Unit 1 Quiz: Audio Script

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Unit 1 Quiz audio script

A [Track 2] Listen to a conversation between two friends,

Ryan and Megan. Then check true or false.

Ryan: Hi, Megan!

Megan: Hey, Ryan. Were you at that huge party last weekend?
Ryan: You mean the one that took up the whole city block?
Megan: Yeah. I can’t believe how many people were there.
Ryan: I know. I didn’t want to go, but my friend Doug dragged
me along.
Megan: I didn’t see you there. I had a great time. And we met a
really cool girl there! My sister and I went to the natural history
museum with her on Wednesday.
Ryan: What’s she like?
Megan: Well, her name’s Carla, and I thought she was pretty shy
and reserved at first.
Ryan: But she’s not?
Megan: Nope. Once I started talking to her, I realized she wasn’t
shy at all, just calm and cool.
Ryan: It just goes to show you that people aren’t always what
they seem like at first.
Megan: No kidding. Oh, and Carla and I discovered we have a lot
of friends in common.
Ryan: Really? I’m surprised you haven’t met before.
Megan: Yeah. Me, too.
Ryan: So, what does she do?
Megan: She works at home. She runs a business out of her
living room.
Ryan: Doing what?
Megan: She teaches middle school and high school kids how to
save money for college.
Ryan: Carla sounds like a strong and independent woman.
Megan: Yeah, she definitely is.
Ryan: Cool.
Megan: Hey, we’re going for lunch tomorrow afternoon. Do you
want to come?
Ryan: Sure. I’d love to meet her.
Megan: Great! Meet us at that Thai restaurant – you know,
the one . . .

Passages Assessment Level 1  © Cambridge University Press 2015  Photocopiable  Unit 1 Quiz audio script 

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