Homework D - Climate Change Food Calculator

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Climate change food calculator: What's your diet's carbon footprint?

In the newspaper article I read, it is a study of our daily diet, of every food we

Performing a computer calculation for each food, personally as fairly clean. Only
occasionally as meat (hamburger type) and chocolate, which is also a food that
pollutes more. The rest is less harmful to our planet. I try to recycle as much as I can,
the trash on the stove to make it as good as possible for the environment. I would like
all people to do the same, to take more care of our environment, the place where we
were destined to live. We should love him more and care more and more about his

To improve climate change, the study shows that we must reduce the
consumption of the most polluting meat. It is bad for people who do not understand or
find the purpose of this concept. We should apply it as soon as possible, until it's too
late (if maybe it's too late!).

Now with COVID-19, the truth is that the contamination has decreased and I
noticed something positive. For example, I see that animals are calmer and move
around cities, birds sing everywhere and delight us with their musical trills. I even
noticed the taste and flavour of fruits and vegetables, a taste almost forgotten since
childhood in my grandparents' house, where I used to spend my vacations.

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