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Wortl List f'1

. anaes$etic room
^ sala do TE{ffi MO$ERN HO$PITAL l:
['ani:s'0etik .ru:m]
znieczulenia o96lnego i'1
. communicablc disease ;

Ika'mju:nikabl di'zi:zl
- choroba zaka2na
" dispensary [dis'pensori.l I

'* apteka sr"pitalua

i The modern hospital is a complex institution responsible for providing health care to the sick ancj ;
elnergency [i'ma:dSonsi]
"- nagly przypadek
injrrred, There are many diffErent kinds ol'hospitals. Economically, hospital$ are classifled into profit
. cndowment [in'daumont] or private; hospitals which are owned by a corporation or individual persons, sometimes by doctors,'-r
- tundacja and non*profit or public hospitals. Private hospitals require that a patient admitted to that hospital wil4
" goneral hospital pay for his treatment, hospitalization and laboratory tests. Public hospitals are financed by state ot'
['dgensra[ 'hospitat] * szpital
og6lny Iocal. govemment. The cost of ths patients'hospitalization is rnade up from gifts, endowments an{ .
. injure ['indga] - zranii health insurance, Non-profit hospitals frequeutly havs medicsl schools attaohed to lhem and thus arej
. iu-pationt fin'peiJant] calleci teaohing or university hospitals. They are ofteu involved in research activitiss and providel i
* ohory le2qcy w szpitalu
. insurauce [in fuarans] haining for medical students and postgraduates.
Hospitals aan also be categorized according to the type of servioes they perform. Thus, they arefi '
- ubczpieozenic
. issuc ['isju:J * wydawa6 divided into general or cornm.unity hospitals and specialist hospitals. General hospitals treat patients[
. msdical ward ofall ages with variou$ illnesses and injuries. They include variou$ wards, such as surgical, gynaeco-'
['msdikal .wo:d] - oddziat
logical, obstetric, paediatric, medical, dermatological, ophthalmic, geriafric, psychiatric, orthopaedic, ,

. opc,reting theuho etc. I)ay .hospitals are places where the patients are treated during the day and return horne for thel
['opareiti4 '0iata] - sala nighi. I

operacyjna Specialist hospitals provide a $peciflc type of medical service, for example, rnaternity hospitals_
. out-patient dcpartmont
are concerned with pregnanoy and childbirth, children's hospitals are aoncerned with children's dis^l
['aut'peiJnt di'pa: tmant]
* przychodnia przy szpitalu, eases, geriatric hospitals deal with old peoplo's diseases, psychiahic hospitals are involved in thel
ambulatorium treatment of mental disorders, infectious diseases hospitals deal with all types of communicable dis-
. provide fpta'vaid] ease$. i'
- dostarozyd, zapownid
Each modern hospital haa a number of departmrnts and rooms designed for special purposes. I
, requirc [ri'kwaia] *
wymbgad Here are qxamples of some of them:
. research [ri'sa:tfl - badania ' The Hnrergency Dspafirtrent is where pecple who have had 0n eacident and have been injured
noukowe or wounded are taken.
. ward [woldj * sala chorych . The Intensive Care Unit (lCU) or Inlensive Therapy Unit (ITU) provide intensive oare to
w sepitalu (oddzia,l)
. X*ray department seriously ill patients, e.g. after heart infarct or tha$e who need special postoperative care,
['eks rci di'pa:tmant.l e.g. after heart or chest oporetions.
- oddzial radiografii, . The Out-Patient Department is where patients are treated by specialists without staying
pracownia radiografi oua
in hospital. Out-patient services include consultations, X-rays, laboratory tests
and physiotherapy.
. The Dispensary is the store-room for all 1:he drugs used in fie hospital and the place where
thoy are issrtsd to patients or medical staff.
. The Wards are rooms where in-patients live while they are in hospital.
. The Anaesthetic ltoom is where patients are givetr anaesthesia bofore having an operation.
. The Operating Theatre or the Operating Room (OR) is whers operations are performed.
" The Recovery Room is lvhere patients recover from an operation.
. The X"ray Department provides X-ray photographs of patients.
' The Pathology Laboratory (Path Lab) is where blood and urine tssts are mads,
. The Blood Bank is the place where blood needed for transfusions is stored'
. Medical Records is where information is kept about everyone who cotnes to the hospital.
The information is usually stored in computers.

EXruRCISE A. Answer the following questions.

1, How are hospitals classified econornically?
2. State ths differsnce between profit and non-profit hospitals.
3, llow are hospitals classified according t0 the type of services they perform?
4. State the <lifference between general and specialist hospiials, l

5. Where are the druss stsred?

to English for M+rliixil.Stiri{efitlr rudtl}oltors * I * E, Donesch-.Iei,o

6, What is the operating theatre?
?. Where do the patients rscover after an operation?
8. Where is ths blood needed for transfusions stored?

EXAI{.CISE B. Complete the following sentences with the names of appropriate hospitals or
1. Mrs, Brown expects her baby soon, $he must be taken to hospitai.
2. Jack Brorvn, who is 8 years old, lras mea$les conrplications. fle must be taken
t0 ............ hospital.
3. Mr, Black has gothepatitis. He must be taken to ..r.,..,...,.,.. hospital.
4, Mrs. Tumer, who is 78 years old, has gotpneumonia. She rnust be taken to hospital.
5. Mrs. Johnsos has got depression. She must be taken to .,.,.,........... hospital.
6. Mr Jackson has broken his leg, He has been taken to .,.,......,,....,, ward.
7. Mrs, Finley has got a rash. She must be admitted to ..,..,....,,..,.., ward.
8. Mr, Green is going to have a cataract operation, He has been admitted to .....,,....... warct,
9, Mr. Bowell has had a lung operafion and is still in a seri.ous condition. He lies in .,.,.,..... ward.
10. This boy fell and injured his leg. He has been taken to ,,..-.,....,,.... department .

EXIBRCIStr C. lJse suitable equivalents for the bold words.

l. Public hospitals are provided with rnoney by various levels of government.
2. The cost of the patient'o stay in hospital is made up from gifts, endowments
and insurance policy.
3. A number of non-profit hospitals have medical schools joined to them,
4. lrospitals perform a specific type of medical seruioe.
5. Each modern hospital has a number of departments and rooms ptranned for special purposes.
6, The Dispensary is the place where the drugs are dintrlhufsd to the patients.
7. The Path Lab is whsre blood and urine inves{igations are made,
8. The Blood Banl< is th.e place where blood needed for transfusions is kepf.
EXHRCISE D. Study the abbreviations fordepartments of the hosirrr.,,i.

Ahbreviations Meaning
OR Operating room
CCU Coronary care unit
ICU Intensive care unit
OB 0bstetrics
Psds Paediatrics
ER Emergencyroom
Occupational therapy
PT Fhysical therapy
Lab Laboratory
Path l-ab Pathokrgy laboratory
ENT Ear$, nose, throat (otolaryngology)

EXERCISE E. Translate into Fnglish.

I . Wolq byd leczona w ambulatorium ni2 na oddziale wewnqtrznym.
2, Pacjent, kr6ry rnial wypadek zostal przewieuiony do pogotowia rafunkowego.
3. Dr. Evansjestw sali operacyjnej.
4. Proszq wezwaI anestezjologa do sali do wprowadeania ntieczulenia ogdlnego.
5. Mr. Smith lezy w sali pooperacyjnej.
6. Siostro, proszg zaprowadzif tegopacjenta do pracowni radiograficznej.
7. Siostro, proszq przynie$d kartq pani Smith z archiwum.

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