Quarantine Assignment 25-03-2020

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quarantine assignment 25-march-2020

Q1)Mention the detailed steps to connect the scanner with the tablets.
Ans: To connect the scanner firstly you need to have the following items:
● computer/tablet
● otg
● canon scanner
Here are the following steps to connect the scanner:
-firstly you have to download the athancare scanner reception app
-then the app needs to be signed in with the doctor credentials
-when the app opens up the scanner has usb port which cant be connected if you
don’t have otg(make sure that you have otg with you)
-make sure that the scanner has a button at the backside on and off. make sure
that would be on off side otherwise, your private data could be released to canon
company and there is no privacy for your data.
-when you connect the tab press the silver button on the scanner at top, it will flash
in blue light and on same time a popup will arise press ok at that time(popup says
that scanner is being connected with the app).

Q2) Steps to connect Scanner in desktop? Is there “Scan Later “ prescription

option in Desktop version?
ans:first to connect the scanner here are some items which you need
● A computer
● A scanner, and
● A driver
Here are some steps to connect the scanner which is in below:
-To connect the scanner firstly download the driver so that the computer can
analyze the scanner because the scanner is a foreign part of the computer.
-when the procedure for installing the driver is done then you have to open up the
website www.athancare.com.
-Click the login which is on the upper left side, where a popup arise for doctor,
hospital, and reception
-one has to select the option for the reception and use the login credentials on that
-a page will open and now you are ready to use the scanner with the software.

Q3)What to do if a doctor wants to store all his prescriptions, reports,etc., in

scanner ?Steps to do so.
if the doctor wants to store his prescription or the reports of a patient, then there s
two cases for that.
to upload using tab:he had to check out the patient then a popup will arise to add
records now or later if the patient flow his low then he can press add records now.
now he can add the prescription using the scanner(he can only scan 5 pages at a
time)or if he uses add later then he can go to past appointments choose the patient
and click on that patient new column arises then he had to click add records

to upload using desktop:while using the desktop there is no add to records later, so
the record will be uploaded at that time,
when the receptionist check out the patient a popup will arise to add records at
that time, the maximum page for the prescription is 5(if doctor want to add more
page then it’s an optional case).

to upload the pages, size of the page should be compatible to the scanner
otherwise the scanner won’t scan the prescription

note: somehow the scanner is not working or the tab is not charged in that case the
doctor can add the data using my athancare app.

Q4) How to schedule revisit through the scanner?

ans: Actually, I am gonna defend this question as revisit is possible but not like the
old software are doing it.if we talk about revisit in previous software the doctor can
set the revisit if he has open the prescription of that patient.
if we talk about revisit in the scanner to set the revisit we have to make another
appointment for that on that date.
Here are some steps to set the revisit of the patient:
-open up the reception app on the tab.
-dashboard page will open up, check on the left side there is add revisit
-when you click on that it would ask the date and slot time, choose them
-if the details of the patient is there you don’t have to fill that agin ust ask them the
number or fill the number the app will automatically fetch out the details, if not
then you have to make the appointment with all the details.
-when the details are filled click on make apointment and the apointment will be
with that time and date.
note:the patient will be reciveing a message for the appointment fixed wth xyz
doctor on that day

Q5)Is it possible to get an appointment through patient’s application of

athancare? how to do so?
yes it is possible for the patient to make the appointment for the doctor using his
Here are some steps for that:
-firstly the patient to have a athancare app which is available on play store as well
as app store
-when the download is finished he had to register the app with that number that is
given to the doctor at the time of consultation.(another number would not help you
out to give you the details)
-a dashboard page will open up where you click the human button which is also
known as member button which is located at below.click that button
-choose the member of your to whom consultation to be done by the doctor.
-a page will open up showing details and records, there is a button for
appointments click that button.
-choose the doctor and then click book which will take you to make the
appointment for which date.
-choose the date and time, there is also a tracking feature for that where a patient
can track his appointment.
Note: The patient will be sen only the doctor which he had consulted and only using
athancare services.
Q6)How to scan any prescription in “Scan later “from tablets? Mention steps.
to scan prescription steps are in below:
-firstly make the appointment fr that patient
-do check in on that
-then do check out
-a page will arise scan now or scan later press to scan later
-then your step to scan later is done

Now we talk about how to upload prescription when he had done scan later:
-check on the left side there is past appointments click on that
-Click on the name of patients
- a column will open up where view records, view billing, and next appointments
-click to add records and then scan the records or prescription

Q7)Is it possible to change the payment mode after the patient is diagnosed
or once the payment is taken? elaborate with cases to do so.
Ans:Yes, it is possible to change the payment mode after the patient is diagnosed.
also, we can change the whole accounting of the patients.
the step to change the mode of that patient are as below with two cases:
By doctor: open up the past appointment search for that patient using mobile
number or name
open up the prescription page, click on the payment option
-on the right side there is three option cash, card and wallet you can change from

By receptionist: open up the past appointment search for that patient you want to
change the payment mode
-click on view payment which is on left side
-on the right side, there are 3 option cash, card, and wallet. choose or change
between them.

Q8)How to refund the advance payment? Mention the cases for this.
yes, it is possible to refund the amount of the patient
to do that you have to follow this procedure:
-Firstly you have to click the chair on the right side of the name which shows the
popup for the cancel the appointment by the doctor and patient choose between
- then the popup will arise for a refund now or later.
this case only works when the name of the patient is below than 1st position.
if somehow to cancel the patient who is in 1st position then we have to follow these
-there is a now show options click on that
-open up the now show page which is in left side
-click on the patient a popup will arise shows bill(icon of that is a page) and plus
-click on the invoice
-when the invoice is open up there is a button name as refund now click on that
and the amount is refunded

Q9)If a dr. is using our devices with login credentials in one of his clinics and
he sits at 2-3 different clinics more. Is it possible to use with the same
credential? What to do if he wants separate patients data for all clinics?

if the doctor wants to sit in 2-3 different clinics then login credentials have to be
different for these places, why this would happen because of these following
-the doctor wouldn’t understand the patient is of which clinic
-there is no privacy in between receptionists they can see each other patient list.
-the problem arises with the accounting part as a doctor cannot be identified what
cost would be taken from so and so clinic.
-timings would be the same as the problem arises when the patient book the

Q10)How to cancel any appointment if the patient is checked-in from the

reception end?
yes it can;t be possible that if the receptionist had done checkin then the patient
appointment not be canceled, as per the software criteria once patient is checked
in that means doctor will going to daignose that patient.
if the doctor not going to daignosed that patient then he can follow these simple
-the popup sheet will open up that time when checkin is done b the receptionist.
-now the doctor had to click anywhere on the screen but not on the checkin button.
-he will be landed on the dashboard, and then he can select another patient and do
check in that time.
-automatically a popup will arise at the reception tab showing the patient name and
-no show button, the receptionist had to press the no show button.
-the appointment would be canceled.

Q11)If any Dr. is using his device in offline mode for a day and diagnosed
patient in offline mode, but he connects the tablet to the internet on next
day, will the appointments automatically reach the server?

Ans:if the doctor is using the device in offline mode then the data would not be
gone to the server as server need internet connectivity, if he connects the reception
tab in limited connection then the reception tab would not show the details, the
details would be saved in the doctor tab.doctor has to make sure to upload the
data on a server he had to connected thru the internet.

Q12)If any doctors wants his 24hours slot time, will it possible? explain
ans:no it can’t be possible as 24 hours slot are not there for the whole day a doctor
can make the appointment slot from 6.00am to 11.55 pm,as if we are making 24-
hour slots then the date range cannot be happen, between 12 to 5.55am no
appointment would be created

Q13)Is it possible to merge slot timing for any doctor? Steps to do so.
Ans:yes it can be possible to merge the timings of the doctor the steps are as
it has two cases:
for a day only:if doctor wants to mere between the timings for one day only then he
can add slots then his morning, as well as evening shift, will merge.
for all days:if he wants to merge the timings everyday then operation executive had
to give the timings to the back end his only one shift would be made for a whole

Q14)Is to possible get the patient’s information for the next appointment if
he is not diagnosed like a cancelled appointment or no show appointments?
Ans:yes it is possible if the patient is not diagnosed or canceled, his data would be
saved to the server if he comes on that day then receptionist had to open up the
now show and select that patient and click the plus button, no need to make that
appointment again, if he comes next day the only number is needed.

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