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Abstract At the course of the experiment we were able

to carry out some vital steps and procedures to
Initially the main aim of the experiment was to get the desired results, the steps are as follows
provide the basic introduction of the MATLAB
software package , to manipulate block Step 1: It was certain to understand how to
diagrams, for the use of “m-files”. At course of create user defined files, which in MATLAB
the experiment I was manage to use the are called m-files. For example:
MATLAB to stimulate and get dynamic systems.
I adhere to the steps provided with brief Function[y]=multiply(x)
guidance to enable me get the required result A=input ('what is the value of
from the graph, transfer functions… the y=A*x;
conclusion of the experiment i was encourage to
use the dynamic systems and graphs generated
to answer various questions in the lab Step 2: we carried out some exercise to
booklet,which proves that my main aim was produce the default step response and find
single block equivalent for the systems for the
1. Introduction given form in the questions. The syntax used
The whole experiment waas to provide the
basic interface and basic introduction to the
MATLAB software where other exercises [Ne,De]=feedback(D,P,Np,Dp)
were also included. As discussed earlier on in
the objectives and aims Step 3: After that, the initial steps,response
was found by entering :
Experiment 2: Introduction to MATLAB
>> step(Ne,De)
Experiment 2 provides the main objective
and idea of what we were going to carry
out at the course of manipulating block 3. Result and Discussion
diagrams and to write and use “m-file”. At Problems:
first we went through various commands
of the MATLAB like bode, feedback, grid, 1) M-file :
loglog e.t.c. We saw how this command
can be entered / implemented to get very
A=input('what is the value of
useful result (dynamic systems) which A?');
stands as one of the basis of the MATLAB y=A*p;
software. We manage to understand how
this knowledge could be integrated with
previous studies on control systems during
lecture classes to solve mathematical
questions like Laplace transformation in
terms of transfer functions.

on this component. In addition, the overall
system cannot act until the component's output
settles down to some vicinity of its final state,
delaying the overall system response.
Formally, knowing the step response of a
dynamical system gives information on
the stability of such a system, and on its ability
to reach one stationary state when starting
from another.
Fig. 1: shows the step response for (a)


After the experiment I understood how to use

the MATLAB software to solve transfer
functions, manipulate block diagrams , write
and use “m-files” .


1.Dr. Kamal Muhammad Amin

Fig. 2: shows the step response for (b)
Control system design lab.

Comparison of the result with the open-

loop step response:

the time behaviour of the outputs of a

general system when its inputs change from
zero to one in a very short time. The concept
can be extended to the abstract mathematical
notion of a dynamical system using
an evolution parameter.

From a practical standpoint, knowing how the

system responds to a sudden input is important
because large and possibly fast deviations
from the long term steady state may have
extreme effects on the component itself and on
other portions of the overall system dependent

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