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Journal of Economic Literature 2010, 48:1, 58–107

The Role of Boards of Directors in

Corporate Governance: A Conceptual
Framework and Survey
RenÉe B. Adams, Benjamin E. Hermalin, and Michael S. Weisbach*

This paper is a survey of the literature on boards of directors, with an emphasis on

research done subsequent to the Benjamin E. Hermalin and Michael S. Weisbach
(2003) survey. The two questions most asked about boards are what determines
their makeup and what determines their actions? These questions are fundamentally
intertwined, which complicates the study of boards because makeup and actions are
jointly endogenous. A focus of this survey is how the literature, theoretical as well as
empirical, deals—or on occasions fails to deal—with this complication. We suggest
that many studies of boards can best be interpreted as joint statements about both the
director-selection process and the effect of board composition on board actions and
firm performance. (  JEL G34, L25)

1.  Introduction investor plaintiffs, of which $13 million was

out of pocket (not covered by insurance); and

P eople often question whether corporate

boards matter because their day-to-day
impact is difficult to observe. But when things
Worldcom directors had to pay $36 million,
of which $18 million was out of pocket.1 As
a consequence of these scandals and ongoing
go wrong, they can become the center of atten- concerns about corporate governance, boards
tion. Certainly this was true of the Enron, have been at the center of the policy debate
Worldcom, and Parmalat scandals. The direc- concerning governance reform and the focus
tors of Enron and Worldcom, in particular, of considerable academic research. Because
were held liable for the fraud that occurred: of this renewed interest in boards, a review
Enron directors had to pay $168 million to of what we have and have not learned from
research on corporate boards is timely.
Much of the research on boards ulti-
* Adams: University of Queensland and ECGI. mately touches on the question “what is the
­ ermalin: University of California, Berkeley. Weisbach:
Ohio State University. The authors wish to thank Ji-Woong role of the board?” Possible answers range
Chung, Rüdiger Fahlenbach, Eliezer Fich, John McCon- from boards’ being simply legal ­necessities,
nell, Léa Stern, René Stulz, and Shan Zhao for helpful
comments on earlier drafts. The authors are especially
appreciative of the comments received from three anony- 1  Michael Klausner, Bernard S. Black, and Brian R.
mous referees and the editor, Roger Gordon. Cheffins (2005).

Adams, Hermalin, and Weisbach: The Role of Boards of Directors 59

s­ omething akin to the wearing of wigs in and Weisbach 1988, 1998, and 2003). This
English courts, to their playing an active endogeneity creates estimation problems if
part in the overall management and control governance choices are made on the basis of
of the corporation. No doubt the truth lies unobservables correlated with the error term
somewhere between these extremes; indeed, in the regression equations being estimated.
there are probably multiple truths when this In fact, one of our main points in this survey is
question is asked of different firms, in differ- the importance of endogeneity. Governance
ent countries, or in different periods. structures arise endogenously because eco-
Given that all corporations have boards, nomic actors choose them in response to the
the question of whether boards play a role governance issues they face.2
cannot be answered econometrically as there Beyond the implications endogeneity holds
is no variation in the explanatory variable. for econometric analysis, it also has implica-
Instead, studies look at differences across tions for how to view actual governance prac-
boards and ask whether these differences tice. In particular, when we observe what
explain differences in the way firms func- appears to be a poor governance structure,
tion and how they perform. The board dif- we need to ask why that structure was chosen.
ferences that one would most like to capture Although it is possible that the governance
are differences in behavior. Unfortunately, structure was chosen by mistake, one needs
outside of detailed fieldwork, it is difficult to to give at least some weight to the possibility
observe differences in behavior and harder that it represents the right, albeit poor, solu-
still to quantify them in a way useful for sta- tion to the constrained optimization problem
tistical study. Consequently, empirical work the organization faces. After all, competition
in this area has focused on structural dif- in factor, capital, and product markets should
ferences across boards that are presumed to lead, in Darwinian fashion, to the survival
correlate with differences in behavior. For of the fittest. While admittedly “fittest” does
instance, a common presumption is that out- not mean “optimal,” anything that was sub-
side (nonmanagement) directors will behave optimal for known reasons would be unfit
differently than inside (management) direc- insofar as there would be pressure to address
tors. One can then look at the conduct of these reasons for suboptimality. In other
boards (e.g., decision to dismiss the CEO words, existing suboptimality is unlikely to
when financial performance is poor) with lend itself to quick or obvious fixes.
different ratios of outside to inside direc- This insight about endogeneity is, however,
tors to see whether conduct varies in a sta- easy to forget in the face of data. Figure 1
tistically significant manner across different shows a plot of two data points.3 On the
ratios. When conduct is not directly observ-
able (e.g., advice to the CEO about strategy), 2  Harold Demsetz and Kenneth Lehn (1985) were
one can look at a firm’s financial performance among the first to make the general point that governance
to see whether board structure matters (e.g., structures are endogenous. Others who have raised it
include Charles P. Himmelberg, R. Glenn Hubbard, and
the way accounting profits vary with the ratio Darius Palia (1999), Palia (2001), and Jeffrey L. Coles,
of outside to inside directors). Michael L. Lemmon, and J. Felix Meschke (2007). The
One problem confronting such an empiri- point has also been discussed in various surveys of the
literature; consider, e.g., Sanjai Bhagat and Richard H.
cal approach is that there is no reason to Jefferis (2002) and Marco Becht, Patrick Bolton, and Ailsa
suppose board structure is exogenous; Röell (2003), among others.
3  Figure 1 is presented for illustrative purposes and
indeed, there are both theoretical arguments
should not be read as a critique of any existing research.
and empirical evidence to suggest board In particular, none of the studies discussed below are as
­structure is endogenous (see, e.g., Hermalin naive as figure 1.
60 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVIII (March 2010)


Firm 1

Firm 2


Figure 1. Relation between a Specific Firm Attribute and Firm Financial Performance

­horizontal axis is an attribute of governance Consequently, whereas Firm 2 would prefer

(e.g., board size). On the vertical axis is a ceteris paribus to be on Firm 1’s curve, it isn’t
measure of financial performance. One firm and, thus, would do worse than it is doing if
has more of the attribute but weaker perfor- it were to shrink its board in line with the
mance, while the other firm has less of the naive conclusion drawn from the regression
attribute but better performance. A regres- in figure 1.
sion line through the points underscores the Figures 1 and 2 illustrate another issue
apparent negative relation between attribute confronting the study of governance, namely
and performance. Without further analysis, heterogeneity in the solutions firms choose for
one might be tempted to conclude that a firm their governance problems.4 As ­illustrated,
would do better if it shrank the size of its
board. The problem with such a conclusion 4  To be sure, a real empirical study would attempt,
is that it fails to consider why a large board in part, to control for such heterogeneity by putting in
might have been chosen in the first place. other controls, including, if the data permitted, firm fixed
effects. It should be noted, however, that (i) there can still
Figure 2 replicates figure 1, but it also be a problem with the specification if the attribute enters
shows the optimization problems faced by into the specification only linearly (as opposed to nonlin-
the two firms in question. Observe that, for a early as suggested by the parabolas in figure 2); and (ii)
if different firms face differently shaped trade-offs (e.g.,
given firm, there is a nonmonotonic relation if the parabolas aren’t the same shape for all firms), then
between the attribute and financial perfor- the coefficients on the attribute, its square, etc., will vary
mance. In particular, the relation is concave across firms, suggesting a random-coefficients approach is
warranted. See Hermalin and Nancy E. Wallace (2001)
and admits an interior maximum. Moreover, and Bhagat and Jefferis (2002) for a discussion of some of
each of the two firms is at its maximum. these methodological issues.
Adams, Hermalin, and Weisbach: The Role of Boards of Directors 61


Firm 1’s optimization problem

Firm 2’s optimization problem


Figure 2. The Real Decisions Faced by the Firms

Firms 1 and 2 face different ­governance large body of general theory that is readily
problems and, not surprisingly, are driven applied to the specific topic of boards. For
to different solutions. Almost every model of instance, monitoring by the board would
governance shows that the equilibrium out- seem to fit into the general literature on
come is sensitive to its exogenous parameters; hierarchies and supervision (e.g., Oliver E.
consequently, heterogeneity in those param- Williamson 1975; Guillermo A. Calvo and
eters will lead to heterogeneity in solutions. Stanislaw Wellisz 1979; Fred Kofman and
Moreover, once one takes into account vari- Jacques Lawarrée 1993, Jean Tirole 1986;
ous sources of nonconvexity, such as those Tirole 1992). As a second example, issues of
arising in optimal incentive schemes, one board collaboration would seem to fit into
may find that strategic considerations lead the general literature on free-riding and the
otherwise identical firms to adopt different teams problem (see, e.g., Bengt Holmstrom
governance solutions (see, e.g., Hermalin 1982).
1994). The teams-problem example serves to
Some help with the heterogeneity issue illustrate a problem that can arise in apply-
could be forthcoming from more theoreti- ing “off-the-shelf” theory to boards. It is well
cal analyses. Although a common—and not known that, as a member’s share of a team’s
necessarily inaccurate—perception of the output falls, he or she supplies less effort. For
literature on corporate governance, particu- boards, however, the question is not a single
larly related to boards of directors, is that it director’s effort, but what happens to total
is largely empirical, such a view overlooks a effort (e.g., are larger boards less capable
62 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVIII (March 2010)

monitors because of the teams problem)? type of board, operating in a certain fashion,
Yet, here, theory cannot provide a definitive having implemented a particular incentive
answer—whether total equilibrium effort package, and responding in certain ways to
increases or not with board size depends feedback from the relevant product and capi-
critically on assumptions about functional tal markets. To include all those features in
forms.5 While “anything goes” conclusions a model is infeasible, but can we expect the
can be acceptable in an abstract theoretical assumption of ceteris paribus with respect to
model, they are often less than ­satisfactory in the nonmodeled aspects of the situation to be
applied modeling. The lack of clear definitive reasonable? The constrained answer arrived
predictions in much of the related general at by holding all else constant need not rep-
theory is, therefore, a hindrance to model- resent the unconstrained answer accurately.
ing governance issues. Conversely, if a spe- Yet another point, related both to the
cific model makes a definitive prediction, previous point and to our emphasis on
then one can often be left wondering if it is issues of endogeneity, is that, motivated by
an artifact of particular assumptions rather both a desire to simplify and to conform to
than a reflection of a robust economic truth. ­institutional details, the modeler is often
A second, related point is that, in a sim- tempted to take certain aspects of the gov-
ple, and thus tractable, model, theory can be ernance structure as given. The problem
too strong; that is, by application of sophis- with this is that the governance structure
ticated contracts or mechanisms, the par- is largely endogenous; it is, in its entirety,
ties (e.g., directors and CEO) can achieve a the solution reached by economic actors to
more optimal outcome than reality indicates their governance problems. Of course, cer-
is possible. To an extent, that problem can be tain features, such as the necessity of having
finessed; for instance, if one restricts atten- a board of directors, can largely be seen as
tion to incomplete contracts. But as others exogenous (although it should be remem-
have noted, the assumption of incomplete bered that the decision to make a company
contracts can fail to be robust to minor a corporation rather than, say, a partnership
perturbations of the information structure is itself endogenous). Furthermore, the tim-
(Hermalin and Michael L. Katz 1991) or the ing of events, particularly in the short run,
introduction of a broader class of mecha- can make it reasonable to treat some aspects
nisms (Eric Maskin and Tirole 1999). of the governance structure as exogenous for
A further issue is that corporations are the purposes of investigating certain ques-
complex, yet, to have any traction, a model tions theoretically.
must abstract away from many features of In this survey, we focus primarily on work
real-life corporations. This makes it difficult that illustrates the sorts of challenges dis-
to understand the complex and multifaceted cussed above, papers that help clarify the
solutions firms use to solve their governance nature of board behavior, or that use novel
problems. For instance, the optimal gov- approaches. We also attempt to put the work
ernance structure might involve a certain under the same conceptual microscope,
namely how should the results be interpreted
in light of governance structures being the
5  For instance, if a team’s total benefit is ​∑ N  ​ ​​ e  ,
n=1 n
second-best solution to the governance prob-
where en is the effort of agent n, each agent gets 1/N lems faced by the firm. Our focus is also on
of the benefit, and each agent n’s utility is (​∑ m=1
  ​ ​
​ em)/N − more recent papers, even if they are not yet
​n​  ​)/(γ + 1), then total equilibrium effort is N(1/N)1/γ,
which is increasing in N if γ > 1, decreasing in N if published, because prior surveys by Kose
γ ∈ (0, 1), and constant if γ = 1. John and Lemma W. Senbet (1998) and
Adams, Hermalin, and Weisbach: The Role of Boards of Directors 63

Hermalin and Weisbach (2003) cover many consider studies that compare governance
established papers in this field. Although we internationally.
aim to be comprehensive, it would be impos- Although this survey primarily consid-
sible to discuss every paper in light of the ers the economics and finance literatures,
recent explosion in the literature on boards.6 boards are a subject of interest in many
Of necessity, we omit many interesting other disciplines, including accounting, law,
papers in this area and we apologize to their ­management, psychology, and sociology.9
authors in advance. For a more detailed While there is an overlap in these literatures,
discussion of the event-study evidence sur- there are also differences. For instance, the
rounding board appointments, we refer the economics and finance literature’s focus has
reader to David Yermack (2006). M. Andrew traditionally been on the agency problems
Fields and Phyllis Y. Keys (2003) review the boards solve or, in some instances, create. In
monitoring role of the board, as well as the contrast, the sociological and management
emerging literature on board diversity (see literatures also emphasize that boards can
also David A. Carter, Betty J. Simkins, and (i) play a role in strategy setting and (ii) pro-
W. Gary Simpson 2003; Kathleen A. Farrell vide critical resources to the firm, such as
and Philip L. Hersch 2005; and Renée B. building networks and connections (see, e.g.,
Adams and Daniel Ferreira 2009 on board Sydney Finkelstein, Hambrick, and Albert
diversity). We do not directly discuss direc- A. Cannella 2009). Some of the topics previ-
tor turnover; Hermalin and Weisbach (2003) ously in the domain of other disciplines are
review some of the relevant literature on beginning to be of interest in the econom-
this topic.7 For the sake of brevity, we do not ics and finance literature. For example, this
discuss the literature on boards of financial literature has begun to incorporate issues of
institutions. Because this is a survey of cor- expertise, trust, diversity, power, and net-
porate boards, we also do not discuss the works into their analyses.10
literature on boards of organizations such as The next section considers the question
nonprofits and central banks. Partly because of what directors do. The section following,
of the difficulty in obtaining data, this lit- section 3, considers issues related to board
erature is less developed than the literature structure. Section 4 discusses how boards
on corporate boards (William G. Bowen fulfill their roles. Section 5 examines the
1994 discusses some of the similarities and
differences between corporate and non-
corporate boards).8 Similar data limitations 9  Some examples of this broader literature include
restrict us to a discussion of boards of pub- Lucian A. Bebchuk and Jesse M. Fried (2004), Ada Demb
licly traded ­corporations. Finally, we do not and F. Friedrich Neubauer (1992), Anna Grandori (2004),
Donald C. Hambrick, Theresa Seung Cho, and Ming-
Jer Chen (1996), Jay W. Lorsch (1989), Myles L. Mace
(1971), Jeffrey Pfeffer (1972), Mark J. Roe (1994), James
6 After searching the literature, we estimate that more D. Westphal and Edward J. Zajac (1995), Westphal (1999),
than 200 working papers on boards were written in the and Zajac and Westphal (1996).
first five years since Hermalin and Weisbach (2003) pub- 10  For research from an economic perspective on direc-
lished their board survey (no causal link is implied). tor diversity, see Carter, Simkins, and Simpson (2003),
7  See also Eliezer M. Fich and Anil Shivdasani (2007), Farrell and Hersch (2005), and Adams and Ferreira
Tod Perry and Shivdasani (2005), and Yermack (2004), for (2009). Director expertise is discussed infra in section 2.3.
some recent work in this area. Some aspects of power related to boards are captured in
8 Also see Hermalin (2004) for a discussion of how Hermalin and Weisbach (1998); see Raghuram G. Rajan
research on corporate boards may inform the study of and Luigi Zingales (1998) for a more general economic
university and college boards. James O. Freedman (2004) analysis of power in organizations. See Asim Ijaz Khwaja,
discusses the relation between universities and colleges’ Atif Mian and Abid Qamar (2008) for work on the value to
boards and their presidents. a firm created by its directors’ social networks.
64 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVIII (March 2010)

­literature on what motivates directors. We “involved in setting strategy for the com-
end with some concluding remarks. pany” (p. 43). Seventy-five percent of respon-
dents to another of Demb and Neubauer’s
questionnaires report that they “set strategy,
2.  What Do Directors Do?
corporate policies, overall direction, mission,
To understand corporate boards, one vision” (p. 44). Indeed far more respondents
should begin with the question of what do agreed with that description of their job than
directors do?11 agreed with the statements that their job
entailed “oversee[ing], monitor[ing] top man-
2.1 Descriptive Studies agement, CEO” (45 percent); “succession,
hiring/firing CEO and top management”
One way to determine what directors do (26 percent); or serving as a “watchdog for
is to observe directors; that is, do field work. shareholders, dividends” (23 percent).
There is a large descriptive literature on The disciplinary role of boards is also
boards (e.g., Mace 1971; Thomas L. Whisler unclear from descriptive studies. Perhaps
1984; Lorsch 1989; Demb and Neubauer reflecting the period he studied, Mace sug-
1992, and Bowen 1994). gests that discipline stems largely from the
The principal conclusions of Mace were CEO and other top management knowing
that “directors serve as a source of advice “that periodically they must appear before a
and counsel, serve as some sort of discipline, board made up largely of their peers” (p. 180).
and act in crisis situations” if a change in Lorsch takes an even dimmer view, suggest-
CEO becomes necessary (p. 178). The nature ing that boards are so passive that they offer
of their “advice and counsel” is unclear. little by way of discipline (see, especially, p.
Mace suggests that a board serves largely 96). Demb and Neubauer’s statistics seem
as a sounding board for the CEO and top broadly consistent with this view, as less than
management, occasionally providing exper- half of their respondents agree that their
tise when a firm faces an issue about which job is to “oversee, monitor top management,
one or more board members are expert. Yet CEO” and less than a quarter agree that
Demb and Neubauer’s survey results find their job is to serve as a “watchdog for share-
that approximately two-thirds of directors holders, dividends” (p. 44).
agreed that “setting the strategic direction of On the other hand, it has been suggested
the company” was one of the jobs they did that the board passivity described by Mace
(p. 43, emphasis added).12 Eighty percent and Lorsch is a phenomenon of the past.
of the directors also agreed that they were For instance, Paul W. MacAvoy and Ira M.
Millstein (1999) suggest that boards have
recently become less passive; that is, they
11  This question is distinct from the question of what have evolved from being “managerial rubber-
should directors do? This second question is answered, stamps to active and independent monitors.”
in part, by the legal obligations imposed by corporate law
(both statute and precedent), having to do with fiduciary MacAvoy and Millstein provide statistical
obligations (see, e.g., Robert C. Clark 1986, especially evidence in support of that conclusion, find-
chapters 3 and 4).
12  It is important to note that the Demb and Neubauer
ing that CalPERS’ grading of a firm’s board
surveys and questionnaires sample very few American procedures is positively correlated with
directors (4.2 percent). The top four nationalities surveyed accounting-based measures of performance.
by them are British (29.6 percent), German (11.3 percent), Another piece of evidence consistent with
French (11.3 percent), and Canadian (9.9 percent). Overall
43.7 percent of their respondents come from common-law the view that boards have become tougher
countries. is that CEO dismissal ­probabilities have
Adams, Hermalin, and Weisbach: The Role of Boards of Directors 65

been trending upward (see Mark R. Huson, agents have career ­concerns, to boards. Within
Robert Parrino, and Laura T. Starks 2001 for that approach, authors have focused on how
evidence over the period 1971 to 1994 and the assessment of ability relates to the power
see Steven N. Kaplan and Bernadette A. of the CEO (e.g., Hermalin and Weisbach
Minton 2006 for more recent evidence). 1998); to the selection of projects and strategy
(e.g., Silvia Dominguez-Martinez, Otto H.
2.2 The Hiring, Firing, and Assessment of
Swank, and Bauke Visser 2008); to the process
of selecting the CEO (e.g., Hermalin 2005);
One role that is typically ascribed to among other issues.
directors is control of the process by
2.2.1 Assessment, Bargaining Power, and
which top executives are hired, promoted,
CEO Control
assessed, and, if necessary, dismissed (see,
e.g., Richard F. Vancil 1987 for a descriptive The first article to apply Holmstrom’s
analysis and Lalitha Naveen 2006 for statis- framework to boards was Hermalin and
tical evidence). Weisbach (1998). In their model, there is
Assessment can be seen as having two an initial period of firm performance under
components, one is monitoring of what top an incumbent CEO. Based on this perfor-
management does and the other is determin- mance, the board updates its beliefs about
ing the intrinsic ability of top management. the CEO’s ability. In light of these updated
The monitoring of managerial actions can, beliefs, the board may choose to dismiss the
in part, be seen as part of a board’s obliga- CEO and hire a replacement from the pool
tion to be vigilant against managerial mal- of replacement CEOs or it may bargain with
feasance. Yet, being realistic, it is difficult the incumbent CEO with regard to changes
to see a board actually being in a position in board composition and his future salary.
to detect managerial malfeasance directly; The board, then, chooses whether to obtain
at best, a board would seem dependent on an additional, costly signal about CEO abil-
the actions of outside auditors, regulators, ity (either that of the original incumbent if
and, in some instances, the news media. retained or the replacement if hired).14 Based
Indirectly, a board might guard against on this signal, if obtained, the board again
managerial malfeasance through its choice makes a decision about keeping or replacing
of auditor, its oversight over reporting the CEO. If replaced, a (another) CEO is
requirements, and its control over account- drawn from the pool of replacement CEOs.
ing practices. Finally, second- (and final-) period profits are
The principal focus of the literature on realized, with the expected value of the prof-
assessment, at least at a theoretical level, has its being a positive function of the then-in-
been on the question of how the board deter- charge CEO’s ability.
mines managerial ability and what it does with The board’s inclination to obtain an addi-
that information.13 One strategy for studying tional signal is a function of its independence
the question of ability assessment has been
the adaptation of Holmstrom’s (1999) model,
which analyzes agency and monitoring when 14  An alternative, but essentially equivalent, model-
ing strategy for this stage would be to assume the board
always receives the additional signal, but the board has
13  Typically, the CEO is a member of the board. In discretion over the informativeness of the signal, with
stating the CEO is at odds with “the board,” we are, like more informative signals being costlier to the board than
the literature, using the board as shorthand for the board less informative signals. See the discussion in Hermalin
minus the CEO. (2005) on this matter.
66 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVIII (March 2010)

from the CEO.15 The board’s independence at ing to budge on the issue of independence
that stage will depend on the outcome of the (willingness to monitor) than salary, at least
bargaining game between the board and the initially; hence, there is movement on inde-
incumbent CEO if he is retained.16 Because pendence. So a CEO who performs well ends
the acquisition of the additional signal can up facing a less independent board. The flip
only increase the risk of being dismissed and side is that a CEO who performs poorly is
the CEO enjoys a noncontractible control vulnerable to replacement.
benefit, the CEO prefers a less independent Malcolm Baker and Paul A. Gompers
board; that is, a board less likely to acquire (2003), Audra L. Boone et al. (2007), and
this additional signal. The board, however, Harley E. Ryan and Roy A. Wiggins (2004)
prefers to maintain its independence. When each find evidence consistent with the idea
the CEO has bargaining power—specifi- that successful CEOs are able to bargain for
cally when he has demonstrated that he’s a less independent boards. Boone et al. find
“rare commodity” by performing well—the that variables that are reasonably associated
board’s independence declines. Intuitively, with bargaining power either for the board
a CEO who has shown himself to be above or the CEO are significant and have the
average bargains on two dimensions: he right sign. In particular, measures of CEO
can bargain for more compensation and, bargaining power, tenure, and the CEO’s
because he prefers to remain CEO rather shareholdings, are negatively correlated with
than be fired, the degree of the board’s inde- board independence. The tenure findings, in
pendence. At any moment in time, given its particular, are precisely what the Hermalin
marginal rate of substitution between firm and Weisbach model predicts. Measures
performance and disutility of monitoring, a that indicate that the CEO has relatively less
board views itself as optimally independent bargaining power, including outside director
(i.e., the directors view any change in their ownership and the reputation of the firm’s
composition that may lead to more or less dil- investment banker at the time of its IPO, are
igence in monitoring as moving it away from all positively correlated with board indepen-
the incumbent board’s optimum).17 Hence, dence. Similarly, Baker and Gompers find
a local change in independence represents that measures that reflect the CEO’s bar-
a second-order loss for the board (the top gaining power, including an estimate of the
of the hill is essentially flat), whereas as an CEO’s Shapley value and the reputation of the
increase in the CEO’s ­salary is a first-order firm’s venture capitalists, have the predicted
loss (the marginal cost of a dollar is always signs (negative for the former and positive for
a dollar). The board, therefore, is more will- the latter) with respect to the percentage of

15  Independence is a complex concept. With respect 17  For instance, if the board’s actions are deter-
to monitoring the CEO, one imagines that directors who mined by a median-voter model, then the incum-
have close ties to the CEO (e.g., professionally, socially, bent median director (voter) knows that moni-
or because the CEO has power over them) would find toring will be optimal from her perspective if 
monitoring him more costly than directors with fewer ties there is no change in board composition. If, how-
(although see Westphal 1999 for an opposing view). We ever, composition changes so that she is no longer the
discuss independence at length infra. median director, then the level of monitoring will no
16  Hermalin and Weisbach assume there is sufficient longer be optimal from her perspective. Provided,
competition among potential replacement CEOs for though, that the tastes of the new median director
the position that a replacement CEO has no bargaining range on a continuum from the incumbent median
power. Their model would be robust to giving a replace- director’s, then having a new median director with
ment CEO some bargaining power as long as it was less only slightly different tastes than the incumbent
than that enjoyed by an incumbent CEO who is retained. represents a second-order loss for the incumbent.
Adams, Hermalin, and Weisbach: The Role of Boards of Directors 67

non-inside directors on the board. At odds Swank, and Visser’s model is that there are
with the Hermalin and Weisbach model and two possible types of CEO, good and bad.
unlike Boone et al., Baker and Gompers find In each of two productive periods, a CEO
a positive—albeit statistically insignificant— draws a project at random from a distribu-
relationship between CEO tenure and per- tion of different projects (conditional on
centage of non-inside directors. Finally, Ryan CEO ability, each period’s draw is an inde-
and Wiggins find that a CEO’s pay becomes pendent event). Think of each project being
less linked to equity performance as his con- summarized by its net present value (NPV).
trol over the board increases (proxied by his The difference between the two types of
tenure and the proportion of insiders). These CEOs is that the ­distribution of ­projects
authors interpret these findings as consistent (distribution of NPVs to be precise) is better
with the Hermalin and Weisbach bargaining for the good type than the bad type (e.g.,
framework, because it suggests that as CEOs the good type’s distribution dominates the
become more powerful, they use this power bad type’s in the sense of first-order stochas-
to improve their well-being (e.g., as here, tic dominance).
where this power allows them to reduce the The CEO sees the “stamped” NPV on the
volatility of their compensation). project he draws, whereas the board does
Baker and Gompers, Boone et al., and not. In the second (final) period, the CEO’s
Ryan and Wiggins are all sensitive to the issue ­incentives are such that he implements the
that governance structures are endogenous. project he draws if and only if it has a positive
Baker and Gompers, in particular, provide a NPV. In the first period, however, the CEO’s
convincing solution to the problem by iden- incentives are possibly misaligned with that
tifying plausible instruments for the endoge- of the shareholders: the CEO values keeping
neous variable in their specification, venture his job. If his first-period actions or perfor-
capital financing, these instruments being mance lead the directors to infer he is the
the state of operation and a time dummy that bad type and the board is not committed to
captures exogenous capital inflows to ven- retain him, then he will be dismissed as it is
ture capital funds. Yet none of these papers better to draw again from the pool of CEOs
sheds light on whether successful CEOs are than to continue to the second period with
able to bargain for a less independent board a CEO who is known to be bad. The CEO’s
within the same firm, because they all rely concern about retaining his job makes it
on analyses of repeated cross-sections of tempting, therefore, for him to avoid risk to
data rather than panel data with firm fixed- his reputation by not pursuing even positive
effects. Shedding more direct empirical light NPV projects in the first period.
on the dynamic nature of the CEO-board One potential solution would be for the
relationship within firms remains an inter- board to commit to retain the first-period
esting topic for future research. CEO for the second period. With that com-
mitment, CEOs would choose only positive
2.2.2 Assessment and Project Selection
NPV projects in the first period. This, how-
Dominguez-Martinez, Swank, and Visser ever, is not necessarily optimal because the
(2008) is a model similar to Hermalin and directors are throwing away the option to
Weisbach (1998). A key difference between replace the CEO if they infer he is likely to
the two is that, in Dominguez-Martinez, be bad. That is, as is also noted in Hermalin
Swank, and Visser, it is the CEO who deter- and Weisbach, the ability to replace a CEO
mines what information the board learns. a board infers is probably bad creates a valu-
An interpretation of Dominguez-Martinez, able real option for the firm.
68 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVIII (March 2010)

Bad type density Good type density

vi v0

Figure 3. Illustration of the Dominguez-Martinez, Swank, and Visser (2008) Model

Notes: The probability density functions over NPV are shown for the two types. From an informational per-
spective, the CEO should be retained if and only if the realized value of a project is above v i. If, however, v0
denotes the project with an NPV = 0, then the board, to limit first-period losses, may wish to commit to retain
the CEO if and only if the realized value is above some cutoff strictly between v i and v0.

Given that good-type CEOs are more ­ ndertakes a positive NPV project. This
likely to have positive NPV projects than bad might seem optimal, insofar as it avoids neg-
types, an alternative strategy for the board ative NPV projects and allows some learn-
would be to commit to dismiss the CEO ing, but could nevertheless be suboptimal:
only if he doesn’t undertake a project. This, how much is learned about the CEO’s abil-
however, is not without cost because now a ity depends on the relative likelihood of the
CEO could be willing to undertake a nega- two types having projects with a particular
tive NPV project if it is not so bad that the NPV. It is possible, therefore, that if a given
disutility resulting from pursuing the project NPV is more likely from a good type than
outweighs his utility from retaining his job.18 a bad type, then it could be worth having
Under this governance rule, some number of that project undertaken even if the NPV is
negative NPV projects will be pursued. negative because seeing the project provides
A third strategy might be for the board valuable information about the CEO’s abil-
to commit to keep the CEO only if he ity. Conversely, if a given NPV is more likely
from a bad type than a good type, then it
could be worthwhile dismissing the CEO
18  Dominguez-Martinez, Swank, and Visser assume a following the realization of the project even
CEO’s first-period utility function is π + λχ, where π is if its NPV is positive. Figure 3 illustrates.
the returns from the first-period project, λ > 0 is his ben-
efit of keeping his job, and χ ∈ {0, 1} indicates whether he Purely from the perspective of optimal infer-
loses or keeps his job, respectively. ence, the board should retain a CEO if he
Adams, Hermalin, and Weisbach: The Role of Boards of Directors 69

has a ­project with an NPV above vi and dis- relatively unknown CEO than that of a
miss him ­otherwise. If, however vi < 0 = v0, more established veteran. The reason is that
then this cutoff implies first-period costs. the option to dismiss a poorly performing
Trading off these first-period costs against CEO and hire a new one is like an exchange
the value of information, the board may option. Consequently, its value is greater,
wish to set a cutoff, vc, between vi and v 0; ceteris paribus, the greater is the amount
that is, a CEO keeps his job if and only if he of uncertainty. Hermalin builds on this
undertakes a project and that project pays insight to examine the relationship between
off at least vc. a board’s structure and its propensity to hire
Dominguez-Martinez, Swank, and Visser a new CEO from the outside (an external
observe that their model offers a possible hire) versus from the inside (an internal
explanation for why evidence of “poor deci- hire). Presumably an internal hire is a bet-
sion making” does not always lead to CEO ter-known commodity than an external hire,
dismissal. Sometimes it is optimal to let a meaning that an external hire offers greater
CEO pursue a bad strategy rather than uncertainty and, thus, a greater option
stick to the status quo (i.e., better to pur- value. An external hire is, therefore, more
sue a ­negative NPV project rather than do valuable ceteris paribus. How much more
nothing) because the information revealed valuable, however, depends on the degree to
from that course of action allows the board which the board will monitor the CEO (its
to update positively about the CEO’s ability. degree of diligence). Like the Hermalin and
Admittedly, as formulated here, the same Weisbach (1998) model, the board makes a
model would also explain the dismissal of decision as to how intensively it will monitor
a CEO after moderate success if moderate the CEO, which is reflected in the probabil-
success is more associated with low ability ity it will get an additional signal correlated
than high ability.19 Dominguez-Martinez, with his ability.20 Without the signal, there is
Swank, and Visser’s model also suggests an no option value. Consequently, the value of
explanation for why new CEOs rarely seem uncertainty about a new CEO is greater the
to be riding with training wheels when more diligent the board (i.e., the more likely
it comes to managing their companies. it is to acquire the signal) and, therefore, a
Limiting a CEO’s range of action, while per- more diligent board is more willing to trade
haps a way to avoid risky mistakes, also lim- off other attributes for greater uncertainty
its how much the board can learn about his than is a less diligent board. Hermalin
ability. Especially early in his career, when argues that this insight offers an explana-
relatively little is known, the expected value tion for why there has been a growing trend
of information can outweigh the expected toward both more external hires and shorter
cost of mistakes. CEO tenures: Due to increased pressure
from institutional shareholders, more gov-
2.2.3 Assessment and CEO Selection
ernment regulations, greater threats of
Hermalin (2005) is concerned with the litigation, and new exchange requirements,
fact that information is more valuable when boards have become more independent and
a board is seeking to infer the ability of a

19  Dominguez-Martinez, Swank, and Visser do not 20 Alternatively, and essentially equivalently, the signal
make this point. This is one of the ways our interpretation is always observed, but its precision is an increasing func-
of their model could be said to differ from their actual tion of the board’s efforts at monitoring. See section 6 of
model. Hermalin.
70 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVIII (March 2010)

ceo Compensation
effort required for
More ceo risk
⇒ more ceo More risk greater effort
incentive ⇒ more
Greater incentive
value of
option More
More Greater Greater
independent propensity ceo
boards to monitor compensation

More uncertainty
⇒ more
ceo more likely fired
likely to be Compensation
discovered low Shorter required for
ability average less job
ceo security

Figure 4. A Graphical Summary of the Hermalin (2005) Model

diligent.21 Hence, boards are more willing CEOs will demand greater pay in compen-
to monitor, which raises the likelihood they sation. Hence, a consequence of more inde-
hire externally for the CEO position.22 More pendent boards over time could be upward
monitoring directly raises the likelihood of pressure on CEO compensation.23 Figure 4
CEO dismissal and indirectly raises it if it summarizes Hermalin’s model.24
leads firms to hire CEOs about whom less is
23 As Hermalin notes, the positive correlation between
One response of CEOs to this greater mon-
board independence and CEO pay in time series need
itoring pressure is for them to work “harder” not imply a positive correlation in the cross section at any
(which could be interpreted as taking less point in time. Hermalin sketches an extension of his model
perquisites). Both because they are led to that would predict a negative correlation in cross section,
despite a positive correlation over time. See his section 5.
work harder and their jobs are less secure, 24  It is worth noting that Hermalin is not the only theo-
retical explanation for the trend toward more external
hires and greater CEO compensation. Kevin J. Murphy
21  See Huson, Parrino and Starks (2001) and Stuart L. and Ján Zábojník (2006); Murphy and Zábojník (2004)
Gillan and Starks (2000) for evidence on trends toward offer a non-boards-based model that takes as its main
greater board independence (technically, boards with a premise that there has been a decline in the value of
greater proportion of outside directors) and the rise of managers’ firm-specific knowledge relative to the value of
institutional investors. their general knowledge. As they show, this will increase
22  See Kenneth A. Borokhovich, Parrino, and Teresa the willingness of firms to hire CEOs externally. Given
Trapani (1996), Huson, Parrino, and Starks (2001), and Murphy and Zábojník’s modeling of the CEO labor mar-
Jay Dahya, John J. McConnell, and Nickolaos G. Travlos ket, this greater willingness to go outside translates into a
(2002) for evidence that the proportion of new CEO hires rise in CEO compensation. Hermalin discusses how his
that are external has been increasing; the last provides model can be extended to incorporate the Murphy and
evidence for this trend outside the United States. Zábojník model, see his section 6.
Adams, Hermalin, and Weisbach: The Role of Boards of Directors 71

2.2.4 Other Assessment Models A recent strand of the literature has

recognized that the board’s monitoring of
A number of other papers examine the the CEO can create, in effect, a danger
mechanisms associated with the board’s of opportunism or holdup by the board.25
assessment of the CEO. Clara Graziano The ability to dismiss the CEO after he has
and Annalisa Luporini (2005) also has a made firm-specific investments means the
board that seeks to determine CEO ability. board can appropriate some of the CEO’s
Critical to their analysis is the presence of a returns, thereby diminishing his original
large shareholder on the board, one who is investment incentives. Two papers in this
willing to bear the cost of monitoring, but strand are Andres Almazan and Javier
who also gains private benefits if the com- Suarez (2003) and Volker Laux (2008). In
pany pursues certain strategies (projects). both, two critical assumptions are (i) initial
Because only the large shareholder will contracts between board and CEO can be
monitor, they find there can be advantages renegotiated and (ii) at least some kinds
to a dual-board system (e.g., as in much of of boards (strong in Almazan and Suarez,
continental Europe) because it may be independent in Laux) cannot commit to not
advantageous to divorce the monitoring role behaving opportunistically or aggressively
from the power to have a say over the com- in renegotiation.
pany’s strategy. David Hirshleifer and Anjan In Almazan and Suarez, after being hired,
V. Thakor (1994) assume that boards always a CEO can, at personal cost, take a discrete
receive signals useful to assessing the CEO’s action that raises, by a discrete amount, the
ability, but boards differ insofar as some are probability that a given strategy or project
lax and some are vigilant. Vigilant boards will succeed. This action is observable by the
may choose to fire the CEO on the basis of board, but not verifiable, which creates an
a bad signal. The situation in Hirshleifer and opportunity for later holdup. After the CEO
Thakor is complicated by the possibility of a takes (sinks) his action, a profitable oppor-
takeover bid by an outside party with inde- tunity for the firm may arise that requires a
pendent information about the firm; con- new CEO to exploit. If the board is strong
sequently, it may behoove a vigilant board enough to fire the incumbent CEO in favor
not to act on its own information, but wait of a new CEO, then the board can use that
to see what information can be learned by possibility to obtain salary concessions from
the presence (or not) of a takeover bid and the incumbent because losing his job means
the price bid. This article also exemplifies the he loses a private benefit. The threat of being
fact that board governance is only one source forced to make such concessions can under-
of managerial discipline and, more specifi- mine the CEO’s initial incentive to take the
cally, it captures the notion that internal and costly action.
external monitoring can serve as substitutes To be more concrete, consider a variation
or complements. Vincent A. Warther (1998) on Almazan and Suarez’s idea:26 Suppose
presents another model in which the board that the new opportunity has the same
acquires information about managerial abil-
ity. Here, unlike the other models we’ve dis- 25  Opportunism and holdup problems have been
cussed, each director gets a private signal studied in a large number of areas of economics since
and aggregation of information is costly inso- Williamson (1975, 1976).
26  The actual Almazan and Suarez (2003) model is
far as a director who indicates he received a
more complex than what we present here. While those
negative signal is at risk of losing his board complications lead to a richer and more nuanced analysis,
seat if he proves to be in the minority. they are not necessary to get the basic idea across.
72 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVIII (March 2010)

expected payoff as keeping the ­incumbent i­ ndependence. This variation in degree of

CEO if he took the action and, thus, a independence acts, however, like a shift
higher expected payoff than keeping him if in bargaining power. Consequently, for
he didn’t take the action. Suppose a weak reasons similar to those in Almazan and
board will never fire the CEO when the Suarez, a firm can be better off with a less
expected value of keeping him equals that independent board than a more indepen-
of the new opportunity, but can fire him dent board.
when the latter is greater. A strong board is
always capable of firing the CEO. Assume 2.2.5 Additional Empirical Analyses of
it is possible, when the threat to dismiss the Assessment
CEO is credible, for the board to capture,
in renegotiation, the CEO’s private benefit There is both anecdotal and statistical
of control and push the CEO to some reser- e­ vidence that boards dismiss poorly per-
vation utility (call it 0). Hence, a CEO with forming CEOs. Based on interviews, Mace
a strong board has no incentive to take the (1971) and Vancil (1987) conclude that
action: If the new opportunity doesn’t arise, boards fire, albeit often reluctantly, poorly
he retains his job no matter what he did, performing CEOs. There are numerous
there is no renegotiation of his compensa- statistical analyses that show poor perfor-
tion, and he enjoys the control benefit. But mance, measured either as stock returns
if the new opportunity does arise he gets 0 or accounting profits, positively predicts a
regardless of his action; either he is fired, change in the CEO.27 Simply documenting a
thus denied both pay and private benefit, relationship between poor performance and
or through renegotiation is forced down to an increased probability of a CEO turnover,
a 0 reservation utility (payoff). Because his although suggestive of board monitoring, is
ultimate payoff is independent of his action, nonetheless far from conclusive. After all, a
he has no incentive to incur the cost of tak- sense of failure or pressure from sharehold-
ing it. The story is, however, different for a ers could explain this relationship. To bet-
CEO who faces a weak board. Now, he is ter identify the role played by the board,
strictly better off if he has taken the action Weisbach (1988) interacts board composi-
and the new opportunity arises: the board tion and firm performance in a CEO turn-
cannot threaten to fire him, so he contin- over equation. His results indicate that
ues to capture rents (wage plus private ben- when boards are dominated by outside
efit). If he didn’t take the action and the directors, CEO turnover is more sensitive
new opportunity arose, then he would lose to firm performance than it is in firms with
both wage and private benefit. If the new
opportunity arises with low frequency, so it
is efficient for the incumbent CEO to take
27 A problem facing empirical work is that firms often
the action, then having a weak board will be
offer a face-saving rationale for a change in CEO (e.g., he
better than having a strong board. wishes to spend more time with his family) rather than
In Almazan and Suarez, the distinction admit the CEO was forced out for doing a bad job. See
between strong and weak boards is a dis- Jerold B. Warner, Ross L. Watts, and Karen H. Wruck
(1988), Weisbach (1988), Parrino (1997), and Dirk Jenter
tinction about their bargaining power. In and Fadi Kanaan (2008) for further discussions of this
Laux (2008), the board always has all the issue and strategies for dealing with it. To the extent
bargaining power at the renegotiation stage non-performance-based CEO turnover is random, it
simply adds noise to turnover regressions, thus reducing
(can make a take-it-or-leave-it offer to the the power of such tests, but leaves them unbiased and
CEO), but boards differ in their degree of consistent.
Adams, Hermalin, and Weisbach: The Role of Boards of Directors 73

insider-dominated boards.28 This result is how to reconcile Yermack’s results with the
­consistent with the predictions of Hermalin renegotiation-based models discussed previ-
and Weisbach (1998) and Laux (2008) under ously: These models suggest that too vigilant
the presumption that outsider domination is (here, small) a board is detrimental to a firm
a good proxy for board independence. insofar as it discourages the CEO from tak-
Yermack (1996) also seeks to relate board ing valuable actions or it means such actions
structure to CEO turnover. Instead of an can be implemented only at greater cost.
interaction between board composition and Yermack’s findings could also be at odds with
performance, Yermack interacts the log of Hermalin and Weisbach’s (1998) bargaining-
board size with financial performance and based model: If larger boards are less vigi-
finds a positive and significant coefficient on lant—effectively less independent—then the
this interaction term.29 That the coefficient logic of the Hermalin and Weisbach model
is positive indicates that firms with smaller suggests a successful CEO will bargain to
boards have a stronger relationship between increase the size of his board. This would
poor performance and CEO turnover than do yield a prediction consistent with Yermack’s
firms with larger boards. This finding is con- interaction effect: larger boards will be less
sistent with the often-heard view that smaller responsive to a signal of poor performance
boards are more vigilant overseers of the CEO than smaller boards. However, because it
than larger boards. In particular, in response is the more successful CEOs who have the
to poor performance, they may not be para- larger boards, the Hermalin and Weisbach
lyzed by free-riding or otherwise plagued model would seem to predict that firms
with inertia in the way that larger boards are. with larger boards would outperform those
Another of Yermack’s findings (supported with smaller boards, which is contrary to
by later work by Theodore Eisenberg, Stefan Yermack’s findings.
Sundgren, and Martin T. Wells 1998) is It may be possible to reconcile Yermack’s
that board size and firm performance, the finding with the Hermalin and Weisbach
latter measured by average Tobin’s Q, are model if (i) a successful CEO is a CEO that
negatively correlated.30 It is not obvious took successful advantage of valuable growth
opportunities his firm had; and (ii) the time
it takes to recognize the CEO was success-
28  Dahya, McConnell, and Travlos (2002); Dahya and ful is sufficiently long that his firm would be
McConnell (2007) find a similar result in the United mature at the time it is recognized, leading
Kingdom: firms that adopted the recommendations of
the Cadbury Commission show a greater sensitivity of to a lower Q.31
CEO turnover to performance than nonadopting firms. Such issues led Coles, Naveen D. Daniel,
Related, Vidhan K. Goyal and Chul W. Park (2002) find and Naveen (2008) to reestimate Yermack,
that the sensitivity of CEO turnover to performance is
less when the CEO also serves as board chair. Adams but with greater attention to heterogeneity
and Ferreira (2009) find that the proportion of women on issues. Consistent with the spirit of figure 2
boards increases the CEO performance-turnover sensi- and the conceptual framework set forth
tivity even after controlling for the proportion of outside
directors, which suggests that the proportion of female there, Coles, Daniel, and Naveen seek to
outside directors—directors outside of the “old-boy net- control for the possibility that boards have
work”—is proxying for board independence.
29  See Olubunmi Faleye (2003) for a similar study.
different sizes because firms face different
30 Average Tobin’s Q is the ratio of the market value of problems. In contrast to Yermack’s findings,
assets to their book value. A presumption in the literature Coles, Daniel, and Naveen find that firm
is that Q > 1 is partially a reflection of the good job man-
agement is doing. As long as one controls for book value of
assets, Tobin’s Q regressions are similar to market-value
regressions. 31  The authors thank René Stulz for this insight.
74 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVIII (March 2010)

performance (average Tobin’s Q) is increas- assumed to have an intrinsic preference for

ing in board size for certain types of firms, the incumbent strategy versus a replacement
namely those that are highly diversified or (the incumbent strategy provides, e.g., more
that are high-debt firms. opportunity to consume perquisites). In an
Perry (1999) breaks down the cross-sec- adaptation of Laux (2008), similar results
tional relationship between CEO turnover would follow if one assumed the financial
and firm performance by whether the out- returns to the replacement strategy are inde-
side directors are paid using incentives. He pendent of the CEO’s initial actions.
finds that the relationship between CEO An alternative modeling approach is to
turnover and firm performance is stronger investigate the choice of strategy as a game
when boards have incentives. This finding of information transmission: the CEO (or
suggests that providing explicit incentives management more generally) has different
to directors leads them to be more vigilant preferences than the board concerning proj-
(act more independently). Beyond incentive ects (strategies). A number of observers are
reasons, another potential explanation is the coming to the view that information trans-
following: in firms that make use of incen- mission between the board and the CEO
tive pay for directors, the directors have a is important for good governance (see, e.g.,
professional rather than a personal relation- Holmstrom 2005). This is particularly true
ship with the CEO and, thus, are relatively when the CEO has payoff-relevant private
independent of him. information, insofar as an agency problem
To conclude this section, it is worth not- arises because the CEO can influence the
ing that few analyses of CEO turnover con- board’s decision through the strategic release
trol for firm-specific heterogeneity using of information.
firm effects. As increasingly long panel-data Adams and Ferreira (2007) build a
sets become available, future research will model based on four broad assumptions:
be able to shed more light on within-firm (i) the CEO dislikes limits on his actions
changes in CEO turnover. (loss of control); (ii) advice from the board
raises firm value without limiting a CEO’s
2.3 Setting of Strategy
actions; (iii) the effectiveness of the board’s
In addition to making decisions concern- control and the value of its advice are bet-
ing the hiring and firing of CEOs, boards ter the more informed the board is; and (iv)
may also be involved in the setting of strat- the board depends crucially on the CEO
egy or, somewhat equivalently, the selection for firm-specific information. In the Adams
of projects. Certainly surveys of directors— and Ferreira model, the board can learn the
see the discussion of Demb and Neubauer amount, a ∈ [0, 1], by which a project should
(1992) above—indicate that directors believe be optimally adjusted (e.g., what the appro-
themselves to be involved in setting strategy. priate level of investment in it should be).
The board can do this, however, only if the
2.3.1 Theory
CEO has informed them about the project. It
To an extent, many of the models discussed is assumed the CEO can withhold that infor-
above could be modified to make them mation, but if he chooses to share it, then
about boards’ oversight of strategy. Instead he must do so honestly (i.e., using the stan-
of replacing the CEO, the board compels dard terminology of the contracts literature,
him to change strategy. In an adaptation of the information is “hard”). The CEO has a
Almazan and Suarez (2003) or Hermalin bias, b > 0, such that he likes to increase
and Weisbach (1998), the CEO could be the size of projects (e.g., invest more than is
Adams, Hermalin, and Weisbach: The Role of Boards of Directors 75

appropriate).32 Ignoring fixed terms and addi- To generate further tension between the
tively separable aspects of their respective board and the CEO, Adams and Ferreira
utilities, the utility of the board and CEO as assume the CEO suffers a personal loss,
a function of the size of the project, s, and the ℓ > 0, if control is taken from him. Further,
true a are quadratic losses, they assume the board is not necessarily
assured of being able to seize control. Rather,
UB = −(s − a)2  and  UC = −(s − a − b)2, the board chooses the probability, π, that it
will seize control. The board incurs a cost that
respectively. The board’s knowledge of a is is increasing in π. The marginal cost of π is,
its private information. The board can, how- however, falling in the board’s level of inde-
ever, send a message m ∈ [0, 1] as to what its pendence. The rationale for this last assump-
value is. Unlike the CEO’s information, the tion is that more independent boards find it
board’s information is “soft,” in that a false easier to confront the CEO than less inde-
message (m ≠ a) can be sent. Provided the pendent boards. Under Adams and Ferreira’s
CEO has the power to choose s and the maintained assumptions, it is never optimal
board has learned a, the message-transmis- for the board to choose π = 1. Critically, the
sion subgame is a cheap-talk game (Vincent board chooses π after the CEO has or has not
P. Crawford and Joel Sobel 1982). This sub- revealed his information. Moreover, because
game has multiple equilibria, but one is max- the value of seizing control is greater when
imally—although not fully—revealing of the the board can set s = a rather than just = μ a ,
board’s information. the board will choose a greater value of π
Observe that s ≠ a (at least almost surely) when it has been informed by the CEO than
because of the CEO’s bias and the imperfec- when it hasn’t. Consequently, the CEO now
tion of information transmission in equilib- has incentive to withhold his information: by
rium. This provides the board with a motive withholding it, he raises the probability he
to assert control; that is, take the choice of s retains control (avoids losing ℓ).
out of the CEO’s hands. Suppose the board If the board is sufficiently lacking in inde-
could always take control. Observe it would, pendence, then the probability of its seizing
then, be in the CEO’s interest to have always control, even if the CEO reveals his infor-
informed it about the project. Absent that mation, is low. In fact, it can be so low that
information, the board would set s = μ a , the CEO is willing to run the increased risk
where μ a = 피{a}. The CEO’s payoff would of losing control that follows his revealing
be a concave function of the random vari- his information in order to gain the board’s
able μ a − a − b, which has an expected advice (i.e., the informative message m),
value of −b. With the CEO’s information, because the advice will help him reduce his
the board would set s = a. The CEO’s pay- expected quadratic loss. Adams and Ferreira
off would be a concave function of the con- show that there can exist an interior equilib-
stant, −b. Since the former scenario is a rium in which, provided the board’s inde-
mean-preserving spread of the second, it pendence is below a cutoff, the CEO indeed
follows that the CEO will prefer the second; reveals his information. Conditional on the
that is, revealing his information. board’s independence being at or below the
cutoff, the firm’s expected profits are great-
est if the board’s independence equals the
32 Alternatively, one could assume he likes to econo-
cutoff. At this level of independence, the
mize on effort, so prefers smaller projects; in this case, expected gain from being able to utilize the
b < 0. The critical assumption is that b ≠ 0. board’s information outweighs the expected
76 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVIII (March 2010)

loss from the size of the project sometimes ­sufficiently valuable relative to the outsid-
being distorted (i.e., in those states when ers’ (i.e., Var(aI )/   Var(aO ) ≥ κ > 1, κ a con-
the CEO retains control). The Adams and stant that depends on parameter values) and
Ferreira model also implies that it may be information is valuable relative to the agency
optimal to separate the advisory and moni- problem (specifically, Var(aI )/  b2 ≥ ω > 1, ω
toring roles of the board; that is, to have a a constant that depends on parameter val-
dual board system as in many countries in ues), then insider control is superior to out-
Europe. sider control. If those conditions aren’t met,
Milton Harris and Artur Raviv (2008) then outsider control is superior.
is similar in spirit to Adams and Ferreira. Like Adams and Ferreira and Harris and
Harris and Raviv assume that the CEO and Raviv, Charu G. Raheja (2005) wishes to
the insider directors, like the outside direc- understand board structure in the light of the
tors in Adams and Ferreira, have information board’s need to obtain information about the
relevant to the quadratic loss. The payoffs, firm’s projects or strategies. Unlike Adams
net of fixed terms and additively separable and Ferreira, where all board members are
aspects of their respective utilities, are equally ignorant, or Harris and Raviv, where
both inside and outside directors respectively
UO  =  −(s − aO − aI )2  and have private information, Raheja assumes
that only the inside directors possess private
UI  =  −(s − aO − aI − b)2, information. In contrast to most of the litera-
ture, Raheja departs from the idea that the
where the subscripts O and I denote outsid- non-CEO inside directors and the CEO have
ers and insiders, respectively, and at is the coincident incentives. Insiders control the
information that the t group of directors CEO through the threat of “ratting” him out
have about the optimal size of the project. to the outsiders, who will then join with the
Observe, now, that the optimal size from the insiders in firing the CEO, should the CEO
shareholders’ perspective is s = aO + aI . The misbehave.
value of at is the private information of the Although a clever model, it is difficult
t group of directors. Unlike in Adams and to reconcile Raheja’s model with the evi-
Ferreira, now it could be suboptimal, from dence in Mace (1971) or Vancil (1987).
the shareholders’ perspective, to give control Insubordination by a CEO’s management
over s to the outsiders: although the insiders team seems exceedingly rare. Moreover,
will almost surely not choose the optimal s what evidence there is about whistle-blow-
given control, they might get closer if their ers (rats) is hardly encouraging for Raheja’s
information is particularly valuable (i.e., the model. Anecdotal evidence, at least, suggests
variance of aI is relatively big). Harris and that whistle-blowers tend to suffer, more
Raviv consider two board structures: outsider than be rewarded, for their actions (see, e.g.,
control and insider control. When group t Joann S. Lublin, 2002). Evidence of whistle-
has control, it has the choice of choosing s blowers going to outside directors is rare—
or delegating the choice to the other group. the most prominent recent whistle-blower,
When group t makes the choice it receives Enron’s Sherron Watkins, for instance went
a message from the other group about that to the CEO (Ken Lay) with her concerns.
other group’s information. As in Adams and Fenghua Song and Thakor (2006) also
Ferreira, the equilibria of these cheap-talk consider information transmission relevant
games do not permit full information rev- to project selection. Like some other work in
elation. When the insiders’ ­information is this area, they build on the ­career-concerns
Adams, Hermalin, and Weisbach: The Role of Boards of Directors 77

notions of Holmstrom (1999). Unlike previ- realized after the project arises, but before
ous work, they assume that both the board the board must commit to the project.
and the CEO have career concerns. Unlike Assume s ∼ N(α, 1/q), where q is a measure
Holmstrom, who assumes all actors are of the board’s quality. Note the uncondi-
equally ignorant about theirs and others’ tional distribution of s is N(0, 1/H), where
abilities, Song and Thakor assume that both 1/H = 1/τ + 1/q. Normalize the firm’s rev-
the CEO and board each know their own enues if the board decides not to pursue the
abilities. In the Song and Thakor model, project to be 0. Using the standard formula
CEO ability means how likely the CEO is for forming posteriors from normal distri-
to identify a project to undertake; whereas butions (see, e.g., Morris H. DeGroot 1970,
board ability means how accurate the board p. 167), the expected value of the project
is at assessing the value of any project put conditional on the signal is
forth by the CEO. Independent of his ability,
r  + ​ _____
the CEO also obtains a signal of a project’s    ​  
q + τ
quality, which he can pass along truthfully
or not to the board. Song and Thakor show The board proceeds with the project if that is
that when the probability of good projects positive; that is, if
is low, then the board will be biased toward
s  ≥  − _______
(q + τ)r
underinvestment. If the probability of good ​  q ​   
  ≡  S .
projects is high, however, then the board will
be biased toward overinvesting. Song and Given the option of blocking a negative NPV
Thakor suggest that the probability of good project, the firm’s expected value prior to the
projects will be low during economic down- reception of the signal is
turns and high during economic booms,
which means their model offers an explana-   ∞

tion of changes in governance over the busi- (1)  V  = ​∫  −∞

 ​ ​  ​max e0, r + ​ ____
q+τ  ​f 
ness cycle: during downturns, the board will
be tougher and, during upturns, the board
will be more lenient. × ​  ___
​  H     exp a− ​ __
 ​     2b ds − w
H ​ s
2π 2
The Song and Thakor model is rather com-
plex, with many moving parts. To provide __
 ​  τH ​
some intuition for its results, consider an = ​____    
​ ϕ(S​ √H ​
adaptation of Hermalin and Weisbach (2009)
motivated by Song and Thakor. Assume __
a risk-averse CEO with career concerns + (1 − Φ(S​ √H ​
))r − w ,
à la Holmstrom (1999). Assume his abil-
ity, unknown ex ante to all, is α ∼ N(0, 1/τ), where w is the CEO’s compensation, ϕ(·) is
where N(μ, σ 2) denotes a normal distribu- the density function of a standard normal
tion with mean μ and variance σ 2.33 A proj- random variable (i.e., with mean zero and
ect arises that will payoff r + α + ε, where variance one), and Φ(·) is the corresponding
r is a known constant reflecting the current distribution function.
economic environment and ε ∼ N(0, ​σ​ 2ε​ ​). A Differentiating V with respect to q, it is
public signal, s, about the CEO’s ability is readily shown that the firm’s expected value,
V, is increasing in the quality of the board,
33 While the realization of α is unknown by anyone, all q, all else held equal. Intuitively, the ability
distributions are common knowledge. to block a bad project creates an option. An
78 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVIII (March 2010)

option that is never exercised is worthless; the measure of the current economic envi-
hence, if the signal were complete noise, as ronment, has the same sign as
would be the case if board had zero qual-
ity (recall the signal’s variance is 1/q), there
would be effectively no option. As the quality ​ ___
d  ​  −r τ
 ϕ a​ ____
 ​b  <  0 ,
of the board and, thus, information improves, dr ​ √H ​
the more valuable this option becomes
and, therefore, the more valuable the firm where the inequality follows because an
becomes. increase in r is a move further into the left
It is not, however, costless to increase tail of the density. Therefore, the marginal
board quality without bound. First, it seems net return to q is falling in r, which means
reasonable that higher quality directors com- that the optimal quality of the board is lower
mand a premium or that providing a board when economic conditions are good (i.e., r is
with sufficient incentives to do a high-quality high) than when they are bad (i.e., r is low).
job is expensive. So the cost of board qual- Intuitively, when times are good, the board
ity is increasing in quality. Under suitable will wish to let mediocre CEOs go ahead
assumptions about this cost function (e.g., with projects, but they won’t when times are
that marginal cost be rising in q), there will bad. Consequently, the value of improving
be an optimal finite value for q. In addition, the monitoring of projects is greater when
if the CEO labor market reacts to the signal times are bad than when they are good.
so that the CEO’s future salary is an increas- Nina Baranchuk and Philip H. Dybvig
ing function of the signal, then the CEO is (2009) is an interesting article in this area
exposed to more future salary risk the more because it is not worried about information
informative the signal is (i.e., the greater transmission between CEO and board, but
is q). Intuitively, the posterior estimate of the among the various board members them-
CEO’s ability is a weighted average of the selves (which, in practice, include the CEO).
prior, which is fixed, and the signal, which Each director i has a belief, ai ∈ ℝ n, as to
is noisy. The more informative the signal is what the firm should do. Similar to Adams
known to be, the more weight is assigned the and Ferreira (2007) and Harris and Raviv
signal. This increases the CEO’s risk more (2008), a director expects to suffer a qua-
than the lower variance of the signal itself dratic loss in the distance between his beliefs
reduces it (see Hermalin and Weisbach 2009 as to what the firm should do and what the
for details). A CEO will require compensa- firm’s actual course of action, ​    
a​ˆ  , is; that is, a
tion for this greater risk, so his initial salary director’s utility is
(w in expression (1)) will have to be greater.
In light of this cost, under suitable condi- − ǁ ai −  ​    
a​ ǁ .
tions, it will again be the case that a finite q
is optimal. The directors arrive at ​    
a​ according to a solu-
From expression (1), the marginal net tion concept that the authors call consensus.
return to q is This solution concept has many desirable
properties, including existence for all such
​ ____
1   ​   −r τ
ϕ a​ ____ ∂w ​  
 ​b H3/2 − ​ ___
__  games. A weakness of the concept, however, is
2τq2 ​ √H ​
    ∂q that there is no explicit extensive-form game
__ __ to which it is a solution (consensus is a coop-
 = −r τ/​ √H ​
(note S​ √H ​
). The change in the erative game-theoretic concept). Another
marginal net return to q with respect to r, issue is there is no scope for ­directors to
Adams, Hermalin, and Weisbach: The Role of Boards of Directors 79

update their beliefs based on what they learn another, partially offsetting problem.35 In the
of others’ beliefs. Absent biases on the part of literature on boards, the offsetting “problem”
the directors, it is not clear why the directors is having a less diligent/less controlling/less
would not freely share their information and independent board. Having a “lax” board is a
arrive at a consensus belief, which in turn way of partially committing to how informa-
would lead to a unanimous choice as to what tion will be used, thereby mimicking, in part,
the firm should do. the commitment that a contractual solution,
By the revelation principle, the informa- were one feasible, would provide.
tion-transmission models discussed here
2.3.2 Empirical and Experimental
could all be solved by a direct-revelation
mechanism if complete contracting were
possible.34 That is, if the parties could fully Ann B. Gillette, Thomas H. Noe, and
commit and monetary transfers of any level Michael J. Rebello (2003); Gillette, Noe and
among them were feasible, then the parties Rebello (2008) perform a series of interest-
could achieve an informationally constrained ing experiments designed to get at the issue
optimum via contracting. There would, of information transmission within the board-
therefore, be no need to worry about board room. In Gillette, Noe, and Rebello (2003),
composition or control. Hence, as is com- they consider a laboratory setting in which
mon of many models seeking to explain the informed insiders are grouped with unin-
institutions we observe, there is a reliance, at formed outsiders in a simulated boardroom
some level, on the assumption that contract- setting. They find that the inclusion of outsid-
ing is necessarily incomplete. In particu- ers improves welfare by making undesirable
lar, either boards cannot commit fully as to equilibria less likely. Gillette, Noe, and Rebello
how they will use the information revealed (2008) compare, again in a laboratory set-
to them or it is infeasible contractually for ting, single-tiered boards, two-tiered boards,
them to pay the CEO (or others) in a man- insider-controlled boards, and outsider-
ner sufficient to induce efficient revelation. controlled boards. They find that two-tiered
For instance, in Harris and Raviv (2008), a boards tend to be overly conservative in their
direct-revelation mechanism would do bet- choices and that outsider-controlled boards
ter than the equilibrium outcomes consid- tend to lead to the most efficient payoffs.
ered provided that the parties could contract The class of models based on strategic
directly on the size of the project as a func- information transfer implicitly relies on
tion of their announcements and they could the assumption that outsider directors are
make transfers. Although this literature less well informed than are inside direc-
tends not to explore fully why contracts are tors. Enrichetta Ravina and Paola Sapienza
incomplete, casual empiricism would sug- (forthcoming) adopt a clever approach to
gest that there are, indeed, limits to both testing this assumption. These authors
commitments and transfers. So, realistically, examine the relative profitability of trades
organizations are necessarily in a second- in their ­companies’ stocks made by ­outsiders
or third-best situation. Consequently, the
“law of the second best” often applies—to 35 An example of the law of the second best is, for
remedy, in part, the second- or third-best instance, encouraging some degree of cartelization of a
problem, the parties can gain by introducing polluting industry: by reducing competition, price will
be driven above private marginal cost; hence, society
may hope to get price closer to social marginal cost (i.e.,
34  Note Song and Thakor is not an information-­ cost inclusive of the negative externality caused by the
transmission model. pollution).
80 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVIII (March 2010)

and insiders and find that both types of on ­real-world boards of directors. How are
directors earn abnormal profits, but that boards structured in practice? Does this
insiders earn better returns than do outsid- structure coincide with the earlier-discussed
ers. These results suggest that both types of theories? How has it changed over time, both
directors have access to inside information in response to changes in the economy and
but that outsiders’ information is strictly regulatory environments?
worse than insiders’. Thus the finding sup-
3.1 Some Facts
ports the underlying assumption of the
information-based models of boards. Observers typically divide directors into
Breno Schmidt (2008) considers a situ- two groups: inside directors and outside
ation in which advice could be particu- directors. Generally, a director who is a
larly valuable, namely during mergers and full-time employee of the firm in question
acquisitions. On the basis of the social ties is deemed to be an inside director, while a
between the CEO and other directors, he director whose primary employment is not
classifies boards as “friendly” (ties exist) and with the firm is deemed to be an outside
“unfriendly” (a continuous measure is also director. Outside directors are often taken to
employed). When it is likely that directors be independent directors, yet the indepen-
possess valuable information about an acqui- dence of some directors who meet the defini-
sition (an index measure), the returns of the tion of an outsider is questionable. Examples
acquirer are higher on announcement of the of such directors are lawyers or bankers who
acquisition for bidders with more friendly do business with the company. Outsiders of
boards. Conversely, when the need to disci- dubious independence are sometimes put in
pline the manager is a greater concern, social a third category in empirical work (see, e.g.,
ties prove to be a negative. Hermalin and Weisbach 1988): “affiliated” or
Although there is a growing empirical lit- “gray” directors. In recent years, public pres-
erature seeking to estimate the role of direc- sure and regulatory requirements have led
tors in strategy setting, it is safe to say that firms to have majority-outsider boards.
this is an area in which much work remains The characteristics of boards of large U.S.
to be done. corporations have been described in a number
of studies. For example, Fich and Shivdasani
(2006) consider a sample of 508 of the largest
3.  How are Boards of Directors
U.S. corporations between 1989 and 1995.
They find that, on average, outsiders make up
We have discussed some explanations for 55 percent of directors, insiders 30 percent,
why there are boards, and why one might and affiliated directors the remaining 15
expect endogenously-chosen boards to pro- percent. The average board contains twelve
vide monitoring of management, despite the directors, each receiving approximately
fact that management typically has some $36,000 in fees (plus stock options), and has
say over the board’s composition. But the 7.5 meetings a year. A number of the directors
theories simply provide a stylized descrip- served on multiple boards; the outside direc-
tion of the underlying tensions in the role of tors in these firms averaged over three direc-
the board in corporate governance. Actual torships. While these data are for large public
governance is much richer than these bare- firms, James S. Linck, Jeffry M. Netter, and
bones characterizations. Tina Yang (2008) consider a larger sample of
There are a number of questions that 8,000 (necessarily) smaller firms, with similar
can only be answered by looking at data patterns in the data.
Adams, Hermalin, and Weisbach: The Role of Boards of Directors 81

While the existence and basic structure shareholders’ ­perspective, the net effect of
of boards have remained relatively constant this regulation is not clear; future research
over time, the way in which they are com- will need to address the extent to which the
posed has changed. Lehn, Sukesh Patro, and additional monitoring offsets the incremen-
Mengxin Zhao (2009) consider a sample of 81 tal costs imposed by Sarbanes–Oxley.
firms that have survived as public companies
3.2 Factors in Board Composition that
from 1935 until 2000. Survivorship bias com-
Potentially Affect a Board’s Actions
plicates the interpretation of their findings,
nevertheless they reflect some basic trends We have already discussed much of the
that have affected boards. First, board size literature relating board composition (in
appears to have a hump pattern over time; it terms of the insider-to-outsider ratio) and
averages 11 in 1935, peaks at 15 in 1960, and board size to board actions regarding over-
declines to 11 in 2000. However, board size sight of the CEO, as well as to overall firm
has become more uniform over time as the performance (see section 2.2). Yet beyond
standard deviation of board size drops from the insider-to-outsider ratio and board size,
5.5 in 1935 to 2.7 in 2000. These companies’ other board attributes no doubt play a role.
boards have become more outsider-domi- Each board of directors is likely to have its
nated as well; insider representation drops own dynamics, a function of many factors
from 43 percent in 1935 to just 13 percent including the personalities and relationships
in 2000. Part of this drop can be explained among the directors, their backgrounds and
by the typical life cycle of firms. As found- skills, and their incentives and connections.
ing families exit and firms become more Some of these factors are readily measured
professionally managed, agency problems while others are not. There has been con-
can become worse as those in control are no siderable research that seeks to estimate the
longer significant owners. In response, firms impact of various board characteristics on
will wish to add outside directors to counter- board conduct and firm performance.
act the increased agency problems.
3.2.1 CEO–Chairman Duality
Since 2000, there have been significant
changes. Sarbanes–Oxley contained a num- Many CEOs also hold the title of Chairman
ber of requirements that increased the work- of the Board; this duality holds in almost
load of and the demand for outside directors 80 percent of large U.S. firms (see Paula
(see Linck, Netter, and Yang 2009 for a L. Rechner and Dan R. Dalton 1991). This
description of these requirements). In addi- structure is viewed by many as giving CEOs
tion, the scandals at Enron and Worldcom greater control at the expense of other par-
have led to substantially increased public scru- ties, including outside directors. To mitigate
tiny of corporate governance. Consequently, the consequent problems, many observers of
boards have become larger, more indepen- corporate governance have called for a prohi-
dent, have more committees, meet more bition on the CEO serving as chairman (see,
often, and generally have more responsibil- e.g., Michael C. Jensen 1993).
ity and risk (again see Linck, Netter, and A number of recent papers have ­examined
Yang 2009). These changes both increased the use of dual titles in corporate ­governance
the demand for directors and decreased the empirically. James A. Brickley, Coles,
willingness of directors to serve for a given and Gregg A. Jarrell (1997) estimates the
price. It is not surprising, therefore, that ­performance effects of combined titles. These
director pay and liability insurance premi- authors find little evidence that ­combining
ums have increased substantially. From the or separating titles affects ­corporate
82 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVIII (March 2010)

­performance. They conclude that the sepa- the constrained optimization program that is
ration and combination of titles is part of corporate-governance design. Hence, impos-
the natural succession process described by ing separate titles would either yield a less
Vancil (1987). In contrast, Goyal and Park optimal solution or lead to a, possibly ineffi-
(2002) find that the sensitivity of CEO turn- cient, work-around that maintained the opti-
over to performance is lower when titles are mal amount of CEO power.36 Moreover, as
combined, consistent with the notion that noted earlier, making the CEO’s job worse
the combination of titles is associated with likely means an offsetting increase in pay as
increased power over the board. Similarly, compensation. Consequently, as with most
Adams, Heitor Almeida, and Ferreira (2005) policy prescriptions in the area of gover-
find evidence consistent with the view that nance, policy makers should be wary of calls
CEOs also holding the chairman title appear for prohibiting the CEO serving as chairman.
to hold greater influence over corporate deci-
3.2.2 Staggered Boards
sion making.
Overall, these studies are consistent with A common, yet controversial, governance
the view that combined titles are associated arrangement is known as “staggered boards.”
with CEOs having more influence in the When a firm has a staggered board, instead
firm. However, this relation is not neces- of holding annual elections for each direc-
sarily causal. Influence inside an organiza- tor, directors are elected for multiple years
tion arises endogenously, and with influence at a time (usually three), and only a fraction
generally come fancier titles. The Goyal and (usually a third) of the directors are elected
Park and Adams, Almeida, and Ferreira in a given year. This practice is typically
findings potentially reflect CEO power that adopted as a way of shielding a firm from
came about endogenously through a manner takeover because a potential acquirer can-
similar to that described in the Hermalin and not quickly take control of the firm’s board
Weisbach (1998) model. In other words, a even it controls 100 percent of the votes.
CEO who performs well would be rewarded This arrangement is more common than one
by his being given the chairman title as well. might imagine—in the Faleye (2007) sam-
Such a process, especially if the increase in ple, roughly half of the firms have classified
power arises because of a demonstrated high (staggered) boards.
ability, would not necessarily imply perfor- While the consequence of the separa-
mance changes following shifts in titles, con- tion of the CEO and chairman positions
sistent with the Brickley, Coles, and Jarrell on firm performance is ambiguous, less
findings. ambiguity exists with respect to staggered
Even if it is true that combining the titles of boards; the empirical evidence indicates
CEO and chairman means that an individual this arrangement is not in the sharehold-
has, on average more influence over his firm, ers’ interests (although, as with much of the
it does not follow that mandating separate empirical work, caution is warranted due
titles would improve corporate performance. to joint-endogeneity issues). Both Jarrell
In fact, Adams, Almeida, and Ferreira— and Annette B. Poulsen (1987) and James
similar to Brickley, Coles, and Jarrell—find M. Mahoney and Joseph T. Mahoney (1993)
that measures of CEO power are not system-
atically related to firm performance. This is
36  Recall that, in a number of models of boards, ceding
consistent with our overarching argument
some control to management is optimal (see e.g., Almazan
that actual corporate-governance practice and Suarez 2003; Laux 2008; Adams and Ferreira 2007;
needs to be seen as part of the solution to and Harris and Raviv 2008).
Adams, Hermalin, and Weisbach: The Role of Boards of Directors 83

find ­negative returns when firms announce s­ ervice (and those who fail to prove them-
they are classifying their boards (although selves become vulnerable to destaggering
Jarrell and Poulsen’s finding is not statisti- and takeover). In this light, stock-market
cally significant). Bebchuk, John C. Coates, reaction to announcements about whether
and Guhan Subramanian (2002) find that the board will be staggered or not could be
a classified board almost doubles the odds due to the news such announcements convey
that a firm remains independent when faced vis-à-vis the bargaining toughness and inde-
with a hostile takeover. Because some would- pendence of the board rather than to simply
be acquirers are no doubt scared off by the whether the board is or isn’t staggered.
staggered board, the Bebchuk, Coates, and
3.3 The Role of Particular Types of Outside
Subramanian findings likely underestimate
the ability of a classified board to resist take-
overs. Bebchuk and Alma Cohen (2005) find To be considered an outsider, a director’s
that firms with staggered boards have lower primary employment must be with a dif-
value than other firms, using Tobin’s Q as a ferent organization than the firm on whose
measure of value. Finally, Faleye (2007) finds board he serves. Outside directors typically
that a staggered board lowers the sensitivity have backgrounds that will enable them to
of CEO turnover to firm performance. be valuable to a board, or to represent an
An implication of the view that staggered important constituency. A small literature
boards entrench managers and decrease considers particular types of directors and
value is that when firms “destagger,” return their specific roles in corporate governance.
to annual elections for all directors, value
3.3.1 Bankers
should increase. Re-Jin Guo, Timothy A.
Kruse, and Tom Nohel (2008) consider a Many firms have bankers on their boards.
sample of firms that destagger and find that Bankers may be added to boards both
the value of these firms does, in fact, increase. because they can monitor the firm for the
They also find that destaggering is not typi- lender for whom they work and because
cally initiated by managers, but by activist they can provide financial expertise. Both
shareholders. Subsequent to the destagger- James R. Booth and Daniel N. Deli (1996)
ing, investor reaction indicates that these and Daniel T. Byrd and Mark S. Mizruchi
firms are more likely to be takeover targets. (2005) consider the extent to which bankers
All of these findings reinforce the view that play a monitoring role. These authors find
staggering boards is a mechanism that serves that, when a director is affiliated with a bank
to protect management by making takeovers lending to the firm, the firm’s overall debt
difficult. ratio is lower. This finding is consistent with
All in all, it appears that firms with stag- a view that such an affiliated director can
gered boards do worse than firms with protect the bank’s interest by discouraging
annual board elections. Of course, some the firm from taking out loans from other
of this effect could be due to endogeneity; banks that could increase the risk to the
firms with already entrenched managers are director’s bank. While monitoring through
more likely to be able to convince sharehold- directorships may benefit a bank, Randall S.
ers to adopt staggered boards. Or, to take a Kroszner and Philip E. Strahan (2001) argue
less sinister view, those managers who prove that such monitoring also involves costs. In
themselves are in a position to bargain for particular, bankers can be held legally liable
greater job security as part of an optimal if they are on the boards of firms that enter
(­second-best) bargain for their ­continued financial distress. Consistent with the idea
84 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVIII (March 2010)

that monitoring through directorships is presence can affect firms long after they
costly, they find that bankers are more likely have left the board. Baker and Gompers
to be on the boards of large, stable firms. find that the initial presence of a venture
They also argue that liability explains why capital investor, especially one with a strong
fewer bankers are on boards of nonfinancial reputation, is likely to decrease the CEO’s
U.S. firms than in other countries, such as bargaining power relative to the board.
Germany and Japan. A. Burak Güner, Ulrike Empirically, a high-reputation venture capi-
Malmendier, and Geoffrey Tate (2008) find talist leads to a more powerful board, even
evidence suggesting that adding commercial after the venture capitalist exits his invest-
bankers to boards increases a firm’s ability ment. The interpretation of this result is
to access debt markets, but that the firms that such a venture capitalist negotiates sub-
that utilize this increased financial flexibil- stantially more control rights than is typical
ity the most are those firms with good credit for outside investors in other private firms.
but poor investment opportunities. Güner, When these firms go public, this balance
Malmendier, and Tate argue that having of power away from management tends to
bankers on boards can be a double-edged persist, leading CEOs in venture-capital-
sword, in that the bankers can improve a ist-backed firms to have less control over
firm’s access to capital markets, but some- their boards than CEOs in non-venture-­
times this improved access works to the capitalist-backed firms.
benefit of the bank rather than the firm
3.3.3 Politically Connected Directors
doing the borrowing. Because they have
panel data, Güner, Malmendier, and Tate Firms that deal regularly with govern-
are able to address, in two ways, the problem ment, such as regulated utilities, or ones with
that financing needs may drive the appoint- significant government contracts, place a
ment of bank directors instead of vice versa. high value on being able to influence govern-
First, they use firm fixed effects to control mental decisions. Consequently, these firms
for heterogeneity among firms. Second, they should have a demand for directors with
argue that bankers associated with failing political connections. Anup Agrawal and
banks are less attractive as directors. Thus Charles R. Knoeber (2001) test this hypoth-
an instrument for the number of commercial esis and, not surprisingly, find that firms that
bankers on the board is the number of direc- are more reliant on governmental decisions
tors hired during financial crises. are more likely to appoint directors with
backgrounds in law and politics. Extending
3.3.2 Venture Capitalists
this idea, Eitan Goldman, Jörg Rocholl, and
Many firms are founded with funding Jongil So (2009) consider the nature of these
from venture capitalists. As a condition of connections in greater detail. These authors
receiving funding, new enterprises must classify directors by the party to which they
yield some degree of control to the venture belong. Around the time of the 2000 elec-
capitalists. Venture capitalists have a fidu- tion, which was a very close win for George
ciary responsibility to their own investors to W. Bush and the Republican party, firms with
exit these enterprises relatively quickly, and Republican-connected boards increased in
generally leave these enterprises’ boards value while Democratic-connected firms
when they sell their ownership stake in decreased in value. This finding emphasizes
them. Despite the shortness of venture capi- the value politically connected directors can
talists tenures as directors, a study by Baker provide and, consequently, the importance
and Gompers (2003) suggests that their of these connections to firms.
Adams, Hermalin, and Weisbach: The Role of Boards of Directors 85

3.3.4 CEOs as Directors evidence of ability (Tobin’s Q), and sitting

on the nominating committee—are posi-
Sometimes an outside director of one tively correlated with interlocks, while CEO
firm is the CEO of another. CEOs of other ownership is negatively correlated. These
firms clearly have management skills and an findings are consistent with a view of inter-
understanding of the issues facing top man- locks as a means of providing the CEO job
agement. Rüdiger Fahlenbrach, Angie Low, security. Finally, John Bizjak, Lemmon, and
and René M. Stulz (2008) consider the effect Ryan Whitby (forthcoming) find that board
of having CEO directors on boards. These interlocks increase the likelihood of “option
authors find no evidence, however, that backdating,” a controversial practice that
CEOs on boards add value, at least relative serves to increase top management’s pay by
to other outside directors. This conclusion is ex post adjusting the date on which options
somewhat at odds with Fich (2005), discussed are dated. This finding supports the view
in detail later, which finds the announcement that boards play a role in setting corporate
that CEOs of well-performing firms will be policies and provides further evidence that
added to the board generates positive abnor- interlocked boards benefit management, pos-
mal returns. sibly at the expense of shareholders.
Fellow CEOs on the board may, how- Overall, there appears to be substantial
ever, reduce firm value in at least one cir- evidence that interlocks and other outside
cumstance, namely when a CEO is added personal relationships between the CEO and
to a board as a part of an interlock; that is, his directors can be associated with poor per-
when the CEO of one firm is added to the formance. As before, however, interpreting
board of a second while the second’s CEO these results is tricky due to the underlying
simultaneously serves on the board of the endogeneity problem. It is difficult to know
first. When directors are added as inter- if the board structure determines the firm’s
locks, Fahlenbrach, Low, and Stulz find that performance or the board structure is merely
firm performance declines. This decline is a manifestation of the power a CEO has over
attributed to mutual “back-scratching”: the his firm and the problems that stem from
implicit threat of what the first CEO can do that. In addition, CEOs may be invited to
for or against the second in the first’s role as join the boards of firms that are performing
director causes the second to act more favor- poorly. These distinctions are not merely of
ably toward the first in the second’s role as academic interest; policies to regulate board
director. Consistent with this idea, Kevin F. composition are often proposed and some-
Hallock (1997) finds that interlocked direc- times enacted. The extent to which these
tors receive abnormally high pay. Similar policies are likely to be effective depends
results are found in Francis Kramarz and crucially on the extent to which the board
David Thesmar (2006) and David F. Larcker structure causally changes firm performance
et al. (2005), who use more sophisticated and is not merely a symptom of underlying
measures of connections between CEOs issues inside the firm.
and boards, and find evidence of worse firm Another issue with CEOs as directors is
performance and higher CEO pay at firms in why should the firm the CEO manages per-
which the CEO has connections to the board. mit him to devote time and effort to other
Fich and Lawrence J. White (2005) explore, firms? Martin J. Conyon and Laura E.
more generally, the reasons why CEOs sit Read (2006) offer a theoretical explanation.
on each other’s boards. They find that mea- Serving on the boards of other firms helps
sures of CEO bargaining power—tenure, to build the CEO’s human capital. Moreover,
86 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVIII (March 2010)

the firm can subtract the opportunity cost of when labor can affect firm policies, either
his time and effort away from the firm from through board representation or equity own-
the compensation it pays him. The interest of ership, it is able to influence firm policies to
the CEO and his firm’s owners are not, how- benefit workers at the expense of sharehold-
ever, perfectly aligned on this matter inso- ers. However, Larry Fauver and Michael E.
far as the CEO also gains a personal benefit Fuerst (2006) find that labor representation
from service on the boards of other compa- on the boards of German firms is associ-
nies (e.g., additional income and prestige). ated with better performance, particularly
Hence, a firm that did not limit the number in firms which have a greater need for coor-
of directorships its CEO could accept would dination. This suggests that labor can bring
find that the CEO accepts more director- valuable first-hand knowledge to the board.
ships than would be optimal from the share-
holders’ perspective. Perry and Urs Peyer
4.  How Does the Board Work?
(2005) provide some evidence consistent
with this argument. They find that accept- The discussion of boards so far has left
ing additional directorships benefits the the working of the board as a black box.
“sending firm” primarily when the sending What they do has been discussed, but not
firm appears to be well-governed. But when how they do it. How do boards function?
the sending firm exhibits potential agency What are the mechanics by which they do
problems, additional directorships appear their jobs? These are questions to which we
value-decreasing. now turn.
An obvious problem in addressing these
3.3.5 Stakeholder Representatives on
questions is that what happens inside a
boardroom is necessarily private. While some
Often, especially outside the United academic research has tried to uncover these
States, a variety of constituencies (stakehold- workings of the board through interviews
ers) with an interest in a firm are represented and case studies (see section 2.1 supra), most
on the firm’s board. A particularly important research has relied on publicly observable
set of such stakeholders is labor. Presumably data that arguably shed light on the inner
the reason why labor is eager to gain such workings of the board.
representation is to influence management
4.1 The Working of Teams
to take actions favorable to workers. Faleye,
Vikas Mehrotra, and Randall Morck (2006) A board of directors is a team. There is
find evidence that supports this notion: a lengthy theoretical literature in econom-
labor-controlled publicly traded firms tend ics on the workings of teams (see Bolton
to invest less in long-term assets, take fewer and Mathias Dewatripont, 2005, §8.1 for an
risks, and exhibit lower labor and total fac- introduction). As, however, was noted earlier,
tor productivity. Similarly, Gary Gorton and application of this theory to boards does not
Frank A. Schmid (2004) consider employee always lead to clear predictions. For instance,
representation on supervisory boards in total board effort can increase or decrease
Germany. These authors find that when labor with the size of the board.
has equal representation, firms trade at a 31 One might hope to resolve such ambigu-
percent discount to firms with 1/3 employee ous theoretical predictions by turning to
representation, and have higher payrolls. the data. If, for example, total board effort
Both the Faleye, Mehrotra, and Morck and is positively correlated with outcomes,
Gorton and Schmid articles suggest that, then a potential test of size on total effort
Adams, Hermalin, and Weisbach: The Role of Boards of Directors 87

would be to examine the relation between theory, warrant more monitors (a larger
­outcomes and board size. Although, as dis- board). Specifically, let C(n) be the cost of
cussed in section 2.2, such tests have been having n directors (e.g., the amount of their
run, their interpretation is complicated by compensation plus other associated expen-
joint-endogeneity issues. The work that best ditures). Suppose that, if a problem exists,
controls for those issues, Coles, Daniel, and the independent probability that a given
Naveen (2008), finds ambiguous results: for director detects it is sp, where s is a measure
“simple” firms, Tobin’s Q decreases in board of the simplicity of the firm and p is a con-
size; while, for “complex” firms, it increases stant. Without loss of generality, normalize
in board size.37 the probability of a problem existing times
One interpretation of Coles, Daniel, and the benefit of correcting it to one. Then a
Naveen’s results is as follows. Directors pro- firm chooses its number of directors, n, to
vide the CEO with advice, as suggested by maximize
field work (see section 2.1). Advice is more
valuable the more complex the firm.38 This (2)  (1 − (1 − sp)n) − C(n) .
is a factor in favor of increasing board size
when the firm is “complex.” The cross-partial derivative of (2) with
Without meaning to suggest this isn’t the respect to s and n is
correct interpretation, it does raise ques-
tions. Although consistent with field work, (1 − sp)n−1 p + n(1 − sp)n−1 log(1 − sp)p ,
one might speculate as to why the CEO
relies on the board rather than, say, man- which has the same sign as
agement consultants for advice. And why is
it that the total quality or amount of advice (3) 1 + n log(1 − sp) .
increases with board size (i.e., why is it that
the free-riding problem isn’t so severe as to If sp > 0.632 or for n large enough, (3) is
make these values decrease with size)? negative—the marginal return to adding
Alternatively, complex firms could be directors is decreasing in the simplicity of the
more difficult to monitor, which could, in firm. Hence, it is optimal for simpler firms to
have fewer directors than should more com-
37 A complex firm is one that scores above the median
plex firms.
on an index of complexity, a simple firm is one that scores
below. The index is positively related to the number of 4.2 Busy Directors
business segments a firm has, its size, and its leverage.
38  For instance, suppose the quality of advice from
director i is qi, where qi ∼ iid
 F. The CEO adopts the best Firms generally want to have outside direc-
advice, which, assume, has a monetary payoff proportional tors who are distinguished individuals who
to max qi   /s, where s is the simplicity of the firm. The ben-
efit from n directors is
also have an ability to add value as directors.
  ∞ Many of these individuals have demanding
1 ​  ​  ​qn F n−1(q) f(q) dq  ≡  __
__    0
​ s ​ ​ ​ 1s ​   피{max q | n} . full-time jobs, such as CEOs, attorneys, or
The cross-partial derivative of that expression with bankers. Even if directors do not have full-
respect to s and n is time jobs, some of them are in sufficient
− __ demand that they serve on many boards,
d피 {max q | n}
​ s2  ​ × ​      
 ​  < 0 ,
dn sometimes as many as ten simultaneously.
where the sign follows because the expectation of the A concern often voiced about this arrange-
extreme value is increasing in the number of draws.
Hence, the marginal benefit of adding directors is declin- ment is that such “extremely busy” directors
ing in the simplicity of the firm. will not be able to devote sufficient effort to
88 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVIII (March 2010)

any one board. The alternative ­argument is assigned one more activity (board seat), her
that the directors who are considered “busy” effort on any given activity falls.39
are in fact chosen to be on so many boards A problem with this simple model is that
precisely because of their high ability, which the number of board seats held by a director
serves to offset the effect of their lack of is not an exogenous variable (i.e., our director
time. Not surprisingly, therefore, the effec- is not compelled to accept M seats). Rather a
tiveness of such “busy” directors has become director has choices. This makes M an endog-
an active area of interest. enous variable, implying that we need to ask
why some directors choose to be busier than
4.2.1 Theory
others. This, in turn, can alter our conclusion
The simple theory behind the problem of that busier directors devote less effort on a
busy directors is that, the busier a director given board than their less-busy colleagues.
is, the less effort he or she devotes to each To see this, assume there are types of direc-
of his or her duties. This idea is readily mod- tors, where a director of type θ derives ben-
eled: Suppose, for simplicity, that the benefit efit θb(am) from effort expended on her mth
a director derives from effort expenditure is activity. A type-θ director’s utility, as a func-
the same for all her activities. Hence, her tion of M, is
total benefit is ​∑ M
m=1  ​ ​
​ b(am ), where am is effort
expended on the mth activity, b : ℝ+ → ℝ+ is (6) M θb(a*(M)) − c(Ma*(M)) .
the common benefit function, and M is the
total number of activities. Critically, assume Utilizing the envelope theorem, the cross-
spending more effort on activity m increases partial derivative of (6) with respect to M
her marginal cost of effort on activity j for and θ is readily shown to be b(a*(M)) > 0;
any pair of activities m and j. This would, for that is, higher-type directors enjoy a greater
instance, be true if her cost of effort func- marginal benefit from adding an activity
tion were c(​∑ M   ​ ​
m=1​ am ), where c(·) is increas- than do lower-type directors. Consequently,
ing and convex (i.e., her utility for leisure higher-type directors will optimally choose
exhibits diminishing marginal utility). If b(·) to do more activities than lower-type direc-
is concave, then the director optimally allo- tors. Moreover, because a higher-type direc-
cates her efforts equally across her activi- tor enjoys a higher marginal return to effort
ties; specifically, effort on activity m satisfies than does a lower-type director, a higher-
the first-order condition type director expends more effort than a
lower-type director holding constant the
M number of activities. In other words, busier
(4) b′(am ) − c′ a  ​∑  ​ aj b = 0 .
  ​ ​ directors are higher types who would, thus,
j=1 expend more effort per activity were they

We can rewrite (4) as 39  Proof: Suppose not; that is, suppose a*(M + 1) ≥
a*(M). Because her marginal costs are rising in total effort,
it follows that
(5) b′(a*(M)) − c′(Ma*(M)) = 0 ,
c′(Ma*(M)) < c′((M + 1)a*(M + 1)) .
Expression (5) then entails
where a*(M) is the optimal amount of effort b′(a*(M)) < b′(a*(M + 1)) ,
she expends on any one activity given that
but, because she has diminishing marginal ben-
she is undertaking M activities. Using (5), efits, this last expression implies the contradiction
it follows that a*(M + 1) < a*(M); that is, if a*(M) > a*(M + 1).
Adams, Hermalin, and Weisbach: The Role of Boards of Directors 89

Table 1
Utility for Different Director Types According to  
Number of Directorships Taken

Utility for type

Directorships θ=9 θ = 15

3 13.33 33.71
4 13.47 37.78

5 12.33 39.70

6 10.20 39.98

7 7.27 38.94

Note: Numbers are calculated according to the example connected to expression (7) in the text.

____ ___
restricted to the same number of activities      √9/4 ​
Because ​ √15/6 ​ > ​   , it follows that the
as less-busy (lower-type) directors. This is a directors who are busier in equilibrium (the
countervailing effect vis-à-vis the less-effort- 15-type) expend more effort on each of their
the-more-activities effect identified in the directorships than do the less-busy directors
previous paragraph. Which of the two effects (the 9-type) on each of theirs. In other words,
dominates is, a priori, indeterminate. Theory, busier does not equate to less effort in this
therefore, does not offer a definitive predic- example.
tion about the effort of busy directors once
4.2.2 Empirical Work on Busy Directors
one recognizes that the number of board
seats held is endogenous. Given that theory is ambiguous in its pre-
To illustrate why this is an important  diction of the overall effect of busy directors
fact to recognize, suppose that b(a) = log(a) on firms, people have attempted to discern
and c(x) = x2 /2. Straightforward
___ calcu- empirically which of the two effects domi-
lations reveal that a* = ​ √θ/M ​
. Expression nates. In other words, is the fact that busy
(6) is readily shown to equal directors are likely to be relatively high
quality directors more important than the

___ impact of their potential lack of time on their
(7) ​  θ  ​ ​  b − ​ 
θM log a​  __  
θ  ​ 
___  , effectiveness? Consistent with the qual-
M 2M
ity arguments, Kaplan and David Reishus
(1990), Booth and Deli (1996), and Stephen
which is a globally concave function of M for P. Ferris, Murali Jagannathan, and Adam C.
any θ. Suppose there are just two types, 9 and Pritchard (2003) find that there is a positive
15. Table 1 demonstrates that the optimal relationship between a firm’s performance
number of activities (directorships) is 4 for and the additional directorships acquired
the 9-type and 6 for the 15-type director. by its board members: when the firm cuts
90 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVIII (March 2010)

its ­dividend, its directors lose directorships some underlying governance problem. For
(Kaplan and Reishus); when a firm performs example, Shivdasani and Yermack (1999)
well, its directors are more likely to land document that busy directors are more likely
seats on other boards (Ferris, Jagannathan, to be appointed to the board when the CEO
and Pritchard). Ferris, Jagannathan, and has more influence over the director-nomi-
Pritchard also find that “busy” directors nating process. Thus, the presence of many
are equally likely to serve on committees busy directors could indicate a situation in
as other directors and are no more likely to which the CEO has too much power. In this
be sued than other directors, which these case, the finding that busy directors affect
authors interpret as supporting the view performance need not say anything about
that busy directors do not shirk on their the effort that busy directors exert. Perhaps
responsibilities. the development of more direct effort mea-
However, not being sued and agree- sures can aid in the understanding of busy
ing to serve on committees seem like rela- directors. Adams and Ferreira (2008) show
tively indirect tests of the hypothesis that that directors with more directorships are
being busy hurts performance. Fich and more likely to have attendance problems at
Shivdasani (2006) provide more direct tests board meetings, which suggests that busy
of this hypothesis. Fich and Shivdasani find directors spend less time at each firm. Busy
that firms with a majority of directors who directors could, though, still be of a higher
serve on three or more boards have lower type, as we describe above, thus total effort
market-to-book ratios than other firms. In exerted by busy directors could be similar to
addition, CEO turnover is less sensitive to that exerted by less busy directors.
performance in such firms compared to oth-
4.3 Board Committees
ers. Stock prices increase when busy direc-
tors depart a board. Conversely, the stock Boards usually do most of their work
price of the firms on whose boards they in committees, and data on the commit-
already sit declines when busy directors tee structure is generally publicly available.
add an additional board seat. Overall, these Some authors have used these data to study
­findings ­suggest having busy directors on a the functioning of the board.
board can fail to be in the firm’s interests.40 Shivdasani and Yermack (1999) use infor-
The above contributions notwithstand- mation about the nominating committee to
ing, more research is still necessary to fully draw inferences over the CEO’s influence on
understand the impact of busy directors. the board. These authors find that, when the
Most empirical work relates “busy” directors CEO serves on the nominating committee
to aggregate firm outcomes. While it is pos- or when there is no such committee, fewer
sible that several additional directorships of independent directors are appointed and the
directors can hurt firm performance, it often stock price reaction to independent director
seems implausible that “busyness” should appointments is lower than when there is a
have an economically meaningful effect. nominating committee that does not include
Instead, busyness may simply be a proxy for the CEO. This effect could be causal, in
that being on the nominating committee
40 Although, drawing from Khwaja, Mian, and Qamar could allow CEOs to exercise control over
(2008), having a director who sits on many other boards board selection, or it could simply reflect
can improve a firm’s network and, hence, add value. It is that more powerful CEOs are both able to
possible that the importance of this effect is greater in a
developing country (such as the one studied by Khwaja, get appointed to nominating committees and
Mian, and Qamar) than in a developed country. also to influence director selection. In either
Adams, Hermalin, and Weisbach: The Role of Boards of Directors 91

case, the Shivdasani and Yermack findings management toward professional manage-
are consistent with the view that powerful ment, the board plays a larger role in corpo-
CEOs are able to influence the structure of rate governance.
their board. Finally, a number of papers have used
April Klein (1998) considers the relation data on audit committee membership to
between firm performance and board com- draw inferences about the accounting pro-
mittee structures. She finds that, although cess inside of firms.41 This literature looks at
there is no relation between overall board the quality of accounting, such as whether
composition and firm performance, the firms manipulate earnings through accruals
number of insiders on the finance and invest- and whether a firm’s earnings response coef-
ment committees is positively associated ficient means that earnings are informative
with better performance. The same causal- about value. In general, these papers find
ity question as discussed above is relevant that the makeup of the audit committee is
for interpreting her findings: Do insiders correlated with these variables of accounting
on the finance and investment committees quality. Once again, it is difficult to infer cau-
cause good performance or is this commit- sality from these studies. While it is possible
tee structure somehow a consequence of bet- that audit committees play a role in improv-
ter performance? In particular, if firms can ing accounting practice, it is also possible that
improve performance substantially simply by firms determined to improve their account-
rearranging their committee structure, why ing change both their accounting practices
haven’t all firms “optimally” rearranged their and their audit committee membership.
committees? On the other hand, it is pos- Committees are definitely an area where
sible that firms face external pressure to staff more work can be done. We still lack a good
committees with outsiders, which leads them understanding of the causes of variation in
to suboptimize by having too few insiders on committee structure; nor do we understand
key committees. the relation between committees and the full
More recently, Adams (2003) and Rachel board. One reason for a lack of progress in
M. Hayes, Hamid Mehran, and Scott understanding committees is that there is, as
Schaefer (2004) have considered board com- yet, no readily available (“canned”) data set
mittee structure in more detail. Adams uses containing all committees.
the committee structure of boards as a way
to infer the nature of the tasks to which
5.  What Motivates Directors?
boards spend their time. She finds that
boards of diversified firms devote more time Directors have a fiduciary duty to protect
to monitoring while boards of growing firms shareholders’ interests. Yet, their interests
devote more time to strategic issues. Hayes, are unlikely to be perfectly aligned with the
Mehran, and Schaefer find a number of shareholders’. Their incentives, therefore,
results, most of which reflect the number of have been a natural topic for research, which
committees and their tasks. The committees we survey here. Given that the preceding dis-
of larger firms and ones that pay dividends cussion touches on these issues here and there
tend to have more tasks assigned to them,
while those in firms with higher CEO owner-
ship have fewer tasks. These findings suggest 41 A partial list of this literature includes Kirsten L.

that the board is part of the professionaliza- Anderson, Deli, and Gillan (2003), Ronald C. Anderson,
Sattar A. Mansi, and David M. Reeb (2004), Deli and
tion of the firm. As the firm becomes larger, Gillan (2000), Klein (2002), and Biao Xie, Wallace N.
more mature, and transitions from founder Davidson, and Peter J. DaDalt (2003).
92 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVIII (March 2010)

and we seek to avoid unnecessary repetition, c­ ollusion between directors and manage-
this section will prove to be relatively short. ment, but many of these have also been
addressed in the broader literature (see, e.g.,
5.1 Direct Compensation
Tirole 1986, 1992).
Like all economic actors, directors may An interesting board-specific theo-
be presumed to prefer greater wealth to less retical analysis is Praveen Kumar and K.
wealth; hence, they should be responsive to Sivaramakrishnan (2008). First, unlike
financial incentives. Indeed, firms routinely almost all the theoretical literature on
use a variety of such incentives including boards, Kumar and Sivaramakrishnan exam-
additional fees for attending meetings, stock ine the role of the board in setting the CEO’s
and option grants, and performance bonuses. incentive compensation. Second, the authors
For a sample of 1,198 firms in 2002, Stephen explicitly study the role of incentive pay for
H. Bryan and Klein (2004) report that the directors with respect to the performance of
average director received $102,976 in total their duties. Among their findings are that
annual compensation; of this, $71,839 was board independence and board incentive
incentive pay and $31,137 was cash. The pay could be substitutes; independent boards
latter figure also contains an incentive com- could be less diligent monitors than less-
ponent insofar as approximately $8,129 are independent boards; and, as a consequence,
attendance-contingent fees. Roughly 73 having a maximally independent board need
percent of firms in the sample made option not be best for the shareholders ceteris pari-
grants and 37 percent stock grants.42 Yermack bus. The basic intuition is as follows. A less-
(2004) finds evidence that when all incen- independent board, knowing it will not be as
tives are accounted for (including keeping strong a negotiator against the CEO when
current board seats and gaining new ones), it comes time to set his compensation, has a
the average outside director of a Fortune 500 stronger incentive than does a more-indepen-
firm gains 11 cents for each $1,000 increase dent board to learn payoff-relevant informa-
in firm value. He finds that a one standard tion prior to those negotiations. The reason
deviation change in the market capitaliza- being that such information helps to offset
tion of the median sample firm (a $2.6 billion their weaker bargaining position. In essence,
change) results in a $285,000 change in an a less-independent board is playing a “lash
outside director’s wealth. itself to the mast” strategy because it knows
it won’t be able to resist the CEO’s demands
5.1.1 Theory
as well as it would otherwise like. Because a
From a theoretical perspective, the basic less-independent board has a stronger incen-
ideas of incentive pay are well known and tive to gather information, the strength of
have been analyzed at depth (see, e.g., the compensation incentives it requires is
Holmstrom 1979, Steven Shavell 1979, and less than would be required by a more inde-
Sanford J. Grossman and Oliver D. Hart 1983; pendent board. Hence, it is cheaper for the
Bolton and Dewatripont 2005 offers a text- shareholders to employ a less dependent
book treatment). The three-level ­hierarchy of board in terms of inducing the board to learn
shareholders–directors–­management gener- payoff-relevant information. Of course, the
ates some additional issues, such as ­possible fact that it is a more dependent board means
the shareholders bear other costs; but as
42  See Katherine M. Brown (2007) for a survey of
Kumar and Sivaramakrishnan show, it is pos-
some of the, largely legal, issues connected to director sible for the former effect to be great enough
compensation. to outweigh these other costs.
Adams, Hermalin, and Weisbach: The Role of Boards of Directors 93

5.1.2 Empirical Work significant predictor of option compensation.

In relating board independence to the struc-
There has been some empirical work on ture of director compensation, it is important
the determinants of director compensation. to keep in mind that inside directors are not
Nikos Vafeas (1999) conducts a matched- paid for their board service. Hence, it may
sample analysis with a sample of 122 firms simply be too costly to introduce sophisti-
that adopted a director compensation scheme cated compensation contracts when there
(a plan providing for the grant of stock or are few outside directors. As the number of
options) between 1989 and 1995 and 122 that outsiders grow, it may be more reasonable to
did not (and had not). He finds that a strongly ask shareholders to approve director stock
significant predictor of adoption is the propor- option and share plans.
tion of outside directors, which is positively Like Bryan and Klein, Fich and Shivdasani
related to adoption. Comparing adopters and (2005) find that firms with high market-to-
their matched nonadopters three years after book ratios are more likely to utilize option
plan adoption, Vafeas finds adopters continue compensation for their directors than firms
to have a higher proportion of outside direc- with low market-to-book ratios. They further
tors. A comparison of differences between find that, consistent with an attenuation-
adopters and nonadopters, along with sug- of-agency-problems story, the stock market
gestive, but not always statistically significant, reacts favorably to the adoption of a director
regression coefficients, indicate that firms that stock-option plan. Adoption led to significant
adopt tend to be larger (as measured by sales), cumulative abnormal returns (0.31 percent
are less likely to have an unaffiliated block- for all adopters, 0.18 percent for a subsample
holder, and have busier directors. Vafeas puts of “uncontaminated” events). Adoption also
forth the interpretation that adopting firms led to an improvement in the earnings-per-
are more reliant on the board as a monitoring share forecast.
device and, thus, contingent compensation is On the other hand, it is possible that,
part of this governance strategy. instead of being a solution to an agency
Consistent with Vafeas (1999), Bryan and problem, director compensation plans are
Klein (2004) find evidence that firms with evidence of an unresolved agency prob-
greater agency problems make greater use of lem. Ivan E. Brick, Oded Palmon, and John
option compensation for outside directors.43 K. Wald (2006) find a strong positive correla-
In contrast to Vafeas, they find no evidence tion between excess CEO compensation and
that the percentage of outside directors is a excess director compensation, where excess
compensation is defined as the residual
43  The authors use measures of investment opportuni-
from a pay-for-performance regression. If
ties (either R&D expenses or market-to-book ratio) as an the regression residuals were truly random
agency variable; the idea being that having more poten- errors, then they should be uncorrelated.
tially squanderable investment opportunities means the Correlation indicates systematic factors
agency problem is worse. Other agency variables are lever-
age and being regulated; the disciplining nature of debt or within each firm. Brick, Palmon and Wald
outside regulation reduces agency problems. More contro- suggest that one such systematic factor could
versial is a measure of closeness to financial distress; the be “cronyism” between the directors and the
authors argue that distress leads to greater creditor con-
trol, which reduces the agency problem. Alternatively, the CEO; that is, the directors and CEO collude
higher likelihood that the stock will be worthless reduces together against the shareholders to improp-
the value of stock options, making them a less-powerful erly increase their compensation.
incentive for directors. Or, as another alternative, the
creditors, worried about the asset-substitution problem, Other authors (Perry 1999 and Adams
want to avoid giving directors incentives to gamble. and Ferreira 2008) have sought to ­determine
94 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVIII (March 2010)

whether incentive pay for directors has an Nevertheless, as we have emphasized, omit-
effect on their actions. Adams and Ferreira ted variables are always a worrisome pos-
(2008) estimate the effect of meeting-atten- sibility when interpreting these (and other)
dance fees on directors’ decisions to attend findings.
board meetings. These authors find, some-
5.2 Reputational Concerns
what surprisingly given the high opportunity
cost of most directors’ time, that receiving What other motivations, besides direct
as little as $1,000 per meeting significantly compensation, could affect director behav-
increases attendance. Consistent with the ior? A possible motive that has been heav-
view that incentive pay improves perfor- ily investigated is the concern that directors
mance, Perry finds that incentive pay makes have for being seen as able business people.
outsider-dominated boards even more An idea, dating back at least to Eugene F.
likely to dismiss the CEO for poor financial Fama (1980), is that concern for his repu-
performance. tation will cause an agent to act more in
An important consideration when evalu- his principal’s interests than standard
ating studies of director compensation is approaches to agency might suggest. On the
that both directors’ compensation and their other hand, as Holmstrom (1999) observes,
actions could be a function of some third reputational concerns are not sufficient to
factor. For example, one possible source eliminate agency problems and they can, in
of variation in governance is between pro- fact, create additional ones. With respect to
fessionally managed and family firms. It is the latter, reputational concerns can gen-
likely that professionally managed firms are erate agency problems with respect to the
more likely to hire compensation consultants agent’s choice of risky projects.44
when designing director compensation sys- Directors’ reputations are likely to be
tems, and consequently are more likely to important in the market for directorships.
include incentive-based plans, and are also A strong reputation presumably aids in get-
likely to have higher levels of compensation ting more board seats or retaining the ones
(given directors must be hired via arms- already held, a weak reputation the oppo-
length transactions). Such an explanation is site. Stuart C. Gilson (1990) and Kaplan
often difficult to rule out—although Adams and Reishus (1990) examine this possibility
and Ferreira (2008) are largely able to do empirically.45 These articles find that poorly
so by using both director fixed effects and performing CEOs are less likely to gain board
directorship effects (which control for fam- seats on other companies than well-perform-
ily versus non-family firms) and instrumental ing CEOs (with poor performance being
variables to address endogeneity problems.
It is also likely that these professionally 44  In Holmstrom (1999), reputational concerns cause
managed firms have higher market-to-book the agent to shy away from risky projects. As, however,
ratios, higher attendance at board meetings, others have noted, that conclusion depends on whether
outside observers know the risk of the project taken. If
and more performance-based evaluation of they do, then an agent could rationally be overly risk lov-
the CEO. The professionalism of the man- ing when choosing projects. The reason is that observers
agement team is only one of many possible will not update their beliefs about the agent’s abilities
much in response to a risky project’s outcome, because
omitted variables. On the other hand, there it is a noisy signal; consequently, the risk to the agent’s
is no “smoking gun” to indicate that one or reputation is lower than if he undertook a less risky and,
more omitted factors are the explanation for hence, more informative project. See, e.g., Hermalin and
Weisbach (2009) for a more complete discussion of this
the results of these studies (and, as noted, issue in a governance context.
Adams and Ferreira 2008 is very careful). 45 Another article in this area is Yermack (2004).
Adams, Hermalin, and Weisbach: The Role of Boards of Directors 95

indicated by financial distress or a reduction public reputation as a poor monitor is hurt

in dividends, respectively, in the two stud- with respect to the number of board seats he
ies). Fich (2005) studies the stock-price reac- or she holds. At the same time, however, a
tion to adding directors of different qualities. director who develops a private reputation as
Most noticeably, he finds that the cumulative a poor monitor—that is, as someone unlikely
abnormal return in response to the addition to rock the boat—might be favored by CEOs
of a director who is CEO of another firm is who are looking to acquire power at the
significantly greater the higher the industry- expense of the board. Certainly, a number of
adjusted ROA of his firm is. The new direc- the models discussed in section 2.2 rely on
tor’s holding an MBA also has a positive there being observable (to the CEO at least)
impact on the cumulative abnormal return, differences across directors in the intensity
albeit at a marginal level of significance. A with which they carry out their monitoring
sobering finding about our own reputations roles.
is that adding academics to a board is asso- A model that partially gets at this dual ten-
ciated with a negative return, although the sion is Warther (1998). In his model, there
effect is not statistically significant. is a three-person board consisting of two
Fich and Shivdasani (2007) examine the outside directors and the CEO. The outside
effect on directors’ reputations if they sit directors care about their public reputation,
on the boards of firms that are the subject so wish to remove a poorly performing CEO.
of shareholder class-action lawsuits alleging The CEO, of course, never votes for his own
financial fraud. They find that outside direc- removal, so any removal requires unanimity
tors are no more likely to leave the board of between the outside directors. A problem in
the sued firm than they would be otherwise. achieving unanimity is that the two outside
These directors do, however, see a significant directors receive private signals of the CEO’s
drop in other board seats held. The size of ability that are, conditional on his abil-
this drop is greater the more severe the fraud ity, independently distributed. The outside
allegations (there is an associated formal directors can share information, but only in a
action by the sec) and when they arguably costly manner: an outside director who indi-
bear greater responsibility for monitoring cates she has a negative signal of the CEO’s
fraud (they serve on the audit committee). ability will be punished for her disloyalty to
Finally, these “tainted” directors are more the CEO by losing her board seat if she fails
likely to lose directorships at firms with argu- to oust him. Consequently, both directors
ably stronger corporate governance (as mea- can receive moderately bad signals about the
sured by the Gompers, Joy Ishii, and Andrew CEO, such that it would be optimal to oust
Metrick 2003 index) and their departure is him, but neither speaks up for fear of losing
associated with positive cumulative abnor- her seat. If, however, a director’s signal is bad
mal returns for these firms. enough, then (i) her concern for her public
Although such studies are valuable, it reputation will be more severe and (ii) the
is worth observing that they touch only on more likely it is that her co-outside director
measures of reputation visible to the econo- has also received a bad signal; hence, in this
metrician; they don’t necessarily pick up on case, she speaks out against the CEO. The
“soft” dimensions of reputation. In particu- overall result is that only truly awful CEOs
lar, a director who wishes to maintain or get fired, with too high a proportion of weak
obtain board seats could, at least in theory, CEOs’ getting to keep their jobs.
face a reputational trade-off. As the studies As formulated, there are two points of
above indicate, a director who develops a concern with the Warther model. First, why
96 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVIII (March 2010)

has the CEO been granted the power to Adam Smith 1776).46 Because of corpora-
determine who remains on the board? If the tions’ ­enormous share of economic activ-
CEO can’t retaliate against a boat-rocker, ity in modern economies, the cost of their
the problem disappears. Second, why don’t agency ­problems is extremely important.
the outside directors share their evidence Consequently, corporate governance and
privately from the CEO and coordinate the role of boards of directors are issues
their subsequent actions? In the Warther of fundamental importance in economics.
model, the directors, having shared infor- Understanding the role of boards is vital both
mation, will agree as to the CEO’s abil- for our understanding of corporate behavior
ity and will, thus, agree about whether he and with respect to setting policy to regulate
should go or stay; hence, the CEO’s power corporate activities.
to rid himself of a ­trouble-making director Given the fundamental importance of the
is no longer relevant. As noted previously, issue and its prominent place in the public
granting the CEO an ability to influence eye, it is not surprising that there has been
board membership is consistent with field a surge of research on boards of directors;
studies (e.g., Mace 1971), but this doesn’t indeed, perhaps the surprising fact is that it
explain why he has that power. It is pos- has taken so long for boards to become such
sible that integrating Warther’s model into an active topic of research. We survey this lit-
a bargaining-type model of board determi- erature here, paying special attention to that
nation (e.g., Hermalin and Weisbach 1998) done by the economics and finance profes-
could rationalize the CEO’s ability to retali- sions, and also to that research done subse-
ate against dissenting directors. The second quent to the Hermalin and Weisbach (2003)
issue might also be finessed by a suitable survey. Unavoidably there is much work we
change in the model. Suppose the direc- have neglected; one of the difficult aspects
tors, for some reason, do not agree what the of writing this survey is that there are new
standard for dismissal should be. The more papers appearing nearly every day, outstrip-
hard-nosed director could be reluctant to ping our capacity to write about them!47
approach the more lenient director for fear Boards of directors are difficult institu-
(i) they would reach different conclusions tions to study. The two questions most asked
and (ii) the more lenient director might rat about boards concern what determines their
her out to the CEO (perhaps to curry favor
with the CEO, to avoid future problems 46  With respect to directors, Smith wrote “The direc-
with a dissident director, or to promote a tors of such companies, however, being the managers
private reputation among CEOs as a direc- rather of other people’s money than of their own, it cannot
tor who doesn’t rock the boat). well be expected that they should watch over it with . . .
anxious vigilance . . . Negligence and profusion, therefore,
must always prevail, more or less, in the management of
the affairs of such compan[ies]” (Book V, Part III, Article
6.  Conclusions I, “Of the Publick Works and Institutions which are nec-
essary for facilitating particular Branches of Commerce,”
Corporate governance, and in particu- paragraph 18).
lar the role of boards of directors, has been 47 A possible reason for the growth in the literature

the topic of much attention lately. Although is better data availability. A number of new databases
on boards have become available and have been used in
this attention is particularly topical due to a number of studies. A database provided by Compact
well-publicized governance failures and Disclosure has a long time series, running from 1988 to
subsequent regulatory changes, corporate the present, while an alternative database provided by
IRRC has detailed information on committee structure
governance is an area of longstanding inter- and the professional background of directors. Both data-
est in economics (dating back to at least bases are used and described in Fahlenbrach (2009).
Adams, Hermalin, and Weisbach: The Role of Boards of Directors 97

makeup, and what determines their actions. unseen third force that determines the pro-
These questions are, however, fundamen- portion of outsiders on the board, the per-
tally intertwined—the makeup of boards is formance of the CEO, and proclivities of the
interesting because it affects what the board former to fire the latter.
does; and, consequently, their makeup is Ultimately, many of the strongest empiri-
influenced by a desire to affect what they do. cal regularities that have been found can best
This problem of joint endogeneity is vexing be interpreted as statements about both the
for both theoretical and empirical research director-selection process and their direct
on boards; research that focuses on one side effect on board actions. For example, stag-
of the equation while ignoring the other is gered boards tend to base ­CEO-retention
necessarily incomplete and the results mis- decisions less on their CEO’s performance
leading. Nevertheless, progress has been than do non-staggered boards. Why?
made, much of it in the last five or six years. Perhaps because, as the consequence of
Empirical study of boards is difficult for a past good performance, the CEO gains
number of reasons. First, one must deal with bargaining power, which he uses to protect
broader than ideal classifications of directors. himself. Thus, for instance, he arranges for
An outside director, for instance, gets coded his board to become staggered; but increas-
as such whether she is truly independent or ing his power in this way comes at the cost
she’s the CEO’s oldest friend.48 Second, nearly of a reduced ability to discipline him in
all variables of interest are, as discussed, the future should circumstances warrant.
jointly endogenous. Unlike the situation in Hence, in the longer run, firms with stag-
some other areas of economics, there are no gered boards will have lower valuations
cure-all instruments that one can use to deal than do firms with non-staggered boards. A
with this endogeneity. Ultimately, much of similar story can be told for any decrease in
what one learns about boards is about equi- board power, such as the creation of inter-
librium associations. Causality, in the usual locked boards.
sense, is often impossible to determine. For Other empirical results can be interpreted
example, consider Weisbach’s (1988) findings sensibly by considering both the selection
that outside directors appear more respon- and actions of boards. For example, there are
sive to performance in the CEO reten- a number of studies that look at the actions of
tion decision than inside directors. Because outside directors that tend to find that boards
the directors in question were determined dominated by outsiders tend to be more
through some equilibrium (albeit, possibly, shareholder-friendly than boards dominated
second-best) selection process, one does not by insiders.49 Yet, studies that have examined
have a classic experiment in which different the overall performance of firms with differ-
director types are randomly assigned to con- ent kinds of boards have all found little or no
trol and treatment pools. Whether random difference in overall performance.50 These
allocations of directors would yield similar ostensibly conflicting results make sense
findings is unknowable and, thus, one cannot when both the selection and action issues
be sure that the findings, although both sen- are considered. Outside directors are prob-
sible and suggestive, are not driven by some ably better from a ­shareholder perspective,

48  Byoung-Hyoun Hwang and Seoyoung Kim (2009) 49  See, for example, Weisbach (1988), Shivdasani
and Lauren Cohen, Andrea Frazzini, and Christopher (1993), and Brickley, Coles, and Rory L. Terry (1994).
Malloy (2008) are two recent attempts to estimate which 50  See, for example, MacAvoy et al. (1983), Hermalin
outside directors are truly independent. and Weisbach (1991), or Bhagat and Black (1999).
98 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVIII (March 2010)

but because they tend to be added follow- hope to see progress on the empirical side.
ing poor performance (see, e.g., Hermalin Even understanding whether governance
and Weisbach 1988) or most demonstrate mechanisms are complements or substitutes,
their value in crisis situations, the relation one is left to ponder the sources of heteroge-
between outsider directors and firm value is neity in governance that we observe; how is
obscured. such heterogeneity best explained? Although
Theory, too, faces its hurdles. Boards are there has been some work in this area
only part of the corporate governance equa- (consider, e.g., Hermalin 1994 as an early
tion, but an all-inclusive model is impractical attempt), there are still many open ques-
given the complexities of governance. Even tions. Other promising areas for theory are
limiting attention to boards, it is hard to how the board fits into the CEO succession
decide which institutions should be treated process; the role of the complexity of a firm’s
as exogenous and which as endogenous. operations and environment on the choice of
Letting too much be endogenous and the directors and their actions (we sketched pos-
models become unwieldy and often fail to sible paths to explore above); more dynamic
yield definitive results. Treating too much as models of board evolution and the long-term
exogenous and critical points of joint endoge- path of governance; modeling board interac-
neity get overlooked, rendering conclusions tions (Warther 1998 representing one line of
that are suspect. approach); and what benefit, other than pro-
Despite these issues, valuable insights tecting the CEO, insiders on a board might
have been gleaned. Models linking the play.
determinants of the board and its moni- Empirical work will need to continue to
toring function have proved reasonably devise ways of dealing with the joint-endoge-
robust and broadly consistent with subse- neity issue. A possible strategy in this regard
quent empirical analyses. There has also is to look for “natural experiments.” One set
been progress on models that examine the of such experiments are changes in regula-
board’s role in setting strategy, although tion. In particular, if a new regulation is put
their conclusions are difficult to test empiri- in place, it is possible that some firms are
cally and these models have not always already in compliance with it, while others
been as sensitive to joint-endogeneity issues are not. If bargaining models of governance
as would be ideal. (e.g., Hermalin and Weisbach 1998) are cor-
Where do we see research on boards rect, then we should see little to no change in
headed? The open questions are many and CEO compensation for those firms that were
often fundamental. For instance, are the already in compliance, while CEO com-
various means of governing a corporation pensation should, in the long term, rise for
complements or substitutes? That is, do firms those firms that must come into compliance.
tend to be strong-governance firms across If firms set their governance structure opti-
all the various dimensions of incentive com- mally given their constraints, then the long-
pensation, openness to takeovers, and board run performance of those firms for which
independence?51 Or does strength in one the new regulations bind should be worse
area correspond to weakness in another? At than that of those already in compliance. In
a theoretical level, this question is almost the short run, however, the results could be
surely impossible to answer, but one can more confused, to the extent that the regula-
tion holds up the CEO for the shareholders’
51  Hirshleifer and Thakor (1994) can be seen as an benefit; that is, to the extent that the CEO
early contribution to this question. bargained for something that benefitted him
Adams, Hermalin, and Weisbach: The Role of Boards of Directors 99

at shareholder expense, but had that bargain individual or do they compare a range
subsequently undone by the regulation, there of different kinds of individuals simul-
would be short-term gain by shareholders (this taneously? Do shareholders exercise any
is why it may be more relevant to consider control of the process?54
CEO compensation than firm value). Vidhi   A related question is how are inside
Chhaochharia and Yaniv Grinstein (2009) fol- directors chosen. Are they, as sometimes
low this approach with respect to changes in claimed (see, e.g., Vancil 1987), selected
the NYSE and Nasdaq board requirements because they are potential successors
made in the wake of the Enron and Worldcom to the current CEO and service on the
scandals. They find evidence consistent with board allows the outside directors to
the predictions for the short-run effects: those assess their abilities?55 An alternative,
firms that were out of compliance with the but not mutually exclusive, hypothesis
regulations at the time of the regulations saw is that having more management on the
a fall in CEO compensation. There is also board facilitates better information flow,
some, albeit weak, evidence in favor of the either to the CEO or from management
long-term view that binding constraints can to the rest of the board.
push up CEO compensation: After the imme-
diate shock, CEO compensation began to rise 2. As the previous topic alludes and as has
over time (Chhaochharia and Grinstein, Table been mentioned here and there previ-
I, Panel C). It would be interesting to know ously, how do social networks among
whether, when a longer panel is examined, if directors fit into the equation? If a corpo-
those firms that were out of compliance at the ration adds a director who sits on many
time the regulations were put in place had the boards, does it benefit from the addi-
faster growth in CEO compensation after the tional connections this brings? To what
immediate shock than those that had been in extent could such a benefit outweigh
compliance. the cost of having a busy director? Are
Additional topics that strike us as profit- such social networks beneficial in some
able areas of future research are: economies (e.g., developing economies,
societies that stress personal ties, etc.)
1. How are potential outside directors and less beneficial in others? Economists
identified?52 What is the role of search have begun to pay more attention to
firms in this process? What is the role social networks (see, e.g., Sanjeev Goyal
of social networks in this process?53 2007 and Matthew O. Jackson 2008) and
Moreover, as noted above, there are the application of this analysis to boards
different kinds of outside directors— seems a logical extension.56
business people, former politicians, aca-
demics, and other prominent people.
54  Jie Cai, Jacqueline L. Garner, and Ralph A. Walkling
Do firms in search of new directors first
(forthcoming) examine the responsiveness of shareholders
identify the kind they seek, then the to director performance when it comes to their reelection.
They find that shareholders are responsive to some mea-
sures of performance.
52  This question has received attention outside of eco- 55  Statistical findings in Hermalin and Weisbach
nomics; see, e.g., Westphal and Zajac (1995). The relation (1988) are consistent with this view, but cannot be seen
between the identification of directors and their perfor- as definitive.
mance or how the mechanics of director identification 56 As discussed supra, Khwaja, Mian, and Qamar
affect our models of board behavior have, however, not (2008) is one such exploration. Using Pakistani data, they
received attention to the best of our knowledge. find evidence that the social network among directors
53  Westphal and Zajac (1995) provide a partial answer. benefits the firms on which they sit.
100 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVIII (March 2010)

3. If, as some evidence reviewed above box. Given survey evidence (Demb and
suggests, directors are a source of Neubauer 1992, p. 142) that American
expertise, then how and why does this boards can be characterized as star
expertise matter?57 After all, firms can (“hub-and-spoke”) social networks,
and do hire management ­consultants. with the CEO at the hub, it is a non-
Such consultants presumably devote trivial question to understand how the
more hours to the firm than does an out- ­directors coordinate to, for example, dis-
side director and they have an impres- miss the CEO.58 Lorsch (1989) provides
sive amount of experience, research, evidence that it is “taboo” for directors
and analytic capabilities upon which to to consult each other behind the CEO’s
draw. Is the benefit of director exper- back (p. 93); yet, at the same time, they
tise perhaps, then, that the CEO can- report survey results that indicate in
not ignore them, unlike consultants? a crisis the average score on a three-
(Of course, one could have the consul- point scale (1 = always, 2 = sometimes,
tants report to the board, making them 3 = never) for the question of contacting
harder to ignore.) Alternatively, per- other directors privately about financial
haps the expertise we are considering is performance data is 1.6 (p. 100), sug-
the expertise to be effective monitors; gesting this taboo can be broken. On
that is, the ability to detect the warning the other hand, on the same three-point
signs that the CEO and other manag- scale, the mean score on “confronting
ers are not up to snuff or that they have CEO at board meeting about depressed
not thought through a proposed course market value of shares” is 1.98 and on
of action with sufficient diligence. Yet privately contacting other directors
a further alternative is that the CEO about the same matter the mean is 2.21.
is especially careful when it comes to The 1.98 measure is also consistent
those dimensions on which a direc- with survey evidence that 51 percent of
tor’s expertise could cause her to block directors feel inhibited about speaking
what the CEO wishes to do. In this out in board meetings (p. 83). A robust
case, expertise only comes into play off understanding of the role of directors
the equilibrium path; in equilibrium, requires a better understanding of just
the CEO never “triggers” a director’s what goes on in the boardroom.

4. There has been some work on the

58  Westphal (1999) considers some issues related to
dynamics within boards. Typically,
this hub-and-spoke system. In particular, he studies how
the board is modeled as a single deci- board-CEO interactions affect firm performance, finding
sion maker. Although such an approach that firms that score better on measures of “advice and
could be justified by appeal to a median- counsel interactions” and “board monitoring” have sta-
tistically significant greater return on equity than those
voter model or certain other preference- firms that score worse. Westphal argues that his findings
aggregation methods, it still leaves the suggest that stronger social ties in the CEO–director rela-
actual workings of the board a black tionship enhances board involvement, to the benefit of the
firm. Schmidt (2008) provides further evidence; an inter-
pretation of his analysis is that social ties are beneficial
when monitoring is less important and detrimental when
57  There are, in fact, a number of issues concerning monitoring is important. Adams and Ferreira (2009) can
information flow in addition to expertise; there is the risk, be seen as further evidence that looser social ties are ben-
for instance, of herding or informational cascades. See, for eficial when monitoring is important (e.g., when a decision
instance, Steve L. Slezak and Naveen Khanna (2000). must be made to retain or fire the CEO).
Adams, Hermalin, and Weisbach: The Role of Boards of Directors 101

5. Although there has been a growing lit- Numerous questions exist: does, for
erature looking at the role of board com- instance, board independence matter
mittees (see discussion supra), the role more in countries with weak share-
of committees generally and their rela- holder protection than in countries with
tion to the overall board specifically are strong shareholder protection? How do
not fully understood. The same dynam- different board arrangements (e.g., dual
ics questions asked about the board as boards as in much of Europe versus the
a whole apply equally to committees. unitary boards of the United States) cor-
Furthermore, how do the committees relate with other aspects of governance
relate to overall board behavior. For (e.g., compensation, executive turnover,
instance, recent reforms have dictated takeovers, etc.) or with firm behavior
that firms have some committees (audit, (profitability, merger activity, relations
compensation) comprised entirely of with suppliers, etc.)? In particular, one
outside directors. Does providing some could use differences in the laws gov-
outside directors an opportunity to talk erning boards as “natural experiments”
outside of management’s hearing affect to help test various hypotheses. For
the overall board’s behavior when it instance, if theory indicates more of fac-
comes to issues such as approving large tor x should lead to more of y, do we see
capital projects or deciding whether to firms in nations that require greater x
dismiss the CEO? Do these committees having more y or not?
change the board from being a hub-   A related issue, which also harkens
and-spoke social network to being an back to how are directors chosen, is
interlinked-star social network? Does whether firms benefit from having for-
serving on committees increase outside eign directors on their boards, par-
directors’ understanding and knowledge ticularly in situations in which they are
of the firm, making them better moni- considering acquisition of a foreign firm,
tors or simply more meddlesome? There seeking to expand in foreign markets, or
may also be opportunities for intel- have important suppliers overseas.
lectual arbitrage here, as the relation
between legislative committees and the 7. There are undoubtedly links between
overall legislature is an issue that has boards and the growing field of behav-
been studied in political science.59 ioral corporate finance (see, e.g.,
Malmendier and Tate 2005). Directors
6. The vast majority of the literature focuses could, for instance, suffer the well-
on Anglo-American firms. Studies of known cognitive bias of putting too
boards in non-Anglo-American firms and much weight on their initial impression
comparisons of boards across countries of the CEO and not updating quickly
is, in contrast, an understudied area. It enough on the basis of new information.
is not, to be sure, an empty area—space Conversely, they could be subject to the
considerations led us not to survey this fundamental attribution bias and, for
area—but is, arguably, under explored. example, assign too much responsibility
for outcomes to the CEO and not enough
on the circumstances that affected these
59  Examples of this literature include Kenneth A.
outcomes. Indeed, if they are favorably
Shepsle (1979) and Thomas W. Gilligan and Keith Krehbiel
(1989); Gilligan and Krehbiel (1990). The authors thank disposed to the CEO, research suggests
Ernesto Dal Bó for guidance on this literature. that directors would then attribute good
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