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Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook


Effective July 1998

Base Metal and Iron Ore Mining

Industry Description and Practices mg/l; zinc levels up to 1,700 mg/l; and cadmium
levels of several milligrams per liter, depending
This document addresses the mining of ores of on the contents of the ore. Effluent from tailings
base metals (copper, lead, nickel, and zinc) and ponds may contain concentrations of chromium
of iron. The documents on Aluminum and on of several milligrams per liter. Base metal mining
Coal Mining and Production also deal with min- tailings decant may contain high concentrations
ing activities. of thiosalts. Chemicals used in flotation and other
The major phases in mine development are (a) metal concentration processes could create toxic-
exploration; (b) mine development; c) extraction ity problems when released in effluents.
(underground and open pit) and mine operation; Surface runoffs may also pose significant en-
(d) ore beneficiation; (e) storage and transport of vironmental problems through erosion and
ore; and (f) mine closure and reclamation. This carryover of tailings and other mining residues.
document focuses on the development, opera- Explosives such as ammonium nitrate may be
tion, and closure phases. present in surface runoff. Transport of mined
material and machinery maintenance and repair
Waste Characteristics can lead to contamination of surface water.
Significant levels of dust, above 3 kilograms
The volume of solid waste generated, including per ton (kg/t) of ore mined, and ranging from
tailings from processing, is one of the main pol- 0.003 to 27 kg/t, may be generated by extraction
lution concerns in the mining industry. Removal activities, crushing, ore beneficiation, transport
of overburden to access the ore can pose major and traffic, and wind-borne losses. Significant
problems in storage and reclamation. The over- releases of dust containing metals, including
burden (waste-to-ore) ratio for surface mining of mercury, may result from the drying of the ore
metal ores generally ranges from 2:1 to 8:1, de- concentrate. Fires may result from the oxidation
pending on local conditions. The ratio for solid of sulfide-bearing materials and can present a
wastes from underground mining is typically significant hazard.
0.2:1. Where concentration or other processing of
the ore is done on site, the tailings generated also Pollution Prevention and Control
have to be managed. Ores with a low metal con-
tent, say, less than 0.4%, generate significant The critical factors in good environmental per-
quantities of tailings. formance in mining are adequate planning and
In certain mines where ores have high sulfur effective management and implementation. Re-
content, drainage from mine workings and waste sponsibilities for the implementation and moni-
heaps can become highly acidic and can contain toring of environmental measures should be
high concentrations of dissolved heavy metals. specifically assigned. Before mining begins, a
This acid mine drainage (AMD) can have a pH of mining plan and a mine closure and reclamation
3 or lower; sulfate levels of 800–1,800 milligrams plan must be prepared and approved. These
per liter (mg/l); copper levels up to 50 mg/l; iron plans should be updated regularly as mining
levels up to 1,000 mg/l; lead levels up to 12 progresses.


Development Plans Tailings Disposal

Development plans define the sequence and na- Tailings must be managed to optimize human
ture of extraction operations and detail the meth- safety and environmental protection. On-land
ods to be used in closure and restoration. At a tailings impoundment systems must be designed
minimum, the plans must address the following: and constructed in accordance with internation-
• Removal, proper storage, and management of ally recognized engineering practices, local seis-
topsoil mic conditions, and precipitation conditions (to
• Early restoration of worked-out areas and of accommodate surface run-on). The designs
spoil heaps to minimize the extent of open should address the structural integrity of the tail-
areas ings dams or deposits even post-closure. On-land
• Identification of potential areas for AMD gen- disposal systems should be designed to isolate
eration, followed by planning for successive acid leachate-generating material from oxidation
remediation of pyrites to reduce AMD genera- and percolating water. Marine and riverine dis-
tion charges are normally not acceptable and should
• A water management plan focusing on the ef- be considered only when on-land disposal would
fective use of mine water for operations (with pose an environmental risk and it can be demon-
recirculation of process water) and for strated that such discharges will not have a sig-
postclosure nificant adverse effect on downstream coastal or
• Extraction methods in relation to subsidence riverine resources. Riverine discharges are ac-
and to surface use ceptable only when justified on the basis of an
• Development of restoration and vegetation environmental analysis of the alternatives and the
methods that are appropriate to the specific effects on aquatic resources and downstream us-
site conditions ers of riverine resources.
• Blasting methods that minimize noise and vi- The design of the tailings management system
brations. must address postclosure issues such as the long-
term geotechnical stability of the impoundment,
The development plan normally contains spe- the chemical stability of the tailings, long-term
cific sections dealing with erosion and sediment surface and groundwater management (includ-
control, tailings disposal, mine closure and site ing provisions for long-term spillway capacity
restoration, and operating measures. These are requirements), and restoration.
discussed next.
Mine Closure and Restoration Plan
Erosion and Sediment Control
The closure and restoration plan should cover
An erosion and sediment control plan should be
reclamation of tailings deposits, waste rock de-
prepared. It should include measures or meth-
posits, any open pit areas, sedimentation basins,
ods, appropriate to the situation, for intercept-
and abandoned mine, mill, and camp sites.
ing, diverting, or otherwise reducing stormwater
Mine reclamation plans should incorporate the
runoff from exposed soil surfaces, tailings dams,
and waste rock dumps. Both vegetative and
nonvegetative soil stabilization measures should • Return of the land to conditions capable of
be an integral part of the erosion control plan. supporting prior land use, equivalent uses, or
Sediment control structures (for example, deten- other acceptable uses
tion and retention basins) should be provided to • Elimination of significant adverse effects on
intercept and treat surface runoff prior to dis- adjacent water resources
charge. All erosion control and sediment contain- • Use of waste rock for backfill and of topsoil
ment facilities must receive proper maintenance (or other acceptable materials) for reclamation
during the life of the project. to the extent feasible
Base Metal and Iron Ore Mining 269

• Contouring of slopes to minimize erosion and the concentration process to minimize con-
runoff taminated discharges to the extent feasible
• Planting of native species of vegetation and of • Collection of leachates from tailings ponds and
other species that are environmentally accept- treatment before discharge, with sufficient resi-
able, to prevent erosion and to encourage self- dence time in the tailings pond to ensure
sustaining development of a productive thiosalt oxidation; provision of buffer capac-
ecosystem on the reclaimed land ity for the rainy season
• Postclosure management of AMD and tailings; • Use of ditches to divert surface runoff from
reduction of AMD formation by sealing off tailing ponds
pyrite-containing waste from oxidation and • Use of dust suppression measures (wetting
percolating water work areas, roads, and storage piles; install-
• Budget and schedule for pre- and postclosure ing equipment covers; minimizing drop dis-
reclamation activities. tances by using adjustable height conveyors;
• Sealing or securing of all shaft openings and and using dust hoods and shields)
mine adits on closure of the mine. • Collection and recycling of waste oils and
Money should be reserved over the life of the
• Prevention of spills of chemicals (including
mine to cover the costs associated with mine clo-
ammonium nitrate, if used in blasting opera-
sure. The amount of money and the type of fi-
nancing required will depend on a number of
• Provision of appropriate storage areas for
factors such as the projected life of the mine, the
chemicals and fuels
nature of the operations, the complexity of envi-
• Avoidance of the use of toxic floatation
ronmental issues, the financial and environmen-
tal management capacity of the borrower or
• Control of noise through the use of berms and
project sponsor, and the jurisdiction in which the
mufflers; control of noise and vibrations by
mine is located. The mine reclamation and clo-
means of sequenced blasting.
sure plan, the timing of its submission, and fi-
nancing of activities under the plan should be
Treatment Technologies
discussed and agreed on with the borrower or
sponsor as early as possible.
Filters for crushers, grinding mills, and dryers
are used to control dust emissions.
Operating Measures
AMD and wastewaters are typically dealt with
by using physical-chemical treatment techniques
Other recommended pollution prevention mea- such as neutralization, precipitation, flocculation,
sures include: coagulation, settling, and filtration. In some cases,
• Progressive backfilling to minimize land dis- cyanide oxidation and ion exchange may also
turbances have to be performed. Chrome reduction may be
• Use of dust control equipment on dryers and needed for floatation water.
of pressure-air dryers instead of fuel-based
drum dryers to dry concentrations. Emissions Guidelines
• Use of covers or control devices for crushing
and milling to avoid the generation of dust Emissions levels for the design and operation of
• Minimization of AMD generation by reducing each project must be established through the en-
disturbed areas and isolating drainage systems vironmental assessment (EA) process on the ba-
• Diversion of leachates from waste heaps to sis of country legislation and the Pollution Prevention
avoid contact with and contamination of sur- and Abatement Handbook, as applied to local con-
face water and groundwater ditions. The emissions levels selected must be
• Minimization of freshwater intake; recycling justified in the EA and acceptable to the World
of tailings decant water and wastewater from Bank Group.

The guidelines given below present emis- background levels of 3 decibels (measured on the
sions levels normally acceptable to the World A scale) [dB(A)]. Measurements are to be taken
Bank Group in making decisions regarding at noise receptors located outside the project
provision of World Bank Group assistance. Any property boundary.
deviations from these levels must be described
in the World Bank Group project documenta- Maximum allowable log
tion. The emissions levels given here can be equivalent (hourly
consistently achieved by well-designed, well- measurements), in dB(A)
operated, and well-maintained pollution con- Day Night
Receptor (07:00–22:00) (22:00–07:00)
trol systems.
The guidelines are expressed as concentra- Residential,
tions, to facilitate monitoring. Dilution of air institutional,
emissions or effluents to achieve these guidelines educational 55 45
is unacceptable. Industrial,
All of the maximum levels should be achieved commercial 70 70
for at least 95% of the time that the plant or unit
is operating, to be calculated as a proportion of Monitoring and Reporting
annual operating hours.
Liquid effluents, including tailings dam outflows,
Liquid Effluents should be monitored daily for pH and suspended
solids. Metals and, when appropriate, thiosalts
Table 1 gives the effluent levels to be achieved and floatation chemicals should be monitored on
during operation and after mine closure. a monthly basis. If treatment is required to con-
trol soluble metals, metals and other parameters
Ambient Noise such as turbidity should be monitored more fre-
quently. Frequent sampling may be required dur-
Noise abatement measures should achieve either ing start-up and upset conditions.
the levels given below or a maximum increase in Monitoring data should be analyzed and re-
viewed at regular intervals and compared with
the operating standards so that any necessary cor-
Table 1. Effluents from Base Metal and Iron
rective actions can be taken. Records of monitor-
Ore Mining
ing results should be kept in an acceptable format.
(milligrams per liter, except for pH)
The results should be reported to the responsible
Parameter Maximum value authorities and relevant parties, as required.
pH 6–9
TSS 50 Key Issues
Oil and grease 10
Cyanide 1.0 The key production and control practices that will
Free 0.1 lead to compliance with emissions requirements
Weak acid dissociable (WAD) 0.5
can be summarized as follows:
COD 150
Arsenic 0.1 Develop a comprehensive environmental and
Cadmium 0.1 mine management plan to include:
Chromium (hexavalent) 0.1
Copper 0.5 • Restoration and rehabilitation of disturbed
Iron 3.5 areas
Lead 0.2 • Identification and management of AMD
Mercury 0.01 sources
Nickel 0.5 • Water management for operations and
Zinc 2
postclosure conditions
Total metals 10
• Management and sealing of tailings
Base Metal and Iron Ore Mining 271

Develop and implement a post-closure plan to Metals (Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Au) Ore Mining.” Technical
include: Report Series 5. Paris.

• Restoration of disturbed areas ————. 1993. “Environmental Management of

• Long-term geotechnical and chemical stabil- Nickel Production.” Technical Report 15. Paris.
ity of tailings Warhurst, Alyson. 1994. Environmental Degradation from
• Adequate spillway capacity for the tailings Mining and Mineral Processing in Developing Coun-
pond overflow tries: Corporate Responses and National Policies. Paris:
• Management of AMD, water drainage, and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and De-
surface runoff velopment.

World Bank. 1996. “Pollution Prevention and Abate-

Sources ment: Base Metal and Iron Ore Mining. “ Draft Tech-
nical Background Document. Environment
UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme). Department, Washington, D.C.
1991. “Environment Aspects of Selected Nonferrous

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