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1. Mind Rubrics – Meanings- Dr. Mansoor Ali (Editing – Dr.

Ankita Bali) Page 1

Ankita Bali) This work is meant for busy practitioners and those who are preparing
for competitive examinations. This work is based on Synthesis and Complete
repertory This is an attempt to lessen the difficulties of the students &
especially busy practitioners who my wish to make themselves familiar with the mind
rubrics. The mental rubrics are difficult to understand by dictionary meanings
alone. We should understand the correct means assigned to a particular rubric. I
have tried with best of my efforts, knowledge and hard work to make this a valuable
work. I hope and wish that this work will be accepted and appreciated. I welcome
any suggestions from any quarter it may be, so that this work can be improved upon.
Readers are requested to visit ” Study of mind rubrics in Synthesis ” for a
detailed study of individual rubrics. 1. Abandoned : Feeling of being left alone
without help Forsaken : Feeling of being left alone without help Deserted : Feeling
of being left alone when most needed 2. Abashed : To strike with shame 3. Abrupt :
Unexpectedly sudden, rude 4. Absent minded : In attention of mind In
Absentmindedness there is no fixation of mind at all, In Absorbed the mind is
directed towards one problem. Fixed in one thought Abstraction of mind : A
destructive symptom, something in the mind has been lost 5. Absurd : Ridiculously
unsuitable , foolish 6. Abusive : Habit of employing harsh insulting languages.
Cursing : Is due to some provocation by somebody or some provocative ideas
Swearing. Cursing after heated exchange with another one
2. Mind Rubrics – Meanings- Dr. Mansoor Ali (Editing – Dr. Ankita Bali) Page 2 7.
Acuteness : Sharpness and keenness of mind 8. Adaptability loss of : Very difficult
to adjust to the surroundings 9. Admiration : A high degree of pleasure 10.
Admonition : Aggravation from gentle advice 11. Adulterous : Sexual intercourse
with a female other than his lawful wife 12. Affability : The quality of being
pleasant and at ease in talking to others 13. Affectation : Artificial behavior
designed to impress others 14. Affectionate : Affection beyond normal limit which
may be cause of concern 15. Afraid : Filled with fear and apprehension 16. Agility
mental : The quality of being quick in answering and resourceful 17. Agitation :
Inviting public attention to a controversial matter or issues. 18. Agony : Intense
pain of mind and body 19. Agoraphobia : Abnormal fear in open place 20. Air
castle : Making theories which may not be practicable 21. Alert : Vigilantly
attentive, quick 22. Alienated : Indifference to those formerly attached 23.
Aloof : Reserved, keeping distance in social relations 24. Amativeness : A
disposition to love with sexual desire 25. Ambitious : An ardent desire for rank
and power 26. Amorous : An intense desire for love especially sexual .Practical
indulgence in sex is not necessary. Lasciviousness : Person is much more attracted
towards sexual thoughts and act. Lewdness. The sexual thoughts may not be
predominating but the person desires to expose the body . This is a voluntary act.
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Shameless. Patient always seem to be half naked . This is an involuntary act. 27.
Amnesia : A gap in one’s memory 28. Amusement : Desire to play or entertainment 29.
Anarchist : One who rebel against anything or ruling power 30. Anger : A strong
feeling of displeasure and usually of antagonism 31. Anguish : Anxiety with
physical sufferings 32. Animation : State of being full of life, jest and vigor 33.
Anorexia nervosa & mentalis : A forceful unwillingness to eat 34. Antagonism :
Actively expressed opposition or contradiction 35. Anthropophobia : fear of men 36.
Anticipation : Anxiety for a good thing Eg. At the time of marriage Anguish :
Anxiety with physical sufferings Anxiety : Anxiety have no definite cause Fear :
Has a definite cause. Apprehension : Fear with an element of doubt & expectation of
something unpleasant to happen 37. Antics : A childish or foolish act 38.
Antisocial : Opposed to the principles of the society 39. Apathy : want of feeling
emotion or interest 40. Aphasia : Loss of power of speech due to a brain lesion 41.
Appreciation longs for : Desire to get approval gratitude or good opinion 42.
Approached : Drawing near of others aggravates 43. Ardent : Extremely eager
enthusiastic devoted faithful person 44. Arguing : Giving reason to believe or
evidence 45. Argumentative : Controversial, given to disputation
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Arrogance : A feeling of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner Haughty:
There is an excessive claim over something in comparison to others. 47.
Astonished : Struck with sudden surprise 48. Attached : Bound by personal ties 49.
Attended to be : A desire for observant consideration or regards 50. Attitudes : A
disposition, feeling of emotion towards a state or position of body 51. Audacity :
A negative boldness. Daring boldness with assurance, too much self confidence
Boldness : Fearless before danger, assured and confident Daring : Recklessly bold.
Presumptuous : Bold and over confident High spirited: A bold, energetic feeling
despite being placed in tense situation Impertinence : Rude without respect
Insolent : Lack of respect Temerity : Rash & overconfident 52. Automatic : A
complete lack of coordination between will & muscles 53. Automatism : automatic
action 54. Avarice : An excessive insatiable desire for wealth and gain even though
he is having enough of it Covetous: Desire to possess something, which belongs to
others. Miserly : A great desire to save money even from occasions where it is
considered necessary to spend. 55. Aversion : A firmly settled and vehement
dislike. Hatred : A settled dislike with prejudiced feeling for a particular person
or aspect. Disgust : An intense dislike for something after repeated failures
Hatred – is applied to a particular individual of affair
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Misanthropy : Hatred from the whole mankind 55. Awareness heightened : Delusionary
state in which he gathers an accurate impression of his own internal organs – a
transparency feeling 56. Awkward : Lack in social favour, skill or kindness 57. Bad
parts take everything : Offended easily 58. Bad temper : Easily angered nature 59.
Bargaining : Negotiating over the terms of a purchase, where the rates are not
fixed 60. Barking : speaking in a loud, curt and angry tone 61. Bashful : Inclined
to shrink from public attention due to shyness 62. Battles talk about : During the
course of sickness, person always talk about battles 63. Beating : To hit sharply
in a fit of anger 64. Beautiful things : Everything looks beautiful even rags 65.
Begging : to ask earnestly or submissively 66. Benevolence : Tendency to do
charitable and generous acts 67. Benumbed : Inactive in his mental faculties like
perception understanding etc. 68. Bereavement : Loss of death of relatives or
friends 69. Besides oneself being : A state of extreme excitement ,deep
personalization 70. Bewildered : A state of confusion, lack of power to distinguish
with certainty Confusion : Where individual is generally all right. But whenever he
sits for doing some calculation work he gets confused 71. Bilious disposition : A
peevish ill-natured disposition 72. Biting : An altered mental state of a person
who desire to bite 73. Blames himself : To hold oneself responsible for facts or
errors 74. Blasphemy : Irreverence towards something considered sacred 75.
Blindness pretending : A deliberate and knowing attempt to post oneself as blind
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Blissful feeling : Complete happiness 77. Blushing : Red glow on the skin caused by
modesty or shame 78. Boaster : Person speak quite high of himself with much pride
79. Boredom : Weary with dissatisfaction or tediousness 80. Brain fag : prostration
of mind 81. Brooding : means, being occupied with things in the present Dwell :
means being occupied with things in the past Absorbed : An intellectual mental
rubric. As in great scientists like Edison 82. Brotherhood sensation of : Belongs
to brother, unification 83. Brutality : The state or quality of being grossly
ruthless, cruel and cold blooded Cruelty : Lower grade than brutality. Malicious
:Person generally in the habit of making plans to harm others ,will fully involve
commission of wrong. Rudeness: A general and habitual deficiency in manner and
grace .No respect for elders Wicked disposition: Evil in principle or practice.
Acting contrary to moral or Devine law. 84. Buffoonery : An irrational behavior
lacking in judgment Childish behavior : a person of grown up age behaves like a
child. Foolish behavior : a person behaves in a foolish manner irrespective of age
Idiocy : Is worse than Imbecility- IQ much lower The difference between Idiocy and
Foolish behavior is that the former is due to deficiency or under development of
brain while the later has no deficiency of brain. Stupidity : An unintelligent
behavior or action, which can be easily judged by somebody. They are dull from the
intellectual side and they are not doing such acts deliberately. 85. Bulimia : An
abnormal or irresistible desire for food 86. Buoyancy : vivacity or hilarity 87.
Busy ; being constantly engaged in something
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Calmness : A state of repose & freedom from turmoil or agitation 89. Calumniate :
Utter false statement in order to impair public reputation of others
90.Capriciousness : Sudden change of opinions and purposes without any reasons.
Inconstancy: Changeableness, one who cannot stick to one place or in one
occupation. Irresolution: A person who cannot make up his mind and is in turmoil
when asked to make a selection Persist in nothing: Jumping from one thing to
another without any purposes. They are fickle minded. 91. Care free : free from
anxiety or responsibility 92. Carefulness : The quality of being careful and
protective, cannot tolerate least imperfection 93. Careless : Do not pay any
attention what other say or think about him 94. Caressed : Touch or stroke in
loving or entreating manner 95. Carousal : Drink freely & nicely 96. Carphologia :
To make grasping movements or gestures 97. Carried : A mental condition in which he
wants to be lapped & carried 98. Casting off : Arrogant & dictatorial person
looking on others with contempt 99. Catalepsy : Mimicking suspended animation 100.
Cautious : Marked by prudent forethought to minimize the risk 101. Censorious :
Inclination to criticize or discover faults on others 102. Cerebral type :
Predominated by intellect 103. Chagrin : Depression or distress of mind brought on
by humiliation ,hurt etc. 104. Changeable : One moment happy other moment angry
105. Chaotic : State of utter confusion 106. Character lack of : Lack of
reputation, moral excellence & firmness 107. A quack or pretender to medical
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Charming : Fascinating or attracting features 109. Chases : Follow in order to
catch 110. Checking : Compelled to verify things repeatedly 111. Cheerful : Happy,
being in good sprit even during sickness. Content : Satisfied and easy in mind
despite various sufferings or hurdles . Exhilaration : Person feel inordinately
happy, joyous without sufficient cause. Exaltation : is in respect of the feelings
a person is already having but Exhilaration is in general. Ecstasy :A state of
emotion so intense that one carried beyond thought and self-control as in sexual
pleasure-orgasm. High spirited : Characterised by a bold, energetic feeling despite
being placed in tense situation Jesting : A disposition of cutting jokes even when
attended by a doctor or in serious condition Exhilaration – One can understand the
reason for the happiness or sadness. Ecstasy one cannot satisfy himself by way of
reasoning. The difference between cheerful and hilarity is that the former is
satisfied and happy but the latter is not only cheerful but laughing with happiness
112. Childbed : State of mother during the birth of a child until a period of one
month 113. Choleric : Violent excitement & agitation in anger, love or in
fulfillment of desire 114. Circumspection lack of : Does not take any precaution or
attention to any possible consequences 115. Clairaudient : Delusion of hearing
voices 116. Clairvoyance : A gift or power to perceive matters beyond the range of
ordinary perception 117. Clever : Mentally quick bright and alert 118. Climb : To
move up using hands and feet 119. Clinging : Due to strong emotional attachment or
dependence, adhere closely or firmly
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Closing eye amel : A sort of mental relief by closing the eyes during sickness or
otherwise 121. Cloudiness : A state of confusion 122. Coma : A deep prolonged
unconsciousness 123. Commotion : Mental agitation 124. Communicative : Talkative
personality, tendency to communicate openly & readily 125. Compassionate :
Sympathetic, concern for the sufferings of others and give aid 126. Complaining :
Expressing a protest over some dissatisfaction without any threat but expecting
some sympathy or redresses 127. Comprehension ; The grasping power of mind 128.
Conceit : overweening self esteem 129. Concerned : Anxiety 130. Confiding : Telling
something confidentially but have a fear in mind 131. Conflicts : A mental struggle
to be in opposition 132. Confounding : Confusing objects and ideas 133. Confusion :
The state of being unclear in mind 134. Conscientious : Have strong morality 135.
Consciousness : State of being aware of one’s own existence 136. Consolation :
Alleviation of distress by sympathetic care or attention 137. Contemptuous : Open
disrespect despite the opposition 138. Content : satisfied and easy in mind despite
various sufferings 139. Contentious : Hard effort or struggle to achieve something
140. Contradiction : Tendency to oppose Disposition : A tendency to oppose or
contradict the speech, actions or versions of anybody with arguments and by using
his intellect. Intolerant of : persons who cannot tolerate any contradiction to
what they have said. This intolerance is not supported by anger.
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Contrary : He will oppose anything without applying intellect or argument 141.
Controlling : To excise authority or influence over 142. Conversation : Oral
exchange of sentiments, opinion etc. 143. Coquettish : A short lived amorous
attachment with a man 144. Corrupt : Immoral & dishonest 145. Cosmopolitan : Common
to the entire world 146. Courageous : State of mind to face danger marked by bold
resolution even in diseased state. 147. Cowardice : lack of courage 148. Crafty :
Mischievous 149. Crawling : A person move like insects – on hands and knees 150.
Crazy : intensive eager to achieve something which may be beyond his reach 151.
Credulous : Tendency to believe readily, unsuspecting 152. Critical : Criticize
severely by finding faults & imperfections 153. Croaking : Protesting in a
sorrowful melancholic manner with a frog sound 154. Cross : Ill humor 155.
Cruelty : Hard hearted, inhuman behaviour 156. Culpability : He feels himself
responsible for wrong or error 157. Cunning : Inclined to cheat 158. Curious :
eager to acquire information or knowledge 159. Cynical : Contemptuously and
bitterly mocking 160. Daring : Recklessly bold 161. Dazed : State of being
astonished 162. Debauchery : Immorality, excessively indulging in sensual pleasures
163. Deceitful : A tendency to cheat others deliberately
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164. Decisive : To believe what is not true 165. Decomposition of shape : Sense of
appreciation & discrimination of shape lost 166. Deeds great : Repeated feeling in
mind that he could do great deeds which could be appreciated by others 167. Defiant
: Boldness to such an extent that one can do despite any amount of opposition or
challenge by others 168. Dejection : The state of being depressed after failures
169. Delirium : A transient mental disturbance with confusion, disorientation,
disordered speech etc. 170. Delirium tremens : An acute insanity due to alcohol
intoxication 171. Delivery : mental complaints after parturition 172. Delusion : A
false belief in spite of invalidating evidence. 173. Dementia : Deterioration of
intellectual faculties, emotional disturbances resulting from organic brain
disorder 174. Dependent of others : Unable to do without the help of others 175. De
personation : Loss of feeling of his own reality 176. Depravity : Corrupt state of
moral character, wicked 177. Depression : 178. Deserted : Feeling of being left
alone when most needed 179. Desires : A mental condition in which person feels
necessary for something or longing 180. Desolate room appears: A feeling of
loneliness or lacking hope 181. Despair : Losses all hope & confidence due to
illness or circumstances 182. Despising : To disrespect, regard something as
negligible, worthless 183. Despondency : Depression of spirit from loss of hope or
confidence 184. Despotic : An absolute power, autocratic control or leader ship
185. Detached : As in depression-separated, free from emotional ,intellectual or
social involvement
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186. Determination : The quality of being resolute or firm 187. Dictatorial:
Authoritative people who dominate, want to give orders like a superior person 188.
Dipsomania : Uncontrollable periodic insatiable desire for alcohol 189. Dirty :
Unclean though or conversation 190. Disagreeable : Developed by discomfort or
repugnance and is marked by bad tempered unpleasant thought 191. Disconcertment :
Insight, discriminate by understanding 192. Discomfort : A feeling of mental or
physical discomfort 193. Disconcerted : A frustrated upset or confused mind due to
grievance or desires and aspirations 194. Discontent : Always dissatisfied 195.
Discords : Fail to agree or harmonize 196. Discourage : Deprived of confidence due
to some provocation by somebody 197. Discrimination lack of : The act of
recognizing and making fine distinction 198. Discuss : To speak together about
something 199. Disgust : Dislike after repeated failures 200. Dishonest : disposed
to cheat or lie 201. Disobedient : Refusal or failure to obey, violation of rules
202. Disoriented : loss one’s direction, position or relationship 203. Displeased :
Feeling of dissatisfied, unhappy 204. Dissatisfied : Performance shown to hi m by
others is not satisfactory 205. Distance : Inaccurate in judging the distance and
events 206. Distraction : A mental derangement in which a person is agitated with
violent, usually conflicting emotions 207. Distrustful : So much suspicious, doubt
every one, no faith in close relatives 208. Diversion amel : A person feel relaxed
by diverting mind to some other matters
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209. Dogmatic : Authoritative, asserts his opinion forcefully 210. Domineering : By
virtue of his natural dominating personality he make them agree on proposals 211.
Dotage : Impaired intellect in old age, second child hood 212. Doubtful : Uncertain
about outcome Skeptical : postponing doubtfulness 213. Doro mania : Impulse to run
214. Duality sense of : sense of being double 215. Dullness : Lacking luster
,alertness or brightness in face 216. Duplicity : Double dealings, deliberate
deception 217. Duty : moral obligation to do ones business 218. Dwells : Being
occupied with things in the past 219. Dynamic : Relating to activity or things in
movement 220. Dyslexia : Impairment of the ability to read 221. Earnestness : Deep
sincerity & seriousness, work with great devotion 222. Eccentricity : A departure
from the established traditional behaviour 223. Ecstasy : A state of emotion so
intense that one is carried beyond thought & self-control 224. Ecstatic : Absorbed
225. Effeminate : womanish softness and weakness 226. Egotism : An extreme self of
self-importance Selfishness : Everything for me not for others 227. Elated : Lovely
and joyful 228. Elegance : grace and refinement in appearance and manners 229.
Elation : joyful, high spirited 230. Eloquent : Fluency in speech and have good
command over language & diction
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231. Embarrassed : Feeling of awkward confusion, perplexed 232. Embittered : Bitter
feeling- end result of long continued ill feeling 233. Embraces : A close
encircling with arms 234. Emotional excitement : Easily affected by emotions
Sentimental : is closing to emotional, but the degree sensitivity is difference. A
person who is sentimental is more sensitive and will not be excited like a
emotional person. 235. Ennui : Boredom in life, lost interest in pleasurable
activities and daily routine 236. Entertainment : The act of diverting or amusing
to pass his time agreeably 237. Envy :Resentful desire for another’s possession or
advantages. A desire to achieve some prosperity or some possession, which others
are, have Envy : is more positive, Jealousy : is more negative A jealousy having
malignant feeling his neighbor has purchased a car even if he is having it. The
prosperity of other is not tolerable. 238. Erythrism : Excitement or stimulation
with an abnormal irritability 239. Erotic : Always dwell on sexual matters 240.
Erratic : irregular and unpredictable in behaviour 241. Escape : A desire to run
away from present situation 242. Estranged : Indifference, will not show any
affection to loved one’s 243. Euphoria : A heightened sense of well being 244.
Evading look : Escape from responsibility 245. Exacting : Requiring great accuracy
246. Exaggerating : to overstate,. Greater than actually the case 247. Exaltation :
An abnormal sense of personal well-being, power or importance 248. Excitement : A
stimuli that give agitation which may be emotional
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249. Exclaiming : Sudden crying out or uttering a sharp noise when surprised 250.
Exclusive : A person who is highly choosy and does not mix easily with people- have
limited friends only 251. Exertion mental : A feeling of aggravation or amel doing
any work 252. Exhausted : worn out completely 253. Exhilaration : Inordinately
happy without sufficient cause 254. Expansive : communicative, inclined to open and
generous 255. Extravagance : Great desire to spend money , which may be
unaffordable in normal course 256. Extreme : A type of fanaticism, behaviour out of
usual course 257. Extrovert : A selfless interest in one’s environment or in others
258. Exuberance : Full of enthusiasm or joy 259. Exultant : Triumphantly or
rapturously joyful 260. Factiousness : Making funny remarks or actions with the
intention of amusing others 261. Faithless : want of religious feeling 262.
Faltering : Doubtful, unable to decide 263. Fanaticism : Intolerant of any views or
concepts which differ from his own- religion, politics 264. fancies : Imagination
especially of fantastic nature 265. Far way : Apathy and indifference to future as
in depression 266. Fascinating others : Charming and entreating 267. Fastidious :
want everything in neat clean and order, very difficult to please 268. Fault
finding : Continually looking for negative points in others 269. Fear : Alarm and
agitation caused by expectation or realization of danger 270. Feasting : A banquet
271. Feigning : Pretend to be ill, an artificial posing to be sick 272. Fervent :
Hot glowing, ardent , animated
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273. Fickle : Constantly changing decisions and moving on the track which nobody
may expect 274. Fidgety : Compulsive movement of limb, these movements are not
involuntary but habit 275. Fiery : Irritable temperament 276. Fight wants to be :
aggressive person who gets violent at slightest provocation 277. Finery : Luxurious
278. Firmness : Indicating resolution or determination 279. Fists : Hand closed
tightly with the fingers bend against the palm 280. Fitful : A sudden emotional
upset marked by irregular burst of activity 281. Fixed notion : Peculiar type of
habits, ideas or usage without having a proper reasoning 282. Flash back : A scene
from the past inserted as command or explanation 283. Flattered : Pleasing somebody
by praising 284. Fleeing away : inclination to runaway 285. Fogged : mental
confusion 286. Foppish : Always wants to be dress at his best 287. Forage : Food
for horses and cattle 288. Foreboding : Prior forethought something bad is going to
happen 289. Forgetful : Unable to remember, constantly misses appointment 290.
Forgotten something feels constantly : A recurrent feeling that he has forgotten
something 291. Formal : Methodical and proper 292. Forsaken feeling : Feeling of
being abandoned 293. Frail : Fragile, he is delicate and he will break 294. Frantic
: Mentally deranged to the point of madness in anger 295. Fraternized with the
whole world : Whole world is his friend 296. Fretful : A type of irritability with
agitation 297. Fright : A terror excited by a danger
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298. Frightened easily : Thrown into a state of alarm easily 299. Fritters away :
To waste his time 300. Frivolous : Does not pay serious attention to anything 301.
Frown : Tendency to wrinkle brow to show displeasure or disapproval 302. Frustrated
: Discontent through inability to achieve one’s desire 303. Furor : Excitement,
enthusiasm 304. Fury : Violent unrestrained anger 305. Fussy : paying great
attention, affectionate 306. Fussiness : Confusion 307. Gambling : To play a game
of chance, take great risk for the sake of possible advantage 308. Gay : Showing
exuberance or happy excitement 309. Generous too : liberal in giving or sharing
310. Gentleness : The quality or state of being mild by nature 311. Gestures :
Moving limbs or body as an expression of thought 312. Gifted : Talented have high
IQ 313. Giggling : Laughing in a nervous or silly manner 314. Gloomy : A person who
always look on the dark side of everything-pessimist 315. Gluttony : Compulsive
desire to eat 316. Godless : Lack of reverence for God 317. Good humored : Cheerful
looking expression on face even during sickness 318. Gossiping : Indulging in rumor
or talk of personal ,often sensational in nature 319. Gourmand : Compulsive desire
to eat 320. Gracious : Graceful 321. Gravity : Seriousness of character 322.
Greed : Wants to acquire or have in excess than required
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323. Grief : An aggrieved state of mind 324. Grimaces : Inner feeling of contempt
expressed by facial muscles 325. Groping : Search blindly or uncertainly 326.
Growling : An utterance made in harsh guttural sound 327. Grumbling : Muttering in
a low complying voice 328. Grunting : Involuntary expressive sound uttered to show
one’s disgust without actually putting it into words 329. Hallucination : Apparent
perception of an external object when no such object is present 330. Hard hearted :
A heart which is hard to exercise some sympathy 331. Harmony desire for : A normal
& satisfying state of completeness and order in relations 332. Hastiness : The
quality or state of being in hurry with mental restlessness 333. Hatred : A settled
dislike with prejudiced feeling for a particular person 334. Haughty : Arrogantly
proud 335. Head strong : Obstinate with fixed ideas and don’t care others views
336. Heedless : Paying little attention without understanding any consequences 337.
Hesitating : Not decided upon, in doubt 338. Hiding : Tendency to hide feelings,
hide in appearing 339. High spirited : Bold energetic feeling despite being placed
in tense situation 340. Hilarity : Internal feeling of pleasure with happiness even
in sickness 341. Holding : Wants to be held, anxiety disorder 342. Home desire to
go : A dislike for any place other than his home Eg. Hospital 343. Home sickness :
He become lonely and away from home, he longs to be with his family and wants to
return to his native country 344. Homosexuality : An erotic attraction towards same
sex 345. Honor wounded : Result followed by an insult to the reputation or prestige
of a person with some physical ailments
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346. Hopeful : Optimist 347. Hopeless : Having no possibility of solution, no
expectation of cure 348. Horrible : People who cannot bear cruel stories 349.
Horror : A strong and emotional feeling of fear and dread 350. Howling : Prolonged
cry as in distress or severe pain 351. Humble : Submissive respect 352. Humility :
The quality or condition of being humble 353. Humor : Amusing or comical 354.
Humorous : Ability to perceive things that are amusing 355. Hunting for words :
Difficult to get words during conversation 356. Hurry : A disturbance of mind with
turmoil and speed 357. Hydrophobia : Morbid dread of water 358. Hypochondriasis :
Exaggerated imaginary feeling of being ill 359. Hypocrisy : Pretending principles,
posing many principles but not follow in life 360. Hysteria : A neurosis marked by
emotional excitability, amnesia, somnambulism etc. 361. Idiocy : Is worse than
Imbecility- IQ much lower 362. Idleness : Insolent and lazy to pass time without
working 363. Imagination : Power of mind to form mental image or concept 364.
Imbecility : Feeble minded person with defect in mental ability 365. Imitation :
Copying other people’s action and speech 366. Impatience : hurried and worried,
intolerance of any delay 367. Imperious : Dominating and full of himself who is
always force their views on others 368. Impertinence : Rude and improper in
performance & behaviour 369. Impetuous : This is found in persons who tend to do
things abruptly in an impulsive manner without any thought of consequences.
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Hurry – a person wants to do things in a haste and there is no excitement. In
Impatience, The persons is mentally restless In Impetuous – He is violent in
achieving his goal 370. Impolite : uncivil , rude in manner 371. Important person
behaving as a : marked by an exaggerated show of self-important 372. Impressionable
: Easily influenced and are impressed even by slight trifles 373. Improvident : No
care for future, want of foresight 374. Imprudence : wanting foresight or
discretion 375. Impudent : Disrespect personalities with no modesty or shame 376.
Impulse : A sudden spontaneous urge or inclination 377. Impulsive : An inner
impelling force to carry out some action, acting suddenly with no thought 378.
Inactivity : A state of laziness or sluggishness 379. Inadvertency : In attentive
or negligence 380. Inattentive : Lack of attention 381. Inciting : A disposition to
excite or provoke others 382. Inconsolable : No amount of consolation bring him any
comfort 383. Inconstancy : One who cannot stick to one place or in one occupation
384. Indecision : Inability to make decision 385. Independence : Not influenced or
determined by someone 386. Indifference : Lack of interest or anxiety towards
children, business or loved ones 387. Indignation : An intense deep felt resentment
or anger aroused by an injustice or wrong they had suffered 388. Indiscretion : An
act at variance with the accepted morality of the society 389. Indolence : Lazy
people, who would not like to work
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390. Industrious : A disposition to be constantly or habitually occupied 391.
Infantile behavior : An adult behave like a child, lacking maturity 392. Inflexible
: Adhere in firmly to a particular intention or purpose 393. Inhibition : Lack of
social inhibition 394. In humanity : Unsympathetic, barbarous attitude 395.
Initiative lack of : Lack ability to begin a task 396. Injustice cannot support :
Reluctant to support violation of rights of another 397. Inquisitive : Curiosity
but of a negative aspect, not so innocent 398. Insanity : Madness or unsoundness of
mind 399. Insecurity mental : Want of self confidence 400. Insensibility :
Unresponsive or uncreative to his surroundings 401. Insolence : Disgracing others,
rude and immoderate in language and attitude 402. Instability : A fluctuating mind
that keep on changing from time to time 403. Intellect predominate emotions : Head
rule over the heart in making decision 404. Intellectual : rational rather than
emotional 405. Intelligent : Having high degree of IQ, mentally acute 406.
Intemperance : Lack of moderation especially in the excessive consumption of
alcoholic beverages 407. Interruption : A person gets irritated when disturbed in
his doings 408. Intolerance : Not enduring difference of opinion 409.
Intoxication : Strange feeling as from joy or pleasure and looking as if drunk 410.
Intriguer : Build up secret plots against others 411. Introspection : Self-
examination, looking into himself 412. Introverted : Direct inward, concentrate on
oneself 413. Irascibility : Easily influenced by anger, short tempered
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414. Irksome : One feels as if everything is irritating for him, upset on pretty
things 415. Irony : Hurt others by contemptuous or mocking statements 416.
Irreligious : Indifference to religion 417. Irrational : Incapable of reasoning
affected by loss of mental activity 418. Irresolution : Unable to decide 419.
Irritability : Easily upset 420. Isolation sensation of : Forsaken feeling, feeling
of segregation 421. Jealousy : Prosperity of another not tolerable 422. Jesting :
Making merry by word or action 423. Joyless : Not having a feeling of happiness
even if there are occasion 424. Joyous : Looking happy or pleased despite adverse
circumstances 425. Jumping : raising in a sudden manner with force for coming down
426. Kicking : A tendency to strike with legs 427. Kill : A disturbed state of mind
characterized by an impulse to kill 428. Kindness : Affectionate with sympathy and
compassion 429. Kissing : To touch or press with lips 430. Kleptomania : Tendency
to steal without any economic motive 431. Kneeling : Asking for something in
kneeling position 432. Laconic : Speaking in few words 433. Lamenting : An earnest
request for grief 434. Languages inability for : Inability to grasp or learn
language as in MR 435. Lascivious : Attracted towards sexual thoughts and acts 436.
Late : Slow, does not perceive the value of time 437. Laughing : An expression of
pleasure by producing a sound showing teeth 438. Laziness : Aversion or reluctance
to work
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439. Learning : Ability to study or understand 440. Lecherous : Lascivious thoughts
441. Lethargy : Weakness 442. Levitation : A light manner or attitude especially in
inappropriate situation 443. Lewdness : Exposing body – a voluntary act 444.
Libertinism : Immoral people behave in perverted manner, against social custom 445.
Liar : Never speak the truth 446. Listless : No pleasure in his work & act without
energy- indifference 447. Litigious : Tendency to take others into court for minor
reasons 448. Lively : A pleasurable love & affection 449. Loathing : A feeling of
aversion to everything, disgust 450. Locality errors of : Making mistakes in
locating places which are familiar to him 451. Loneliness : A feeling of being left
alone, isolated 452. Longing good opinion: Desire to get good opinion from others
453. Looked at : He cannot tolerate to be watched or observed by others- feels they
are mocking at him 454. Loquacity : Excessive talking in a sound personality 455.
Love : An expression of one’s affection towards others 456. Low minded : Level of
thinking is always petty and they are looked down upon by others 457. Low
spirited : A mild hearted may become sad & dejected whenever faced with failures
458. Ludicrous : Laugh at most serious & important things, subject of laughing to
others 459. Lypothymia : Mental exhaustion from grief 460. Madness: Unsoundness,
mental capacity is lost 461. Magnetized : Wants to be influenced by a person with a
stronger will than he is 462. Malicious : Making plans to harm others
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463. Malingering : Feeling of being ill in order to attract attention or sympathy
464. Mania : Excitement of psychotic proportion manifested by mental & physical
hyperactivity 465. Mani-A-Potu : Delirium tremens- an alcohol withdrawal syndrome
466. Manipulative : Corrupt & dishonest 467. Mannerly : Polite & obedient 468.
Mannish : Resembling a man- girls dress & behave like a man 469. Manual work :
Mental aggravation whenever engaged in any physical work 470. Marriage un endurable
: Dislike even the idea of marriage, may or may not be due to the idea of
responsibility associated with it 471. Mature : A young child behave like an adult
and astonishing people around him 472. Meddlesome : Interfering in others matters
which may not concern him 473. Meditating : A devotion or spiritual exercise with
deep thoughts and is generally inattentive what is going around him 474.
Megalomania : Ambitious people have desire for power wealth & fame – rulers who
always fight wars to expand their kingdom 475. Melancholy : Gloomy state of mind,
dejection 476. Memory : The process of reproducing or recalling what has been
learned 477. Men dread of : A sense of some disasters happening on seeing a man
478. Mendacity : Untruthful, tendency to lie 479. Menopause : Lady may more
irritable, depressed or uncomfortable during this period 480. Menses : Mental
symptom aggravate during menses 481. Mental exertion agg : The least staring of
mind agg the sufferings 482. Mental power : The power of mind 483. Merging of
self : He is always with nature and can adjust in any circumstances 484. Merry :
Cheerful & happy 485. Mesmerized being : Wants to be influenced by a man having
strong will power
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486. Meticulous : Conscientious, over caring about details 487. Mildness :
Gentleness in nature & behaviour 488. Mirth : An excessive feeling of happiness
even during sickness, a deviation from normal happiness 489. Misanthropy : Hatred
from the whole mankind 490. Mischievous : Tendency to cause harm or trouble to
others 491. Miserable : Great unhappiness or helplessness with extreme pain 492.
Miserly : A great desire to save money even when occasions where it is considered
necessary to spend 493. Misery : Great unhappiness sorrow with pain 494. Misfortune
: bad luck and disaster 495. Mistakes : An act of error committed by a person
without have an awareness of the consequences due to pre occupation of mind. 496.
Moaning : Making a low prolonged sound due to pain 497. Mocking : A type of
maltreatment intentionally done to humiliate or offend others 498. Modesty :
Tendency to under estimate one’s own talent abilities and values 499. Monomania :
Exaggerate obsession or enthusiasm about a single idea – derangement restrict to
one idea 500. Mood : A representation of feeling which may be good, bad, changeable
or alternating Alternating – The mental state is very difficult to be predicted
because on the one moment he looked very pleasing and other moment he seems to be
morose. Changable – It is less strong than alternating. It is been changeable,
feeling fine one day, little bit fine in the next day Alternating means positive or
negative black and white, fine and angry 501. Moon light : Feel some changes in
their life with changing moon faces 502. Moping : Gloomy state of mind 503. Moral
feeling want of : Lack of humanitarian consideration in actions, thought and
conduct- very low principles in life
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504. Morose : A bitter unsociable discontent person dislike contact with people
505. Morphinism : Drug addiction 506. Mortification : A feeling of shame,
humiliation caused by something that wound one’s self respect 507. Muddled :
Confused 508. Murder desire to : Disposition to kill some body 509. Murmuring : A
low continually repeated sound 510. Mutilating body : Mental disturbance in which
disfiguring his body by cutting 511. Muttering : A low rumbling voce representing
his complaints in angry way 512. Nagging : Scold and continually quarrelling 513.
Naïve : Simple trusting, plain and always takes things at their face value 514.
Narrow minded : Lacking tolerance, petty 515. Neglecting : Fail to give proper
attention & care 516. Nervous : Anxiety with excitement 517. Neurasthenia : Nervous
debility causing fatigue 518. Neurosis : A psychological disorder in which anxiety
predominating 519. New : Entire object despite very old are looking new 520. Nibble
: Bite gently and repeatedly 521. Night terror : Fearful dream child awake
frightened – cannot remember in the event, occur in early part of night Nightmare :
occur in last part of the night, awake frightened, and remember the events. In both
case observer find the patient is frightened. 522. Nostalgia : Home sickness 523.
Numbers : tendency to draw even numbers 524. Nymphomania : Increased desire for sex
in females 525. Objective reasonable : Un influenced by emotion or personal opinion
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526. Obligations : A moral or legal bond , a depth of gratitude 527. Obscene :
Offensive to accepted standard of decency 528. Obsequious : Submissive up to
slavery, all time on others opinion, no complaints 529. Obsession : A persistent
thought on disagreeable occurrence by compulsion Eg. OCN 530. Obstinate :
Inflexible firmly adhering to an opinion by argument 531. Occupation amel : An
activity , business or profession provides amelioration to all complaints 532.
Occupied : Always busy with things closed to him in his surroundings 533. Odds :
Dissatisfied or discontented with himself 534. Offended easily : Sensitive person
feel insulted very fast and takes most harmless remark as hurt feeling 535. Older :
A precocity in which child behave as a matured person 536. Opinions : Wants to be
respected by others, will not tolerate any contradiction 537. Optimistic : Always
expect a favorable outcome, no matter how grim thing seems 538. Order in one’s life
: Wants everything in perfect orderly manner 539. Orphan : Forsaken children 540.
Over active : Always wants to be busy and occupied 541. Overbearing : Proud of her
own looks or cloths, looked down upon others with contempt 542. Over sensitive :
Extremely susceptible to feel something – pain or happiness 543. Overwhelming :
Very proud and c haughty person 544. Over worked : complaints from over work 545.
Panic : Sudden attack of fear 546. Paradoxical : That which contrary to received
opinion 547. Paranoia : Delusion of persecution or grandeur- as a King 548. Partial
: Prejudiced or biased, favoring one person or side over another
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549. Passionate : Capable of having intense feeling 550. Pathetic : Arousing pity
or sympathy from others 551. Patience : Power to bear anything calmly and coolly
without any provocation 552. Peace : A sense of extreme calmness and contentment
553. Pedant : Unduly concerned with book learning and formal rules without
understanding or experience 554. Pedophilia : Desire for sexual intercourse with
children 555. Perceptions : Insight, product of perceiving 556. Perfectionist : A
predilection for setting extremely high standards and being displeased with
anything else 557. Perfidious : Faithless, violating faith 558. Perseverance : Try
to full fill any condition whatever may be the consequences- not give up easily
559. Persist in nothing : Jumping from one thing to another without any purpose
560. Pert : Impudent in speech or conduct 561. Pertinacity : Persist or holding
firmly even if others disagree 562. Perverse : Want of moral feeling 563. Pessimist
: Take least hopeful view on any situation 564. Pettiness : A thing of little value
given lot of importance 565. Petulant : Peevish or irritable person for no apparent
reason and behave crossly with every one 566. Philosophy : Love and pursuit of
wisdom by intellectual investigation and moral self- discipline 567. Phlegmatic :
Indifference marked by slowness & solidity 568. Photo mania : Desire for light and
color 569. Picking : During the course of sickness he plucking & picking anything
like clothes 570. Piety nocturnal : Moral & spiritual reasoning at night only
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571. Pities herself : Sympathetic & heartfelt sorrow for herself while suffering
mentally & physically 572. Placidity : Peaceful & free from agitation, undisturbed
and calm 573. Plaintive : Expression of sorrow 574. PLANS making many : This
individuals have a habit of wanting to do many things which is not always practical
or possible. The person is desirous or expanding his present business for a while
he will make many statements, charts, graphs or other things although he may not
implement them. Theorizing : The person has no definite plan, statement, graph etc.
but he makes castles in the airway, but it is not so in plans making many. 575.
Plants : lover of nature & plants. Green peace movement 576. Playful : Full of good
spirit & fun 577. Pleasantly : Full of fun & jesting 578. Pleasing : Desire to
please others 579. Pleasure : Agreeable sensation of emotion giving gratification
or enjoyment to the mind 580. Polite : submissive 581. Politics ability for :
Relating to study structure or affairs of government politics or the state 582.
Pompous : Marked by an exaggerated show of dignity or self-importance with an air
of superiority 583. Positivness : Affirmative, self-assured, positive in all
affairs and reach their objectives 584. Postponing everything next day : A lazy
person has the habit of delaying or putting work to tomorrow 585. Power love of :
Great desire and ability to control & compel others 586. Praised being : They
wishes to have good thing told about him 587. Praying : Religious minded , devote
their maximum time for prays 588. Precocity : Attainment of early maturity,
development of mental faculties before the proper age 589. Predicting : Power to
perceive things that are naturally beyond the range of human sense
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590. Prejudiced : Bias or possess ness of mind 591. Premonition : Presentiment of
the future in advance 592. Premenstrual symptom : Anger, irritability, depression
etc. just before menses 593. Pre occupied : Lost in thought, absorbed from look
itself 594. Presumptuous : Bold and over confident 595. Pride : An unreasonable
opinion of one’s own excellence 596. Prim : artificial behaviour designed to
impress others 597. Procrastinate : Postponing or putting of something until its
later date 598. Profanity : Disrespect towards the religious things 599.
Prophesying : Foretelling future events 600. Protesting : They rebel against any
authority or ruling power 601. Proud : Haughtiness 602. Provoke : To excite,
stimulate or incite others 603. Prying : To examine things with impertinent
curiosity 604. Pulling hair : Desire to draw out one’s hair 605. Punctilious :
Arriving or reacting at the designated time 606. Pyromania : Fire mania 607.
Quaking : Sound produced by ducks- occur in mania 608. Qualmish : Bitter regrets
arising from the repentance of past misdeeds 609. Quarrelsome : Disposed to fight
for pretty matters 610. Queer : Open to suspicion, counter fit 611. Quick to act :
He has quick reflexes and react very fast due to great co-ordination of ideas and
actions 612. Quite disposition : Tendency to remain calm and peaceful 613. Quitted
cannot : So agitated or restless and not possible to keep quite or calm
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614. Rage : He has no control over his anger and behave in violent manner 615.
Rakes : Immoral personalities 616. Rash : Quality of acting hastily and
incautiously 617. Reading av to : A settles and vehement desire not to read 618.
Reality flight from : When faced with facts or difficult situation he tries to
escape and live in imaginary world 619. Reason increased power of : Increased
intellectual faculty ,have logical explanation for every little incident in life
620. Rebellious : Revolt, resents and resist authority 621. Reckless : Careless or
heedless of consequences 622. Recognize anything : One ceases to identify his own
friends 623. Recriminating : Remain absorbed in nostalgia and bad memories 624.
Relenting : An attentive consideration with introspection 625. Rejecting everything
: He does not accept things offered , capriciousness 626. Religious : Committed to
the service of divine or religion 627. Relocating : Have a desire to change or
misplace things from their place 628. Remedies homeopathic : Aversion to
homoeopathic medicine 629. Remorse : painful memory of wrong doing, bitter regrets
arising from the repentance of past misdeed 630. Renunciation : Self resignation,
self-denial 631. Repose : To rest in confidence 632. Reproaches : Ailments after
disappointment and disapproval – they blame oneself for something, they lack self
confidence 633. Repulsive mood : A tendency to reject anything irrespective of its
quality, does not appreciate efforts by others, nothing give him satisfaction 634.
Resentment : Feeling of anger or irritation caused by insult 635. Reserved :
Introvert, self-restrained in behaviour and expression
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636. Resignation : Condition around does not agree very well even though he wants
to change it , he cannot- he give up position because he cannot cop up with stress
and strain 637. Resolute : Firmness, determination and boldness enough to face
circumstances against all odds 638. Respected desire to be : Want to be respected
by everybody even though he is not in a good status 639. Responsibility av to : Try
to avoid any important job or promotion given to him 640. Rest : Cannot when things
are not in proper place, OCN, always cleaning up and put things in order 641.
Restlessness : Unable to rest, hyperactive people who are full of energy and
desires a constant change 642. Reticent : Reserved in speech 643. Retirement desire
for : Desire to withdraw from company or occupation or responsibility 644.
Revealing secrets : Making Known the facts which are supposed to be maintained as
confidential 645. Revengeful : Take revenge by harming somebody whom had harmed
earlier or suspected to have harmed in any way 646. Reverence : Fear mingled with
profound respect, showing highest degree of respect to the point of worship 647.
Reveres : Day dream, lost in thought 648. Revolutionary : Those who have rebellions
thought against any authority or ruling power 649. Rich : Desire to be rich in
wealth & money 650.Ridiculous action : Action designed to excite laughter with some
degree of contempt, mockery, but without having a very good and sensible aspect on
it. Gestures : are involuntary movement of the organs of the person, but ridiculous
action – not such the action presented may be deliberate, yet this is to be
considered in that very rubric 651. Riding in carriage av to : Who dislike travel
in carriage 652. Right always claim to be : He never accept others opinion and feel
that only his judgment will lead to success
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653. Rigid : Firmly adhering to an opinion or purpose, inflexible 654. Romantic :
An opinion attitude or idea based on feelings/emotions rather than reason 655.
Roving about naked : Perverted mind wants to expose in public 656. Rudeness : A
general & habitual deficiency in manner and grace, no respect 657. Rules : Aversion
to obey the rules, rebellion 658. Runs about : Desire to run away or try to run
here and there 659. Sadness : Unhappiness or sorrow , a general term without
implication of intensity 660. Sarcasm : A mocking ridicule intended to wound others
661. Satyriasis : Excessive and uncontrollable sexual desire in man 662. Scape goat
: A goat on which laid sins of Jewish and then allowed to escape one who made to
bear others mistakes 663. Sacred : Frightening and terrifying 664. Skepticism :
Doubt full and disbelieve 665. Schizophrenia : Split personality with withdrawal
from reality 666. Scoffing : Feeling or showing open disrespect 667. Scolding :
Always finding faults and quarrelling by harsh language 668. Scorned : An
expression of extreme contempt , but has been in silence 669. Scowl inclination
to : Wrinkle brows to look gloomy or threatening 670. Scraping with hands : A
symptom of delirium, tear or mark the surface with hands 671. Screaming : A sudden
sharp cry indicates sudden terror or fear he has just experienced 672. Scrupulous :
Have principles and moral integrity in all the deeds 673. Searching : Search for
something on the floor as if lost which may draw the attention of others also 674.
Secretive : Reliably close mouthed, maintain privacy in all affairs of life 675.
Secrets divulges : Revealing secrets which are of confidential nature
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676. Self control : Strong will power and are able to exercise control over their
emotions and actions 677. Self deception : Deceiving oneself, mislead to do
something due to one’s own illusion 678. Self denial : Forbearing to gratify one’s
own appetite and desires 679. Self esteem : Good opinion on oneself 680. Self
indulgence : Undue gratification of one’s own appetite and desires 681. Self
torture : Inflicting punishment to oneself for the sin feel he had committed 682.
Selfishness : Self centered person care for no one but only own 683. Selflessness :
Concerned about others rather than one self 684. Senses : Good power of perception
& reasoning that even slightest change in their surrounding is immediately felt
685. Sensitive : Most trifling ailment will upset him to such an extent that it
cannot be tolerated 686. Sensual : Indulging in sensual activities, lewd and
voluptuous 687. Sentimental : Heart rule over the brain, attitude based on feeling
or emotions rather than reasons 688. Serene : Calmness of mind and kindly disposed
towards everyone although he might be suffering from serious problem 689. Serious :
Grave in disposition or manner not in happy mood 690. Servants desire to have :
Desire to have someone to help 691. Service : Always depended on others opinion, no
complaint 692. Sexual excess : Mental complaint arising after excessive indulgence
in sex 693. Shameless : A voluntary act by which exposing body, lack of modesty and
decency 694. Shy : Avoiding observation by others , tendency to keep way 695.
Sighing : Exhale audible long deep breath as in grief or to express pain 696.
Singing : Marked desire to sing continually even during severe illness 697. Sitting
inclination to : Inclination to sit irrespective of his surrounding even though
there is no seat available
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698. Size incorrect judgment of : Incorrect assessment of size, gravity of
situation or problem 699. Slander disposition to : Formulating false stories in
order to impair public reputation of others 700. Slovenly : Habitually careless
about their looks even though financially sound 701. Slowness : Inability to
perform any work with fast or normal speed 702. Sluggishness : Disinclination to
activity, mentally dull with poor understanding inability to do anything 703. Sly :
Inclined to cheat , committing fraud and give false witness in court 704. Smaller
thing appear : Everything appear smaller to him 705. Smiling : To express pleasure
always 706. Snappish : Speaking curtly. They are tense worried overworked angry
person uttering sharp words 707. Snarling : Barking or growling like a dog 708.
Sneering at every one : Facial contortions that expression contemptuousness to
every one 709. Snub : Ignoring or behaving coldly towards others in a sarcastic
manner 710. Sobbing : Weep with audible convulsive catches of breath 711. Soberness
: Straight forward, earnest in their dealings and manners 712. Sociability : Fitted
for companion ship 713. Solemn : Does not like to deviate from norms 714.
Solitude : A desire for loneliness, do not like to mingle with society 715. Somber
everything that is : Not satisfies, everything seems to be in a blue condition 716.
Somnambulism : An action performed while sleep, not able to recall later 717. Sopor
: Deep stupid sleep 718. Sorrowful : Sadness expressing sorrow 719. Spaced out
feeling : Stupefaction of mind, empty feeling 720. Spineless : No courage or dare
to do anything
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721. Spiteful : Petty unwanted annoyance, other person feel offended 722.
Spitting : Impulse to spit in face of people – an involuntary action 723. Spoiled
children : Conduct disorder , children had over indulged or pampered 724.
Spoonerism : Transposition of initial sounds of spoken words 725. Spying everything
: Investigate secretly 726. Squandering : Spend money unwisely, unwanted purchase,
worthless investments 727. Stage fright : Anticipation on stage, in presence of
people 728. Starring : Look fixedly with wide open eyes, totally blank 729.
Starting : Wake suddenly from sleep 730. Stating : Very difficult to narrate her
complaints 731. Stereotypic : A conventional or traditional idea, no sense of
creativity and apprehensive to try out anything new 732. Strange things impulse to
do : Wants to unusual things not done by anybody before 733. Stranger sensation :
Feeling of one self to b a stranger may occur after high fever 734. Strength
increased mental : Mentally strong enough to sustain & withstand stress and strain
735. Stressed : Affected by strain, pressure or force 736. Striking : Touching
something with a speed of force, like an accident which may draw attention of
others 737. Stubborn : Obstinate, admen to his thoughts and actions 738. Studying
difficult : Dull sluggish and lack concentration 739. Stunned : Lose consciousness
due to sudden event or news 740. Stupefaction : Astonished and being amazed 741.
Stupidity : Unintelligent behaviour, they are intellectually dull and not doing
such act deliberately 742. Succeed never : Very hard working person met with
repeated failures, now he feel that he will never succeed
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743. Suggestions will not receive : Unwillingness to accept advices, they never
follow other people suggestions even though it is for their own good 744. Suicidal
disposition : Intentionally killing one self 745. Sulky : Silent inactive and
unsocial attitude in dejected persons. He will talk only to the extent of his
purpose served 746. Sullen : Gloomy and oppressed after being offended 747. Summing
up difficult : Very weak in mathematics 748. Superstitious : Old unreasonable
obsolete beliefs which cause dread and fear 749. Susceptible : Oversensitive people
affected and influenced by deep emotions or any external factor 750. Suspense :
Creating a type of anxiety or anticipation 751. Suspicious : Distrustful people
always suspecting a wrong being done to them, without sufficient evidence or proof
752. Swearing : After heated exchange make an oath to inflict a doom or misfortune
on other Person 753. Swooning fits : Sudden fits or faintness 754. Sympathetic :
Friendly sensitivity to other’s emotions, even to those who are not very close to
him 755. Taciturn : A gloomy person wants to be left alone 756. Talented : Special
aptitude 757. Talkative : Disposition to enjoy conversation to an unlimited end
758. Talk alone when : Talk to themselves either about their anxieties and fears
even though there is no one around 759. Talk desire to some one : An intense desire
to talk to someone for self satisfaction 760. Tearing : A destructive tendency to
destroy things by tearing them 761. Teasing : To irritate for the purpose of
provocation 762. Temerity : Over confident & rash 763. Tenderness : Warm friendly
affectionate people
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764. Testament : Refuse to make a written document 765. Theorizing : Makes many
plans without any head or tale 766. Thinking aversion to : Lazy and indolent people
dislike to think on any aspect 767. Threatening : A disposition to utter threat
even on petty matters 768. Throwing things around : Tendency to throw things in
anger 769. Thunderstorm : All the mental complaints and sufferings increase before
or during a thunderstorm 770. Ticklishness : Titillating or stir up to pleasure
771. Tics : Gestures or convulsive motions of certain muscles 772. Tidy :
Fastidious neat clean and orderly people 773. Time fritters away : Wasting time
without having any purpose 774. Timidity : Shrinking from public attention, fear of
facing a person or situation 775. Tipsy : Stupefaction of mind 776. Tolerant :
Power to bear anything calmly and cannot be easily provoked 777. Tormenting : To
put extreme pain anguish and distress to those around him with his minor complaint
778. Torpor : A state of mental or physical inactivity with sluggishness and
stagnation of functions 779. Torturing : Threatening and tormenting 780. Trance : A
detachment from physical surroundings. Observed when a person totally absorbed in
deep concentration especially when listening to music with eyes close and
meditating 781. Tranquility : Peaceful, calm and undisturbed mind 782. Trapped :
Delusion or feeling of being trapped 783. Trauma mental : Symptoms arising after
mentally injured or emotionally disturbed 784. Traveling : Cosmopolitan, feeling of
satisfaction by traveling 785. Tribadism : Homosexuality
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786. Tricky : Inclined to cheat and committing fraud 787. Trifles : A thing of
little value given too much importance 788. Truth telling the plain : They prefer
not to lie even if beneficial, come forward and admit their faults 789. Twilight
agg : Mental symptoms are aggravated during the faint light- before sunrise and
after sunset 790. Un attractive things seems : Everything look un attractive ,
lacking beauty and charm 791. Unconsciousness : Un aware of his surroundings 792.
Understanding not : Unable to comprehend fully 793. Undignified : They have low
self esteem and undertake things without dignity – not given the respect they might
deserve. 794. Unfeeling : Hard hearted having no sympathy 795. Unfortunate feels :
A feeling of ill-fated unsuccessfulness, devoid of have blessing from God 796.
Unfriendly humor : Not kind or favorable 797. Un gracious : Lacking social grace,
unpleasant & wicked 798. Ungrateful : Never appreciate what others are done for him
and do not express their gratitude 799. Unification : A brotherhood feeling 800. Un
observing : Lack of observation or failure to notice 801. Un real everything
seems : Lacking in truth, whatever visible to him feel unreal 802. Un reasonable :
Immoderate and make absurd demands 803. Un reliable : Not to trusted or relied upon
804. Untidy : Very careless about their dress, work or ideas 805. Unworthy : Not
conforming to the standards 806. Up heave : A type of excitement in which he rise
upwards 807. Usurer : One who lend money in illegal & fraud way
40. Mind Rubrics – Meanings- Dr. Mansoor Ali (Editing – Dr. Ankita Bali) Page 40
808. Vacillations : Inability to take stands and fluctuate in their opinion 809.
Vanity : Always pre occupied with their appearance achievements and belongings 810.
Veneration : Deep respect, showing respect excessively 811. Verify everything :
OCN, checking everything frequently 812. Verses : Habit of representing thoughts
and desires in a poetical manner 813. Vexation : Disturbed and un easy person may
feel the smallest occurrences troublesome and annoying. They feel angry or harassed
on little matters 814. Vindictive : Inclined to seek revenge when hurt or insulted
815. Vivacious : Full of life animation, enthusiasm & spirit even if faced
difficulties 816. Vulnerable : Susceptible to attack emotionally 817. Wailing : To
protest by making high pitched prolonged sound suggestive of a cry 818. Wandering :
Traveling here and there aimlessly 819. Watched : Observant and vigilant person
always being very alert 820. Wearisome : Causing mental or physical fatigue 821.
Weary of life : Due to frequent set back in life, mentally and physically fed up
with life with no desire to survive as life is felt as a burden 822. Weeping : To
express grief or anguish by tears 823. Whimpering : Soft intermittent crying 824.
Whimsical : Un predictable erratic mood or actions. He will not listen to any one
and will not budge an inch from his thought 825. Whining : A prolonged high pitched
cry usually expressing a distress 826. Whistling : A disposition to produce sound
like whistling in musical minded or light hearted 827. Wicked disposition : Evil in
principles and practice 828. Wild feeling in the head : Turmoil, wild type of
impulses rendering a person not amenable to human habitation 829. Wildness : Rough
personalities with irregularity of manners and ungovernable emotions
41. Mind Rubrics – Meanings- Dr. Mansoor Ali (Editing – Dr. Ankita Bali) Page 41
830. Will full : Obstinate and head strong 831. Will contradiction of : Lack of
coordination in the desires and execution of these desires by body parts 832. Willy
: Cheating and deceitful 833. Witty : Power to amuse and express quickly 834. Woman
mannish : Woman who have desire to dress and behave like a man 835. Work av to
mental : settled dislike for any sort of mental work 836. Worry : Painful or
apprehensive uneasiness 837. Wretched : Miserable, marked or affected by un
happiness and sorrow 838. Wrong everything seems : A false sort of felling where he
declare everything wrong or it appears wrong to him. Are dissatisfied and make life
miserable to others also 839. Yielding : Very flexible and adjustable. Agree to
demands made by others, even if they want to do otherwise 840. Zealous :
Enthusiastic devoted person in pursuit of perfection REFERENCES  Frederik
Schroyence : Repertorium Homoeopathicum Syntheticum  Kent.J.T : Repertory To the
Homoeopathic Materia medica  Kent.J.T : Lectures on homoeopathic materia medica 
Dockx & Kockelenberg : Comparative repertory to Homoeopathic MM  Agarwall ML : Key
to the Rubrics of mind  Faroke J Master : Perceiving the rubrics of mind  Webster
: International Dictionary  Chamberline : 20th century dictionary  Niraja Ahuja :
A short text book of psychiatry  Stedman : Medical dictionary  Ramakrishna pillai
: English Malayalam dictionary  Gallawardin : The psychism and Homoeopathy 
Vithoulkas : The essence of homoeopathic materia medica  Rajan sankaran : The
spirit of homoeopathy.  Bakshi : Manual of Psychiatry
42. Mind Rubrics – Meanings- Dr. Mansoor Ali (Editing – Dr. Ankita Bali) Page 42

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