q1 Summary Journal 1

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Rae Correll-Brown

IM1/6/12 AP

Q1 Summary Journal

During my first month at APL, I’ve been learning and practicing the foundational skills
and concepts that I’ll be using for the rest of my internship. To start, I learned the syntax and
common commands for UNIX and Windows operating systems so that I can run and control
virtual machines and emulated networks. After learning commands, I was able to work with a
virtual machine to understand the user interface, and how to find my IP address and ping other
computers. After my own virtual machine was set up, I started using CORE to emulate networks
and to create tunnels that linked to other devices. Once we are able to get the CORE software
reliably up and running, we will be working on creating a Python program that takes data from a
spreadsheet and creates an emulated network over a variety of devices. As the limitations and
opportunities of the network emulation project become more clear, we plan to create a concrete
schedule for the project, but right now we are aiming to finish this part of the project by January.
I have never worked with UNIX, Virtual Machines, or CORE before, so all the concepts,
commands, and user interfaces that come with these things is new. The learning curve is steep,
so I often have to get help or use google to troubleshoot when I get lost. In addition to having to
learn technological basics, we’ve had trouble getting the virtual machines set up with separate
accounts. Now that we have the VMs, we are still troubleshooting our network emulation
program, CORE, which is buggy and doesn’t consistently work.
Future Goals
● Create a clear timeline/action plan for the project
● Figure out how to make CORE work consistently
● Understand XML code and variables
● Learn more UNIX commands and how to use them fluently

Mentor: Bruce Cottle Signature: _______________

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