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Comparing Numbers

It is good to know if one number is the same as,

or smaller than, or bigger than, another number:
We use These Signs to compare
• = When two values are equal,
we use the "equals" sign
example: 2+2 = 4

• < When one value is smaller than another,

we can use a "less than" sign.
example: 3 < 5

• > When one value is bigger than another,

we can use a "greater than" sign
example: 9 > 6
Less Than and Greater Than
• The "less than" sign and the "greater than" sign
look like a "V" on its side, don't they?
• To remember which way around the "<" and ">"
signs go, just remember:
• BIG > small
• small < BIG
• The "small" end always points to the smaller
number, like this:

Greater Than Symbol: BIG > small

10 > 5
"10 is greater than 5"
How to learn and understand
comparison of numbers?
• To learn and understand comparison of numbers the rules are
generalized here:
Rule (1): The numbers having more digits is greater
(i) The number of 2 digits is greater than the number of one digit.

(ii) The number of 3 digits is greater than the number having 2

or 1 digit.
(iii) The number of 4 digits is greater than 3 or 2 or 1 digit number.

(iv) 5-digit number > 4-digit number > 3-digit number ………… etc.

(v) 6-digit number > 5-digit number > 4-digit number ………… etc.
Rule (2): (a) If two numbers have the same number of
digits, we compare them on the basis of their extreme
left digits. The number with the greater extreme left
digit is greater.
As: (i) 514 > 298, because 5 > 2
(ii) 6138 > 5978, because 6 > 5

• (b) If the extreme left digits of two numbers are the

same, we compare them on the basis of the next digits
towards their right and so on.
As: (i) 64283 > 63198, because 6 = 6, but 4 > 3
(ii) 24567 > 22381, because 2 = 2, but 4 > 2
• A number having the greater number of digits is the
greater number.
• Examples of Comparison of Numbers
1. Compare: (a) 8 and 12.
8 is a single digit number. 12 has two digits.
• 8 < 12
(b) 1342 and 342
The number of digits in 1342 is greater than
the number of digits in 342.
• 1342 > 342
• If two numbers have the same number of
digits, then line up the digits according to place
value. Compare the digits beginning with the
greatest place.
2. Compare:
(a) 5869 and 4369
So, 5869 > 436
• 9672 > 594 this means 9672 is greater than 594
the 1st number has a higher hundreds digit so it is

• 386 < 391 this means 386 is less than 391

the hundreds digits are the same, so we look at the
tens digit. The 2nd number has the higher tens digit.

• 102 > 97 this means 102 is greater than 97

the 1st number has a hundreds digit, the 2nd number
has no hundreds.

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