q2 Summary Journal 1

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Rae Correll-Brown

IM1/6/12 AP

Q2 Summary Journal

After learning the ropes of virtual machines and CORE and gaining a better
understanding of networking during Q1, I started working on my first full project this quarter.
I’m working on a Python program that writes an XML code based on user input consisting of IP
addresses, router names, etc. That XML code will then be put in to CORE to create a large
emulated network of routers and hosts. The process has a lot of moving parts, and it’s difficult to
account for the different variables associated with each router (like interface names, networks,
and different routers attached to each network). The biggest job so far has been deciding the
general structure of the code and the way that it’s going to do the specified job while keeping
track of variables, whether by creating and copying standardized blocks of code or writing code
line-by-line to specifications. An important secondary part of the code is functions that reduce
the amount of writing that a network creator has to do. For example, a function that determines
what network a router is connected to based on its IP address.
I have experience in Python, but this is the first large-scale project I’ve done using the
language, so there are syntax details and intricacies that I’m not familliar with. It’s also a real
challenge to keep track of all the smaller variables associated with each component of the larger
network. Routers, networks, and hosts are all connected, and the XML code must reflect those
connecitons, so there are certain variables that must end up in multiple places in the code. It’s
also difficult to take the plunge of moving out of the planning stages to actually writing code,
becuase I want to make sure my ideas will work before I begin coding.
Future Goals
● Finish the XML-generator code and run a network test
● Get started on the next project, timekeeping in the cloud

Mentor: Bruce Cottle Signature: _______________

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