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True/false (T/F)

1) There are total three types of knowledge. (T)

2) General to specific reasoning is known as inductive reasoning. (F)
3) Inductive reasoning mode us better then the deductive reasoning mode for learning.(T)
4) The most child centered reasoning is inductive reasoning. (T)
5)Learning hierarchy was developed by Gagne.(T)
6) Prerequisites are not important for learning.(F)
7) Dependent enabling skills are those that are already stored in our minds.(F)
8) Individual educational plans are same as inclusions.(F)
9) All the students of same class have same pre requisites.(F)
Choose the correct answer
1)______________ is important thing in inductive mode of learning
a) reasoning
b) statements
c) process
2) In ____________ mode or learning, children learn reasoning and concepts
a) inductive
c) both
3) In ______________ mode , there us also a procedural knowledge.
a) inductive
b) deductive
c) both
4) __________________ is that the terminal objectives should be interlinked with intermediate
a) learning
b) hierarchy
c) learning hierarchy
5)__________________ developed the learning hierarchy.
a) Gagne
b) Donson
c) Peterson
6) _______________ is very important for for procedural knowledge.
a) concepts
b) task analysis
c) planning
7) We should teach students according to ________________.
a) age level
b)mental level
c) both a and b

8) For argumentative essay, first enabling skill should be________________.

a) logical reasoning
b) fallacy
c) writing skill
Give descriptive answers
1) What are enabling skills?
The skills which are required to achieve a certain goal are enabling skills. They are of two types
i) Independent enabling skills : those which are pre requisites
ii) dependent enabling skills : those which depend on pre requisites.
2) What is function of task analysis model.
Task analysis model is very important model as it helps the teacher to identify pre requisites, to
sub-divide the unite into pieces and find out the enabling skills of child and other learning
3) Differentiate between individual educational and inclusion.
In Inclusion, there is same learning techniques for all the students but individual educational
plan are constructed for child that need special techniques for learning.
Give detailed answer.
1) Explain two modes of learning with example.
Deductive reasoning (General to specific)
- Inductive reasoning (Specific to general)
For example, human beings are mortal. This is a very general statement. All men are mortal, and
Then we say that Ahmad is a man, so he is also mortal. This is deductive reasoning; that you
gave General statement first and then goes to specific i.e. Ahmad is mortal because he is also a
man. In inductive reasoning, we start with specific and goes to general. We say that Ahmad is a
man and he is mortal. There is another man named Umar, he is also mortal. There is another
man; we say he is also mortal. So, we can say that all men are mortal. Then we talk about women
and say, Ayesha is a women, she is mortal. Amna is women, she is also mortal. All women are
mortal. Now you say a general statement on all these men and women that is ‘All human beings
are mortal.’ This is known as inductive reasoning. Children can learn nouns by both the
methods explained step by step in the above two columns.But the difference is that the first
column is of deductive reasoning i.e. teacher has told a definition and then they are proving the
definition by characteristics, examples and place in Hierarchy. So, this is a sequence called
deductive reasoning. In second column, inductive reasoning is followed. Teacher asks the
students to tell the names of Different things. He starts with brainstorming of names of different
things. Students may tell the Names of places, birds, flowers, animals etc. then he tells the
students about what are Commonalities i.e. what names are of birds, or animals or places etc. he
characterizes it. Then he says that what we have learnt by telling the names is called noun. So
noun is the name of a person, place or thing.

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