Technical Seminar Report (Zohaib)

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A Seminar Report


A Seminar report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the VIII Semester
degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering
of Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi

Submitted by


USN: 1BY16CV074

Under the Guidance of

Mrs. Shobha. R
Assistant Professor
Dept of Civil Engineering
BMS Institute of Technology & Management

Department of Civil Engineering

Doddaballpur Main Road, Avalahalli, Yelhanka,
Bengaluru, Karnataka -560064


Certified that the Seminar on topic APPLICATION OF LASERS IN HIGHWAY
ENGINEERING has been successfully presented at BMS INSTITUTE OF
USN 1BY16CV074, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the VIII Semester degree
of Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering of Visvesvaraya Technological
University, Belgavi during academic year 2019-20. It is certified that all
corrections/suggestions indicated for Internal Assessment have been incorporated in the
report deposited in the departmental library. The Seminar report has been approved as it
satisfies the academic requirements in respect of Seminar work for the said degree.

Mrs. Shobha. R Mr. Vinod B R

(Seminar Guide) (Seminar Coordinator)

Dr. Rajesh Gopinath Dr. Mohan Babu G N

(HOD Civil Engineering) (Principal)


I, ZOHAIB MOHAMED UMAIR [USN:1BY16CV074], student of VIII Semester BE, in –

Civil Engineering hereby declare that the Seminar entitled “APPLICATION OF LASERS
IN HIGHWAY ENGINEERING” has been carried out by me and submitted in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the VIII Semester degree of Bachelor of Engineering in
Civil Engineering of Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum during academic
year 2019-20


Place: Bengaluru USN: 1BY16CV074

It is my privilege and pleasure to express our profound sense of respect, gratitude and
indebtedness to Dr Mohan Babu G N, Principal, BMSIT&M and The Management of
BMSIT&M for supporting and providing facilities for the successful completion of my
technical seminar

I sincerely thank Dr Rajesh Gopinath, Associate professor & HOD, Department of Civil
Engineering, BMSIT&M for his valuable support and constant encouragement given to me
during this work

I express my deep sense of gratitude to my guide Mrs. Shobha. R, Assistant Professor,

Department of Civil Engineering, BMSIT&M, for being kind and helpful, for her
guidance and valuable suggestions. Her words of advice and encouragement have been a
source of enthusiasm

I am greatly thankful to Mr. Vinod B R, Seminar supervisor for being kind, supporting
and encouraging me at each stage of my seminar work and guided me to do my best

I am also thankful to the staff members of Civil Department of BMSIT&M for their help
and cooperation

Finally, yet importantly, I wish to acknowledge my Parents and Friends for giving moral
strength and encouragement

- Zohaib Mohamed Umair


In this Era of technology, Lasers have a very vast application in Highway Engineering. It is
used various purposes like Road profiling, Pavement surface deflection, Bridge deflection,
Speed checkers etc. These techniques have eased Human work by making it simple and
easy to use. If compared to older techniques that were cumbersome, these have higher
accuracy since everything is automated and quicker in obtaining results since its computed
by a computer and need very less human power.
I. Introduction 1
1. General Introduction 1
1.1 Properties of lasers 2
1.2 Instruments used 2
1.3 Application of lasers 3
II. Case Study 4
2. Road Profiling 4
2.1 Profile 4
2.2 True profile 4
2.3 Profiler 5
2.4 Profiler Working 5
2.5 Inertial Profiler 5
2.6 Inertial reference provided by an accelerometer 5-6
2.7 Requirements 6
2.7.1 Inertial profiler must be moving to function 6
2.7.2 The profile from an inertial profiler does not look like one 6-7
2.7.3 Accurate profile statistics can be obtained from inertial profilers 7-8
2.8 Profiler Applications 8
3. Pavement surface deflections 9
3.1 Background 9
3.2 Rolling wheel deflectometer 10-11
3.3 Working Spatially-Coincident Method 11-12
4. Bridge Deflection 13
4.1 System structure 13
4.2 Basic Principles 14-15
4.3 Laboratory study 15-17
5. Speed Checkers 18
5.1 Methodology 18-20
5.2 Result 20
6. Advantages of Using Lasers in Highway Engineering 21
7. Limitations of Lasers in Highway Engineering 22
8. Conclusion 23
9. References 24

Fig. Description Page

No. No

Fig. 2.6 Height relative to reference 6

Fig. 2.7.2 Three profiles measured with different devices 7
Fig. 2.7.3 Roughness Statistics 8
Fig. 3.3 General overview of the rolling wheel Deflectometer & 12
Illustration of the spatially-coincident method
Fig. 4.1 The structure of bridge deflection measurement system 14
Fig. 4.2 Principle figure of deformation measurement 14
Fig. 4.3.1 Laser Emitter 15
Fig. 4.3.2 Laser Receiver 15
Fig. 4.3.3 Laser image 16
Fig. 4.3.4 Laser image after filtering and threshold segmentation 16
Fig. 4.3.5 Display interface of deflection measurement system 16
Fig. 5.1 Installation of lasers and LDRs 19
Fig. 5.2 Model of over speed detection system using timer 20
Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering BMSIT&M

1. General introduction
India is said to be the quickest growing nations today just falling behind China.
Despite the fact that India is doing especially well in fields such as education,
industrialization and style there are still sure territories where the nation is falling
behind. India's road system is colossal after United States of America. In any case,
one of the striking basic actualities is the state of the roads. Since roads in a
roundabout way add to the financial development of the nation it is to a great degree
key that the roads are well laid out and solid. India is home to a few terrible roads be
it the metropolitans, the urban communities or the towns. Terrible road conditions
are just the same old thing new to India and the issue is being tended to since the
most recent 30 years.
Since India is a creating country there is a steady interest for good quality base,
transportation and administrations. Be that as it may, since India is a colossal nation with
truly a sizable population this issue still has not been tended to in totality. To enhance the
state of road’s endeavors started route back in the 1980s. It is amid this time roads were
worked to connection major highways, to grow the width of existing roads and to develop
imperative scaffolds. India has a sum of around 2 million kilometers of roads out of
which 960,000 kilometers are surfaced roads and around 1 million kilometers of roads in
India are the inadequately built ones. India is additionally home to Fifty-three National
expressways which convey around 40% of the aggregate street movement. In spite of the
fact that the figures look really great yet the basic actuality is that 25% of towns in India
still have poor road joins.
Alternate issues confronted by the Indian roads are; awful riding quality, poor
geometrics, and lacking pavement thickness. In India the obligations regarding road
building and upkeep lies with the Central and state government. The organization of the
national highway framework is vested with the Ministry of State for Surface Transport in
India and other state roads are safeguarded by the state open works divisions. Similarly,
as the minor roads in the nation are concerned, they are up kept by the different areas,
districts, and towns.
Roads that transport individuals and items starting with one place then onto the
next are subjected to overwhelming loadings and cruel ecological conditions, because of
Which they fall apart with time. The rate of crumbling relies upon the development

Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering BMSIT&M

Materials used, development and support history, rate of stacking, and ecological
conditions. In this way, road execution must be observed to assess the rate of crumbling,
requirement for support and recovery, and legitimate booking of upkeep and restoration
Assessment of road execution could be subjective, contingent upon visual
examination and evaluator experience, or target, contingent upon institutionalized
assessment strategies and equipment. Because of the way that experience is hard to
exchange starting with one individual then onto the next and that Singular choices
produced using comparative information are frequently conflicting, in the late 1950s,
target assessments started to make strides and Superseded subjective assessment.

1.1 Properties of Lasers

1. Monochromatic: The light emitted from a laser is monochromatic, that is, it is

of one wavelength (color). In contrast, ordinary white light is a combination of
many different wavelengths (colors).
2. Unidirectional: Lasers emit light that is highly directional. Laser light is
emitted as a narrow beam in a specific direction. Ordinary light coming from the
sun, a light bulb, or a candle, is emitted in many directions away from the source.
3. Coherent: The light from a laser is said to be coherent, which means the
wavelengths of the laser light are in phase in space and time.
4. Portable: It is of small size and can be easily carried anywhere as needed

5. Detect moving object: It can detect the speed of the moving object but
calculating the time interval between the incident ray and reflected ray.
6. Work outside exposed to sunlight: Since it has very high intensity it can
be almost used anywhere even outside in bright sunlight.

1.2 Instruments used

 Profilograph
 Accelerometer

Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering BMSIT&M

 Texas Rolling Dynamic Deflectometer (RDD)

 Airfield Rolling Weight Deflectometer (ARWD)
 Rolling Wheel Deflectometer (RWD);
 Road Deflection Tester (RDT)
 High-Speed Deflect graph.
 Laser Emitter
 Laser Receiver

1.3 Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering

 Road Profiling
 Pavement Surface Deflections
 Bridge Deflection
 Speed Checkers

There is a developing requirement for vital administration of the national

roadway system to save the huge capital investment. Pavement administration exercises
require exact, quick and practical pavement test systems to record current status of the
pavement structures in fast way. Laser strategy has the qualities of high correctness, high
resolutions and repeatability, and has been broadly connected in the range finding.

All the applications mentioned above are explained in the case studies as


Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering BMSIT&M

2.1 Profile
Profiles taken along a lateral line demonstrate the super elevation and crown
of the road outline, in addition to rutting and different problems. Longitudinal profiles
demonstrate the roughness, texture, design grade. A profile of a road, pavement, or
ground can be measured along any constant non-existent line at first glance. On the off
chance that an estimation is rehashed, the same profile must be normal if the same non-
existent line is taken after. (To get repeatable measures, it makes the line less non-
existent by utilizing paint or tape to stamp it physically). It is conceivable to quantify the
profile for a bended line. Ordinarily, the desire for a road is that the line is a steady
separation from the centerline or some other reference that takes after the road geometry.
Every now and then, profile is measured along two lines for every path, one in every
wheel track. For more noteworthy detail any number of lines can be measured. The width
is normally characterized by the sort of instrument utilized. For instance, measures made
with a laser framework might cover a cut of the road only a couple of millimeters thick,
while measures made with an ultrasonic framework might cover a thicker cut of a few
centimeters. The impact of profile width is not yet caught on. Be that as it may, it is
harder to precisely rehash a profile measure if the line for the profile is slender.

2.2 True Profile

The idea of a profile is anything but difficult to envision. It is anything but
difficult to see that for a line drawn on a physical surface, a "true profile" exists.
Notwithstanding, the necessities for measuring the profile rely on upon what we need to
do with the information. For instance, consider two totally distinctive use of profile. In
the first place, assume new bridge will be constructed. The fashioner may need the profile
of the road on either side of the bridge site. The profile would be sufficiently depicted
with rise focuses taken at 3-m interims, for a few hundred meters, with the individual
measures having a determination of a couple of millimeters. Presently, for a brief
moment application, consider a system analysis to describe surface in view of measured
profile. The investigation requires profile focuses separated 1.0 mm (0.04 in) separated,
over a separation of 1 meter, with a determination of 0.1 mm (0.004 in). Both

Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering BMSIT&M

arrangements of numbers are a piece of the "true profile" for a line out and about.

2.3 Profiler
Instruments and test strategies are utilized to deliver a succession of numbers
related to the "true profile" for a non-existent line on the road. A profiler does not
generally measure true profile, precisely. It quantifies the segments of true profile that are
required for a particular reason. In any case, the relationship between the true profile and
the numbers delivered by a profiler must meet a specification that will be given in a
matter of seconds.

2.4 Profiler Working

They are:

1. A reference elevation,

2. A height relative to the reference, and

3. Longitudinal distance.

These three ingredients are combined in different ways, based on the design of

the Profiler

2.5 Inertial Profiler

In the 1960's, an achievement in configuration made fast profiling workable for
checking huge road networks. It was when General Motors Research Laboratories
developed the inertial profiler. Estimations from the inertial profiler join the same three
ingredients as the static rod and level and the Dipstick.

2.6 The Inertial Reference is Provided by an Accelerometer

An accelerometer is a sensor that measures acceleration. Data processing
Algorithms convert the vertical acceleration measure to an inertial reference that defines
the instant height of the accelerometer in the host vehicle. The height of the ground
relative to the reference is therefore the distance between the accelerometer (in the

Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering BMSIT&M

vehicle) and the ground directly under the accelerometer. This height is measured with a
non-contacting sensor such as a laser transducer. The longitudinal distance of the
instruments is usually picked up from the vehicle speedometer.

Fig. 2.6: Height relative to reference

2.7 Requirements
2.7.1 An inertial Profiler must be moving to function

This kind of instrument not just works at highway speed, it requires a

specific speed even to work. For instance, even the best inertial profilers don't function
admirably at speeds under 15 km/hr. The association between the instrument and the
ground is harder to see when speeding by at 100 km/hr than while assessing the non-
existent line being profiled by walking and bringing readings with a static device. Finding
the accelerometer and sensor over the correct nonexistent line is troublesome and requires
an accomplished driver.
2.7.2 The profile from an inertial profiler does not look like one
measured statically
The inertial reference from a profiler qualifies as valuable, however it is not as
simple to Visualize as the reference utilized as a part of the static rod and level or
Dipstick. The understanding between the profile acquired with an inertial framework and
one gotten statically is great in a few regards, yet not in others. For instance, the
following figure indicates profiles from the static Dipstick and two inertial profilers.

Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering BMSIT&M

Fig. 2.7.2: Three profiles measured with different devices

The profiles from the inertial devices were taken at ordinary highway speeds, so
risks are that the line for the profile was not precisely the same for the three measures.
Yet, this does not clarify the totally diverse appearances among the profiles. The Dipstick
demonstrates a positive evaluation of around 1-meter vertical for each 100 meters
longitudinal. The ICC laser profiler demonstrates an evaluation of up to 0.5 meters
vertical for every 100 meters longitudinal. The K.J. Law instrument demonstrates a true
level profile. The evaluation and long undulations covering several meters are as a matter
of course measured precisely by any of these devices. Plots of elevation versus distance
from these three devices don't concur, despite the fact that the measures depend on the
same true profile. Further, distinctive plots might be acquired for repeated measures of
the same true profile, if the measures are made with inertial profilers made by various
makers. It is even conceivable to get diverse plots from the same instrument, just by
picking distinctive settings before every test.

2.7.3 Accurate profile statistics can be obtained from inertial profilers

Since the inertial profilers don't create the same plot of profile as a static
method, for example, the Dipstick, you might at first think they are not helpful, or that
they Are not detecting the true profile. Yet, regardless of the possibility that the plot of
the profile measured by an inertial profiler does not resemble the true profile, it might
give high accuracy for summary numbers that are ascertained from the profile. For
instance, the following figure Shows plots of a roughness index as processed from
estimations made by Different instruments. On the off chance that the two instruments

Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering BMSIT&M

acquired the very same results, the Points would lie on the plots on the line of

Fig. 2.7.3: Roughness Statistics

2.8 Profiler Applications

1. To screen the state of a road system for pavement management systems (PMS),

2. To assess the nature of recently developed or repaired areas,

3. To analyze the state of particular place and decide fitting Cures, and

4. To examine the state of particular site for research. The specialized prerequisites for
these classes cover a significant reach. A road Network might require the measuring of a
great many kilometers for each year. In a few States, more than 10,000 kilometers for
each year might be profiled. At the other end, an examination system may include
incessant estimations of destinations that are only a few hundred feet long, with the aim
of recognizing unobtrusive types of decay at their onset.


Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering BMSIT&M

3.1 Background
Following the mid-1950s, different methodologies have been created to quantify
pavement deflections, including stationary and ceaseless estimation strategies. The
requirement for a traffic speed deflection testing strategy has been broadly supported in
literature on account of time imperatives and the need to occupy movement from the tried
path when stationary devices are utilized (Smith and Lytton 1985).Arora et al. (2006)
recognized five gadgets that have been assessed for constant redirection testing:

(1) Texas Rolling Dynamic Deflectometer (RDD);

(2) Airfield Rolling Weight Deflectometer (ARWD);
(3) Rolling Wheel Deflectometer (RWD);
(4) Road Deflection Tester (RDT); and
(5) High-Speed Deflect graph.
The RWD was developed by Applied Research Associates (ARA), Inc. to
measure pavement surface deflections at traffic speeds and to characterize the load-
carrying capacity of in-service pavements. The first RWD prototype was designed to
perform measurements on airfield pavements at a maximum speed of 9 km/h was
introduced in late 1990’s. The latest version of the RWD was introduced in 2003 and can
collect deflections at traffic speeds. It consists of a16.2 m long semitrailer applying a
standard 80-kN load on the pavement structure over the rear single axle by means of a
regular dual-tire assembly. The RWD measures wheel deflections using spatially
coincident method at the pavement surface, comparing the profiles of the surface in the
undeflected and deflected states. As RWD travels on top of the pavement, triangulation
lasers mounted on a 7.7 m aluminium beam and placed at2.6-m intervals are used to
measure surface deflections. The beam is mounted on the right side of the semitrailer to
follow the right wheel path on the right lane, which is usually the weakest location on the
pavement structure. Three spot lasers are placed in front of the loaded wheel to define the
unloaded surface, and one spot laser is placed right on top of the loaded dual-tire
assembly to measure the deflected surface.

The laser sensors are set to gather a reading at unaltered interim of 15 mm at all truck
speeds. Prior to the field-testing program portrayed in this study, a more exact and Stable

Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering BMSIT&M

deflection estimation framework adapted for pavement applications was introduced. The
updated framework has a 100-mm deflection estimation range and has a correctness of
0:0254 mm. This was the primary testing program directed with a new laser deflection
framework. Table 3.1 associates about the working states of RWD and FWD in basic
assessment of in-administration pavements. As appeared in this table, significant
contrasts exist in the middle of RWD and FWD deflection strategies, particularly
regarding the load setup. While the RWD applies a three-dimensional transient wheel
load on the pavement surface those outcomes in both vertical and horizontal stresses
Table 3.1: Comparison of Operating Conditions for Rolling Wheel Deflectometer
and Falling Weight Deflectometer

FWD applies a vertical load pulse over a circular plate. In spite of the fact that it
is normal that pavement deflection data would vary shape and magnitude, both
techniques ought to uncover comparable patterns and give a practically identical
appraisal of pavement structural Integrity. This is inferable from the way that they both
utilize the same idea that thin, distressed, and delicate pavements show more noteworthy
deflections than thick and solid pavements.

3.2 Rolling Wheel Deflectometer

The RWD was developed by Applied Research Associates (ARA), Inc. to
quantify pavement surface diversions at traffic speeds and to portray the heap conveying
limit of in-administration pavements. The main model was presented in the late 1990s
and was intended to perform estimations on landing strip pavements at a most extreme
pace of 6 mph. The most recent variant of the RWD was presented in 2003 and can gather

Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering BMSIT&M

redirections at movement speeds, see Figure 4. It comprises of a 53-ft. long semitrailer

applying a standard 18,000-lb. load on the pavement structure by method for a standard
double tire get together over the back single pivot.

3.3 Working Spatially-Coincident method

The RWD measures wheel diversions at the pavement surface by method for a
spatially incidental technique, which looks at the profiles of the surface in both
undeflected and avoided states As the RWD goes on top of the pavement, triangulation
lasers mounted, on a 25.5-ft. aluminium shaft and put at 8-ft. interims, are utilized to
gauge surface avoidances. The bar is mounted on the right half of the semitrailer to take
after the right wheel way on the right path, generally the weakest area on the pavement
structure. Three spot lasers are put before the stacked wheel to characterize the emptied
surface, and one spot laser is set specifically on top of the stacked double tire get together
so as to gauge the diverted surface, Figure 3.3. The laser sensors are set to gather a
perusing at a settled interim of 0.6 in. at all truck speeds. Preceding the field-testing
program depicted in this study, a more exact and stable redirection estimation framework,
altered for asphalt applications, was introduced. The redesigned framework has a 4-in.
estimation avoidance go and has an exactness of ± 0.001 in. This study was the first
testing program conducted with the new and improved laser deflection system.

Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering BMSIT&M

Fig. 3.3: General overview of the rolling wheel Deflectometer & Illustration of
the spatially-coincident method

Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering BMSIT&M

Bridge is an important part of the transportation infrastructure. In order to detect
the performance of bridge, it usually needs to determine the deformation of key parts of
it. The deformation is caused by changes of natural conditions and long-term load even
overload. It may bring damage when exceeds the certain threshold. So, bridge health
measurement must be taken in order to ensure the safe use of it. As an important
parameter of bridge structure, deflection represents the deformation of bridge, so it can
point out that whether the deformation of bridge is beyond the security range. There are a
lot of methods to measure the deflection of bridge. The direct measurement method of
The displacement sensor and the indirect measurement method of strain measurement are
used to measure the deformation. In recent years, there are some new methods of
deformation monitoring with the development of computer technology, sensor
technology and network technology, such as Stretched wire, tilt-meter, GPS, optical fiber,
laser image. These methods can realize real-time on-line and automatic measurement of
bridge deflection. Moreover, the method of laser image has the advantages of convenient
installation, low maintenance cost and high precision, which becomes research hotspot.
Considering the actual situation of bridge deflection measurement, this paper puts
forward a bridge deflection measurement system based on laser image technology. This
system can not only realize measurement at night which cannot done in other methods,
but also achieve high accuracy with higher price ratio.

4.1 System Structure

The deflection measurement system is composed of laser emitter, laser receiver
and upper computer, as shown in Fig.4.1. The laser beam should be long-term stability,
anti-interference and high positioning accuracy, in order to ensure the accurate
positioning of the spot Centre. A diode pump solid state laser (DPSSL) with reliable
stability and limberness of light spot shape is used in the study.

Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering BMSIT&M

Fig.4.1: The structure of bridge deflection measurement system

4.2 Basic Principles

Laser emitter is installed on the measurement base point and laser receiver is
fixed at the measurement point of bridge. Laser projects on the fixed laser screen. Laser
image will be sampled by CCD and sent to the MCU. A laser spot is formed in the
imaging, and it is processed by digital image processing technology. The coordinate of
the centre of the laser spot will be calculated. With Deformation of the bridge, the
position of the centre of the laser spot is changed. This variation is equal to the deflection
of bridge, so the deflection of bridge can be obtained by calculating the Variation of the
centre of the laser spot. When the bridge deformation occurs, laser receiver will also have
a slight angle of inclination, as Shown in Figure 4.2. In order to reduce measurement
error, this study introduces tilt sensor to measure the angle of the laser emitter.

Fig 4.2: Principle figure of deformation measurement

As shown in the Figure 4.2, it designates that A is the datum position, B is the laser light

Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering BMSIT&M

spot position, lis the length of AB line, which is the deformation relative to datum plane.
Φ is the obliquity of light sot receiver relative to datum plane. Δ is the Displacement
value of the measured point perpendicular to the datum plane, so Δ is the Deformation
result. The relationship between the three is shown in the eq. (1). The vertical
deformation of the position can be analysed by collecting the centre coordinates of the
spot image.

Δ= l cos Φ---------(1)
4.3 Laboratory Study
Laser emitter is composed of laser power, laser controller and laser collimator;
Laser receiver is composed of laser screen, CCD, tilt sensor, MCU and wireless
transmitter. Laser emitter and Laser receiver are shown in Figure 4.3.1 and Figure 4.3.2.

Fig. 4.3.1: Laser Emitter Fig.4.3.2: Laser Receiver

Upper computer module is composed of wireless receiver and computer.

Usually, the measuring device was installed on the bridge, and the upper computer as the
monitor is far from the measured point, so this system uses the wireless way to transmit
the signal. The laser image on CCD has not only a light spot, but also fringes due to
diffraction and scattered light, as shown in Figure 4.3.3.
The reason for this situation is that:
1. The distance between laser emitter and laser receiver is long;
2. The natural light in measurement environment causes certain interference to laser

Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering BMSIT&M

Fig.4.3.3: Laser image

The brightness of fringes overall is much lower than the brightness of the light
spot. Therefore, the image can be processed by filtering, threshold segmentation to
remove the influence of diffraction light, scattered light and natural light, and converted
to a binary image. The laser image after processing is shown in Figure 4.3.4.

Fig. 4.3.4: Laser image after filtering and threshold segmentation

In Figure 4.3.4, the edge of the light spot is smooth and clear, and basically
unchanged compared with Figure 4.3.3. So the coordinate of the centre of the light spot in
Figure 4.3.4 can be accurately computed. The signals of laser image and angle of
inclination were sampled by MCU in laser receiver. Signal processing and result display
are done by the upper computer. The upper computer display interface is shown in Figure

Fig. 4.3.5: Display interface of deflection measurement system

Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering BMSIT&M

According to the requirement of the measurement environment, the angle sensor

LCA320T with small size, low power consumption and dual axis voltage output is
selected. The sensor uses the non-contact measurement principle. The angle and the
output voltage are linear and the output voltage is transmitted to the computer through
two channels. As shown in Figure 4.3.5, the front panel shows the pattern of the
measurement module, the grey histogram and the centre coordinates and the dip angle of
the spot.

Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering BMSIT&M

Traffic control is an outdoors occupation, night or day for long hours in all
weathers, and is considered a dangerous occupation due to the high risk of being struck
by passing vehicles. The traffic control process usually starts with a traffic control plan.
The traffic sign used to convey traffic rules and regulations such as speed limit. The
speed of vehicle means on which speed vehicle moves on the road. Vehicle speed
detection is very important for observing speed limitation law and it also demonstrates
traffic condition. The speed of the vehicle more than defined limit is dangerous which
makes the chances of accidents. When vehicles speed violation increased the accidents
increased time to time. Video and image processing have been used for traffic
supervision, analysis and monitoring of traffic condition in many cities and urban areas.
Extract reliable and precise traffic parameters have been one of research objectives in last
three decades. For the traffic planning and management, obtaining the traffic parameter is
the critical step. Traffic parameter must be carried out at different environments where
the traffic condition changes as well as the light illumination. The intelligent
Transportations system (ITS) is a new approach to manage traffic vehicles. These
systems are becoming more important due to their advantages of Saving lives, money,
and time. Acquiring traffic information, such as lane width traffic volume (the number of
travelling vehicles per time period through a position in a lane), traffic density (the
number of total vehicles in a given area at a given time) and vehicle speed, these are the
key part of intelligent transportation systems and such information is used to manage and
control traffic. It focuses on vehicle speed since reducing speed can help to reduce

5.1 Methodology
This framework has been planned accepting that the greatest admissible velocity for
highways is either 40kmph or 60 kmph according to the traffic standard. Before
operation, utilizing a multimeter we need to check whether the power supply output is
right. On the off chance that yes, apply power supply to the circuit by flipping switch to
"on." In the circuit, we utilize long wires for interfacing the two PHOTO DIODEs, so we
can take them out of the PCB and introduce on one side of the highway, 100 meters

Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering BMSIT&M

separated. We have introduced two IR Diode transmitters, (for example, IR Diode lights)
on the opposite side of the highway precisely inverse to the PHOTO DIODEs such that
IR Diode light falls straight forwardly on the PHOTO DIODEs. Reset the circuit by
pressing RESET switch, so the showcase appears "0000." Using switch S1, select the
speed limit (say, 60 kmph) for the highway. At the point when any vehicle crosses the
principal IR Diode light, PHOTO DIODE1 will trigger IC1. The yield of IC1 goes high
for the time set to cross 100 meters with the chosen speed (60 kmph) and LED1 sparkles
amid for period. At the point when the vehicle crosses the second IR Diode light, the
yield of IC2 goes high and LED2 shines for this period. Piezo-buzzer sounds a caution if
the vehicle crosses the separation between the IR Diode set-ups at more than the chose
speed (lesser period than preset-period). The counter starts counting when the first IR
Diode beam is intercepted and stops when the second IR Diode beam is intercepted. The
time taken by the vehicle to cross both the IR Diode beam is shown on the 7-section
show. For 60kmph rate setting, with clock recurrence set at 100 Hz, if the showcase
number is under "600" it implies that the vehicle has crossed as far as possible (and all
the while the signal sounds). Reset the circuit for observing the rate of the following

Fig. 5.1: Installation of lasers and LDRs

Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering BMSIT&M

Since the system comprises two laser transmitters- LDR sensor pairs, which are installed
on the highway 100meters apart, with the transmitter and the LDR sensor of each pair on
the opposite sides of the road. The installation of lasers and LDRs is shown in fig
5.1above. The system displays the time taken by the vehicle in crossing this 100m
distance from one pair to the other with a resolution of 0.01 second from which the speed
of the vehicle can be calculated as follows:
Speed (kmph) = Distance/ Time
= 0.1 km (Reading x 0.01)/ 3600
Or, Reading (on display) = 36000/ Speed.

5.2 Result
While driving on highways, drivers should not exceed the maximum speed limit
permitted for their vehicles. However, accidents keep on occurring due to speed
violations as drivers follow their speedometers and control their speed according to them,
and reduce the speed if they find it to be exceeding and beyond their control. A
Highway speed checker comes handy for the traffic police, especially against the speed
limit violators because it provides the digital display as well as buzzing sound or alarm to
detect any vehicle speed if the vehicle exceeds the permitted speed limit. The makeup of
these highways, sometimes leads to accidents because most of the
Times, there is no rule to govern speed limits on these highways. To overcome this
problem, we have implemented a circuit called as a speed checker for highways. This kit
is inexpensive and it is used for considering the average and high speed of vehicles that
move on the highways or roads.

Fig. 5.2: Model of over speed detection system using timer

Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering BMSIT&M



➢ Laser based system can measure road profile and deflection accurately while
travelling at normal speed.

➢ It results in rapid measurement and quick data collection.

➢ Multiple locations can be measured from single instrument position.

➢ It doesn’t require any set up or break down.

➢ This can be fitted on any vehicle required by the user.

➢ It can operate at a speed of 105km/h.

➢ It collects data in real-time as it traverses the pavement’s surface.

➢ It eliminates the need for lane closures or traffic control while testing.

Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering BMSIT&M



 High operating cost and maintenance charges

 Variations in operation speed

 Temperature dependent effect

 Complex thermo-mechanical behavior

 Requires special skills and Training

 Lasers could be harmful to the environment

 Expensive Hardware

Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering BMSIT&M


➢ The laser system has several advantages over the traditional instrumentations in
highway engineering.

➢ Laser based road profile measuring system are non-contact type system capable of
measuring road profile and road deflection at normal traffic speeds

➢ Pavement deflection measurement at traffic speed results in quick data collection

without compromising safety of the travelling public.

➢ The system is quick to set up, and results are produced immediately after

➢ Since no targets are required for the laser system, access to difficult-to-reach areas
under the bridge is not necessary.

➢ Also laser has fewer source of interference and has better ability to detect
decelerating vehicles.

Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering BMSIT&M


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