Institucion Educativa Seminario: ICFES TASK 5. Virtual 1

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ICFES TASK 5. Virtual 1.
Mg. Luwi Steve Ortega Rosero Subject: English Course: Tenth. Date: 27th April 2020.
Full Name: Score:
► PART 1. Questions 1 – 5. Where can you find these ADs? For questions 1 – 5 choose the right answer A, B, or C according to the situation:
A Near a lake A In the beach
B In a market B In a supermarket
C In a gym C In a theatre

A In a zoo A In a bookstore
B In a clothes store B In a bedroom
C In a supermarket C In a library

A In a classroom
B In a bedroom
C In a zoo
► PART 2: Questions 6 – 10. MATCHING: you will find some descriptions about Several Topics. Choose the correct word which is best described in
the text, for questions 6 – 10 match a letter A – H according with numbers 6 – 10.
A. Guitar
6. People who like watching football often go to this place. ( ) B. Hospital
7. A piece of clothing for women that covers the top half of the body and hangs down over the legs. ( ) C. Phone
8. You would use one of these in a very tall building. ( ) D. Gloves
9. You may play this instrument if you like music. ( ) E. Stadium
10. People go to this place if they have a serious accident. ( ) F. Pool
G. Dress
H. Lift
► PART 3: Questions 11 – 17. Complete the conversations. For questions 11 – 17 choose the right answer A, B or C.
11. Is this your watch? A It's three o'clock. B I think it's Dave's. C I'm sorry I'm late.
12. Did you enjoy doing the school quiz? A. Of course, I will. B. What's the matter? C. It was lots of fun!
13. There weren’t any more tickets for the match. A That’s a pity. B It isn’t enough. C I hope so.
14. Why didn’t you come to the pool yesterday? A I didn’t see them there. B It was a great time. C I was doing something else.
15. I don’t like this programme A. I’ll turn it on B. let’s turn it off then C. You didn’t take it off
16. ¿Are you ready to leave? A. let´s go in a little while. B. yes, it is. C. How long ago?
17. How many people were in the café? A Not much. B A few. C A little.
► PART 4: Read the article and answer the questions, for questions 18 – 25 choose A, B or C according to the circumstances.
The circus, Cirque du Soleil, began in Montreal, Canada. It was started (18) …. the Canadian Guy Laliberté in 1984. When he left
college, Laliberté travelled around Europe and earned money (19) …. music in the streets. Not long after he returned home, he
started Cirque with (20) …. friend, Daniel Gauthier. During the 1990s, Cirque grew quickly. It now does shows (21) …. over the
world and the number of people working for it has grown from 73 to (22) …. than 3,500. The Cirque does not have any animals, but
(23) …. is music and dance and each show tells a story. (24) …. show, which is called Varian, is about a man who could fly. The
show starts with him falling from the sky and tells the story of how he (25) …. to learn to fly again.
18. A. from B. of C. by 22. A. most B. much C. more
19. A. playing B. plays C. played 23. A. it B. there C. this
20. A. its B. their C. his 24. A. One B. Both C. Each
21. A. all B. some C. enough 25. A. has B. must C. need
► PART 4B: Read the article and answer the questions, for questions 26 – 33 choose A, B or C according to the circumstances.

The bicycle is A cheap and clean way to travel. The first bicycle (26) __ made about one hundred and fifty years ago. At first,
bicycles were expensive. Only rich people (27) __ buy one. These early bicycles looked very different from the ones we have
today. Later, (28) __ bicycles became cheaper, many people (29) __ one. People started riding bicycles to work and in (30) __
free time. Today, people use cars more than bicycles; ¡cars are much (31) __ and you don’t get wet when it rains! But some
people (32) __ prefer to cycle to work. They say that (33) __ are too many cars in town centres and you can't find anywhere to
26. A. were B. is C. was 30. A. its B. his C. their
27. A. must B. may C. could 31. A. faster B. fast C. fastest
28. A. when B. if C. that 32. A. yet B. already C. still
29. A. buy B. bought C. buys 33. A. there B. they C. here
► PART 5: Read the article and answer the questions, for questions 34 – 40 choose A, B or C according to the circumstances.
Vilma Williams lives in London. Her sister Paula lives in the USA and their cousin, Carol lives in Jamaica. Here they talk about
their lives.
Vilma: I was six when I came to England from Jamaica with my parents and Paula. Now I am 29 and a nurse at a London hospital.
I have two sons, but I’m not very happy in England. Jamaica still feels like home and I’d like to go and live there. My mother went
back to Jamaica five.
Paula: I went to England when I was three. After I finished School, I studied medicine and worked as a doctor. then I married Brad
and moved to the USA. Now, I have my own clothes shop. We had our first child six months ago, and I’m very happy in New York.
Carol: I’m 30. I studied business at college and I’ve had a few jobs, but at the moment I’m without work. I will have my first baby
next month. I like the Jamaican people and my parents have a house in the next town, but I would like to live somewhere else and
have a change.

Who is living in England now? A. Vilma. B. Paula. C. Carol.
Who is the youngest? A. Vilma. B. Paula. C. Carol.
Who doesn’t have a job now?
36. A. Vilma. B. Paula. C. Carol.
Who has the most children? A. Vilma. B. Paula. C. Carol.
Who lives near her mother? A. Vilma. B. Paula. C. Carol.
Who wants to live in Jamaica? A. Vilma. B. Paula. C. Carol.
Who is the happiest? A. Vilma. B. Paula. C. Carol.
► PART 6: read the text and the questions in this part, for questions 41 – 45 choose A, B or C according to the circumstances.

I know that it is my job to make sure that everything goes well for the tourists and I feel I work hard for the company. I cannot be
blamed for last week. I met the group 25 at the airport and took them to the coach. The coach driver was a bit annoyed because
the flight was late. But it wasn't far to the hotel and everyone was looking forward to their dinner. We hadn't used the Hotel Riviera
before but our normal one had a conference in it so was fully booked. When I announced our arrival at the reception desk, they
said they were full. I had booked rooms for the group but the manager said they were cancelled by phone a few days before. He
insisted that he recognised my voice and that I had made the phone call. We had a bit of an argument but they obviously didn't
have enough rooms. In the end the manager phoned other hotels in the town and found rooms for everyone but in four different
hotels. By this time the coach had gone so we had to get taxis and some of the tourists started to get very angry with me. I still
don't know who made that phone call but it definitely wasn't me.

41. What is the writer trying to do? A. Argue B. Apologise C. Explain D. Complain
42. Who was the text written to? A. One of the tourists. B. The writer’s employer. C. The hotel manager. D. The coach company.
43. Why weren't any room available at the Hotel Riviera? A. A conference was taking place there. B. There were more people
in the group than expected. C. Someone had forgotten to book them. D. Someone had said they were not needed.
44. What happened in the end? A. The tourists got angry with the local manager. B. The tourists couldn't stay together.
C. The writer found other hotels with rooms. D. The writer called the coach driver back.
45. Which of the following diaries was written by one of the tourists? A. Someone had made a mistake with our hotel booking and the
hotel had given our rooms to other people. B. The hotel we were taken to wasn't good enough so we asked to change to a
different one. C. We got to the airport and had to wait for the coach. So, it was really late when we got to the hotel.
D. The coach driver took us to the wrong hotel and they knew nothing about us.
► PART 7: in this part, read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each space.

Colombia’s Guadua
Bamboo has the most perfect structure that exists in nature. Guadua, a very tall strong (46) __of bamboo, has been of (47) __ use.
People have used guadua to build their homes as guadua is not expensive, it (48) __ easily, and is very solid. Guadua has been
planted (49) __ Colombians in rural areas for building their homes, but Guadua is (50) __ beautiful that it is being sent to other
countries. It can be (51) __ for windows, roofs, stairs, or creative arts. In a local newspaper article, a journalist writes, “the fibers
inside guadua are long and strong. (52) __ it deserves to be (53) __the plant of steel.” As part of Colombian culture, (54) __ songs
have been written about this plant, one of (55) __ says, “The guadua cries because it has a heart.”

46. A. group B. number C. amount D. type

47. A. great B. big C. huge D. large
48. A. grows B. raises C. increases D. climbs
49. A. for B. with C. in D. by
50. A. very B. too C. so D. just
51. A. spent B. created C. made D. used
52. A. Therefore B. However C. Furthermore D. Instead
53. A. told B. called C. said D. talked
54. A. several B. all C. no D. every
55. A. whom B. whose C. which D. what
► Después de una semana de práctica diaria, resolver la actividad de la siguiente


➢ Recuerde que para su prueba tiene 60 Minutos, así que trate en lo posible de

resolverla en ese tiempo, sin embargo, para esta prueba y teniendo en cuenta las

circunstancias, tiene 120 Minutos: desde las 10. 00 am hasta 12m de Hoy 27 de

Abril de 2020.

➢ Si puede Imprimir, Hágalo y responda tal como se hacía en clase presencial

utilizando diferentes COLORES para JUSTIFICAR sus respuestas. Si no se

evidencia justificación, NO se tiene en cuenta la respuesta.

➢ Si no puede Imprimir, responda en su CUADERNO enumerando las preguntas y

en frente de ellas la opción de respuesta correcta (A, B, C o D) con sus respectivas


➢ En la PARTE 6, Use UNA estrategia de las explicadas en clase presencial y

reforzadas en el video explicativo, ES PARTE DE LA NOTA.

➢ NO COPIE NI PIDA AYUDA a sus compañeros, RECUERDE esto es parte de su

preparación a las pruebas por ende el día del examen real le toca realizar SOLO

su actividad.

➢ Envíe el trabajo en PDF tal cual se explicó en el video que se envió, con su nombre

en el archivo que enviara.

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