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|TEA English Preparation

How is the English Test?

1. Personal Interview
2. Comprehension
A part: 10 situation; Read back the whole message
B part: Ask Questions
C part: Give Advice
3. Picture Description*
4. Answer questions or try to give information of relative topics of aviation*

*Extended conversation
*Your own description
*Many different ways to introduce a topic or situation you can see
*Fluency, vocabulary, and your experience about each topic or theme

Take into account:

1. Vocabulary
2. Structure –Grammar focus-
3. Fluency –Affects, Not “stretching”, Just a little pause, Not pausing.
4. Pronunciation
5. Comprehension
6. Interaction –capacity of maintain a conversation with other-

About the second part:

✓ Listen and repeat –Read back whole message-
✓ Use memory (Imagine the situation)
✓ Very important: Just (1) Repetition
✓ How many questions? (3) Questions per situation-According to the
situation-NOT OTHER issue about-
✓ What/Where/When/Who Yes/No Questions
✓ (3) Advice
✓ (3) ways to do a suggestion
a. Why don´t you…..
b. You should…..
c. Give an order.
d. Try to….

Now let´s read some of the examples or situations that can be expected by pilots
in flight situations daily:


• We´ve managed to Re-start number 1 Engine, and will proceed to our destination.
• We have to evacuate our control center. You need to divert to an alternate airport.
• Please confirm intentions. Your destination airport is closed because are flooding.
• It´s difficult to keep straight and level. We are going to the longest runway
• The radio range isn´t good. It´s there another Frequency?
• Due to serious Thunderstorm we are unable to maintain Flight Level.
• Sorry, too much interference in your transmission. I didn´t understand. Confirm
• I was not happy with the brakes condition. We will grounded until the problem it´s
• Heavy snow fall has stop. Road traffic and flight will be crowded and busy.
• There is a fire closest to the airport. There is a lot of dark smoke in the sky around.
• We think the passenger who felt has broken his arm. Cabin crews are treating him.
• There is a drunk passenger on board. We request assistance at arrived.
• We felt and heard nose gear extended, but we can’t see the green lights.
• “You are in the runway. Expedite your taxi. Call runway vacated next high speed
turn off”.
• There are banks of snow on the runway. It will take 30 minutes to remove them.
• Your destination airport doesn´t have Fire and Rescue services. Divert to the
• There is a pregnant woman who was giving bird. Mother and her baby will require
medical assistance on arrival.
• We have a crack windshield. Can we have technical support here to examine it?
• We just saw a collision between 2 aircrafts to our left. Do you have any
• Our sick passenger is feeling better. Cabin crews are monitoring her.
• We can´t do all this work. It is too much.
• The Captain has had a heart attack. Requesting immediately emergency landing.
• There´s something on the runway. We can´t take off.
• We suspect there is a fire in the cargo compartment. We will check and inform
• The snow it´s been clear. Please, hold for landing clearance.
• I am tried to calm down. I was very close to collide (ing) with that plane!
• We have a problem. The vehicle is not moving.
• We need some help. We have storm ahead of us!
• We need some help. Our computer screens are frozen.
• Taxiway is getting worst. I need to take off as soon as possible.
• We can´t get the engine going. We have to land on the frozen river.
• One of our passengers got a heart attack and request medical assistance after
• “We have received the Bomb Warning against your flight. Did you copy this
• I can´t continue taxiing, because there is a piece of rubber on the taxiway.
• Many of our passengers on board are drunk. We need to remove them before we
• We have a problem. We heard an explosion.
• We have a situation. Some of our passengers are missing.
• We recently expect severe turbulence. It is possible to avoid the turbulence area?
• The plane in front of you request medical assistance. I am waiting for further
• We lost contact with that aircraft. Could you descent and investigate the area
below of you?
• We have a problem. Something feels wrong with my controls.
• We have a situation. We have to evacuate.
• We have a problem with drunk passenger on board. Inform the police department.
• There is a drunk passenger on board. We´ll required police assistance on landing.
• There is a horse on the runway. We have to initiate a go-around.
• One passenger has the serious illness and we don´t have medicine on board.
• We are experiencing severe ice conditions. We must descent immediately.
• The airport is crowded with environmental protesters. Are you able to divert to the
alternate airport?
• We have a problem. Security has founded something wrong in the passenger
• Our windscreen is crack due to bird strike. We need descent immediately.
• Copy your message about your dead passenger. We have medical assistance
standing by.
• To avoid military activities we need to take a northerly heading.
• Can we have a hold zone to check out our Nose Gear? We think is not retracted.
• I´m declaring a Mayday Emergency. Where is the nearest aerodrome?
• I saw an animal on the threshold of the runway, so I couldn´t land.
• We have limited visibility. Can we have vectoring to intercept ILS approach?
• The fighter has now flown away from of us. Do we have permission to continue
with current course?
• We have a situation. A red light comes on.
• We have a problem. There´s a strong smell in the cabin.
• We need some help. We have a very drunk man here.
• We need some help. We are some difficult to steer the vehicle.
• I got a Pressure problem. It is impossible to descent at 8000 feet.
• The passenger attacked the Cabin Crew. We need to get him off the plane as soon
as possible.
• The lights on your assigned runway are not working. Standing by for another
runway change.
• The Captain has taking some medicine and is feeling better. It was a just a bad
• We´ve lost on visual contact with the field. Can you give us vectors for runway 09?
• “You have NOT permission to enter in the Airspace in front of you! Please hold
current position”.
• I´m sorry. Did you say the Nose Wheel is in position? I didn´t understand your
• The weather is getting better. We are proceeding to the original destination.
• The passenger refusing to speak to the flight attendants. We are watching him
• We have a problem. We think the injury is serious.
• We have a problem. May have been a major security alert at our destination?
• We need some help. “My hands are shaking”.
• We need some help. My controls are stuck.
• More of our passengers are feeling ill. We think it could be some kind of virus.
• I don´t have on my screen. Can you tell me your last know position?
• The controls feel very heavy. Can you speak to maintenance, please?
• You are approaching to a Restricted Airspace. Do you have permission to enter?
• We need some help. The radio is not working.
• We need some help. We can´t stop the bleeding.
• We have a situation and need some help. We slid into the ditch.
• We have been intercepted by a Military Aircraft. It is indicating we should land.
• We´ve lost an engine; it could have been due to a bird strike.
• We have a problem. We´ve lost Radio Contact.
• We have a situation. We are worried about the pregnant passenger.
• We have a problem. We are filling much stressed.
• “Medical assistance it´s ready. Do you need priority landing?
• There´s rubbish on the taxiway. We can´t continue with the taxi.
• “Experiencing Turbulence. Can we change Flight level”?
• We can´t land on our destination airport due to poor weather.
• We have a passenger who was injured on his head. We need Medical assistance on
• We need some help. There´s a vehicle blocking the way.
• We saw you off at the end of the runway and we call tug truck for your assistance.
• A flight steward was burn, and we are trying to treat him now.
• I am going to have cancelled my flight, as to dark sky for me to flight VFR.
• We have a problem. The pressure is dropping.
• We have a situation. Visibility is not good.
• We think the passenger who felt was broken his arm. Flight stewardess is treating.
• I have informed Medical services are on the ground and them standing by. Could
we have an update?
• We are not receiving Datalink Messages at the moment. We are trying to find out
• I didn´t hear you. Did you say, you have a problem climbing?
• We need some help. We can´t understand what are they saying.
• I have a problem with our cargo luggage, but I don´t want to miss our slot.
• We´ve got power back after rebooting the system. Cancel, I repeat Cancel the call
for technical support.
• The background is noisy loud. I can´t listen well. Repeat the message.
• We have a problem. A lady is falling in the cabin.
• We need some help. I think the windscreen is not safe.
• Heavy snow fall has stuck road traffic and flights in our region.
• We have fire and smoke on unknown region. Can you vector us to the nearest
• You can follow the Highway towards the airport. Can you see the road?
• We are safety down but overrun the runway. Can you send a tow truck to assist
• We need some help. The snow is making it difficult to more.
• I can´t begin to taxi. I suspect our brakes are frozen.
• The Flight Attendant is holding a passenger who tries to enter to the cockpit.
• I can´t land with this much fuel. I´m going to dump fuel to reach landing weight.
• We observed lighting at the right of the airport. Can we have a report of the
weather conditions?
• If the passenger breathing does not improve in the next 5 minutes we´ll begin to
• We need some help. We smell like gas.
• We need some help. We have found a suspicious device!
SOME TOPICS OR THEMES for Extended Conversation

- Runway problems
- Runway Excursions
- Reduce risk of runway excursions
- Traffic numbers
- Older aerodromes cope (handle) traffic numbers?
- Buildings and facilities
- Radio-Aids before, now and the future.
- Languages in the world place
- ¿How important it is languages in aviation?
- ¿How do you think language regulation will change in the future?
- Afraid passengers to fly. ¿How help them to avoid risk?
- Crosswind operation
- Passenger behavior
- Delays due to weather
- Radio Facilities, Navigation Aids
- Automation cockpit
- Pilot´s fatigue
- Pilot´s healthy routines
- Stress and Human Errors
- Fire in flight
- Effect of aviation growth
- Aviation and society
- Commercial Airlines
- Training, it is necessary on your job?
- ¿What do you do in your cockpit?
- ¿Why your job it´s paid well?
- Engine failure. ¿How is the best way to act?
- Cabin Crew work. ¿It is some help for you?
- Landing gear problems.
- Ground security. People, modern scanners, sniffer dogs, ¿Which is better?
- Jet aviation, modern aviation and heavy planes. Why aviation is in constant
- Dangerous Goods.
- Suspicious material or devices in flight. ¿How to handle it?

Some words to consider in the aviation life:

- Long flat surface

- Special breathing equipment
- Hydroplane
- Security guards
- Cloudy
- Hurt
- Injure
- Refusing
- Virus
- Vital
- Sweeper
- Flat-bed truck
- Collide
- Stuck
- Unload
- Demand
- Mandatory
- Anxiety
- Towards
- Stward (m) –es- (f)
- Thick white fog
- Complain
- Rubbish
- Illness
- Northerly
- Crowded
- Holding zone
- Tilt
- Tight
- Damage
- Fainted
- “got a fit”
- Seizure
- Pains

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