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Question: Describe bale capacity and Grain capacity?

Bale Capacity: It is cubic capacity of a space when the breadth is taken
from the inside of the cargo battens, the depth from the top of the wood
sheeting on the tank top to the underside of the deck beams and the
length from the insight of the bulkhead stiffeners or spar ceiling where
Grain Capacity: It is the cubic capacity of a space when the length,
breadth and depth are taken right to the plating. allowance is made for
the volume occupied by frames, beams and stiffeners.

Question: define stowage factor, Broken stowage?

Stowage Factor: This is gross amount of space; a unit weight of cargo will
occupy. Stowage factor is express in cubic meters per tons (m3/ton).
Stowage Factor =
Gross vulume occupied by cargo
Weight of cargo
Brocken Stowage: This is the space lost in a compartment due to varying
shapes and size of the cargoes and packages which do not permit a
compact stowage. It is always expressed in percentage of a space lost for
a particular cargo of known stowage factor.
Broken Stowage =
(Gross vulume−Net Volume)× 100 %
Net Volume
The broken stowage must be subtracted from the total cargo hold space.
Then we get the real space available to us. This is how we make allowance
for broken stowage.

Question: What is load density?

Load density: It is the maximum weight that can be safely loaded and a
unite are. It is expressed in ton/m2. The weight to which cargo can be
stowed on a deck will depend on the load density of that deck and the
stowage factor of the cargo.
Question: Define Mate receipt?
Mate Receipt: This is a receipt signed by the ships mate for cargo that is
loaded on board. It contains detail of goods to be shipped and should be
available to the mate before loading starts.
He can use them: -
1. As a pre-advice of what to expect.
2. To plan the stowage of cargo.
3. To note on them any defects in the condition of the cargo, shortages
or other pertinent comment regarding quantities mark and
description of goods.

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