Gaming
C.  Write true (T) for a correct statement and false (F) for an incorrect statement.
1. True 2. False 3. True
D.  Short answer questions
1. A Roller-ball is a mouse that has a ball that moves to move the cursor on the screen.
2. A Trackball mouse is one which has a ball on the top that works like a scroll. We move the ball
to move the cursor on the screen.
3. A mouse has the following parts.
• Left button
• Right button

• A scroll-wheel between the two buttons
• A tail-like wire connected to the CPU
E.  Long answer questions
1. We click the right mouse button once to open a set of options.
2. Selecting an item on the monitor means highlighting it. We follow the given steps.
(i) Move the mouse pointer to a document on the screen and then click it once. Its colour
will change. It shows that the document is now selected.
(ii) Now we click the left mouse button twice on the selected document to open it.
3. We follow these steps to drag and drop an item on the screen.
(i) Select a file by clicking the left mouse button.
(ii) Hold the left button pressed and move the mouse. The selected file will also move. This
is called drag.
(iii) Release the mouse button. The file will stay in the new place. This action of the mouse is
called drop.

8. MS Paint

A.  Tick [] the correct option.

1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (d)
B.  Fill in the blanks.
1. Text 2. Shapes 3. MS Paint
C.  Match the following columns.
(i) (c) (ii) (d) (iii) (a) (iv) (e) (v) (b)
D.  Short answer questions
1. MS Paint is a program that helps us to draw and paint on a computer.
2. There are various tools in the Ribbon of MS Paint. They are listed below.
• Pencil tool
• Eraser tool
• Brush tool
• Fill with color tool
3. We can choose the thickness of the line from the Size box and its colour from the Color box.
E.  Long answer questions
1. The following steps should be performed to work with Paint.
(i) Place the mouse pointer on any tool. The name of the tool will appear. Click on it to
select it.
(ii) Move the pointer to the Drawing Area to make the drawing. Click and drag the mouse to
use the tool.

2. Once a file has been saved, it can be opened as and when required by following the steps
given below.
(i) Click on the Paint menu and choose Open option. The Open dialog box will appear on
the screen.
(ii) Click on the file we want to open. Then, click on the Open button. The saved file will
3. The steps for closing MS Paint are given below.
(i) Click on the Paint menu and choose Exit option.
(ii) If we have not saved our work, the computer will ask us to save it by displaying a message.
(iii) We can click on the Save or Don’t Save button as desired. If we click on Don’t Save, MS
Paint will close without saving the work. If we click on Save, the Save As dialog box will
appear on the screen. We can type the file name and save it.
If we click on the Cancel button, MS Paint will not close. We can continue working in it.

Viva Dot Com 2
Assessment Sheets
Assessment Sheets

Assessment Sheet 1

A. Name six places where you have seen a computer being used.

1. _______________________ 2. _______________________
3. _______________________ 4. _______________________
5. _______________________ 6. _______________________

B. Give one word answer.

1. Which part of the computer is like a TV screen?

2. Which part is called the brain of a computer?
3. Which part of the computer is like a typewriter?
4. Which part of the computer helps us to record our voice?

C. Name three input and output devices each.

Input Devices

1. ________________ 2. ________________ 3. ________________

Output Devices

1. ________________ 2. ________________ 3. ________________

D. Match the following columns.

Column A Column B

1. Computer (i) Space and research centres
2. CD (ii) Does not use UPS
3. Supercomputer (iii) IPO cycle
4. Laptop (iv) CD-ROM drive
5. Working of a computer (v) Works very fast

E. Answer orally.

1. List any three differences between a man and a computer.

2. List any three similarities between a man and a computer.
3. List any three uses of computers in hospitals.
4. Where is a hard disk present?
5. What does output refer to in IPO cycle?

Assessment Sheet 2

A. Describe each in a sentence.

1. Tablet PC : _________________________________________________________________

2. Printer : _________________________________________________________________

3. Input : _________________________________________________________________

4. Device : _________________________________________________________________

5. Processing : _________________________________________________________________

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. We cannot carry _________________ computer around easily.

2. We can send fax using a _________________.
3. __________________ are the small pictures or symbols that appear on the screen.
4. The typed text that we see on the monitor is the _________________.
5. _________________ is the processing device in a computer.

C. List any five ways in which you make use of computer.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________

D. Write true (T) or false (F).

1. A computer can work without instructions. _____________

2. A computer helps in keeping office records. _____________
3. Desktop is the screen that appears on the monitor. _____________

4. Output can be in the form of sound only. _____________
5. A hard disk is a storage device of a computer. _____________

E. Answer orally.

1. Why are computers used in banks?

2. Name some devices which are used to store the work we do on a computer.
3. Name the processing device in a computer.
4. Where is a hard disk present?
5. Can we store information outside the computer? If yes, how?

Assessment Sheet 3

A. Match the tool with its name.

Column A Column B

1. Fill with color tool (i)

2. Color picker tool (ii)

3. Oval tool (iii)

4. Line tool (iv)

5. Airbrush tool (v)

B. Choose the correct option.

1. There are __________ Number keys in a keyboard.

 10  20  30

2. Which key do we use to move to the next line while typing with a keyboard?

  Delete key   Space bar key   Enter key

3. Which of the following is generally found on a laptop?

  Touchpad mouse

  Touch mouse

  Trackball mouse

4. Which of the following tools helps us to draw with thick lines?

  Eraser tool   Brush tool   Pencil tool

5. Which of the following tools allows us to write text in the picture?

  Color picker tool   Magnifier tool   Text tool

C. Fill in the blanks.

1. The Enter key is also called the __________________ key.

2. Cursor keys are marked with __________________.
3. The touchpad mouse is generally found on a __________________.

4. Selecting an item on the monitor means __________________ it.
5. Airbrush tool is available under __________________ group.

D. Write true (T) or false (F).

1. We use the Enter key to move to the beginning of the next line.

2. We press the Caps Lock key twice to turn it ON.

3. We use the Page Up key to move the page up.

4. WordPad is only used to type letters.

5. There are only a few tools in the Ribbon of MS Paint.

E. Answer orally.

1. What do we do to move the page down?

2. What do you do to open WordPad?
3. What happens to the work if it is not saved and the computer stops working?
4. Which type of mouse do you use at your home?
5. How will you draw straight lines in the Paint window?

Assessment Sheet 4

A. Match the following columns.

Column A Column B
1. Caps Lock key (i) Faster than Scroll mouse
2. Cursor keys (ii) Shapes group
3. Gaming mouse (iii) Capital letters
4. Line tool (iv) Responds to our finger movement
5. Touch mouse (v) Moving the cursor

B. Name the groups under which the following tools are available.

1. Line Tool _______________________

2. Rectangle and Rounded Rectangle Tools _______________________
3. Oval Tool _______________________
4. Airbrush Tool _______________________
5. Text Tool _______________________
6. Magnifier Tool _______________________
7. Pick Color Tool _______________________

C. Write the functions of the following tools.

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________

D. Fill in the blanks.

1. The _______________ keys on the keyboard are used to do important tasks.

2. There are _______________ arrow keys on a keyboard.
3. The mouse is a small _______________ device.
4. We can choose and spray different colours in the Drawing Area using the _______________
5. Color picker tool is available under _______________ group.

E. Answer orally.

1. How many function keys are there on a keyboard?

2. How is an optical mouse different from a touchpad mouse?
3. Name the Paint tool that you will use to fill colours in your drawing.
4. Name the Paint tool used for drawing circles.
5. Why is it important to save our work in a computer?

Answers to Assessment Sheets

Assessment Sheet 1

A. 1. School 2. Home 3. Office 4. Bank 5. Shop 6. Mall

B. 1. Monitor 2. CPU 3. Keyboard 4. Microphone
C. Input Devices: 1. Keyboard  2. Mouse  3. Microphone
Output Devices: 1. Monitor  2.  Printer  3. Speaker
D. 1. (v) 2. (iv) 3. (i) 4. (ii) 5. (iii)

E. 1. Man Computer
(i) Cannot work as fast as a computer (i) Works very fast
(ii) Gets tired (ii) Does not get tired
(iii) Does not need electricity to work (iii) Needs electricity to work

2. (i) Both can collect and use information

(ii) Both have memory to store information to use later
(iii) Both need care to work properly
3. (i) Keeping records of patients
(ii) Doing medical tasks
(iii) Performing operations
4. A hard disk is fixed inside a CPU.
5. Output refers to the result of processing.

Assessment Sheet 2

A. 1. Tablet PC : A tablet PC is a notebook or slate-shaped mobile computer.

2. Printer : A printer is a device that helps us to get printouts of the work done on a computer.
3. Input : It refers to the information, idea or resource given.
4. Device : It is a part or tool that does a particular job.
5. Processing : Working on inputs is called processing.
B. 1. desktop 2. PDA 3. Icons 4. output 5. CPU
C. 1. For playing games
2. For studying
3. For listening to music
4. For watching movies or cartoons
5. For making drawings
D. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T

E. 1. Computers are used in banks for keeping details of different accounts and ATM, and for
keeping records of customers.
2. CD, DVD, pen drive and hard disk are some of the devices used to store the work we do on a
3. CPU is the processing device in a computer.
4. A hard disk is present inside a CPU.
5. We can store information outside the computer by using CD, DVD or a pen drive.

Assessment Sheet 3

A. 1. (ii) 2. (v) 3. (iv) 4. (iii) 5. (i)

B. 1. 20 2. Enter key 3. Touchpad mouse 4. Brush tool
5. Text tool
C. 1. Return 2. arrows 3. laptop 4. highlighting 5. Brushes
D. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T
E. 1. We press the Page Down key to move the page down.
2. To open WordPad, click on Start All Programs Accessories WordPad.
3. We will lose our work that is not saved in case the computer stops working.
5. We use the Line tool to draw straight lines in the Paint window.

Assessment Sheet 4

A. 1. (iii) 2. (v) 3. (i) 4. (ii) 5. (iv)

B. 1. Shapes group 2. Shapes group 3. Shapes group 4. Brushes group
5. Tools group 6. Tools group 7. Tools group
C. 1. We use it to draw circles and ovals.
2. We use it to add text to an image.
3. We use it to draw straight lines.
4. We use it to spray colour on Paint images.
5. We use it to enlarge a drawing.
D. 1. Special 2. four 3. input 4. Airbrush 5. Tools
E. 1. There are twelve function keys on a keyboard.
2. An optical mouse uses laser light to move the pointer. A touchpad mouse is generally found
on a laptop.
3. Fill with color tool is used to fill colours in the drawing.
4. Oval tool is used for drawing circles.
5. It is important to save our work in a computer to see or use it later.

Additional Lab Activities
and Projects
Additional Lab Activities and Projects

Lab Activities
1. Open WordPad. Type any two tables from 2 to 5 using Number keys and Special keys.
2. Draw any four patterns in MS Paint using Line and Rectangle tools. Fill colours in them.
3. Make a drawing in MS Paint using geometrical shapes only. Colour your drawing with different
4. Open MS Word and type any five sentences on ‘My Favourite Fruit’.
Type your name, class, section and roll number at the end of the document.
1. Draw any four patterns in MS Paint using Oval tool. Fill colours in them. Take out their printouts
and paste them in a scrapbook.
2. Draw and colour the picture of any toy on a drawing sheet. Make the same drawing in
MS Paint. After doing so, compare the differences between both the drawings and type them
in WordPad.
3. Draw a winter season picture in MS Paint with the help of the tools listed below.
•  Pencil tool
•  Brush tool
•  Fill with color tool
•  Line tool
•  Rectangle and Rounded Rectangle tools
•  Oval tool
•  Eraser tool
•  Airbrush tool
•  Color picker tool
Save your picture as ‘Winter Season’ in your Paint folder.
Also, type five sentences on ‘Winter Season’ in MS Word. Save your work.


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