Linux Question Bank 2013 - 14 CBGS Sem VI

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TYBSc Computer Science

Course - USCS603: Linux Question Bank 2013- 14

Unit I
Chapter – 1 Linux Basics

1) Explain features of Linux operating system? (SD Page No-25)

2) Explain architecture of Linux operating system?
OR (SD Page No-23)
Explain kernel-shell relationship in Linux O.S?
3) What is shell? What is the purpose of it? (RB Page No-13)
4) Explain different types of shells in Linux operating system? (RB Page No-14)
5) What is Linux Console? (RB Page No-35)

Chapter – 3 Basic bash shell commands

1) How to start the shell? (RB Page No-59)

2) What is shell prompt? (RB Page No-60,61)
3) What are the components of shell prompt? Explain with example. (New question added)
4) Explain Linux file system? (RB Page No-35 OR SD-Page No 68 & 79)
5) How to traverse directories in Linux O.S? (RB Page No-66-68)
6) How to list files and directories in Linux O.S? (RB Page No-69-75)
7) Explain file handling commands in Linux O.S? (RB Page No-75-82)
8) Explain directory handling commands in Linux O.S? (RB Page No-82-83)
9) Explain viewing the file contents commands in Linux O.S? (RB Page No-83-86)

Chapter – 4 More bash shell commands

1) How to monitor programs as processes in Linux system? (RB Page No-91-100)

2) How to stop processes in Linux system? (kill and killall)(RB Page No-101-104)
3) How to manage disk space in Linux system? (df and du)(RB Page No-108-110)
4) How to work/sort with data files? (RB Page No-110-114)
5) How to search data in files? (RB Page No-114-116)
6) How to compress data in Linux system? (RB Page No-116-119)
7) How to archive data? (RB Page No-120-121)

Chapter – 5 The Linux environment variable

1) What are environment variables? What is the purpose of environment variables in Linux
System? (RB Page No 123)
2) What are the types of Environment Variables? (RB Page No- 123)
3) What are Global Environment variables? (RB Page No-124)
4) How to Display Global Environment Variables in Linux System?
Give Command? (RB Page No-124)
5) Explain the following Environment Variables? In Linux System:-
1) HOME 5) PS1 9) PWD
4) SHELL 8) MAIL (SD Page No )
6) How to set Environment Variables? Explain two methods. (RB Page No-127 -129)
(-> setting local environment variables)
(-> setting local environment variables as global environment variables)
7) How to Remove Environment variables? (RB Page No129 – 130)

1 Ms. Geeta N. Brijwani

TYBSc Computer Science
Course - USCS603: Linux Question Bank 2013- 14

8) How to set the path environment Variable in Linux system? What does it do?
Explain with Example? (RB Page No-134 – 135)
9) List and explain the startup files in Linux System? (RB Page No-135 – 141)
10) How to use arrays in environment variables in Linux System? (RB Page No 142–143)
11) How to create command aliases in Linux system? (RB Page No 143)


Unit II
Chapter – 6 Understanding Linux File Permissions

1) How to apply security in Linux system? (RB Page No 147 )

2) What is /etc/passwd file? List and explain all entries / field in this file?
(RB Page No 148 – 149)
3) Explain /etc / shadow file with its fields? (RB Page No 150)
4) How to add a new user in Linux system? (RB Page No 150 – 154 )
5) How to modify a user in Linux system? (RB Page No 153 – 154 )
6) How to Remove a User in Linux system? (RB Page No 154 – 157 ) (- > Usermod)
7) Explain the User account Modification Utilities for modifying the information of existing user
account? (RB Page No 154 Table 6 – 3)
8) Explain the following commands :-
i) passwd and chpasswd
ii) chsh, chfn and chage (RB Page No 155 – 157 )
9) Explain /etc /group file? What is it purpose? (RB Page No 1157 – 158 )
10) How to create a new group in Linux System? (RB Page No 158 – 159 )
11) How to modify group in Linux System? (RB Page No 159 – 160 )
12) Explain the File Permission symbol and its types used in Linux system?
(RB Page No 1160 – 161)
13) What are the default file permissions for ordinary file and directories in Linux system?
(RB Page No 161)
14) How to display default file permission in Linux system? Give command. (umask) (RB
Page No 161)
15) How to change default file permission using umask command in Linux system?
(RB Page No 162 – 163)
16) How to change permission of file in Linux system? (RB Page No 163–165 )
17) How to change the owner and group of a file in Linux system? (RB Page No 165,166)
18) How to share files in Linux System? (RB Page No 166 -168 )

Chapter – 8 Basic Script Building

1) How to run multiple commands in Linux System? (RB Page No 201 )

2) How to create a script file in Linux System? (RB Page No 202 )
3) How to execute a script file in Linux system? What are its two methods? Explain.
(RB Page No 203 -204)
4) How to display messages in Command line and in script file?
(RB Page No 204–205)
5) How to display a text string on the same line as command output?
(RB Page No 204 – 205)
6) How to use environment variables in Linux script file? Give example?
(RB Page No 206 – 207)

2 Ms. Geeta N. Brijwani

TYBSc Computer Science
Course - USCS603: Linux Question Bank 2013- 14

7) How to create a user variables in Script file? Give Example?

(RB Page No 207 – 209)
8) Explain Backtick (lowely backquote) quote character in Linux System?
What is it purpose? Explain with example with command line as well
as in script file? (RB Page No 209 – 210)
9) Explain how to redirect input and output in Linux system? (RB Page No 210-213)
Explain output redirect with example? (RB Page No 211)
Explain input redirect with example? (RB Page No 211 – 212)
10) Explain the concept and the uses of the pipes in Linux system with example?
(RB Page No 213 – 216)
11) What is expr command? What is it purpose? Give example.
(RB Page No 216 – 218)
12) How to use brackets in script file for performing math? (RB Page No 218 – 219)
13) How to perform math in floating point numbers in script file?
(- > bc) (RB Page No 219-223)
14) How to check the exit status of a command? (RB Page No 223 )
15) List Linux exit status codes? (RB Page No 224 )
16) Explain the use of exit command in script file? (RB Page No 225-226)

Chapter-9 Using Basic structured commands

1) Explain the different types of structured commands used in script file with examples?
(RB Page No 229 – 233 )
2) Explain test command and its use in script file with examples?
(RB Page No 233 – 236)
3) Explain test numeric comparison commands with examples?
(RB Page No 234 – 236)
4) Explain test commands for string comparisons with examples?
(RB Page No 236 – 240)
5) Explain test commands for file comparison with examples?
(RB Page No 241 – 249)
6) Explain compound condition testing used in script file with examples?
(RB Page No 249 – 250)
7) How to use double parentheses and double brackets in advanced if - then command in
script file? (RB Page No 250 – 251 )
8) Explain case command with example? (RB Page No 252 – 253 )

Chapter – 10 More Structural Commands

1) Explain for command with example? (RB Page No . 255)

2) How to read list of values using for command? (RB Page No 256 – 257 )
3) How to read complex values in a list using for command? (RB Page No 257-259)
4) How to read the list from a variable using for command? (RB Page No 259)
5) How to read a directory using wildcards using for command? (RB Page No 262-264)
6) How to read values from a command using for command? (RB Page No 260)
7) Explain C-style for loop with examples? (RB Page No 264 – 266 )
8) Explain while command in detail with example? (RB Page No 266 – 269 )
9) Explain Until command with example? (RB Page No 269 – 270 )
10) Give example of nesting of loops? (RB Page No 252 – 253 )

3 Ms. Geeta N. Brijwani

TYBSc Computer Science
Course - USCS603: Linux Question Bank 2013- 14

11) Give Examples of looping on file data? (RB Page No 273 – 274 )
12) How to control the loop in shell scripting?
(break and continue ) (RB Page No 274 – 280)
13) How to process output of the loop? ( >, |) ) (RB Page No 281 – 282 )

Chapter – 11 Handling user Input

1) What are the command line parameters? (RB Page No 285 – 27 )

2) What are shell special variables? ($0,$1,$2,$3,$4 .. . . . .. . ,$9,s*,S# , S? ,$$)
3) How to display the name of the program? (RB Page No 288)
4) How to test command line the parameters? (RB Page No 289 – 290 )
5) How to count parameters? (RB Page No 290 – 292 )
6) How to grab all the data in the command line parameters? (RB Page No 282–283)
7) How to manipulate command line parameters in scripting? (shift command) (RB Page
No 283 – 284 )
8) What are different methods for working with options in shell scripts? (RB Page No 295 –
304 ) (explain getopt command)
9) How to standardize options in shell scripts in Linux? (RB Page No 304-305)
10) How to get input from user in shell programming? (RB Page No 305-310)


Unit III
Chapter 12 Presenting Data

1) How to display the output from scripts in Linux System? (RB Page No 313 )
2) List and explain standard file descriptors with example? (RB Page No 314 – 318)
3) How to redirect output in the script? Explain two methods. (RB Page No 318 – 320 )
4) How to redirect input in the script? (RB Page No 321 – 325 )
 How to create output file descriptors with example? (RB Page No 321 – 322 )
 How to redirect file descriptors? (RB Page No 322 )
 How to Create input file descriptors? (RB Page No 322 )
 How to create a read / write file descriptors? (RB Page No 3233 – 324 )
 How to close file descriptors? (RB Page No 324 – 325 )
5) How to suppress command output in Linux System? (RB Page No 328 )
6) How to list open file descriptors in Linux System? (RB Page No 326 – 327 )
7) How to handle creation of temporally files and directories in Linux System?
(RB Page No 328 – 332)
8) Write a short note on logging messages?
How to send output both to the monitor and to a file for logging?
(RB Page No 332 – 333)

Chapter 13 Script Control

1) How to handle signal in the Linux System? (RB Page No 335 )

2) Give the List of the Linux Signals? (RB Page No 236 )
3) How to generate signals in Linux System? (RB Page No 336 – 338 )
4) How to trap Signals in Linux System? (RB Page No 338 – 339

4 Ms. Geeta N. Brijwani

TYBSc Computer Science
Course - USCS603: Linux Question Bank 2013- 14

5) How to trap a script on exit in Linux System? (RB Page No 340 – 341 )
6) How to remove a trap in Linux System? (RB Page No 340 – 341 )
7) How to run :-
i) Single job in the background mode?
ii) Multiple jobs in the background mode?
8) How to run Script without a console? (RB Page No 343 – 344 )
9) How to view job in Linux System? (RB Page No 345 )
10) How to restart jobs in Linux system? (RB Page No 347 )
11) How to set scheduling priority of a command in Linux System? (RB Page No 348 – 349 )
12) How to run script at preselected time in Linux System using at, batch and crontable
commands? (RB Page No 349 – 354 )
13) How to start script at boot time?
Explain boot processes in Linux System? (RB Page No – 355 – 357)

Chapter 16 Editors : sed and awk (SD and RB)

1) What is sed editor? Explain its general syntax. (RB Page No –420)
2) How to give single instruction/an editor command in command line in sed?
(RB Page No – 421)
3) How to give multiple instruction/multiple editor commands in command line in sed? (RB
Page No – 422)
4) How to read editor commands from file in sed? (RB Page No – 422)
5) Explain string substitution commands/flags in sed editor? (SD, RB Page No 431-432)
6) Explain different types of addressing used in sed editor? (SD 260 -262, RB Page No 432-
7) Explain line addressing commands in sed editor? (SD 256 - 257)
8) Explain the commands to delete lines in sed? (RB Page No 434-436)
9) Explain text editing commands in sed editor? (SD, RB Page No 436-440)
10) Give commands for printing information in sed? (RB Page No 440-442)
11) Explain the commands to write data into file and read data from file in sed editor? (SD,
RB Page No 442-445)
12) How to transform data in file in sed editor?
13) What is awk/gawk and its purpose? Explain its general syntax.
(RB Page No – 423)
14) How to represent data fields in awk/gawk? (RB Page No – 425)
15) How to read program or script from file in awk/gawk? (RB Page No 426-427)
16) How to run scripts before and after processing data in awk/gawk? (RB Page No 427-429)
17) Explain awk built in variables with examples? (SD 390 - 391)
18) Explain awk built in functions with examples? (SD 393 - 394)
19) Explain the options –f and –F in awk? (SD 382 - , RB )

Chapter 17 TCP/IP networking (SD)

1) How to display hostname in Linux system?

2) What is TCP/IP? Explain.
3) Write short note on:-
i) ftp
ii) telnet
4) Explain Berkely r-utilities commands.

5 Ms. Geeta N. Brijwani

TYBSc Computer Science
Course - USCS603: Linux Question Bank 2013- 14


Unit IV
Chapter 3 Linux Firewall
(Give only commands along with description for all questions)

1) What is firewall? (CS Page No 36)

2) Explain iptables and NAT, SNAT, and DNAT? (CS Page No 39)
3) Explain iptables and its rules? (CS Page No 40-41)
4) Explain three tables in iptables? (CS Page No 42)
5) How to display the status of firewall? Give command. (CS Page No 58)
6) How to turn off firewall? Give command. (CS Page No 59)
7) How to start iptables at boot and bringing firewall manually up and down? Give
commands. (CS Page No 59-60)
8) How to test firewall? Give commands. (CS Page No 62)
9) How to configure the firewall for Remote SSH administration?(CS Page No 65)

Chapter 15 Essential System Administration (SD)

1) Explain system administrative login in Linux System?

2) How to acquire super user status in Linux System?
3) List system administrative privileges?
4) How to change the system date in Linux System?
5) How to communicate with other users in Linux System?
6) How to set the limits on file size in Linux System?
7) Explain startup and shutdown process in Linux System?

Chapter 25 Advanced System Administration ( SD)

2) What is file system? Explain four components of it.

3) How to create partition in Linux system?
4) How to create a file system in Linux system?
5) How to mount and umount a file system in Linux system?
6) Explain /etc/fstab file in Linux system.
7) Explain system startup and init process in Linux system.
8) Explain shutdown and sync process in Linux system?

(Please read all questions from these two chapters)


SD: Unix Concepts and Applications, 4e, Sumitabha Das., TMH.

RB: Linux Command line and Shell Scripting: Bible, Richard Blum, Wiley-India.
CS: Linux Networking Cookbook, Carla, Schroder, O’reilly.

6 Ms. Geeta N. Brijwani

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