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English Learning Modules

Oke di sini saya akan coba jelaskan tingkatan-tingkatan bahasa Inggris.

Sebenarnya pembahasan bahasa Inggris itu luas, jadi mungkin modul pertama ini ga akan
cukup untuk mencakup keseluruhan pembahasan pemula. Jadi sederhana nya yang saya
terapkan kali ini adalah metode belajar bahasa Inggris yang mulai dari dasar. Semangat
terus teman teman 

Tingkatannya : A1, A2, B1, B2,C1,C2

Kalau di tulis jadi

A1,A2 : Basic

B1,B2 : Intermediete

C1,C2 : Advanced

Nah belum lagi dalam bahasa Inggris masih di bagi lagi jadi tiga skill utama, pertama
Listening, Speaking, Reading. Maka dari itu, jalan kita masih panjang buat belajar.
Akhirnya, akan saya sampaikan bahwa di sini akan saya paparkan beberapa fondasi
dalam belajar bahasa Inggris sehingga kelak akan mudah terjun menuju jenjang
selanjutnya. Happy learning 

Beginner Level

Objectives :

1. Communicate at a basic level in everyday situation

a. Introduction and greetings
b. Number
c. Telephoning
d. Telling the time
2. Understand few words and phrase
a. Can and Cannot phrase
b. Job and daily routines
c. Simple present and present continous
3. Simple Phrase
a. Comparing things
b. Activities in the past time

Part 1 : Introducing your self

My Name is [Rendy] Introducing Friend

My full name is [Rendy Kurniawan] Here’s my Friend, His name
I am [Rizal] is [Ridwan]

You can call me[Onta] I’d like you to meet my

friend, she is [Ulan]
Just call me[Bopeng]

I’m From[Tangerang]


Someone you know

Common (biasa)
How have you been?
Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night
How’s it going ?
It’s Pleasure to meet you
How’s life?
It’s nice to meet you
What’s Up?

Ini Nanyain Kabar ya

Oke, Penjelasan di atas hanya contoh sekilas untuk pengenalan, Di bawah ini akan coba saya beri
contoh ya …

Self-Introduction (collegian standard)

Good Afternoon all! My name is Rendy Kurniawan. I’m going to introduce my self in
front of you all. I was born and grew up in Bekasi. And I’m studying in UIN SGD Bandung lupe
lupe. In my family, I just have one little brother. My father is a president and my mother takes
care of house hold. I am Friendly person, good reader, flexible to work in any condition. I can

work everywhere and for long hours without breaks, only if I’m interested in that. My lifestyle is
very simple.

I’m interested in many things such as music, reading a book and watching movies. I love
to read many history books abd watching thrillers movie. I’m glad to be here and my hobby is
playing basketball.

I’m personally interesting to be diplomat and translator, howeverm there are many
different carreer opportunities. I believe that job should be like a hobby. It takes a long time to
study a language courses. It is very difficult ad requires a tremendous amount of patience and
hard work. I hope that I’ll be able to meet these challenges, and my dream come true.

So this is me standing in front of you all…. Thank You

Exercise 1.

 Oke setelah baca contoh ini, tolong buat contoh versi kalian sendiri,, selamat mencoba .

Part II : Telling Numbers 15 fifteen

16 sixteen
1 one
17 seventeen
2 two
3 three 18 eighteen
4 four
19 nineteen
5 five
6 six 20 twenty
7 seven
30 thirty
8 eight
9 nine 100 one hundred
10 ten
101 one hundred and one
11 eleven
Exercise II
12 twelve 1000 one thousand
13 thirteen
5555 five thousand and five
14 fourteen
hundred fifty five

Please fill the correct answer

25 twenty five

67 : 1465 :
88 : 1453 :
179 : 909 :
245 : 1890 :
666 : 6555 :

Part III Telephoning

Making an appointment :


A : Hello

B: Hello

A: May I Help You?

B : Is this the customer service of XL Phone?

A : Yes ! Is there anything I can help?

B : Please check my number, cause I cannot activate it,

A : Okay,

It’s Just simple example, you can try to extend the conversation with another topics

Exercise !

Please make one conversation based on the example.

Part IV Telling the time

1.00 : it is One o’clock

2.10 : it is two past ten

3.30 : it is half past three

05.40 : it is twenty to six

7.15 : it is quarter past seven

05.45 : it is quarter to six

Exercise! Fill the picture with correct answer.

Understand few words and phrase

Part V, Can and Cannot phrase

Can merupakan salah satu bentuk modals yang kerap digunakan dalam percakapan
sehari-hari. Kata can sendiri memiliki arti ‘bisa atau dapat’. Fungsi utama can yang sering kita
ketahui adalah untuk berbicara mengenai sebuah kemampuan. Misalnya, saya bisa membaca,
dia bisa menulis, kami dapat memasak, dan masih banyak ungkapan kemampuan lainnya.


I can speak English well. (mengunggapkan kemampuan)

I cannot find my book . (mengungkapkan kemampuan dalam arti negatif)

Can you help me?. (Meminta bantuan)

What can I do for you? (menawarkan bantuan)


Part VI Daily routines

Daily Routines : Express your daily activities with English.

What are you doing ? I’m Playing Basketball

What do you do? I want to go to school

What are you going to do? I am going to sleep


Darling little love run say take think wake what

I _______________ my make up.

I _______________ of her and her love.

I _______________ my hair.

I _______________ time through my coffee break at work.

I _______________ what dress to wear.

I _______________ for the bus.

Exercise ! Suit the Picture with the correct words

Exercise !

Now tell your friend about your day.


First I ______________________________________.

Then I _____________________________________.

After that I __________________________________.

Next I _____________________________________.

Finally I ____________________________________.

Happy Learning 

Part VII, Simple present and present continous

Gambaran Utama

Simple Present: merupakan pola kalimat untuk mengungkapkan kebiasaan.

Present Continuous: merupakan pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk

mengungkapkan yang sedang dilakukan.


A. Pola Kalimat

(+) S + V-1 (s/es) + O + keterangan waktu.

(-) S + do/does + not + V-1 + O + keterangan waktu.

(?) Do/does + S + V-1 + O + keterangan waktu?

Contoh :

(+) You study English at MEC everyday.

(-) You don't study English at MEC everyday.

(?) Do you study English at MEC everyday?

1. Kalau subjek kalimat orang ketiga tunggal (the third person singular-she/he/it), kata
kerja harus ditambah dengan "s" atau "es" dalam kalimat positif (positive statement).


Mary usually goes swimming on Saturday morning.

Mother always serves our breakfast before we go to school.

My brother likes playing tennis on Sunday morning.

2. Akhiran "s" pada kata kerja Pada umumnya kata kerja ditambah dengan akhiran "s" jika
subjeknya orang ketiga tunggal (the third person singular - he/she/it).


I work five days a week.

We play tennis every Sunday

The boys play in the garden

She works five days a week.

Father takes a train to go to office.

A mouse eats my food every morning

3. Akhiran "es" digunakan pada kata kerja yang huruf akhirnya "s, ch, sh, x, o", jika
subjeknya orang ketiga tunggal. Sedangkan kata kerja yang huruf akhimya "y" dan
didahului huruf mati, y ditukar dulu dengan "i" kemudian ditambah "es"


I pass the house. You watch television.

We wash our clocthes.

They go to office.

I study English

He passes the house.

John goes to office.

She washes her clothes.

She watches television.

He studies English

4. .Kalimat menyangkal (negative) Kalimat menyangkal (negative) dibentuk dengan

menempatkan "do not/don't atau does not/doesn't" sesudah subjek kalimat. "Doesn't"
digunakan untuk orang ketiga tunggal (he doesn't, she doesn't, it doesn't), sedangkan "don't"
digunakan untuk selain orang ketiga tunggal (I don't, you don't, we don't, they don't).


You don't go swimming on Monday.

We don't work on Saturday.

I don't work at the aircraft factory.

He doesn't work on Saturday.

My brother doesn't play football every day.

John doesn't work at the aircraft company .

4. Kalimat tanya (interrogative) Kalimat tanya (interrogative) dibentuk dengan

menempatkan kata Bantu "do atau does"di depan kalimat. "Does" digunakan untuk orang
ketiga tunggal (he, she, it), sedangkan "do" digunakan untuk selain orang ketiga tunggal

(I, you, we, they). "Do/does" dalam kalimat tanya artinya"apakah" dan kata kerjanya
tidak lagi menggunakan akhiran "s/es" walaupun subjek kalimatnya orang ketiga tunggal


Do you always go to office by train?

Do they go swimming every Sunday?

Do the boys like this film?

Does your brother work for bank Mandiri ?

Does he go swimming every Sunday?

Does the boy like this film?

5. Kesesuaian subject dan auxiliary verb di tenses ini adalah sebagai berikut: DO digunakan
oleh subject I, you, we, dan they. DOES digunakan oleh subject she, he, dan it. B.
Penggunaan 1. Simple Present digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu peristiwa, kejadian,
kegiatan yang terjadi berulang-ulang, atau merupakan suatu kebiasaan (habit).


I leave for office at 6 every morning.

My father works five days a week.

Father always drinks tea in the afternoon.

 Simple Present juga digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu fakta (fact) atau suatu yang
merupakan kebenaran umum (general truth).


The River Nile flows into Mediterranean.

Jet engines make a lot of noise.

Vegetarians don't eat meat and fish.

 Simple Present juga digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang akan terjadi di waktu
yang akan datang, jika kita membicarakan suatu Jadwal, program, dan lain-lain.


The second train leaves at 10 a.m.

The football match starts at 4 p.m tomorrow.

The second film begins at 7 p.m. C.

Keterangan Waktu (Adverb of time)

1. Adverb of frequency

always : selalu

Usually : biasanya

generally : umumnya

ever (?) : pernah

Sometimes : kadang-kadang

occasionally : kadarag-kaclang

never : tidak pernah

Seldom : jarang

2. Adverb of quantity

once … : sekali ...

once a day : sekali dalam sehari

once a week : sekali dalam seminggu

twice … : dua kali ...

three times … : tiga kali dalam ...

every … : setiap ...

Make the sentences using the phrases below

a) eat breakfast

b) go to class

c) put on my clothes

d) drink a cup of coffee/tea

Exercise !

Make 5 sentences using this tense

1. (+) I usually listen to the music in the night

(-) I usually don’t listen to the music in the night

(?) Do I usually listen to the music in the night ?

2. (+)



3. (+)



4. (+)



5. (+)



Present Continuous Tense

Pola Kalimat

(+) S + to be (is,am,are) + V-ing + O+ keterangan waktu.

(-) S + to be (is,am,are) + not + V-ing + O+ keterangan waktu

(?) To be (is,am,are) + S + V ing + O+ keterangan waktu?

Contoh :

(+) We are studying English at BEC now.

(-) We aren't studying English at BEC now

(?) Are we studying English at BEC now?

1. Kalimat menyangkal (negative) Kalimat menyangkal (negative) dibentuk dengan

menambahkan "not" sesudah to be (am not, is not/isn't, are not/aren't) dan ditempatkan
sesudah subjek kalimat. Contoh : Mary is not/isn't typing the monthly report. The students
are not/aren't studying English in the classroom. I'm not/ am not preparing a minute of

2. Kalimat tanya (interrogative) Kalimat tanya (interrogative statement) dibentuk dengan

menempatkan to be (is, am, atau are) di depan kalimat. Dalam kalimat tanya to be "am, is,
atau are" artinya "apakah". Contoh : Are you doing your homework? Is your father still
working in the office? Are the children playing in the garden?

3. Kesesuaian subject dan auxiliary verb di tenses ini adalah sebagai berikut :

AM digunakan oleh subject I.

IS digunakan oleh subject she, he, dan it.

ARE digunakan oleh subject you, we, dan they.

B. Penggunaan

1. Present continuous tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa
yang sedang terjadi atau berlangsung saat kita sedang bicara


My brother is painting the house.

Please be quiet! The baby is sleeping.

Listen! The neighbors are quarrelling again.

 Present continuous tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa
yang bersifat sementara (temporary).


I am living with my friend until I can find a house.

This machine is not working well.

John is living in his friend's flat at the moment.

David is always busy because he is working on his thesis.

 Present continuous tense digunakan tamtuk menunjukkan suatu keadaan atau situasi yang


The population of Indonesia is rising very fast.

Our economic situation is already very bad and it is getting worse.

The cost of living is increasing. Every month things are dearer.

 Present continuous tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang akan dilakukan di
waktu yang akan datang dan telah direncanakan atau ditentukan sebelumnya.


I am meeting my father at the station tomorrow morning.

We are holidaying in Europe next month.

My father is having a meeting with his staff tomorrow morning.

 Beberapa kata kerja tidak digunakan dalam present continuous tense.

Kita tidak boleh mengatakan, "I am liking mango very much," tapi kita harus mengatakan, "I
like mango very much."

Beberapa kata kerja yang tidak digunakan daIam present continuous tense adalah:

kata yang menyangkut pancaindera : see, hear, notice, recognize.

kata-kata yang menyangkut emosi : want, desire, smell, notice, forgive, wish, care, like, hate,
adore, dislike.

kata-kata yang menyangkut pikiran : think, feel, realize, understand, know, mean, suppose,
believe, expect, remember, recollect, forget, recall, trust, mind.

kata-kata yang menyangkut milik : own, belong, possess. kata-kata kerja seperti : seem,
signify, appear,- contain, consist, keep, concern, matter

Contoh :

a. I am knowing her well. (Poor) I know her well. (Good)

b. I am understanding what you are meaning (Poor) I understand what you mean. (Good)

C. Kata/frase yang biasa digunakan dalam present continuous tense

A. Put the following sentences into present Continuous. Use the words in parentheses!
1. One of my assistants … (correct) the financial report.

2. Some of them … (work) in the factory.

3. The two men … (discuss) their new plans.

4. The girl … (take) something in that room.

5. My assistant … (analyze) their proposal in his room.

6. She … (talk) to one of our regular customers in that room.

7. My friend… (Park) his car beside that building.

8. The mechanic… (Repair) my car in my garage.

9. One of them … (try) to open the door.

10. They … (do) their English exercises in the classroom.

Part VIII Comparing Things

When you want to compare things, you should understand th Adjective. Because we use
comparative sentences

Adjective : kata Sifat

Ex : Handsome, beautiful, smart, clear, lazy, diligent, stupid and the other

Oke comparison bisa dibagi 3

1. Setara(as…as)
i. Tina is 21 years old. Tom is 21 years old
1. Tina is as old as Tom

2. Lebih Dari (comparative) [V + er / more + V]

i. Syifa is 67 years old. Fauziyah is 65 years old
1. Syifa is older than Fauziyah
ii. The shoes cost 100.000. the cloth cost 50.000
1. The shoes is more expensive than the cloth

3. Paling (Superlative) [V + est / most + V]

i. Syifa is really beautiful than each people in her class
1. Syifa is the most beautiful girl in the class.
ii. Ryan is bigger than any other person in his class
1. Ryan is the biggest man in the class.

Exercise !

Compare at least 5 things in your life

Setara (5)

Lebih dari (5)

Paling (5)

Part IX Activities in the past

Simple past
[S + V2 ] (object/complement)

Simple past expresses the activities that began and ended in the PAST.


I walked yesterday She Travelled to Bali last week

You Slept two days ago He went to school last month

Use [TO BE] form

I was busy yesterday

They were in Bali last week

Ini to be dalam Simple past


They Were




Forms of the simple Past

Statement I Went to Bali Yesterday
Negative You (Did not) Go to Bali Last week
Question Did you go to Bali two days ago?
Short Answer Yes I Did, No I Did not

NB : for the negative and question phrase you must use DID and the verb appeared as u

sual (V1).

Forms the Simple Past

Statement I was in Class yesterday
Negative I (was not) in Class yesterday
Question Was I in class yesterday?
Short Answer Yes I was No I wasn’t

NB : To be tergantung subjek nya ya 

Exercise !

Change it to negative and question phrase as example

 He Needed Water He didn’t need water Did He need water?

 She Drank tea

 They played basketball
 I left early
 They wore boots
 We had time
 It was fun
 You were late


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