Wilton Course 2 Cake

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The Wilton Method of cake ~ C(}lir~'G 11

Flowers -More!


Dewrating TooI5 .....•.•••.••.•.•• 2 Preparing the Bag •.• , .••....•...•. 4 Three Essentials of Decorating •• , •• 6 Ihe slceer Nail '" .••.••....•.. , .. 7

(0I0r •••••••••••.••• , 7

Lesson 1

Build on the Basks ... ..8


Royal 8

Color flow .. ,,9

Star Tip Derorating Shell.

Bosene .. ReV€fseSheli.

New Flowers

Rosebud 12

lilyoftheValley. . .. 13

Flower Nail rempletesv.. . 14

Chrysanthemum 14

Getting Ready for lesson 2 .•..•... 15 Preparing Color Flow Patterns .•... 15

. 10

Lesson 2

New Additions ••••• , ..••••.••.••. 16

Color Flow

....... 17

More New Flowers

Viole, -18

Viol€lleaf 18

Apple Blossom 19

Getting Ready for lesson 3 ....•... 19

Wilton online!

Keep up with Wilton on the web! DiScoYer new decorating idees, great products and more.


Lesson 3

Decorations in Bloom The Victorian RoSE! . . More New Flowers

Daisy. Daffodil.

Pansy .. 14

Primrose 25

Getting Ready for Lesson 4 ....•.. 25

Lesson 4

. ... 10

The Gtand Finale


Basketwe3ving ", .. , .. "." 26

Rope ,', .• , ,", 27

Removing Color Flow " 28

Fern ,.,. , .. ,.,", 28

DecorateVourCake 30

Congratulations! ....••.. ,., ..•..•. 31

Sprays 32

FlowerVariations •..••...•...•..•. 33

SignUpforCOurselll , 34

GlossaryofTerms 35

How to Divide an oval Cake ....•.•. 35

Oval Cake Pattern Pattern Sheets ....

Tip Positions for Rose Petals .. 39 Color Flow Patterns ......•... 40

FlowerNailTemplates 43

0!9'17I'l'lonlri~lnt.~llr"*.u_ItdH()PI! ... 1!l mi!puhl'lI'a!t~IIl~·~ercpro~Ut€dOlll'trnmitttdinarr,' fIJffil,OIby~·~Ill."'!!(trcflic¢rffiol(~ri:~liP<:Win9 phOloc~y.IK~rdi~9 0, tnyinfomoalion 11«.ge.!Xl .el~l,pttm,.,ithou{the .... 'j:w,.perm~silln cfWoI;on EmerprileS.224Qw.751h~!(i.'E't.IV/Xld,jd~IL50511

filial plOducr iI\\lll"bihti·t~ I('pc«tlnil (our;e is lI. rMe t&sc,~{iJnolthejndividUiil!1Ori! Cake-;intJli,l>:lol<w~rctk<:~mtedbyboth~9hl'ind left· ronokdOO:OfiltCf~

... 20 .... 21

.. ..... 22 ".23

... 26

..... 36


Parchmenl Paper Tri~ngles are recomm€f1ded when tip changes are not called for, partioJarly when using smaller amounts of icing (e.g. accent (oloo). ,0,150 recommended fot' brush striping application where COI1centrated icing colors could stain a F~therweighl bag. Available in 12 and 15 lnslzes.

Decorating Tools

To get the professional results you're Wiving for, you'lI need some basic professional deCQratil1g tools. YOVfteiiChef will demonstrate the professional cake decorilting tools you'll be using in tllis class. Be certaoroaskenvqcestlons if you have them!

You already have many of the orher'tools' you'll need right around your kitchen, Bring them to each elm i1fter this first lesson.

Tools from Your Kitchell

• Air-tight plastk containers for king

• Apron

t Irensoerent tape

• Ccotainerfcr suppUes

• Damp cloth or sponge

• N(\{epildandpencilorpe~

• Plastic bag~ 10 teke home decorating

toolsused in class

• Scissors

• Toothpicks

• Wax Paper

COllrse II Decol'atillg Supplies

In (ldd~ion to the items from your kitchen, you'll need some decorating supplies for the course. Ihesemeyirdcde

.. Course II Siuderu Kit (orequivalenl), inciudinglips1,2,S,14,47,S~/S9·,81. 97,101,103,104;(olorFlowPacket, Flower Formers Set and twO 73/4 in.


• Decorator's brushes

t Featherweight Decorating Bags (2)

• Palthmentp~pertriangles{apprOJ(.40

pafthm~ntstlre used iI'IeJass) .. lcing(olors

• Piping Gel

• Practice Board Set

• Small straight 0( angled spatula

• Trim-N-Turn Decorating Iurntable

• Willon Tool Caddy Ioptionen

• Tip 10ts,replacesS9s/59" for left handi'r5{optional)

• Tip 352 (optional)

.. Course I Student Kit (including tips 2D, 3,12,16,21,67, 104, Flower Nail no. 7)

Note: Tip 1 and tip 104 are used multiple times during class. Havin.9 2 or 3 of each of these tips is helpful.


Spatulas. Invaluable de(orating tools have quality stainless steel blades with rosewood tendles. Ideal for frosting cakes, filfiog decorating bags, co/Or blending and striping baqs with colored i~ing.

Featherweight Bags are lightl'l@ight vinyl-coated polyester;Oexible. rE'inferced for strength and long lasting. Used with couplers when more than one tip is ~wilhthesamecoloridng(e.g.sh€ll borders in two sizes). Disbwasher safe.

Wilton Meringue Powder. The key ingredient in long· laning. hard-drying royal icing. You can also use it to strerqthen your sU{larmoJdmixlor€. Use royal king when you're making flowers in advance or decoerlnq display cakes.

Piping Gel. Irensparent gel with lets of decorating uses.Tint it any color you want for decorating or Wfj[jng.. or add CI mlall amount to icing if you want to have a shinier finish. You .... - ....

Wilton Flavoringsand Extracts.Add taste without adding color. Available in Clear llanilla Extract, Almond htractandButter Flavor. Ideal foricing,cookil:>sand cakes.

Trim 'n Turn Decorating Turntable. Decorate and serve en this all-purpose c3keturntable.Mildeofdurableplaslic,12 in. diameter stand holds up to 100 lbs. Easy-roll ball bearings allow you to tun cake easily as you leeltcte frost and deccere. Wipes dean with a damp doth.

~;arC;~~~:~~;re~~ .I~.:.

make Color Flow Icing for flow-in designs. Outline patterns and fill in-for beautiful, h a r d-d r y ing derorances, 4 ce.can yields ten 11/2cup batches

Show 'N Serve Cake Serving Boards. Beautiful scalloped edge and lace pattern boards present baked goods perfectly. Protected with a grea>e-resi5tant cooting. Aveilable in frVe sizes.

Cake Sparkles™. Brilliant edible glitter decorates caes.copeles.ccokes and ice cream. Great for stenciling and adding sparklelomessages,borders,flowers,snow scenes and more. P~d<ilged in 1/2 OZ sbekerbcttles. Av.ailable in Wi1ite, Purple, Pink,Green.Orange,Black,Red,Yellow,Blue imdRainbow.

Wilton Icing Colors. Concentrated in a rich, ([eilmy gel; will not ch~nge icing consislency,fasl-mixing and easy 10 use. Extel'\!ijvecolor range makes it convenient for you 10 achieve the colors you need and want.

9 Pc. Flower Former Set. Make your flowers more realistic and oeate e)(citing icing si1apes for decorating! Pla'ceicing leaves and flowers in acorwe or concsve shape to dry. Set includes three of e~ch size: 11/2,2 and 2112 in. wide x 11 in. long.

Publications. The emual Wilton Y@arbook of Cake Deco r a ti n 9 presents over 200 new cake keas for all occasions. Full-

color p;lges feature Bake Even Cake Stnps. Innovative way to

easy-to-follow bake perfecuy levelmcet cekes and avoid

•• illlilIIIiII directions; a high-rise centers, cracked tops or crusty

complete How-to- edges. Just dilll1pen and wrap around p~n

Decorate section featurillg new borders, before baking.

flower, and techniques; pus a vast

selection of exdusive new products. A

Ulndym~king secrionis~lsoincluded. The

annual Patt@rnBook supplies the

patterns to help you create the design~

from the Yearbook


Choose from three types of bags: Parchment Featherweight and Disposable.

Lets see what makes each of tbese baqs unique:

Parchment Bags are made fromparchmentpaper triangles. Generally,you'lluse parchment bags to make decorative highligllts with small arrounts of icing, then discard each bag when it's empty. We recommend uslnq a new pardment bag after each use

Featherweight Sags are lightweight, strong. washable polyester. Specially coated to preventanys~pageofgrease these bags can be used over and over and still srey flexible.

Disposable Bags ilre clear plastic. Handy for fast decorating, these bags are just thrown aw<fY 'when the decorating is done.

The Coupler,

and How It Works

Filling the Bag


Note that the points of the Finally, fol~ the points of the Hold the bag near the bottom trl~nglehavebeenl.lbeledA,B, ~~~~~I:~:~~g~~~:; Using your spatula, 5COOp C _ m the drawing, Place t~e fold tab down, then refold to about three tablespoons of t~anBg:e ~n a flat surfilc€ With secure, Tape the outside seam [c.ing at a time and place well t e aCIng you of the bag if desired. :;~~~~tJ~e bag. Fill the bag

Preparing The Bag

Decorating bags hold the ;cillgand decorating tip so you can create all k;nd~ of decorations.

To make the opening for yOllr decorating tip, clip 3/4 in. off the end of the bag It is better to be cauttous in the beginning with the amount you cutoff-the tip will drop right through if the opening is too large.. Drop the lip in, narrow end first. Make sure the small end of (he tip protrudesthroughtheopening. Don't be concerned if the tip doesn't fit snugly, the klnq will hold it in place.

Parclrment Bags

Preparing the ParchlllCllt Bag

Closlllg the Bag


n/ ,. \, ",0 remove the icing from the p~tula, hold the bag on the

outside between your thumb and fingers, then pull the spatula out of the bag, using

the bag and your finger.s to squeeze the icing off.

CurlAlIpandunder,bringingit toward jou lIIld! points A and B meet. The Cllrled edge from A should lie on top of the edge between C and S, as the drawing shows.

Using the Coupler

The two parts of the cccpler are Hold points A and B together the base and the ring. The base with your left hand while you rrt5 INSIDE THE BAG, then you pick up C with your rigl1t. Wrap put the decorating tip of your C around to meet points A and choice over the portion of the B in back. All 3 poiots ~Iign ro coupler rhat sticks out of the form 1 point.Thishelpsformthe bag. When you screw the ring cone; the point should be sharp.

on, you've locked the

decO"tingtiPontotheCOUPi"~, ' and bag. ~

Hold the bag with both hands, jhurnbs inside and slide A and C in opposite directions to make the upside down "W" as ~ho, .... n,

Prepare your parchment bag. After you have taped the oog. unscrew the coupler. Insert the coupler base, narrCMI end Iir5t. and push as far down into the bag as possible. Holding the tip in place with one hand, t\~t on the ring. When secure, tear (NIay the tip of the parchment bag. Unscrew the ring, position the decorating tip on the coupler and twist on the ring, rocking the decorating tip in place.

Squash the top of the bag flat above the icing and (old in first one side, then the other and finally the top. Continue to roll lopdo,'Jn.

Featherweight & Disposable Bags

These bags can be used with or without a coupler. To use the Disposable Ba~ without a coupler, cut off the pointed end of the tip (Feather~\Jt'igh! Bag is ready to lise). Simply drop the decorating tip you want into the bag wlth the narrow end down.

{jsillg the {jillpler

Filli'lI5 the 8ag

Featherweight Bags

A new Feilther.veight bag will have to be trimmed with scissors to accommodate the coupler bese First, twlst the nngoffthe coupler base. Drop the coupler base, rarrow eod first. into the bag and push es far down as you can,

Choose the decorating tip you wantto use ano slolt onrotbe coupler base. Now twist tile coupler ring over the tip, locking it in place. Changing decorating tips is easy: twstoff the ring, replace with new tip, then screwthe mqbeckon.

The most important thing to remember is don't overfill, or icing may squeeze out the wrong end, The right amount of icing to start with is about l/2wp

To remove icing from the scatulahold the bag on the outside between the thumb and fingers. Then pull the spatula out of the bag, using the b.3g and your fingers to squeeze the icing off.

Fold down the top to form (I generolKcuff,andholdthebag beneath the cuff. Use your spatula to fill the bag with approximately three tablespoons ofidngat a time.

Disposable Plastic Bags unscew coupler ring. Push the coupler base into the b3g as far down as possible. With scssors, trim b<lg about '/4' below whefethl5ldi~begim.closest 10 renw .... end. Position decorating tip over coupler base and bag. Screw ring in place to secure. To change decorating tips, unscrew ring, replace decorating tip and

Push rbecccpler base back screw on ring

down through the baQ

opening. One thread should

be showing.

With a pen or penol.merk the spot on the outside where the bottom thread is outlined againstthebagmatfrial.Push theccuclerbeck upotcthe bag,and cut across where you have made the mark

Clnsit'g the Bllg

Unfdd the cuff and twist the bag dosed forcing the icing down into the baa. You tan make sure you've IdeM any air trapped in {he bag by :iqueezing some of the icing out of tip into the bO\~'1. nlis is called"burping"thebag.

Decorating Bags at a glance ...

Parchmfllt FeallH!rwetght Disp(Jsable

• Use with or without coupler • Use with or without (Dupler • Use with or without coupler

• Small amounts of icing • DishwJsher sate • Economical

• Iut in half for smeue bag • Durable • Grease free

• Geese free • AVililable ill many sizes • Tr~nsparent

• Two size:s---12 and IS in. • Flexiblelsoftto the touch


3 Essentials of Decorating

Every decoration you make 15 th€ re5L!Jf of three rhjng~ worKing together:

1. /Cirlgconsisrency

2. (QrrectoogpositiolJond

3. Pressurecorltrol

Understand these three essenriafJ and you/II get perfect deroroting results!

I. Icing COllsistellcy

look for these clock. icons t:f1roughout Course It They'll show yOtJ at a glaoce, in which direc!ion to point the OOckoflheb.l~

2. Correct POSitiOIl

The way your decorations curl and point and lie depends not only On the icing consistency but also on the way you hold the bag and the way you mow it.

If the consistency of your decorating icing isn't just righ~ your decorations won't be rlqht either. Jostafewdropsollqud will make a great deal of diffe-rence in ~Iour results.

Bag positions are described in terms of both angle and direction. Angle refers to the position of thl,> bag relative to tte wek surface, There are two ~si[anglepositions:

'Stiff Icing holds a 3/4 in.peak on the spatula. U~e if for flowel1withuprightpetals-if icing is not stif'fenough,petals will droop.

90° angle, or straight up, peperdiccler to the surface. Used when ma~ing stars a flat flowers or rosettes.

Mtdium Icing is used for flO\v€() with flat petals arid for bOlders-when [he king is too stiff or too thin, you can't get the (Inilonn designs that cberacterze apsfactborder. Thin Idng is used for writing, stems, leaves and forfro5ting acake

459 angl~ 01 half way between vetlcel and horizontal. Used for writing and borders.

The angle in relation to the work-surface is only half the story en a bag position. lhe other half is tile direction in which the back of the bag lspclnred

When you hold the bag at a 45" angle to the surface. you can sweep oct a circle with the b.kk end of the bag by rolling your wrist and holding the end of the tip in the same spor. (If you do not Milt a bag, try it with a pencil). Pretend that the drcle you formed in the air is 21 clerk face. fhehours otthe dcckfece correspond to ihe drectlon you shovld point the back end of tbe bag.

G 8 G)

3:00 9:00 6:00


Q 0

4:30 7:30

3. Pressure COlltrol

TI"ie size and uniformity of your icing desNJll are affected by the amount of pressure you apply to the biN} and the steadiness of the pressurehow you squel"Z€ and rel~x your grip On the decorating bag. Your goal is to learn to apply pressure so conslstently IhatyoU cen move Ihebag ina free and easy glide while just IherightamountoficingfiOlfl/S through the rip. PractiCE will achieve this control.

Note to Left-Handed Decorators

Wl'len bag positions or lip selection differ from those of the right handed decorator, the position is listed in parentheses.

The Flower Nail

The key to making any flower on thenllilisto(oordinate the turning of the nail with thefotmationofapetaL

The flower nail i5 used (lsa reva/ving platform on which to btlild roses and orher fkJwers.

YOllsimp~holdtheflowernail bet>. ... een the thumb and forefinger of your left {right) hand. beginning at your knuckle crease and roll it slowly out to the ends of your fingers as you squeeze ou idng with yourright(left)hand,Yourright Udt)harld moves in and oul,or up and down, (15 it holds the decoratinq bag erd tip at Just

the right an91e {in rrosr cases 45j end keeps the icing flOWing at just the riJhl even speed If the fl(lwer nail is put in theknuddecrease,and}'()uuse the tip of the thumb and roll it out toward the ends of the finger, it vAil automatically turn imhe correct drection


Vital to your decorating, color adds realism to flowers and persono/izes special evenf and holiday cakes. Wilton Icing (olors are {ol1centrated in a rich gel base, are fast·mixingond easy to use, und will nol change icing comi5tency. The i'xtf'Mive range of icing c%rr makes it mnvf!nfenr for YO(l to have rhe COIM you want and need without the guesswork of mixing.

Basic CO/I)r Mi,\'i!lg

Begin with white icing and add colora little at a time until you achieve the shad€you desire. Use a toothpick to add king color-just dip it into the color. swi~ it in me king, and blend well with spatula. Always lise fresh toothpicks when adding more color, Colors inten~ify or darken in buteceen iCil')g 1·2 hours after nmrqsokeep ths in mind when mixing cdcs.

Always mix enough of any coe idnq color. It is difficult to duplicate an exaa sbede of any color. To mix deep Of dark coloicing {such as red. blac:k,brown), you will need to add color in larger amounts. You may want to add ilavor or enract to cut the taste of the colct.

ClJlorillg fill' Specitli Fifecls

Brush Striping gives multiple and deep color etecrs toidnq. Apply one or more colors to the inside of a parchment paper bag with a brush. Fill the bag with white or pastel-colored idng. end as the icing is squeezed past the color, out comes~triped decorations.

Spatula Striping produces two-tone and realisfk pastel tones in flowers and figure piping. Using a spatula, stripe the inside ot a decorating bag with pastel-colored icing. Then fiU rhe beqwrh wbireicing or another shade of the same color as the striping. Squeeze out decorations with soft contrasts.

lesson 1

Build On The Basics

New borders. innovlltille decorations and beautiful flowers.

In tllis /esson, you'll discovermorf ways to add extra excitement to tour rnkes.


Meringue Powder is used instead of egg whites in various icings. It enables you to rebeet royal icing to restore ~Iiffness.lt [an also be used to help stabilae butterceemicim

Note: For medium or tbfn icin9 consistency, add water il little at a time until the desired consistency is reached. Royal icing takes less weter ro rbm then dess burterceam,


Stiff Consistency Single Batch

3 level tablespoons meringue powder

1 lb. sifted contectloners' sugar

5-6 tablespoons lukewarm water Double Batch

6 level tablespoons meringue powder

2Ibs.siftedconfectioners' sugar

tn-tz tebfespoons lukewarm water

If using a hand-held mixer. make a single batch at a time. Combine all ingredients. Mix 7·10 minutes at low-medium speed umit il:;ing loses its ~heen. To prevent drying. be sure to Caller the bowl with a damp dctti while working with icing


Each icing ingredient plays an important role in creating perfect icing


Smooth, hard drying icing for decorations that last indefinitely-ideal for flOl.'I'ers and trims made in advance, Once hardened, and pToper~ stereo. royal icing decorations will not soften or Crumble.

Confectioners' sugar is a sweetener. Sifting it also helps to make the icing smoother When available. pure cane sugatshouldbeused.

Store in an air-tight container for up to 1 v leeks. To reuse, beat on low to restore original testu-e.

Liquid is used to achieve proper[Onsistency.Wa~r,fruit juice, milk, cream or light corn syrup can be used.

Any bit of sl'lortening will break down this iclnq into a thin, soupy mixture. Be sure utensils are completely gr~seless.

Flavors or extracts ere used to give icing~ personal tastes. Wilton f1,woring~ will not change your idng color.

Color Flow

"Color Flow" lets jou make a copy in king of ~ny picture, pattern or original design. Its inspiration is derived from an English method known as "nO\o,r-in'or"runsugar',

Us.lng Color Flow is easy. Outline the design. then fill in. As with any technique, this takes some practice, first in getting the icing to flow just right, tilling in without overflowing, and handling finsted pieces without breaking. But don't worryyour teacher \'.~II take you through the exciting chaliet'lge of Color Flow step-by-step.

Inclm,you will be making Coor FkM' pieces to be used on your final (akl'.Til~n lookthe patterns for the picket fence and butterfly are in the backoltbebookonpeqe al.

Mix the following ingredients using grease-free utensils:


lib. sifted confectioners' sugar {4 cups)

2 tablespoons Wilton Color Flow Icing Mix 1/4(Upplusl teaspoon water



What to know about Color FloUJ Icing


t KeepallulensiI5,tlps, couplers, bags, etc. completely.glli:i!.Sefree./>§Jy bil 01 shortening will break dOV~11hi_s id.¥ii_nto a-t~lin, sCiJpy m-1xtlJre,just as it does·wiThr·oyalicing. To deeneouoment.use an effecrivegrffise-cutting detergent or soak items for a~hortrimeifl\llaterwith 2tablespoon5vinegar. Boilingequipmentis~lsoan efectlveveyto remove any trace of grease

* Mixatlowspeedtoavoid whipping in too much air. If using a hand neld mixer, use Ilighspeed.

* fernember to test the king Jor conect ccnsetercytsee p.17).


Use plasnc wap to cover the icing before s~lin9 in an air-tignt container.

* Not necessary to refrigerate

Using an electric mixer, blend all ingredients on 100Ns~ed' for 7 minutes. Color Flow icing 'crusts" qUickly, K> keep it (Overed with a damp doth while using, Stir in desired icing colors",

~lfusinga hand-held mixetuse high speed

""'VViitonicing Colors work best and do not affect icing consistency.

:l: Thorooghdl)lingtime requires aboUI48 hou~ depending on humidity. Dryplecesmore qciofy with a heat lamp positioned 2feetilwayfor2l1ours,then airdryfor12hours. This

Decorating method produces a nigh

* Use only parchment bags. shine.

* Never fill bags over half full. * If a number of colors are being used do all crue

:I: use full strength idng for secronscr one color fitSl

outlining and overpiping, before starting on {he next.

thinned icing for filling in * Moisture will beek down

* Coler Aow crusts within Color Flow pieces quickly.

seconds, so INOrk rapidly. Ihewfrczen cake e to a

* Letoutline£drylorl-2 hours to be certain it is dry

hoursbeforefillinginor before positioning Color

theywillfelltt1erwhen Flow pieces.

thinned Color Flow is




• More concentrated egg whites, for a fllltter, stronqerpiece

• Useless

• Shinywhendry

blel'itlgue Powder

• Includes aeam of tartar, for fluffier icing with more volume

• Use more

• Matte finish when dry

If Meringue Powder is not available, Color Flow may be suostltued However. you will need to add approximately one teaspoon cream of ti'lrfar to the redpe in order to 9ft e fluffier, whitE'1 idng.Result~ nlilyvaly.

Recently there have been some questions whe1her or not meringuE' powder or color flOI'll should be refriger~ted once it is open Although these products are much safer than raw egg whites, Wilton recommends refrigerating them once they are opened 10 avoid ~ny possible health risk. This is only a reconmenced precaution and has not been proven to be a health hazard either way Simply place tile entire can inside a zipped plastic bJg.and place-in the refrigerator. Thi~will keep tile product from ab50rbing moisture or odors.


Star Tip Decorating

+ Setuppractkehoard,insert TIp: 2i

Course II, Lesson I pattern king: Medium consjstemy Po5irion:

.. Fitdecoratingbagwith -Bag:4S'at6:00

tip 21 - Tip: 5/ighlfy obove surface

+ Fillbaghalffullwith medium consistency butterCream icing


Gettillg Rell/ly:

t Fill bilg half full with medium consistency butter creamiciNJ

.. Seluppracticeboord,insert Tip: 16

Course II, Lesson 1 pattern Icing: Medium(on~istency PruitiorJ:

+ Fit decorating hag - Bag: srro;ght up

with tip 16 - Tip: V4 in above SIJrfacE'

Shell Review


The Shell Border is simply a series ofshellsinarf.1o!1. Start the second shell so that the fanned end covers the tail of the precedirq shell to form an even chain.

The Rosette Border is simply a line of uniform rosettes.barely touching one another.

Sq"e"'h'rd'~ let icing tan W

out. Let the

~-:essure~fthe 1-:;'-,45"

ICing commg e;-y,

out of the bag

lift the tip slightly. gelex pressure, lower tip. Stop pressure, pull to form tai I without lifting tip off the surface.


Position tip slightly above surface. Squeeze and, without

releasing pressure, move the tip in a tight c:omplete rota1ion beginning at 9:00 (3:00) to 12:00, to 3:00 19:00), to 6:00 and ending at 9:00 {3:00).LlfttipaWllY·

Reve1'se Shell

+ Set up practice

board, insert Course II, Lesson 1 pattern


Icing: Medium consistency Posirion;

-B(Jg: 45'angle at6:00


move tip from 3:00 (9:DO) to 12:00t06:00. Relax prassuralow e rtip. Pull tip straight to\o\lards yourself to 6:00 to form tail.

2. Repeat.. curving 9:00 (3:00) to 12:00t06:00.

The Reverse Shell Border is simply a chain of swirling reverse shsls . The fan end covers the tail of the previous shell If you're making the border on a rcundcake.tom the cake as you 90 so that the back of the bag is at 6:00

Gelting Really:

+ Fit decorating bag with tip 21

+ Fillbaghalffullwith medicm corslsrenry buttermamicil\O


New Flowers

Atone, and gathered in bouquet!, flowers make cakes bJoswm!

Begin with thebelcved Rosebud, then move 011 to fWO more traditional fQvorites.

• Set up practice board, insert Courseltt.esson t pattern

Rosebud Gettillg Re(4)':

• Fit decorating bag with

tip 104;fill half full with stiff (onsistef)(ybuttrn:ream icing for petals

Tips: 104,3

king; Sr((((ofJSistencyforpetais; fhin consistency for sepol5 and wlyx


- Bag; 45'ongle at 4:30 (7:30) rorpeta/s, 45' angle at6:00 for sepals and calyx


• Fit deccretirq bag with lip 3; fill haltfullwith thin consstency greet) buttercream icing for sepals and calyx

Tip l04fvtpetals-wkleendof tip {esring on S()(kx:e_ tip 3 for sepals-touching bottom center of bvd, tip 3 for colyx-Rluching base of center sepol

Base Petal

1.Startwith Q /

the wide end ~

ofti~104 »: restmqon f~S'1

decorating " T

surface. Hold

the bag ata45' angle to the surface. Point the back of the bag to 4:30 {7:30) with the narrow end of the tip leaning up and slightly to the right (left). Form the base petal: while squeelillg, move the tip along the surface away from )lou in astrajght IIneabout 1/4 inch, hesitate.then continue squeezing 215 rile icing fan5 out. Returning the tip to the original position and halfway back,starttoreiea5e pressure, move tip to starting point and

pull tip away.


Overlapplllg Petal

2. Touch the large end of Ihe tiptosurfacejustto the left (right) of where you ended the base petal. The bag;s positioned as for the base petal-4:30 (7:30); hold it steady ill this position until the

second petal is completed, As you continue squeezing, the icing will catch the ed~ of the base petal and roll it over naturally. When the second petal'ook5 complete, stop pressure tornpletely, touch the tip back down to the surface and pull tip away.




3. ~!~J!on ~!

each . "_

rosebud ,~ .

using tip 3. 45

Position the

end of the tip against

the bottom center of the bud Hold the bag in 6:00 position. Form the middle sepal first. Squeeze and

let itingbuildup.lift

the ba9 up and away

from the flower. Stop pressure asyouJluli away to form the point • of the sepal. Repeat, making a sepal 011 the left and right sides.


4. Insert tip 3 into the bast! of the center sepal. Squeeze, letting the icing build up. Slowly draw the tip towards you, relaxing pressure as you move away from the flower. Stop pressure, pull away. You may want to blend the calyx into the stem using dampened Decorator's Brush.

Lily ()f the Valley

Gettln~ Rea41':


king: MedillmCO[!9srency;white forfiower;thin[()fl~;';'encygreen forleaf, sremsoncstomens Po5i(ion:

-Bag:4S' CIllgJeat3:00 (9:O0) forleafarrd~temJi W'rmg/Pot4:JO(7:3O)fOf flowe,

Fill beqs half full with bcuerceamkinqrone ihln (()l)5i~IEfk.)'green, cue medium consistency while

u Set op pecrtce bcardnset COUl~e II, Lesson 1 panem

Fit two decORoting bags withrouplers

c AnachtipBlontobagwith whileicing;altochtip67 onto bag with green icing

1. .J





1. U';'g t;p 67, 00- press out

icin9tletting "/~.

ltbulld cp l

slightly 'or ~~ 1 45'


width. Move upward, curve to right and graduallystoppre~re to bring leaf to a point.

2. :':!I~:ng 00 ~:;fl~~:~ing ;; '_":"

off to an ~ 45'

angle. Pipe

short green secondary stems outward from the rnainstem.

3'U';'9t1P81'~ _


with light ;-,\


ABOVE " " I 30'

surface with

inner (urve of tip facing you. Press outa curve of icing and continue

-Tips: 67forleots/ighrlYlQUChing derotarirlgwrlaa

1 k» SIl'ffi5,' ~/ighrly t(JUd)ing decomting5VrM;e 8!forflower;ripobove dewmlingsurfoce IforsramerlSilightly t()(fcrnngirr$ideofflov~r


foraJ.Oleo(effat, angielhftopedljeof f~tdfforo~rrgr~1O ob0U145·.T~eOfea/er


squeezing until a tiny bell shape is formed. Stop pressure.Lightl~tou(h lipto surface; give an additional quick squeeze, stop and lift IIway.Add lwolip 1 stamens to center.


Flower Nail Templates

Just as you used a marked flower r.ail in Course I to Jearn how to make a rose" these Course II templates will guide you in petal positioning and flower size.

Look at tI'le templates on p.43. Positoned on top of the flower nail, they make flower tormattcneasler toacbieet Cut out each templare. attach to flower nailU5ing floral clay(icing (an also b€ used, but will stam the template), position WiW paper square over template, attaching with floral day. Pipe flower then remove waxed paper with flower on it Reuse againandagain!

The Chrysanthemum


~~::ra~:I~our \

tempfatesand they'll last for


Getting Ready:

mound flndentupl, squeeee firmly and pull up slightly as you release pressure to form petals.

1. Pipetip5, motJndof icing

" Att~h mum template onto flower nail


Icing: Me<f!Um consistency;

y~lloVi Po,Hiow

-Nail: in left (righVllond


4S·Qng{eat3:00(9:00J rorperafs;


(ormou/ld: l/4inabvve center

for ptfol5:. cuved side up (like Q smiley face)

Completedflowersize:3/4ihe size of the lOp of the flower nail.

• Piepare two deccratinq bag.\otIewith tip ut.ore withlipS

2. Insert lip 81 into

• Fill bags half full of medium conserercybcttercream icing



3. Repeat, positioning next row llf petals between petals in first row.

4. Milke third row of petals slightly shorter and

pull tips up slightly

for next row of


5. Continue until mound is (overed. withea(hrow sfightlyshorter.

Read through Lesscn z et horne. Pay special attention to page 17. Haveany questions? Write them down and bring them to class to be answered and dimmed!

Getting Ready Fol' Lesson 2

Here's what to bring to the nea class:

+ 1 redpe .R9l'alldng, colored as follows: 1/4 c. yellow for fewer

+ 2 empty cups or bowls to .. C~ke Circle Ifor Color Flow

mix colors (grease free) pieces 10 dry onl

+ yellow icing color + Your kitchen supplies

+ spatula listf!d on page 2

+ Tips 1,2, 101, lOland + Tgothpicks

either 59s/59· or lOls + P~epared Color Flow

+ Flowerformers,smallsize patterns (see below).

+ Wax paper squares


+ Flower Nail No, 7

+ Parchment paper bags + Wilton Cake Sparkles


1/1c..violEt for violet blooms

1/2 c. oeep <;Jreen for violet leaves 1/2c-pinkfor"pple blossoms

+ 1 recipe fullslrength Color Flow Icing

P"eparing Color Flow Patterns for Lesson 2

In Lesson 2, you will make a butterfly and fences using your coIorflowfa-yovrftnalcake. Til save time. you will need to prepare your patterns at home before class

It's always a good idea to make extra color flow peces to allow forhreakage.

smooth out any wrinkles and tape waxed paper in place. Be sure to revew Cdcr Flow,page l7 before you come to the next (lass, and bring this prepared pattern to class for LeSSOri21

Trace the patterns onto parchment paper. Tape the parchment pattern onto the ceke circle; smooth out any wrinkles. Cut a pece of waxed paper a little larger than parchment paper. Cover parchment with waxed paper,

Here's what you'll need to prepare the patternsPatterns on page 41, parchment paper, pe1)';il,(ake circle, waxed paper erdtransperent tape,

Lesson 2 New Additions

OlJrdewroting adventure continues wirh all impi6ng Il€woptlonColor fJow,cmdrwobeautiful new flowm.

Color Flow

Oi~(over the virtually unlimited possibilities of the CoiOf Flow tec/)nique! U5e it to bring patterns, ideas and your own designs to life.


king,' Fullstrength (a/or Flow Tip: 2


Tools: [Je(oJator'SWt/sh,

porchmmlOOg.wfin half to make a small bag Positions'



TI'flCl! pattern onto
parchment paper
Tn{le parchment
pattern 011 card-
boardcake clrde
Cm'e, pattemwlth Color FlolC Techlliljlle at aglallce ...


Squee:re,pull ~ Blend lines

and dfOP icing ~ using I!o damp

string. following --.:...V;:;I Oe(ofators

pettem eut- J~ Brush.

lines. Stop, ':,~.

touch tip to surface and lift


Have your ~

pauhment \jG"

bags half full )

and ready for

filling in with

color flow.

Color flow crusts quiddy and lines will show if icing begins to dry before you finish filling in the- pattern. Begin fillingini!longlheoudines first,aiming bag opening

humid conditions. Bring color flow pieces to class for Lesson 4.

wax paper.

Ta/Ji' wax paper over pattern-smooth out wrinkles

Outline !)Sing lip 2 and half size parchment bag halt full wilh full strength color flow


Flow king using parcbrrent bag rotlp

Fill in with thinned Color

~,. Test Puddles

A fun way to test if your Color Flow piece is dry!

Color Flow test puddleH'liminatethep(mibility

puddles are dollops of color of removing a color flow piece flow icing placed next to your too soon and breaking it. Don't flnlsbed Calor Floo' piece to throw away tile puddles; add dry. "Remove the puddles first fadalfeateres ard theybecorre and check for dryness, Test puddle faces-great additions

Filling III

Icing: fhinnedColorFlow

rip: None.1imp/y cvf apprO'!:. tli6 in. oft rip ofpa(chment bog

Tools: Corsageor~fraighrpjn. pl.1rchmenr bag

P()sitions: -Bl.1g:45',crockposition changes depending on what shopr is being filled in -Tip:Slightlyoool'€surfore


Let decorations air dry thoroughly at least 48 hours. AlloVi extra drying time in


f"'pillow \JO

effect, Work

from the

outside-in, top

to bottom. Pop airbubbles,ifany,withpin while king is wet. Check for any low spots and fill iru color flow 5hould dry with a slight pilioweHect.

A small arcunt of Willer needs to be added 10 full sttength Color AOIN until the icing flOVJ5 properly fOf filling in. To test spoon out a small amount .and IN it drop bad: into the bowl. When it ekes a full count often for the icing to sink back into the mixture and the outline ring disappearscompletely,theidng isre.aciy.


More New Flowers



tl Attach Violet template onto flower nail

tl Prepare two decorating bags, one with tip 595/59' (tip 101s for left handersl fur pete's, one with tip 1 for center

tr Pillbeqs haltfullvdth medium consistency rC~lal icing

Getting Rendy:

tt Fit decorating hilg with tiplOJ

Qo Fill bag half full wilh medium consistency royal icing

fr Attach wax paper >Quare onto Iower nail


Gettillg Relldy:

Tips: 1,595159.(015)

IdrJg: Medivmconris/r!{Jcy: vkJ/errorperaJs,yellowforc!'rlt€( Position: -Nai/:irlletr(rignt)hano

- Bag: 456 (Jng/e at 3:00(9:00)

(01 pelGls;9QO krcentet

- Tips: forpero/s;vlideendof tip lightfytouching ceorer of nail,narrowelldpointing ovr Clnd raised I/~ lh above nailsurfocr:.

For center; 5Jjghtly obove (lower.

Completed flCN!el size: ro larger rhanrhenickelsizeontl1eviorel temp/ole.

Tip: 103

Icing: Medium cousreocy royal Positions:

- Najf: ill hand, spinning the nail lothe end ofYDur finger. - 8(1g: 45' (lng/eat 3:00 (9'ooJ

- Tip: wide end lighrly

touching surface, narrow end lif(ooslightfy


scoeee ~

with mediu~ 8 .

pressure, u~1'l9

jiggling motion, - s'

sJide tip out ~ 4

aboutl/4in. as .

you turn the nail.

Relax pressure, move

hack to starting point,

stop pressure, pull

away. Optional: Dry in medium FlowerFormer.


1. Squeeze with light pressure, move tip out as you spin the nail to

form first' 14 in, elongated petal. Relax pressure as youlllave tip back to starting point. Stop, lift away.

2, Repeat to make two more bottom petals.

3. Make one' Is in. round

4. Bepeet to

:~~~he ~I', I'I~'.

round I ... 190'

petal. Add 1\

two center "

dots.Oryin smaIlFIDWE'rFormer.

Apple Blossom

tI Attach Apple Blossom template onto flower nail

Tips: ,/101

ICing: Mediummnsi,tency; pink (arpetals, yellcwforcenter Posiri<Jns:


-Bag: 45"angieat3':OO(9:00)


- nps: forperols:wideend J~hrlyrouchjngcerlterof nail, (Jarrow end pointing out (Jndm~edlAi'jn.(JbCNenail 5udllOC FOlcenter:sllghtlyllbM

tI Preparet'l"lodecoratfng bags, one with tip 101 for petels.onewithtlp t for center

tI Fillbagshalfrullofmediurn (onsi5t12n<yroyalidng


CDmpletfd flower size.' no hJrger thantnenidefsizeonyour templote.

1. Sq",,,,b'9 00 .. with light

pressure '\

and move ,'45'

tip out as .

you spin the nail to

form first lf4 in. petal. Relax pressure. move tip backtostartingpoint Stop,lifttipaway.

2. Repeattomakefour more petals.

3.Mdfive III

dots; one in . :1:;

center and '. 90·

four around ,

center dot.

Dry in small

Flower Former.

* Wax paper roll and l'h in.

)(11hin,squares * FlowerFormers * Flower Nail No.1

* Ccrnstanh (1 tablespoon) * Tape

:t Yourkitchensupplies

listed on page 2

Note: Tip 1 and 104 are used multiple times in Lesson 3. Tc savenme.we sugge~th3ving three of each tip for dass.

Do not fill bags at home. Bring colored idng to class in an airtight container, Prepare bilgSwithlip5aILdmarkwilh correspondir'9flower,tip number and icing color.

Getting Ready FQr Lesson 3

Read through lesson 3 at noaw: HlIv~ lInyquestions? Write them down and bring them toc/CiSSto

Here's what to brillg to the next class:

* :2 recipes Royal icin~ prepared as follows: -lcupsliftconsistenq' pink for Rose5- parchment baq fitted withtip12,p<lrduneot bagfitted\ll~htip97

-f cup medhm consstencv pink for Primrose-full parrhrrent with cocpler for tips 103,1;halfsiz.e bag with tip 14

-f ccpstftconststency white for Daisypardment bag fitted with tip 104

- 2cups medium «nsistency yellow for Daffodil and Pansy-ahalfflill par(hmentb3gfrt~edwilh tlp l.parchmect baqfitted withtiplCl4,anda parchment bag fitted wlthccuple endtlp S

(tip 30r 14 will also be used on this bag)

-1 cupmedium{onsi~tency violet for Pansyparchment bag fitted with tip 104

-Contenertocarry completed flowers home


lesson 3 Decorations in Bloom

Imagine blos'iOlfl§ to f/ll baskets.. dozens of roses, beauri(u[ floweN-ali made in kingl We'll begin with a review ofthe most popular flower, ,he rose.

The Victorian Rose

Getting Ready:

Rose~ ere rhe most impre~;v~ belll1tiiu{ and popular of all icing floillers.

Try using all instant curved petlJ/ tip fOr spe(t(1(ularresulrs!

Tip: 12 for bas'!, 97 for cemer


Icing; Stiffcomistency Positions:

-Nail.' infeft(right) oond

-8ag: 90·angle (strai9htL!p)

foroo'ie,45"arrgleot4:30 (7:30jforcenrerondpero/s

• Fit a oecor~ting b~g with tip9i<lndfitosnother decorating bag with tip 12

• Fill both bags Ihfullwith stjfcorsistercy Ro~allcjng

• Attachal1!2in,squareof waxed paperro the flo'wer nailwithaootofkingor flomlclay

NOTE: Tip 97 is a right-handed tip. lelt-hancers wllluse

tip 103.

1, 2, }, 4,
BIISf Coue» Tvp
1,U" ~ 2'U"~ RowPetlli.l
tip 12. ,lUI' tip 97, 3'T~U'hl~
Hold 'j Hold 'i\ wide
thebilg 1\ I O' bag at '":45' end of "\
at 90" iJ t 45~ , tip to ~ 45.
angle angleto mid- ,
with tip slightly nail with wide end point
above center of cttipjustbelow of bud base,
nail. Squeeze with top of mound and narrow end
heavypressure, narrow end angled straight up. Spin
keeping bottom of in slightly. Do nail and move
tip in icing until three things tip up and back
you've made a full, simultaneously down to midpoint
round base. Ease ... squee2e.pulltip of mound forming
pressure as you upandawayfrom fitst petal of rose.
raise tip up and top, stretching Stll't again, sjightly
awaynarrovjing icing into a ribbon behind endof1~t
base to a pyramid as you spin the nail petal and squeeze
shape. Mound to the end of your out 2nd petal.
should be 1 Ihtimes finger. Relax Repeat for 3rd
the length of the pressure as you petaltendill9by
opening of tip 97. bring ribbon of over1appingthe
icing around top, starting point of
overlapping the tst petal. Rotate
point at which you thenail1hforeach
started. petal. ,U/dlile KowPetols

petal in top row. Anglenauowend of tip out slightly mora . Squeeze hag and spin nail moving tip up, then down to fonn1stpI!tai. Repeat10ratotal of5 petals. Rotate the nail l/sforeach petal.

-Tip: 5/ighrlyabwenaiffor b05e;wideendfouchingbase at midpojntfna"(Jw~nd up ondinslightlyforcenter ondpetals


Bottom K(nt,Peta/s

5, Toum IQ~ .. I.

wide i

end of ,.. ';\

tip :.,' 45'

below \

(enter of

petal in middle row, agilinangling

narrow end of tip

out a little more. Squeeze bag and spin nail to end of fingers, moving tip up.. then down to form 1st petal. Repe.atfor a lotalof7pHals. Rotatethena~lh

for each petal.

("""d ~i ,~ /'rIal t_® W

TiP.~ Tip~7 Tip 118

31 m

Tip 116 lip119



More New Flowers



Tip;;; (04,5

/cil1g: Medium consistency; whife for pew/s, yel/ow forcenter Posicion:

- Nail; in left (right) hand

- Bog: 'Wangle at 3:00 (9:00)

forpeta/s,90·ollglefor cellter

- Tip5: forpetal5:wide endlfglttfyrovdtingl!4in. O"''<1y from renter of noil, narrow end pointing QUr to ouceredge forcenter:slightlyovCNe (lOllo'er

Completed Flower Size: che size ofrheropoftl1eflowernail,


Gelling Reat/.l':

• Att{!chDaisytemplateonto flowerneil

1. Position tip 104 almost parallel to nail,wide end'/4in. from center.

narrow end at outer

edge of nail. With even pressure.squeeee begi relax pressure as you move to center to fcrm petal on one line. Stop. Turn nail slightly; repeat for total of twelve or mere petals.

12. Add tip s center den when flattened dot should

be the size

I&Il L£J

>Ii Prepare two parchment decorating bags,onewitll tip lIJ4,one with tip S in lhsizebag

of opening of tip 12. Cover dor with Cake Sparkles. Dry in medium Flower Former.

* Fillbagshalffullwith stiff consistency royal king

TrytheSEDaisyvariatiom' yell~wpetalswilhl'ell~w otblue(en!ers,~iDlet pelaI5withl~llow(ent~. blue~takwith~ellow


.. Prepare parchment oeco(iltingbag with,coupler. petals use tip l04,center use tips 321nd1

Tip; 104 (orpewl5

30ndliCJ(centf{ king: Medium mn~~ten(y, yel/ow


- Nail: inlefl(ri9h~hand

- Bog: 45~ongle a/ 3:00 (9:00)

farpetals; 9(rangleforcenrer

-Tip:wideendlighr/y/ouchingcenfl'fofnail,norfOw endpoifltingoutond ruisecilj4in.oboveMij surfaceforperaJ5;slighrly abaveflawerforcenrer

ComplefedFJO'IIel$ize:J/4 rhesll€ ofrhe top of your flowffnoif.

1. ~;:rum 001

pressure, ~

move tip 1: '~

oull/lln. ;.; 45'


nail, Spin nail

to the end of your finger, letting the spin ofthe

nan termpetel.Pelax pressure, move tJp back to starting point. Stop, lift lip away.

2. The first three petals s.hou\d mver half oi yOUT flower nail.

:::. Repeat to make three remaining petals. Edges of petals should be euppedslightly;pineh ends using fingers

or Decorator's Brush dipped in cornstarch.

'.Hold ~!II

flo~ernail 14tr

stationary, WI

Movetip3 ' '.

in 21 circular ._ 90

motion, ~

piping an ._ .



[enter, making

sure the base of the coil is narrower than the top, like a megaphone shape. Stop/lift away. While turning nail, add tip 1 zigzag trim to top edge of coil. Dry in medium flower Former.

.. Fillhilghalffullofmedium consistency roy<ll icing



.. Attach Daffodil template onto flower Mil



ffi"",.~,r,!OOO,,,,,,,," ~

.;~S1hesand.X ('Orh. ihtwrcJS..~ .... I (){l{Ip'()triITftenofCil!iJll~O


f}!'nit (l ye~OI~' [OJI and a red mm I 1(J/Oprl1liwl.TllI;iOtKi~il(i!fOIJ

gr.a&'·/b:J,·J~I-_,Wfl:»l,.:ti.'h~Q IJp 1~13 t'~W!J,(!n~' a )':'/(ONcenrer

... -Fc,-mct~li'm\'ervari.JI.ion'i"\





:t Attach Pansy template onto flocer nall

:It Prepare two parchment decorating bags with tip 1()4 in each.one half parchment with tip 1

'" Filleachbaghalffull

with medium consistency rOY(l.licing


, "",m""'."",11 I


tmrndlJ!'jI1I!rfmgfrlips wiNrumtfwnmlinthe rorMfdimtit}]l.


Pansy variations:

Dark blue petals with yeiowcenters,mangt pet~lswithyellowrenters. n>d,petalswithyellow

centers, while petals with~ellow(enters,

Getting Ready:

Tips: 104,1

king: M&JjlJmmn~istenrYi yellow and vialet (or petals, ye/lowforcenrel

Positions -Nai/:inleft(fi9I1rJhand

- Bag: 4r angle at 3:00 (9:00)

forpetal1; 90° angle fOfcenter

- Tip,: for petals: wide t'nd of tip lightly touchin9 center o(nai!, 110Trow

end poinlingout Gnd roised '14 inch Qooveooil surface. f()(emel:sJighrJyooc.v€ flo~ver

(omp/ered Flower Sil~: as large as the top of your flower nail

1. Using medium pressure, move lip out to edge of nail to

form first curved

petal. Spin nail letting the spin of nail form petal. Relax pressure as you move back 10 starting point. Stop. lift tip away. Repeat for second petal. rhesefwe petals should cover half of your flower nail,

Adding Color to Pansies

Color Striping

For another variety o(pansy, use the Color Striping techncues reviewed in lesson 1 (p.l). Brush a stripe of violet icing color down the side of a percbment paper bag and fill with yellow icing. Be certain to turn tip 104 so the color stripe will come out the narrow end. use the Cclor Stnpno technique when making the prenrose endciolet.toc

Pansies also can be painted with a fine art brush dipped In icing color. IfcoJOI does not flow easily onto f\ov.ter,dip brush lnto colccthen lnto a small amount of Wilton Clear Vanilla Extract to thin corer slighUy before pi'linting. For best results, paint rOY(l1 icing pensies efter flowerbas

dried and before adding teardrop




2. Add two shorter curved petals on top offirsttwo petals.

3. :~~:~ingl'l ~ I

petal using a 1, 90'

gentle back ~,

and forth 'L

motion to

create e reffled effect. Add tip 1 teardrop center. Dry in medium Flower Former.

24 ~I - ---=:::=-=-=------=-=-="-==c...:....::::===::........:...:=-___;

.. Attach Primrose template onto flower nail

.. Preperetwo perchment oeccratirq bags, one with coupler {tip 103 used for petals.tc t usedfor star renter) one with tip i4

t Fin earn bag h~lf fun with medium corsisteney royal ICing

Getting Ready For Lesson 4

NeKtweek,you'l/nulkea spectarularroke, To sovec/ass time-mlor idng, prepare bags andfrostcakeathome, Bring allel:rra.idngstoclllli!

!/~I ~


GeUlng Rea~v:


Icing: MediumCOMiste/1(y:for petaJs,y.ellowanapinkfarcenter Positions:

- Nail: in /eft (righe) hand

-Bag: 45"angieor3;OO(9:00i


-Tips:forpefaJs:wideend lightlytoochingwlte1ofnoiJ, narrowendpointingouland roised 1/4 inch above nail


forcet/ter: tipsJ/ghtly aoovenl'lwer Completed Flower Sile:J/4rhe5i~e of the flower noi/top


ShamrO{k~ leaf. Using medium pressurer IM'I4!tipout 1{4in"using iI(ulVe,dip, cnve motion to form first petal. Spin nail letting spin of nail form petal. Relax pressure as you move tip back to startingpoint.letting

the spin of the nail

and your curve, dip

and curve motion

form the petal.

tc,-.jlh ('r,;, ~I i' .~ (1)!..1t ,''(

\-1;))- -

1. Bach petal isshapeQ like a modified

2. Rep4!at to form the remaining four petals.

3, Addtip14 small star {enter,Add tip 1 smell dot 10 star, dry in medium Flower Former.

Hel'e's lvl1at to bring to the next CUISS:

* 2 recipes BUnER(REAM ICING, colored and prepared lnbags as foHoW5:

3 cups medium consistency; colored for basketweave. rope and she~ border -10 be used vlitn a Featherweigl1t bag. a coupler and tipS47,21

IcupthinconsisteJ)cy; coloredforbasketweaV€" used to lightlY frcstcake at hom.

1/2cupmediumconsistelXY; in white, for attaching color flowpieces-tobeu5€d with a hillfsize parchment bag with tip 5

1 ClJp thinned with piping gel; in green forleavesinparchmentb~gwi(h coupler and tip 670r 352

!/2cupthincomi!itency; inqreenforwrifinq-cin paIChment oogwithtip 3

* PrilctiteBoardSet

l!2cuptl1inconsistency; .. (ok)rFlowplecesfrom

In white,useJ to frost and tessonz

smcoh lop of cake at home

* One oval2·layer cake. positioned on a Fanci-Foil Wrap (overed cake circle or cake cirde with doily, frost the eak4! with butterceem AT HOME as indicated at left

* Sugar cubes or mini mal'5hmallows,to be used for posilioning (olor Flow piKfS\optionill)

:t T1psS,3,2',47andaleaf tip67or352

* Plcwersftcrntesscns z and3;ilnyadditional flowtrS you m~de at home

* Your kitchen supplies listed on pilge 2

lesson 4

The Grand Finale


Lesson 'I pl"€5f!nts a final, exciting tedmique-realistk Oasketweaving with rope border.

Finally, you'll use the skills learned in thi5 Course as WE'll at your (a/or flow and flora! decorafio)'l5 to rreete 1I specrawior ca~!


Thi~ dever technique turns icing into narural-/ooking weave. Simply combine long vertical bors of icing with shorthor/zonto.l bats to prccuce oosketw€aving.


Tip 47 flat and serrated sides

I Set up practice board on stands. tnsert Coursell. Lesson e petrem

I Prepare ajeatherwelqht bag with tip 47

I Fillbagha1ffullwith medium consistency bunerceamjdnc

I Refertop.35 for how 10 divide yQUi «Ike



Toguaranfee M1e<ienhasketVIeave patteill,~pe~ dab tfi(ingthewidlh oflheti~l1{let1i~ beingusedbetwef'll tllehonzontllbars.




Gellill/!. ReU(!I':

Tip: 47

Icing: Mediumwns;stency Positions: -Pro(ri(€80ara: Wright

- Bag:45°angleat6:00for

V!?rtico/srripes,.or3:{)O(9:00J fornorizcmtll/bcis -Tip:/ightlytouchingsurface, serrated side up

UsetheWiltGnRevolving Cakl!Slandtoeltvateyaur cakeforworkingat eye level. Tni5makestEc~niquessllChas basket~vin9

easier to do.

For deep 3-tflmensicnal b~sketwe~lIing.besure totuckthetlpunderthe vertic~lluJrwhenmaking a horizontal bar.





the same- 85 the width of the tip opening. Each new set s~ould fit between the

prevtcus set,

3. squeeae rext vertical bar

1.Squeez€out a vertical stripe of idngfrom top to bottom.

2. Squeeze out shall horizontal bars across the vertical barstartin~ at the bottom. Spating between bars should be

I Set Lip practice board; ins.ertCoul5ell, Lesson 4 pattern

Tip: 21 IcifJ9:Medium(OIl'iisrfn(}, PositiMs' -PraaiceOOard:flol


- Tip: ligl)tlyto[l{hl-n~/5u(face

1."5'09' ~


pr"5~ure, A

move tip in .A;, 45'

gentle e?,


curve. Stop pressure and pull tip away.

2, lnsert tip under the bottom curve of the "S" shape. Squeeze bag with steady pressure as you pull down, then lift tip. MOVI! up everthe tail of the "5" as you continue to squeeze and form a hook. Keep spadng as ellen as possibleand"S"rurves uniformintnickness, length and overall size. Don't be afraid to turk

tbe tip into the bottom curve of the previous "S" before you begin squeezing; this insures the deen ccnrjnuous lookofarope.



Gelling l/,,,dl"


I Ctlangetip47onyour Fe~therwei~htbagtotip21

I Refill bag half full with medium consistency butrercream icing

TheRooeBoraeris5implya iefierof"SINs,

A seccexe of worm will help as you make your rope border. Say:


Remember to handle your finished Color Flow pieces with care. Color Flow pieces can be removed by one of the following methods:

Place your Coler Flow piece 01'1 the waxed paper near the edge eta table or other firm .. level surface. Use your one hand to hold the paper firroly, yet qentlyon the rable.Slice the

piece slowly over the tabe's edge while you wefull,'pull hil.lf of the waxed paper down and (lway (rom the Color Row cecoetionwththe otter hand. Tum the Color Flow


Get/illg Real{V:

• Set up prOCIiC€ boord; insert Course Ii,lesson4 pattern


Icing: Thinco/lli~tenC)l PO,itiDn5:

- PraCfice Boord: {lor


9O'ang!eoc6:00 -Tip:lighrlytoU(hing mesurmc€wifhwide opening parallel to surface

Starting at the bottom,using heavy pressure. hold bag stationery as youpipeatip 61 leaf. Stop pre!5Ure to break off leaf point.

a Ptepare aparcbrrent beg with a coupler and tip 67

Ii: Add piping gel 10 thin ccnsistercybutterceam icing, fill bag half full


piece around, again begin to remove the remaining waxed poper,placing one hand under the piece to prevent it from falling off the table. Set the pieces aside as you decorate your cake.

Small ector flow pieces are most easily rerroved from the waxed paper by sliding a small, tapered sceule under each to release.


• ,.



Widen tnt opening of lip

67 byinsertln9tneendofa tapered spatula and gently roclllngbackandforlh,Thi$ willhetpproducedistin(l well-shaped leaves!


Add tip 1 dots to complete.

4. Position Color Flow fences. Place several dabs of icing. sugar cubes or miniature marshm~lIows dabbed with icing to hold Color FlowinpJace.

5. Position flowers:

Remember to make a mound of Icing and

place your largest flowers in the foral point. Flowers should decease in size as you move away from the focal point.

This will give your

baskel a more natural look. Insert Color Flow butterfly wings into place on the border.

It is not necessary to prlHUs.embleit.

6. Add leaves where n@l!dedamongthe flowers.

It's Time to Decorate Your Cake!

FolloUJ these steps:


1. Divide your cake {Seep.35}.

2. Cover sides of cake with besketweave.

3. Add bottom shell border and top rope border.






rour dedication IIIld pmclfce hus puld of! Jill! hUlle progressed/rom primary decorating shilts to bigller tecbuiqueJJ "'jll, sjJeclilclllaf m/llt,~.

The ariillo'l ;llelhod of C(tk~ DecorotUl8 has been pl'tJl'elljor .re{lt1I() be tbe stJuplcsJ 11m)' 10 waf'll and peff~l tbe sn oj Ctlke dl1Coratjllg. 'lJJ(lre's more to learn ... ere )'00 read}'/or tIM clJol/enge?



F/oViing vines and their blossoms (orne in varying configurations. A liltle Ilome pra<.tice will help you perfect a beautiful floral spray!

CrBSCeJl1 Sprll.J'

Begin in center of cake. Pipe main stems from center to right outer edge of cake top Then pipe sterns from center of lett outer edge of cake top. Add shorter sterns randomly.


Pipe <In even cur\ling line from left to right Add secondary sterns approximately half as long as the curves following the flow of the curves. Pipe short stems ill the same direction to complete


ROlllblillg Rose

& Wild Flower Spray

Start at cake center and pipe stem to resemble backward "S','placing It at 12:DO position. Add others at 3:00, 6:00 and 9:{)O positions. Add shorter stems between Each rralnstem

Ca,!(Otfillg Spray

Pipe a main stem to resemble an elongated backward'S" Add short sweeping stems

Cornel'Sprt(" ",5" Spra.~

Begin ar the corner and pipe a stem Begin (It the renter of the cake and pipe a upwards. pipe a secondary stem sweeping upward curve out to the lefli return to in the opposite direction Retum to the center and pipe a downward curve out to corner, and pipe a stem across 10 the therighl.Addsecondilirycurveshatfasloflg ooposlteslce of the ceke.repeatend pipe a as the curve following the flcwotthe curve. secondary stem sweeping in the opposite Repeat with shorter stems.

direction. Add shorter stems to balance


Flower Variations

Many fI(NIef variations are simp/yan off~/100; of a basic bloom. Once you've mastered the bq5ic flower- doing the variation Is easy!

Look to the /1WIlY Wilton publications for detailed flower making directions!


The Wilton Way of Dec:orati"9 Volume Three, page 321

(fJ'Q1I call make a

MIlking Ibis j101l'e1' is ea~I'!

Filld lJirerlfollS in


The Wilton W~y of Decorating Volume One, page 118


Apple Blossom Forget-Me-Not ,z. The Wilton Way of Decorating
~ Volume One, page 113:
:5 Volume Two, page 9
~ Pinks ~y Th~ Wilton way of Decorating
l' VolumeThree,.page 183
j "'--,I~ ..... /
WildRose I j The Wilton Way of Decorating
volume One, Page 112
Daisy ... Blown Eyed Susan ~-.~ The Wilton Way of De[ori!ting
~ Volume One, page 149
'. '[.,.·1.
Daffodil Narcissus The Wilton Way of Decorating
~ -ft VolumeOne,pagE 116
Primrose Impatiens ,.,1¢ The Wilton Way of Decorating
Volume One, page 112
Wild Sweet Peas The Wilton Way of Decorating
Volume One, page 150 33

,..! ,








_ ...

Oval Cake Pattern

32 Divisions


_: __ -:- -.----- __ ---- - -_-' :f;:c --: --- -

1 1

:-- C~N.I-rs~ II

• • I

1 1 1

__ I


Tip 2"1 Shell


~ .....


• • 1

1 1 1

• • •

• •


Lily of 1:he Valley Tip 67,2.8:1,"1

Tip <v67 Leaf


Tip "16

Tip 2_ Sterns


Reverse Shell


Tip 8:1 Flo\Ners and Tip "1 s~antens


LESSON ... 1

Tip '104 Petal

Tjp:3 ':;epals. a~d Calyx


Ir r

• I





Tip 2'1 Rope

r_--. _;..._y


• • • ~

CO"l~rse II LESSON 4


Tip 47 Baskehveave

___ -r _ - __ - __ - - __ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - _-_ - - _ ~s: ~ ' - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - _ - - _ - - - - -- --

Tip Positions t=or Rose Petals

Center Pet:al 11 :00 (1 :00)

3 Peta I Ro'\l\l


Rose Base is

"I "1/2 t:inles the height of= the rose t:ip opening

5 Petal Ro'\l\l

1 :00 ("I 1 :00)

7 Pet:a I Ro'\N 2:00 ("10:00)

Tip _ 67 Feri'l and Tip .. Dot



I I I I &

" • I




" •


" "

" •



Color FloUJ- Parrerns

Playing Card Suits


-~ - -

Color FloUJ Pal"l"erns


Flo1Ner Pot:




\ .. \ ..








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