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Hotchkiss Ag Ed
Even though I'm not looking too hot, passing wise for this class. It has been an amazing
experience, and I'm glad I was a part of it. I would have never gotten a chance to work and learn
so much about engines if I was still in Paonia. Working in this class was a struggle for me. I
literally came with the knowledge of a newborn toddler about anything. With with the great
teaching by Mr. Wondra and Ms. Daniels I started to pick up the basics of understanding
engines. What I've realized is that the class doesn't remind me of a real class, everytime I went
in there I knew there was some bs work that would aggravate the whole class. They somehow
made engines enjoyable, when I never had a lick of interest in them. What I noticed out of the
select few kids we had out of our class was, each one of them didn't treat you like a classmate.
It seemed more like yall were part of a family which was nice. I also really enjoyed/noticed the
AG class took way more time on, getting me to understand the fundamentals. I really enjoyed
Ms. Daniel's attitude all the time. Not once did I encounter her in a mood or a little fit. Always
helpful with any sarcasm or hint of attitude. I liked that we weren't stuck in that classroom every
day for the 48 minutes, we were always doing something that didn't involve us sitting. I am more
than willing to take part in Ag classes the next two years, even if I don't pass them. I'm hoping in
the future I'll be able to take apart and put back an engine with asking for help every two parts.
In honesty, my knowledge on this subject is still light so the chances of me and pursuing this
type of career doesn't seem to be in the book. But thoughts are endless and things can happen.

My FFA experience was amazing. I really enjoyed going out of my comfort zone at the Labour
Auction, and I had a wonderful time working with Cody for the eight hours. In general I just had
a great year, and I really wish it could have been longer. I think that the ag program got me to
do things that I wouldn’t normally do like, community service, go to different conferences with
people that I don’t know and learn about agriculture. I can definitely use the things i’ve learned
from ag in my future because it improved my ability to talk to people I don’t know and be more
comfortable doing so. Ag has taught me to work hard all the time and always do it to the best of
your ability.
This year on AG has been really fun. I got my hair burned off, and I got a nut stuck in the oil
funnel. It has just been a very memorable year. The thing that made me most excited in AG,
was being able to learn different things, and expand my knowledge on the subject. The most
memorable thing that happened this year, is when Bailey accidently burned some of my hair off.
I learned the systems of animals, and the names of the stomachs. And I learned that we should
always listen to Wondra, because he might give us a test that we did not know we had. I am
really thankful for this year even though we had to leave. 

Technically this is not me, but I thought it was a funny picture. 

There was a lot I learned during AG I did not know much about animals and it taught me a lot
about them and it could definitely help in the future if I ever decide to do anything with animals.
The most memorable part would have been the  auction just because it was very different then
everything I have done.
My experience in Ag has been amazing. I had fun learning how to use all the tools and
machines. I didn't expect it to be that fun. I love making things or fixing them. It's always been a
huge part of me that I've loved. My most memorable memory was just about all of it especially
when I hit Wondra back with the bat. The most exciting part was when I made my girlfriend a
dog. I’ve learned to always give Ag teachers a little bit of crap because it’s fun and good for
them. I think I've learned just about everything I wanted to learn. The only thing I would want to
learn more is creativity. I plan on maybe going to the Air Force to weld or use it for some sort of

FFA has been a fun new experience. I have learned a lot of sheep, cows, and pigs. The most
memorable thing was going to an FFA meeting for the first time. I had lots of fun. The most
exciting thing was going to a big conference. There were lots of people and put me out of my
comfort zone. It was still fun though. I learned more about being in a bigger group, I wished I
learned more about farming vehicles. Overall though, it was a good year.
FFA has so much meaning and impact to me. FFA is kinda a tradition
in my family. Everyone on my Mom’s side has joined FFA in highschool. So
as an incoming freshman I was determined to have a FFA class. Ever since
I was little I always wanted to be in FFA. When I showed at the fair through
4H I always observed the FFA members thinking to myself “one day that’s
going to be me”. When I saw the FFA members in their jackets I always
thought those kids were so cool. This may sound funny, weird, or even
cheesy but the past couple years when I've been at fair, every time I
walked in the show ring and saw Wondra standing watching the show I
always made sure I was doing my best and becoming the best showman I
could be out there because I knew in the next couple years I was going to
be apart of something big and I wanted to get a head start to something
amazing. Little did I know when I started FFA was just how much bigger it
was. Just This year doing FFA I have had so many new experiences,
memories, new friends, new activities, and so many laughs. Just this year
alone I have got to travel for multiple events. Including National
Convention, BIG conference, district conference, and all my contests. 
National Convention was probably one of my favorite parts of FFA
this year. I was so excited to know that Wondra let me go. While I was on
that trip we gotta go see and experience so many new things. I loved
listening to the messages from the speakers at Convention, going to the
workshops were really fun actually(I wished we got to go to a couple more),
shopping, Fair Oak Farms, Churchill downs, the Louisville Slugger museum
and factory, the Go Kart place and arcade where I almost died because
Wondra hit me so hard lol, seeing so many people , walking all over, seeing
so many buildings, cars, etc, going to the Colorado dinner social on
Halloween, spending time in our house, going to the stores/Mcdonalds and
being the only white people in there lol, the fun car rides, and talking about
the weirdo people we had to sit next to on the plane rides. Let me just say I
LOVEDED convention and really want to go back in the future.
I was only planning on doing livestock judging this year, but FFA had
other plans for me. Instead I worked up my courage, practiced my public
speaking, and Memorized the Creed word-for-word. I then participated in
the Creed contest and made it into the top 6. Then, we got a team together
for a quiz bowl. We didn’t really know how good we were going to be. But
as a team we worked really hard studying and memorizing as much
information as possible, worked our butts off and then surprisingly placed
second at quiz bowl and lost by 2 points. I was so proud of my team on
how far we came from when we first started. Even though livestock judging
got cut short way too soon I still had so much fun in the couple weeks we
had. Even though we have been at home I have been practicing taking
notes on livestock classes and judging the. For a matter of fact, I actually
entered an online judging activity that Purina Show posted. I had to judge
the animals, place them, and answer some questions on a couple. There
were multiple classes in each species and I did all of them. 
What I wish other students and members would realize is that FFA
has so many opportunities for you. If you just take the time to realize how
much there is, how much it helps you, and actually participating in activities
it is unbelievably fun. I have had the most amazing freshman year because
I participated in activities and did my best leading me to meet so many new
friends from other schools as well as becoming closer to students from our
school. I got to travel and go to so many places and experience things, and
I received an FFA grant for me to be able to show a Lamb. Which let me
tell you is doing very good. And I mean you also get free ice cream and
sometimes lunch when you participate in activities!
What I plan on for the future is definitely to be a part of FFA every
year, I'm going to keep trying to put in grants for FFA to help me and my
show animals, eventually put in scholarships, and eventually try and help
make our program even better.
Without FFA I wouldn’t be the same person. The next 3 years I am
going to make FFA a really big part of my life and enjoy every moment. I
am excited to learn more about agriculture and how it is helping our
economy and participating in everything I can. Even after highschool i still
plan on being a part of FFA helping anyway I can. Everytime I put on my
jacket I feel so happy because I know I am doing something good. And I
hear that everytime I have it on. FFA is a part of something bigger than
anyone will ever know. And I wouldn’t have had such an amazing year
without my friends or my amazing supportive Ag teachers, Mr. Wondra and
Ms. Daniel.
The most memorable and touching thing I ever heard this year that
really impacted me was something Mr. Wondra told me after an event.
After events I get so worked up and start crying. I didn’t know why because
I was happy and I know I/we did good but I always just cried and started
shaking. But then Wondra said this “You cry because you care. You work
really hard to do the best you can do and you care about how you did.”
Now that I am not word for word but after I heard him say that I now realize
why I started crying and shaking after. So anyway, now those words are
what I think of when i'm doing something… anything! I do it because I care,
so I better do my best effort and give it all I got.
The Hotchkiss FFA program is a class I look forward to everyday at
school and even on breaks and summer time because it is filled with such
great people, amazing knowledge that can help me in the future, and it is
something that is a part of me and that I enjoy doing. FFA is like my second
 Sorry that this is really long, but that is just a little but of how much
FFA has impacted me just this year. Without the Hotchkiss FFA program I
wouldn't be where I am today. FFA and the Hotchkiss FFA program have a
special place in my heart and I encourage ALL students to join because it
will change you forever if you take the time to participate and have fun.

I couldn’t just pick one picture, So I made a one picture collage of all
of my favorite things.
Into into ag was probably my most memorable class because of the activities and information
learned. I think my favorite activity was quiz bowl, followed closely by FFA week.
While in class I learned that I should never trust the power of carter’s ankles and a lot of
information about livestock. I hope next year I’ll be in shop so I can build awesome projects.
See you next year *just pretend there’s FFA week pics here*

Even though I haven’t been in this class long it was a pretty good experience especially when
we play games we learn more because we are having fun. I have learned a lot of things that I
did not know before like how short a sheep’s fur has to be when you show them and how the
back is supposed to be. I wish that I could have learned more about pigs and goats.

The important thing about FFA is stuff like the action dinner and field trips. The most important
thing that I like about FFA is that I liked the action dinner, and the field trips. That is what I like
about FFA.  The most important thing that I learned about in FFA is the cows, horses, pigs and
goats and ect. I like FFA because I learned about cool things. I like it because I get to do cool
things and I also learn about stuff too.

Just thinking about how awesome this year was brings me to tears. The memories I made
this year are some that I will cherish for my entire life. This year I learned so much, made so
many new friends, and basically just had the best year I could’ve ever asked for. I not only had
one awesome AG teacher, but I got 2! I learned so much from each of them, and they both
pushed me to be a better version of myself, they both helped me to push past my fears, and just
go for it. 

My FAVORITE Memories Throughout the Year:

State Convention-

State Convention in the summer of 2019. That was just the first life changing experience!
I auditioned for the talent show, and I got the opportunity to sing A LOT! Then, I got to be a
delegate, and that was such an awesome thing to be  a part of! I’m not going to lie, my
roommates were not my favorite people when it came to our sleeping arrangements, but despite
that, it was so cool to grow closer as a chapter! From the Great Wolf Lodge, and going to the
lobby to get Ben & Jerry’s late at night, to the days where Charley and I walked the CSU campus
to go to and fro for delegate meetings, we made some super awesome memories. Then, because I
got the opportunity to be a part of the talent show, I got to meet so many awesome friends,
including the state officers. I still talk to one of them, all the time, and I’m in touch with a few
others every once in a while. I also met one of the coolest people that I’ve ever met, Whitney. I
am just so very grateful that I got to be a part of going to the State Convention!!

2019 Fair- 

Then I got to do something that I’ve been waiting so long to do. I got to show at the fair
in my corduroy jacket for the first time! It was hot, but I loved it!! 

AG Class-

Coming into my sophomore year, I honestly wasn’t too psyched about my class, but I
learned to love it. I learned how to just let go, and laugh (probably too much sometimes). It
helped me to learn how to just take a joke. I think I laugh the most in AG class, for sure. From
learning about soils, to learning more about animal anatomy, to writing speeches, and then
starting to learn how to weld, I learned so much. I pushed past my comfort zone in a lot of ways,
but especially by learning how to weld. I never ever thought that I would be able to do it, and I
proved myself wrong. I mean, I even welded in heels one day. But, I am so thankful for my
classmates, and most of all my AG teachers who pushed me to face my fears. I take it back, they
forced me to face my fears, and for that I am very grateful! 

I may have also been the most annoyed by my class that I’ve ever been, but I definitely
loved our random conversations that were so hilarious that I laughed until my stomach hurt.
Those were the best days. 

Speech Contest- 

I love public speaking, and I am so thankful that I get the opportunity to be a part of an
organization that allows me to be able to do what I love. Everything was so evidently just a part
of God’s great plan. I never expected that I would make it to state, but I did! My speech was
about the importance of women in AG, and it’s crazy to me that I didn’t even know that it was
the 50th year of women in FFA when I originally chose the topic, so the fact that I did was just
perfect! And, I mean, I beat my older brother, which of course was a great accomplishment. 

National FFA Convention-

Then, I got the priveledge of attending the National FFA Convention, but not only as a
Hotchkiss FFA member, but also as a National FFA CHORUS member!! Now, that was a life
changing experience, and honestly still doesn’t even feel real. I got to go on a plane, which I
absolutely love flying, so I really enjoyed it. Then, I got to sing for countless hours everyday. I
made so many new friends from people around the nation. I got to meet the National officers! I
got to adventure around downtown Indianapolis by myself. I got to take secret tunnels almost
everywhere our choir traveled. I got to see my sissy!! I got a solo, and got to perform in front of
30,000 FFA members! I got to attend special dinners. I got to go to a Brett Young concert. I tried
to set my sister up with one of my Chesney’s brother.  I ate way too much really yummy food. I
spent too much money. It was seriously the coolest experience I’ve ever had. It was a week filled
with not only a lot of music, but it was filled with AG too!!
Essay Contest- 

I wrote an essay about a woman who has inspired me in agriculture, and hopefully won
our chapter some money!

I loved the pancake breakfast, and FFA Week, and I loved “coaching” Quiz Bowl. I just
love FFA, and I cannot wait to see how much more I’m going to do through it! 

Next year, I’m hoping to go for an office. I want to go to WLC. I want to audition for the
National FFA Chorus again. I want to attend State Convention again. I want to continue to work
towards being an advocate for Agriculture, and maybe even a Colorado State Officer some day!!

Mr. Wondra, and Miss Daniel, I’m going to miss both of you guys so much! Thank you for the
time you invested in this program and in me! I am so grateful. 

(I made a little slideshow for my picture) ((:


My FFA Experience

My most memorable experience in Hotchkiss FFA was being able to go to the National FFA
Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana my Sophomore year.  Even though I had my arm in a sling
form an elbow injury from football it still was an amazing trip.  There were seven of us from
Hotchkiss.  We traveled with the FFA kids from Olathe.  I attended workshops on welding and
Artificial Insemination.  I liked the welding one.  
We got to tour Kentucky during our free time.  We went to Claiborne Farms and I got to pet a
very expensive and famous race horse.  We went to Churchill Downs and got to go down to the
racetrack.  We ate in the restaurant from the Secretariat movie.  We went to the Indianapolis
500 race track.

I also took steers for the Delta County Fair during my FFA career. I held the office of co-Sentinel
with Gilly.  I learned many things in Ag and FFA that I will carry with me throughout my life.  I am
glad I was a part of it.
While I was in shop I did many projects. Ones that I remember off the top of my head are
Ian’s corner stand, Traycer’s gun rack, the picnic tables, pistol targets, and designing my
stocking hangers decorations. It was a fun experience! I learned how to modify a design to
make it work better, work with someone else’s desire in a design and make it, and the usual
stuff. I liked working with my hands during school. It gave you a nice break from the mental
classes. Going on I will probably use the knowledge I learned at Ira’s and on the ranch. Ira’s
because at his place I do all sorts of
metal working and the ranch well
because everything breaks at one
point and I usually help in the fixing of
that. For the FFA experience it wasn’t
too enjoyable. I don’t like going to
social things like the meetings
especially on days where I need to
get homework done, but at the same
time I felt bad for Wondra and
Charley when the program was dying
so I went. The labor auction was a
fun experience. It was nice that I
didn’t have a job that required too
much talking during the auction and
being with friends was a fun aspect of
it. FFA week was another fun one
especially because, by chance, I
didn’t have a ton of homework to do. I especially liked the movie night and one more which I
forgot the name of. It was nice that I could bring Spano, it made it much more enjoyable. All in
all shop and FFA was a good experience to have in high school and I learned a lot of life school
I can use after high school.
This year I joined Ag Shop and FFA at semester. During my limited amount of time in the
program I was able to complete a project in the shop and participate in an FFA auction. The
project I worked on in shop was restoring one of the old tables in the shop room. A few
classmates and I started by sanding the entire shop table with circular sanders until all the paint
and impurities were gone and the table was smooth. Then we made wood glue and filled all the
dents and holes in the table with it. After the impurities were fixed and the glue dried, we sanded
the glue down until the table was smooth again. Finally, we painted the table. From this I
learned how to use a circular sander and how to make wood glue. I now will be able to make it
at home to fill in some holes in a bar counter at my house. The most memorable moment in Ag
for me was the FFA auction. Even though we were not able to follow through with our work for
the people who bought us, it was still a very enriching experience to help with the auction. I
learned a lot by being a part of a team and setting up and putting on a community event. Since
school was closed, I have still been working on projects at home such as spray painting a sign
for the EMS in Paonia, or making a sword out of a branch for an Art project. I learned some
helpful life skills from the Ag Shop course and had fun while doing it.
When I look back on my time in the ag program at Hotchkiss High School I have had a lot of
good memories and way less memories I’m not as fond of. The most memorable experience I
had however was my trip to WLC and getting to meet new friends. It was the first time I had
traveled without an adult and for me that was a bit of a big deal and could have been a lot worse
if I hadn’t been to D.C. before. The best part of the whole experience however was meeting new
people and getting to know them and call them my friends. It truly was one of my highlights for
my time in the ag program. The most exciting thing was getting my State Degree and getting to
go across the stage to get it. I loved the feeling that what I had been doing was actually worth
the time spent. I have learned many lessons as well from how to interact with people you don’t
really know to inspiring young people and being the leader that they need. My biggest takeaway
however is that the people you meet aren’t always what you expect and that you can be
surprised by what they are like on the inside. I wish I had learned a little more about myself and
who I want to be through my time in the ag program but in hindsight it isn’t as important as the
lessons that I did learn. I plan on using the knowledge that I have gained to make an impact on
the world and be a leader for those around me and to one day be a light in the darkness of the
My Most Memorable Experience

My most memorable experience this year in Ag was taking and showing animals at the

fair for the first time ever. I enjoyed learning how to show my pig and steer and how to exhibit

them in a way to place high. For my first year I did well at the fair. In beef showmanship I got

first in my class and third in my class for market. My pig didn’t do so well because he got 7th in

his class, but it was still a fun experience. My steer did very well in the sale because he went for

3,100 and the people who bought him actually bought him to eat for themselves which doesn’t

happen often. My steer was bought by the Benson Brothers and my Pig was bought by Kwiki

Tire in Delta. Overall I had a fun time competing at the fair and can’t wait to do it again.
This year in ag, I had a lot of fun in the first semester. We would get our work done with Wondra
and then we could just chill. I don’t really remember a lot of the ag class, but I remember the
Oyster Fry and that was fun. As well as Ag Week even though I couldn’t participate in a lot of
the activities due to basketball. Welding was a good experience and it was fun at most times.
That has been my experience in ag.

Throughout my 2 years of Ag, I've experienced a lot of memorable moments with my
classmates. Some were funny and many were aggravating, but over all they were some of the
best times. One of my most favorite memories was in shop and I had a really stupid moment,
but honestly it was quite funny .Ag has taught me in a way to overcome being scared to try new
things and learning. This past year I wasn't very confident with what I was doing in class, but
after I learned how and practiced with the tools wasn't as bad as I thought it was. I noticed that
that class had helped build my confidence in other classes as well as sports and outside of
school. If I hadn't done Ag, I wouldn't be part of the person I am today. In that class you can just
be yourself and it's honestly one of the most relaxing things to walk in a do.
This paper is somewhat frustrating just because this program has brought me so many amazing
memories. From my freshman year at BIG Conference all the way up to State CDEs last spring.
I’ve met so many fantastic people as well as learning some of the most valuable life skills.
However, attending WLC in DC has to be my favorite, most memorable experience through
FFA. It was my first ever plane ride[s], which was exhilarating.. I loved it. But beyond that, I met
a life long friend my very first day there. We spent almost every waking minute together on that
trip and we are still great friends to this day. I also met over 50 amazing people who made the
trip unforgettable. We got to see the Lincoln Memorial, The Capitol, The Museum of Natural
History… but my most favorite was the Library of Congress. It was easily the most beautiful
building I’ve ever been in. The library itself was phenominal and I definitely had a nerd moment
when i entered it. We also got the pleasure of seeing the president himself. We got to watch him
beging led by a parad of security through downtown DC near the capitol. We visited a million
amazing places but when we were back at the hotel, we also did a handful of activites that
taught us various different things. Such as friendship, teamwork, the power of greed, and many
more. Our CG leaders were great and made the experience 10x greater. That trip was hands
down, my favorite that I’ve been on. I would kill to be able to go back and see everyone again.
There was so much to it and I could go on for pages, talking of all the awesome things we saw
and we did. But I’ll keep it somewhat short. DC was an unforgetful trip, I hope someday I can do
something similar again. 

My time in the Hotchkiss Ag program will always be a time that I will charise. From showing
under FFA at the delta county fair, competing around colorado for livestock judging, and just
spending time in the classroom talking about Ag subjects that are less heard of like the
seahorse. I will miss all of the friends that I made in FFA and teachers like Mr.Wondra who have
changed how I will look at my future. You have shown us that we don’t have to follow the normal
to fit into this world and that laughing can bring all sorts of people together. I wish that this
semester could have been spent making more memories. I am sad that future generations of
Bulldogs will not be able to learn from you but know that whoever takes the new position will
have a great program to start off with. I will always remember my time in FFA and will use all
that I have learned to teach others that were less fortunate to have not grown up on a farm how
this side of the mountain is truly operated and how ag will always be important no matter how it
affects your life. Thank you for making this a great four years of High School.

The Hotchkiss Ag program has had a huge impact on me as a person since I started on day 1.
This year the biggest impact that I had experienced was going to National Convention in
Indiana. I learned so many new things and met so many new people. It was amazing to see the
background of agriculture in Indiana as well as learn about all the differences the state had
compared to Colorado. This program has also helped me gain lots of leadership skills through
being an officer this year as well as showing animals at fair. Showing an animal takes lots of
hard work and dedication which is such a great thing to have in life. This year has been by far
the best as well as the biggest growing year for me throughout my years in FFA, and I will miss
Mr. Wondra as he had a big impact on my life throughout these past 3 years. 
There are a lot of activities in school such as sports, Art, Band, Choir, so many different things
that any student can find a place in. Personally, I fit in the best with the FFA program. I have
always been very nervous in front of others but FFA has helped me grow into a more confident
person, I have been able to speak in front of larger crowds and take part in leadership roles
such as being an officer. I have learned communication and work skills that I know will be a big
help in my future. How FFA has impacted me has inspired me into wishing to become an
advisor one day. One of my goals is to help kids find a place they can fit into. I believe FFA is
not as promoted to students as other things such as sports so I want to change that and spread
encouragement for the program. Another one of my goals as an advisor would also be pushing
students to be their very best and help them overcome their fears. Without my advisors, I would
be a completely different person then I am now. That is why FFA matters to me.

My favorite picture is all of us in Quizbowl my freshmen year

My experience in Ag has been amazing. Yes, I know I have only been in Ag for 2 years now but
it has been the best class for these past two years. Wondra has been the best teacher I have
had my whole life. He is understanding, willing to joke around, makes trips very memorable, and
has just all around made it a great experience. I have wanted to be a part of an Ag program my
whole life but couldn’t be because I didn’t have one close enough to me. My most memorable
thing was probably going to state convention and national convention. State convention was the
very first trip I went on for FFA and then I went to National Convention and it was my first time
going that far out of state. They were both amazing experiences travelling with fellow
classmates, trying new things, and making memories you can’t make sitting in a classroom or at
school. My favorite thing I have learned in my Ag years so far has to be memorizing the creed
and learning the different breeds of cows, horses, and pigs. I hope to learn how to manage a
farm a little more and all that fun stuff. I plan on trying to run my own ranch someday. Another
thing I love is when the state officers come in and spend the day in the school meeting all the ag
students. I feel like it helps bring the state together as a Ag community. Some days we wouldn’t
do anything in class so we would play uno and those days were fun because we would get
super competitive.
Coming into Highschool, I knew that I wanted to be in FFA. I am from a farming family
and I knew that I wanted to go into something agriculture related for my career but I didn’t know
what I wanted to do yet. I was involved with a few things through my four years of highschool
that were related to FFA. I was in livestock judging, and I was an officer my junior year. 
There were a lot of fun things like going to Craig and eating spaghetti with the judging
team, going to Indianapolis, and much more. I have made new friends that I never would have if
I wasn't in FFA. Some of the most fun I have had was on trips, especially during livestock
judging. The most memorable moment was probably going to Indianapolis for Nationals last
year. That was a lot of fun with my friends and I have never been to Indi, so it was really fun to
have new experiences. Of course my favorite thing about that trip was probably the football
game and then just hanging out with my friends even though we were at each other’s throats
the last couple of days. The most exciting was probably the ag olympics. Hanging out with
friends and then going to Cedaredge to go do dodgeball then we go to sonic afterwards. One of
the best times was when we were coming back from a judging competition with ag mech and we
jammed on the bus and had lots of fun. 
With ag, I have learned that I want to be a welder. I have never done welding before until
I came to shop. I always had fun with shop. Sometimes I didnt want to do my work, but in the
end I got it done. In the future, I hope I can get better and learn some new things with welding.
With what I learned in shop I can use on an everyday basis especially if I go into the welding
field and then I can fix things on my own ranch that I hope I will have someday.  The picture
below was last year in Indianapolis having a tour of Churchill Downs.

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